LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #37

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Good evening guys, been lurking for a while and just wanted to shard my beliefs and experience with RSOs.
There is a strong correlation with RSOs and a laundry list of personality and mood d/o(disorder). These d/o are most commonly believed to be related to serotonergic dysfunction, i.e. a chemical imbalance in the brain. IMO most, if not all, RSOs have impulse control issues, obsessive tendencies, and sexual dysfunction due to these imbalances; therefore there is no getting better or fixing of one’s behavior. IMO these urges for RSOs never go away, they just learn to control them or are suppressed through pharmacologic methods. IMO if a RSO was successfully “rehabilitated” and reintroduced to society and had a normal life, years later when he was faced with “the opportune” moment for him to offend 9 out of 10 times he would. However, IMO, self preservation will supersede this desire to offend.
Bottom line is these monsters will continue to offend because it is in their DNA, no matter what kind of "program" they go through. They should be marked for life and need to be wired with GPS. We need to push for harsher punishments and the public needs to understand this.

Welcome to WS!

Wow I'm so upset that this news confirms Mickey is gone she was such a beautiful young woman with her whole life in front of her.

Thoughts and prayers to Mickey and Lisa's family they have several years of heartache ahead with the trials.

I just hope Mickey can be given the funeral she deserves and her family have closure.

God bless you Mickey and Lisa.
All we know that bsl is a predator and "preys" we now know of 3 victims, 1 for oral rape and 2 for murder. I am now glad that I don't have hear that this was an accident anymore.

Some of us were exploring all possibilities, just to cover all bases. We weren't being obtuse.

Also, BSL is innocent until proven guilty.
You mean found something of hers back then in his possession? I meant what put him down as a suspect in 1999? There had to be a reason he was being looked at back then. I think they found something in his house linking him to her this time, when searching for Mickey. But I am not sure they even searched his house back then.

I think it was partly due to the location of her body being so near his home.
Great sleuthing whodat.... would bsl have been legal age back then...i am wondering about possible paths crossed...imo, he is more of a hunter:stalker), than a pure random killer....
He was arrested in April 1999 for the rape offense, but not sentenced until Feb. 2000. So he must've been out on bail I'd assume when he murdered Lisa Pate? Maybe since his first victim reported him, he chose not to leave any more living victims to turn him in and that's why Lisa Pate was murdered but not the first victim. Sick. Seems like he was out of control in 1999-2000, wonder what happened to cause that? Rape, murder, marriage, domestic violence, prison, divorce - wow.

I sign off for 3 hours and come back to quite a bombshell! Wow! There have to be more. While this is a horrific situation, the GJ indictment makes me feel hopeful. He's off the streets. A family is going to get closure after 13 years. And there are probably many other victims and families not yet named who are going to get justice.

Am I the only one who noticed the "coincidence" between the time of year when Lisa and Mickey disappeared? Summer. Mickey on May 19, Lisa on July 3. I know May technically isn't summer, but the weather is already hot enough at that time of year to cause rapid decomp of a body, as has been discussed quite a bit here. At the beginning of this case I believe it was said with the temperature we were experiencing, Mickey could have been reduced to bones within just a week.

I don't think it's a coincidence at all. BSL is cold and calculated. He knows decomp will likely disguise cause of death.

And we know he burns things and destroys evidence by fire. So when it's not hot out? Torch it. Someone mentioned earlier the two girls found in the burned house in Texas, located near where his burned trucks were found. What time of year was that? If connected, who knows, he could have torched the house "just for fun" too.

What I find interesting about the theory that Lisa's ID and/or belongings were found in his house is that he lived in that trailer due to his house burning down previously, correct? It was said it was his parents house, but he lived there at the time of the fire, didn't he? The house was destroyed by the fire. So that means he took his "trophies" out before hand to keep them safe.
I saw that, but I was hoping to find a direct link to the article, rather than a copy and paste. (Am I suspicious much?) But since it's all we have for now ( and since someone copied and pasted it vertbatim), it'll have to do.

You can always get a copy from the Advocate archives. Either directly from them or from a library.
You mean found something of hers back then in his possession? I meant what put him down as a suspect in 1999? There had to be a reason he was being looked at back then. I think they found something in his house linking him to her this time, when searching for Mickey. But I am not sure they even searched his house back then.

Oh, ok sorry I misunderstood. That's a good question.
We would need to figure out if he has always had a DWT.

Also some of these are in 94, he would have been around 15.

Definitely worth looking into though

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Just thought I'd note that in 1994, the driving age was still 15. So maybe he got his freedom via a drivers license, and he used it for evil?
We would need to figure out if he has always had a DWT.

Also some of these are in 94, he would have been around 15.

Definitely worth looking into though

Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk 2

But that article says that the woman who was killed (Columb) where the white truck was seen was linked via DNA to another killer and other that could not be BL, since they surely have his DNA and have had it a while...JMO
Bundy DID...right before his execution. He came clean on a lot more of his victims and he remember every tiny detail about them, where they were, names, etc. that's why we went to Florida & took that 12 yr old girl...he knew he would get the death penalty. Read his book by Ann Rule, "The Stranger Beside Me". He worked next to her (Ann) as a phone counselor & during that time It was his "cooling" period. He didn't kill, rape, etc. but when he left the job, he started again, triggering college girls.

With that, I wonder what Lisa looked like? Did she have blonde hair? Was Danielle Thibodeaux a blonde too? Is THIS his type?

Lisa was blonde. It is very strange that police did not pursue that further even though he was in jail. She was found ON his property.
Lisa was blonde. It is very strange that police did not pursue that further even though he was in jail. She was found ON his property.

Someone posted a photo here and her hair is black or brown?
Lisa was blonde. It is very strange that police did not pursue that further even though he was in jail. She was found ON his property.

Lisa Pate? The picture on the websites show her as brunette. She must have dyed her hair.
But that article says that the woman who was killed (Columb) where the white truck was seen was linked via DNA to another killer and other that could not be BL, since they surely have his DNA and have had it a while...JMO

Like I posted earlier, those were DTL's victims. But, Danielle Thibodeaux is mentioned in that article and she was not linked with those victims.
The time has come for possibly many more families to have closure. Thank you Mickey for fighting for everything. Thank you. I have chills all over and I can feel your smile. You win. You win forever. Not another smile lost to this evil monster. So many thank you and so many know. You will never be forgotten angel.

I really hope her family had thought about her impact in this way. I'm not sure if they have even thought about it since they have been focusing on mickey being alive. But she has more than likely saved the lives of many and may close open cases for many families. Truly a hero

Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk 2
OMG; just got home from dinner. Didn't someone post this possible connection upthread?
I sign off for 3 hours and come back to quite a bombshell! Wow! There have to be more. While this is a horrific situation, the GJ indictment makes me feel hopeful. He's off the streets. A family is going to get closure after 13 years. And there are probably many other victims and families not yet named who are going to get justice.

Am I the only one who noticed the "coincidence" between the time of year when Lisa and Mickey disappeared? Summer. Mickey on May 19, Lisa on July 3. I know May technically isn't summer, but the weather is already hot enough at that time of year to cause rapid decomp of a body, as has been discussed quite a bit here. At the beginning of this case I believe it was said with the temperature we were experiencing, Mickey could have been reduced to bones within just a week.

I don't think it's a coincidence at all. BSL is cold and calculated. He knows decomp will likely disguise cause of death.

And we know he burns things and destroys evidence by fire. So when it's not hot out? Torch it. Someone mentioned earlier the two girls found in the burned house in Texas, located near where his burned trucks were found. What time of year was that? If connected, who knows, he could have torched the house "just for fun" too.

What I find interesting about the theory that Lisa's ID and/or belongings were found in his house is that he lived in that trailer due to his house burning down previously, correct? It was said it was his parents house, but he lived there at the time of the fire, didn't he? The house was destroyed by the fire. So that means he took his "trophies" out before hand to keep them safe.

BBM. I had said a few threads back that I noticed a corner cabinet in pictures of BSL and/or family in 2 of the houses that allegedly burned down. Someone said that arsonists will typically remove items that mean something to them before committing arson on their own property. I thought that it was strange to see the corner cabinet from the first house fire in a recent (i think) photo of BSL in his current mobile home.. jmo
Well today must have come as such a shock to the Pate family.... and also maybe the silver lining in this black cloud of sadness is the beginning of some healing.

If it is proved that BSL killed Lisa Pate, the Shunicks and Pates will now have someone else with whom to share their grief.

I don't see Mickey as a hero...but I see her as someone who fought for her life in a horrible situation, and that she was the one to end it. "You shall not pass," is a quote that comes to mind.

I have been fighting back tears not only because I know Charlie and I'm thinking of how something this awful just walked into her life unlooked for... the sunny person that I have known.... and because the reality of it is unlocking past grief for another family.

God keep and comfort Mickey and Lisa and the families... I am more emotional tonight than I have been since the beginning, and I would guess that this is true for the families.

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