LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #35

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Does anyone know why Mickeys personal Facebook is deleted? It's been deleted for some time but was active at the beginning of the investigation. It seems like her friends wouldn't want to delete it because they would enjoy reading old posts from her. Do you think LE deleted it?
If he were being monitored closely by LPD since the hospitital visit, wouldn't the officer conducting the RSO interview have knowledge of this and therefore go out and check his white Chevrolet Z71 with the picture having been released 3 days prior?
I do beleive that LE has done a supurb job, but I am just wondering about the RSO interview. Did he take his other car to this? And if so, wouldn't that also be suspicious?

This is a very good point.
Some friends of mine were being searched once and the cop found mace in one of their purses and he told them it was "useless" in an attack. I'm sure there are exceptions but for the most part it probably is just a false sense of protection.

Just fyi, they now make mace that has 'substance' and a gel quality so it sticks to an attacker's face (think Spidey's webbing) colors like blue, pink, bright orange, and srays out of the bottle in more of a solid stream (again, think SPidey's webbing) than dispersed liquid. This also lessens chance of blow back onto the victim vs attacker, due to the victim being downwind, so they whole mace industry has changed from what most ppl think, and a LE officer should know better (be more informed) that info is in the 50 mil junk mail LE supply catalogs most LE officers get.
If he were being monitored closely by LPD since the hospitital visit, wouldn't the officer conducting the RSO interview have knowledge of this and therefore go out and check his white Chevrolet Z71 with the picture having been released 3 days prior?
I do beleive that LE has done a supurb job, but I am just wondering about the RSO interview. Did he take his other car to this? And if so, wouldn't that also be suspicious?

We Probally won't find out until the trial. But If this was the case I dot think it would've taken so long for an arrest to be made. And the case being fresh at the time of hos RSO verification the worker/s may not have been aware. Is it their job to check out his truck or LE?
OK facts.
♦DWT and Mickey meet up. Unknown occupants.
♦evidence shows DWT hit bike.
♦evidence shows DWT and BSL at WB
♦Owner of DWT shows up for treatment for stab wounds.
several hours after DWT was last near victim.
♦DWT reported stolen.
♦NWT bought exactly like DWT
♦DWT found burned.

"Clues collected from her bicycle, found submerged in the Whiskey Bay area eventually led police to the accused killer of Mickey Shunick."
His prints are in the data base
Wasn't "submerged" misreported? It was just on a pile of garbage?
"A link that allegedly connected Lavergne to the case was developed from the Whiskey Bay crime scene, sources said."
Link to connect BSL to Mickey... crime scene?
What did they find of Mickey's there?

what could the link be?
(that might also even have two sets of prints on it???)
Maybe just hers and his?

Her can of mace? She pulled it out he took it and tossed it WITH the bike
not KNOWING she still had a weapon....

Then the MAJOR crime scene is at the home. Where he also gets stabbed?
Luminol...Clean up?

Truck burned out... he placed her in the cab of truck to
transport her to- wherever?
Does anyone know why Mickeys personal Facebook is deleted? It's been deleted for some time but was active at the beginning of the investigation. It seems like her friends wouldn't want to delete it because they would enjoy reading old posts from her. Do you think LE deleted it?

The family Probally contacted fb, one of my friends family did that when she passed away.
If he were being monitored closely by LPD since the hospitital visit, wouldn't the officer conducting the RSO interview have knowledge of this and therefore go out and check his white Chevrolet Z71 with the picture having been released 3 days prior?
I do beleive that LE has done a supurb job, but I am just wondering about the RSO interview. Did he take his other car to this? And if so, wouldn't that also be suspicious?

If BSL was under surveillance to gather evidence and the possible location of Mickey Schunick's remains. They would not do anything to tip him off.

Yet, if LE was on to BSL. It is doubtful that they would have aired his DWT in the MS Media, to alert him..unless they were attempting to lure in more significant public tips on him without identifying him as a suspect..

'So many questions, & too few answers'...

Guess, time will tell...
If he were being monitored closely by LPD since the hospitital visit, wouldn't the officer conducting the RSO interview have knowledge of this and therefore go out and check his white Chevrolet Z71 with the picture having been released 3 days prior?
I do beleive that LE has done a supurb job, but I am just wondering about the RSO interview. Did he take his other car to this? And if so, wouldn't that also be suspicious?

I have very little confidence in PO's and the way they 'monitor' their RSO's. Look at the way they blew it when they went and checked Jaycee Dugard's captor. She was right there in a tent in the yard and they never went outside and looked. Even when neighbors called in reports of young girls being outside in tents, none of them ever went outback and checked.
kkdj, unless there was jurisdictional blindness involved, which was what BSL was counting on and would have indicated oblivious detectives from two parish jurisdictions. The RSO status of his drivers license is the obvious reason BSL claimed that his billfold was stolen.

Giving the detectives from the two NOLO Parishes, as well as the investigator that monitored him in the RSO interview on 05/28/2012, the benefit of the doubt. Brandon Scott Lavergne, has been on LPD's radar and closely monitored since the NOLO hospital visit, imo.

IMO They HAD prints on the 26th from the bike...and maybe something else.
They might not have known whose by May 28...but,
He KNEW it was just a matter of time! He HAD to ditch the DWT and BURN it!
(then report it stolen!)
That's why he reported it stolen in TX
That's why he got the same type of truck again...
That's why he tried to hide the RSO from the dealership
so that he wouldn't HAVE to tell them he replaced it and neither would they!
So this article states he did an in person checkin on 5/28. At that time he was still driving the truck that was registered already since we are pretty sure he reported the truck stolen on 5/31 and it was found burned on 5/31. Also, the det check the license to make sure that there are no alterations made. So, the chage to his license (i.e. white out) did not happen until after 5/28 checkin.

Maybe he was a better planner than previously thought. Or he had two licenses at this time since he had a police report that one was stolen. Possibility, one for checkin and one he altered for purchasing a new truck.


Back the trolley up a minute. I thought he reported the truck stolen on 5/26.......I could be wrong and ill try to find the timeline.......
I wonder if BSL was walking around with an over the counter splint on his hand covering up his hand. How did SL Sheriffs Dept not see his hand was injured unless it had already healed, in which case it was a minor injury. Apparently they don't do skin checks of any sort to look for new scars.

I wonder when the last time was he had checked in was. Due to his work schedule they may have been a little lenient.

I wonder if he just showed up to check for his quarterly checkin or if he was scheduled. Being a regular they may not have scrutinized him carefully. He may have held his DL in his hand with fingers over the whiteout for the officer to see and having seen it many times before didn't check it closely. I doubt they do a visual vehicle inspection.

My guess is he just showed up for this checkin, but if it was scheduled it would explain why his vehicle didn't get stolen until the 31st.
2 of my friends once got maced by police officers, 2 days later they both had very sore red eyes and said they thought their eyes were on fire it burnt so much. I couldn't help but laugh at them silly drunk boys at the time:)

I am gonna put this out there for anyone that it may happen to. Old wifes tale that an "old" nurse also knew and who I learned it from.

IF you ever get maced rinse it with milk. Water will not work, saline will not work to get the pain out of your eyes or the burning sensation on your skin/in your eyes.

Milk is a neutralizer and it will work. Trust son was jumped after a party one night and one of the attackers "maced" him in the face. Went to ER in an ambulance and for hours complained of his eyes burning and his skin burning. His skin was turning red (like a burn) and it was irritated and his eyes were puffing up and red and irritated and burning. They did the flush with water, flush with saline, and with something else. Finally a nurse came in who's mom was also a nurse and yelled for a carton of milk. Didn't know what he wanted it for, but another nurse brought him a carton and straw (thinking my son wanted to drink it). He flushed my son's eyes with the milk and the result was immediate. No more burning. Then he took a wash cloth soaked it in milk and wiped off his face and neck...again immediate relief. He learned this from his mom. The other nurses and even the dr did not know this....and I thank goodness for this nurse and his mom all the time.
OK facts.
♦DWT and Mickey meet up. Unknown occupants.
♦evidence shows DWT hit bike.
♦evidence shows DWT and BSL at WB
♦Owner of DWT shows up for treatment for stab wounds.
several hours after DWT was last near victim.
♦DWT reported stolen.
♦NWT bought exactly like DWT
♦DWT found burned.

Clues collected from her bicycle, found submerged in the Whiskey Bay area eventually led police to the accused killer of Mickey Shunick.
His prints are in the data base
Wasn't "submerged" misreported? It was just on a pile of garbage?
"A link that allegedly connected Lavergne to the case was developed from the Whiskey Bay crime scene, sources said."
Link to connect BSL to Mickey... crime scene?
What did they find of Mickey's there?

what could the link be?
(that might also even have two sets of prints on it???)
Maybe just hers and his?

Her can of mace? She pulled it out he took it and tossed it WITH the bike
not KNOWING she still had a weapon....

Then the MAJOR crime scene is at the home. Where he also gets stabbed?
Luminol...Clean up?

Truck burned out... he placed her in the cab of truck to
transport her to- wherever?

I believe the major crime scene is at his home. And it quiet possible that he used luminol to clean up, he removed skirting boards which makes me think there was alot of blood, I'm surprised he didn't change carpet or flooring. I hope he had carpet, you will be surprised how much stays in carpet. Even if he did clean up they will still be able to see patterns of blood either pools or splatters. No Matter how good you clean some sort of evidence is always left behind. I'm surprised he didn't just burn the mobile home down.
If BSL was under surveilance to gather evidence and the possible location of Mickey Schunick's remains. They would not do anything to tip him off.

Yet, if LE was on to BSL. It is doubtful that they would have aired his DWT in the MS Media, to alert him..unless they were attempting to lure in more significant public tips on him without identifying him as a suspect..

'So many questions, & too few answers'...

Guess, time will tell...

IMO, if LE was watching BSL they could have released the DWT images to get tips from the public as well as to see if his behavior changes after the images are released. If there was not enough evidence to pull him in, his reaction could cause him to do something that would tell thim a little more about him.

Side note: I have not caught up with the most recent discussion, but, what I did see makes me believe that Chicken Fried has a good point. I know we have a timeline listing EVERYTHING since she disapeared, but, do we have just a list of confirmed facts (along with the link confirming said fact) that we can refer back to if we see something we question as rumor or fact? Example: it has been stated that Mickey has been known to carry mace and or a sharp object. If this has been confirmed then add it to the list and link the document to it. No need to list the rumors...if it is not on the list, it is not confirmed.
I am gonna put this out there for anyone that it may happen to. Old wifes tale that an "old" nurse also knew and who I learned it from.

IF you ever get maced rinse it with milk. Water will not work, saline will not work to get the pain out of your eyes or the burning sensation on your skin/in your eyes.

Milk is a neutralizer and it will work. Trust son was jumped after a party one night and one of the attackers "maced" him in the face. Went to ER in an ambulance and for hours complained of his eyes burning and his skin burning. His skin was turning red (like a burn) and it was irritated and his eyes were puffing up and red and irritated and burning. They did the flush with water, flush with saline, and with something else. Finally a nurse came in who's mom was also a nurse and yelled for a carton of milk. Didn't know what he wanted it for, but another nurse brought him a carton and straw (thinking my son wanted to drink it). He flushed my son's eyes with the milk and the result was immediate. No more burning. Then he took a wash cloth soaked it in milk and wiped off his face and neck...again immediate relief. He learned this from his mom. The other nurses and even the dr did not know this....and I thank goodness for this nurse and his mom all the time.

Thanks for the tip I will Remember that when I'm working as a nurse in 6 months and pass it on:)
Hi y'all. This is my first post here. I've been reading and reading for days, it seems, and appreciate all of the sleuthing. This is a very complex case, and I'm sure LE is doing everything they can to ensure the integrity of it. I have a few ponderings to share with the forum, things I haven't seen addressed yet.

~ in order to get a replacement DL or ID, you have to have some other form of ID to prove who you are. I got the impression from some of the posts that you simply walk into the DMV, and they give you a new one. You can certainly get one easily enough, but with proper ID.
~I'm very curious as to how he was paying for all of this. He would have needed to stop MANY times for fuel, bathroom breaks, food, drinks etc in his many travels. Being a possibly bloody mess - from lacerations - and dirty from sweating and possibly being in the woods, it seems that people would have noticed that.
~I know it was stated that he said he was questioned for 2 hours by NO PD - that seems excessive. I'm certain that those two PD's are overwhelmed with calls, many of them puzzling - I listen to NOLA scanner app sometimes when I can't sleep at night. Strange happenings. I think they tend to get jaded and a story like his was just another in a long list that they would like to wish away. I hope they learned that blowing off someone like him could allow him to continue to roam the streets and possibly hurt someone else. I assume it would be SOP to report to the PO's supervisor on all calls, but an uncooperative one was reported after the PO left the hospital. It should have raised red flags and made them check more, IMO.
~I've read he had a bed cover on his truck. Don't have a link to verify that as fact, but if he did, the handling of a bike and or a person would have been much more difficult. They don't raise up very high and even with a tailgate down, everything is done horizontally vs. throwing something in the back of an open pickup bed.
~when buying a vehicle, even a used one, in this case a newer model Z71, it would cost a lot of money. If he financed it, it would take hours if not days for a loan to be approved. If he paid cash for the full amount, it would have to be verified if over $10,000.
~Again no link, but I read that the burned truck in TX didn't have a license plate on it. The new one would have come with a temporary tag. Truck tags are transferable at the DMV, but he wouldn't have technically had it as his truck was reported "stolen".

This is all speculation on my part, and only my opinion. Thanks. :)
If it took hours for bsl to arrive at the hospital, and takes hours for the effects of mace to wear off, is it possible when he was stabbed he also got partially Maced and had to wait before going to the hospital because it would have been too obvious?
If it took hours for bsl to arrive at the hospital, and takes hours for the effects of mace to wear off, is it possible when he was stabbed he also got partially Maced and had to wait before going to the hospital because it would have been too obvious?

Quiet possible. Anything is possible lol. IMO I'm leaning towards he was using the hospital more as an alibi and cover for possibly work to take time off to take care of everything like destroying evidence, cleaning up, etc. I believe he disnt want the police to take a report at the hospital otherwise his story would've been more thought through, it just sounded like he said whatever came to his mind.
I just saw a post on Katc facebook from yesterday that someone saw Texas Equusearch searching on 187 in Church point. Does anyone know if Equusearch is officially back searching? Or was the poster mistaking volunteers for Equusearch?
IMO, if LE was watching BSL they could have released the Example: it has been stated that Mickey has been known to carry mace and or a sharp object. If this has been confirmed then add it to the list and link the document to it. No need to list the rumors...if it is not on the list, it is not confirmed.

I know personally that the reporters on 07/13/12 @ 9:30pm CST Fox News 8 New Orleans, made that statement. Now, was it listed in the article? I dunno, w/my cell phone only Net Access I wasn't able to see it, but I did provide the link to their statement online per my googling their broadcast to ensure proper source back tracking, even w/just my cell access, I'm big on that. Oh, btw, I watched the broadcast and posted about the Jeff Parish Deputy Incident Report, because the local news was reporting the story. Actually, they spoke about it aprox 3 x's from different 'angles' the Chief stating he did not believe she was alive, but still held out hope, the potential Grand Jury appearance by Deputy (along w/excerpts of his report) and one other item I can't recall because I was busy typing notes on my junk cell phone, so I could post the update/story on WS. *winks* and that's why I always try o give enough detail if not source info/links, so ppl w/better access equipment than myself (I.e. The whole world) can find available data/facts.
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