LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #38

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Just a question in Australia a jury has to usually leave the court if their is evidence of a previous convicted/arrest etc. so that the person gets a fair trial, is this the case in the USA? I hope not

There are specific 'prior bad acts' laws that differ by state, I believe. I think some of it is also at the discretion of the presiding judge.

So, depending on the jurisdiction and/or the judge, no testimony or evidence of 'prior bad acts' may be permitted.
I am not surprised if the Shunicks have changed their mind about making a deal with BL in order to have Mickey back (as per a quote from Charlie yesterday.) The murder indictment must have been very difficult to accept but I think the idea of never having a place to bury her, and visit her grave, is probably too painful to imagine.

Personally, I doubt BL is inclined to give them any peace, or make any admissions, certainly not in the near future. Maybe after a conviction, if it will reduce his penalty, but that could be years away. He can't be counted on to help them. Somehow, Mickey needs to be found by LE and/or the public.

I hope LE starts issuing requests often for people to check their land, check all sheds, outbuildings, keep eyes open while walking in woods, etc...remind people all the time. Also I hope they will begin to accept volunteers for searching again, if they have vast areas that need to be covered. People really do want to help and BL should not be given any concessions for anything, i.e. getting to trade info because he hid her so well.

Kenneth McDuff - the name makes me sick. I grew up in Texas and remember the uproar when it was learned McDuff had been released from prison only to kill again. The stories about his victims were on every newscast for it seemed like forever. It was truly sickening the amount of devastation this man left in his wake.

Let's pray BSL never has a chance to get out!
RE: And the only reason I can think of his attorneys telling him that would be to take the death penalty off the table.

As DTL, and others before him, 'BS' Lavergne, will attempt to play the Justice System like a fiddle...imo
Due to the probability of BS Lavergne, never actually having to face the consequences of a death sentence by lethal injection, the automatic appeals, protective custody, & other many perks afforded him on death row.

Why would he negotiate a plea agreement? In his mind, he is holding all the cards..

'In the mind of a serial killer & how they rationalize after their arrest'..

In 2008 SK Gary Hilton, was asked by the Pickens Co, SC Sheriff(Jason Knapp investigation) how the other prisoners and guards treat him at the Jackson Max Security Prison, GA, where he is serving life W/O Parole for the abduction/murder of Meredith Emerson:

Convicted (serial killer) Gary Hilton's view, in his own words when asked how he feels about facing a death penalty trial in FL for the abduction/murder of FSU Cheryl Dunlap:

"No one messes with me here. They treat me real good."

"I've got my own T.V.'I READ'. I've got my meals cooked, served...the dishes are washed. My laundry is done....Hey, I love it!"

"I'm gonna f------ raise hell, total hell. I'm not gonna be happy unless it takes three to four years to go to trial. Unless we have a 1,000 person jury pool, and unless we have at least two changes of venue.

"And that's just to begin with (laughs)."

I was thinking about that. If the DP process in LA is lengthy, he may just roll the dice. I was hoping he'd bargain for Mickey's location, but the more I hear about him, the less likely that seems.
IMO- Mickey is not in TX. BSL placed himself there by reporting the DWT stolen inTX- so why would he drive to TX with Mickey when his intentions were to contact authorities to report the truck stolen? I think Mickey is somewhere in the Acadiana area and his intentions were to make police contact in as many areas far from the body as possible. (NOLA, TX).

Also, LE's search efforts seem to point to the area local to Lafayette and surrounding areas. And hopefully they are basing at least some of this searching on pings, etc...)
Just throw it on a bus and let it roam!
J/k but really, FIRST it has to be PROVEN the cell and the suspect
traveled together!

Is it just me? If my cell pings at home it does NOT mean I didn't leave...

I am not attached to it... (I guess most people are...)

I am not attached to mine either. Apparently, as my daughter told me yesterday I'm stupid because I lost the stupid thing in the house and couldn't find it because I turned the ringer off....LOL How do I know the phone didn't leave and go rob the local bank and come back in the meantime? Seriously, I never take the phone when I leave. I forget the stupid thing is even there. My poor husband is worries if he can't call me because I have a seizure disorder and don't drive, I walk if I leave and he's not home...LOL I tell him not to worry, someone will see me....LOL
I am not attached to mine either. Apparently, as my daughter told me yesterday I'm stupid because I lost the stupid thing in the house and couldn't find it because I turned the ringer off....LOL How do I know the phone didn't leave and go rob the local bank and come back in the meantime? Seriously, I never take the phone when I leave. I forget the stupid thing is even there. My poor husband is worries if he can't call me because I have a seizure disorder and don't drive, I walk if I leave and he's not home...LOL I tell him not to worry, someone will see me....LOL

Me too...I seldom know where my phone is. If I happen to remember to take it someplace, it ends up staying in my purse, wherever that is...
Me too...I seldom know where my phone is. If I happen to remember to take it someplace, it ends up staying in my purse, wherever that is...
I usually take mine with me just because i leave it in my purse most of the time, but seldom remember to turn it on or even charge it! :)
Me too...I seldom know where my phone is. If I happen to remember to take it someplace, it ends up staying in my purse, wherever that is... is different for us all, I suppose. Used to be, the only place I could go to get away from phone calls was my car, and now, if I am in my car and realize I dont have my phone, first thing I do is rush home and get it.
Can anyone explain what is to occur on the 27th? Is this when BSL enters his plea for charges only? Will there be any other courtroom activity? Sorry, I'm not very knowledgable when it comes to the justice system. Thanks!
I am not attached to mine either. Apparently, as my daughter told me yesterday I'm stupid because I lost the stupid thing in the house and couldn't find it because I turned the ringer off....LOL How do I know the phone didn't leave and go rob the local bank and come back in the meantime? Seriously, I never take the phone when I leave. I forget the stupid thing is even there. My poor husband is worries if he can't call me because I have a seizure disorder and don't drive, I walk if I leave and he's not home...LOL I tell him not to worry, someone will see me....LOL

tezi, over 91% of folks in the US have cell phones. I gave my cell phone up 4+ years ago for piece of mind. Have a tracfone for road trips & use smoke signals in emergencies...

Humorous to watch folks and their dependence on their cell phones..
When driving & talking on my cell. Folks were constantly waving at me. They still wave, but now they are using all five of their fingers...
Don't get me wrong! That makes no sense in my mind! Remember... BSL didn't leave Pate near him.He was at Ft. Polk. He left it near the accident that he and CH were in. ~then he bolted...

It fits with his multi- jurisdictional angle as well. He was stabbed in NOLA has records to prove it. MS will be found in TX. Near the burned out truck...

All Lafayette can charge him with is LP... the scene is in TX... and her remains will show she was killed while he was injured... (in his mind)


I agree, gngr~snap, I believe Mickey will be located in Tx/enroute to Tx. They have done many searches in La for Mickey. Tim Miller has been on board for these searches. Nothing has been noted to date, no clues or leads. At least not anything released to the public.

I believe Mickey waited for an opportunity and fought back. It's rumored that Mickey carried pepper spray and something sharp. I believe Mickey caused his injuries and he snapped and overpowered her.

This altercation probably occurred INSIDE his truck- thus the intentional destruction of the truck, and BL replacing it.

Did this guy have a job- how did was he able to just purchase another truck?
tezi, over 91% of folks in the US have cell phones. I gave my cell phone up 4+ years ago for piece of mind. Have a tracfone for road trips & use smoke signals in emergencies...

Humorous to watch folks and their dependence on their cell phones..
When driving & talking on my cell. Folks were constantly waving at me. They still wave, but now they are using all five of their fingers...

I have a cell PHONE....not a smart phone, no touch screen, don't care if it has internet or if I can check my emails or play games on it, etc. My phone is a phone - call me on it if you NEED to or I'll call you if I NEED you and I'm not home.

If I want to use the internet, play games, check my emails, etc I will come home and get on my computer. My kids think I'm crazy because they need everything on their phones and how the heck do I survive without a full keyboard etc on it.
I agree, gngr~snap, I believe Mickey will be located in Tx/enroute to Tx. They have done many searches in La for Mickey. Tim Miller has been on board for these searches. Nothing has been noted to date, no clues or leads. At least not anything released to the public.

I believe Mickey waited for an opportunity and fought back. It's rumored that Mickey carried pepper spray and something sharp. I believe Mickey caused his injuries and he snapped and overpowered her.

This altercation probably occurred INSIDE his truck- thus the intentional destruction of the truck, and BL replacing it.

Did this guy have a job- how did was he able to just purchase another truck?

He was an offshore worker, on the oil rigs I believe.

Imho, until we hear more regarding the circumstances around LP death, it sounds like he was AWOL and there seems to be a family connection with the area she was found in.

LE is keeping information as close to the vest as possible it seems and this case has been really difficult to figure out fact from rumor. Even though the rumors have panned out, its hard to trust them.

Can anyone explain what is to occur on the 27th? Is this when BSL enters his plea for charges only? Will there be any other courtroom activity? Sorry, I'm not very knowledgable when it comes to the justice system. Thanks!

He will be arraigned. The judge will list the charges against him and he will enter a plea, probably not guilty.
Last week, his attorneys filed a motion for a preliminary hearing and to reduce bond. There is no bond on the two murder charges, so that is a moot point. As for the preliminary hearing, that is to show police had probable cause to arrest him. With the grand jury indictments, that pretty much shows the police had cause to arrest him, so that's probably a moot point too. If the judge allows the preliminary hearing to move forward, it will just be a way for the defense to learn some of the evidence they have against BSL and I doubt the judge would allow that at this point.
tezi, over 91% of folks in the US have cell phones. I gave my cell phone up 4+ years ago for piece of mind. Have a tracfone for road trips & use smoke signals in emergencies...

Humorous to watch folks and their dependence on their cell phones..
When driving & talking on my cell. Folks were constantly waving at me. They still wave, but now they are using all five of their fingers...

I have contemplated giving up my cell phone too. I don't need one attached to my hip. Seems like whenever I am at home, noone bothers to call. I get in the car, the grocery store or work and every one needs me. I have also fallen into the 'text' trap. I never really 'speak' to people we text...blah.

Cell phones are a definite 'want' not a need for me personally. Much to my teenagers

He was an offshore worker, on the oil rigs I believe.

Imho, until we hear more regarding the circumstances around LP death, it sounds like he was AWOL and there seems to be a family connection with the area she was found in.

LE is keeping information as close to the vest as possible it seems and this case has been really difficult to figure out fact from rumor. Even though the rumors have panned out, its hard to trust them.


The area where Lisa Pate's remains were found is not far from where his adoptive father lives.
He will be arraigned. The judge will list the charges against him and he will enter a plea, probably not guilty.
Last week, his attorneys filed a motion for a preliminary hearing and to reduce bond. There is no bond on the two murder charges, so that is a moot point. As for the preliminary hearing, that is to show police had probable cause to arrest him. With the grand jury indictments, that pretty much shows the police had cause to arrest him, so that's probably a moot point too. If the judge allows the preliminary hearing to move forward, it will just be a way for the defense to learn some of the evidence they have against BSL and I doubt the judge would allow that at this point.

Thanks for that info Claire!

Do you know if a judge has been assigned to the case yet?
The area where Lisa Pate's remains were found is not far from where his adoptive father lives.

Wasn't the property owned by cousins or something?

Its hard to keep up! I go to work and come back to a whole new thread and dozens of posts to read!

Come home today, Mickey! Show Texas Equusearch & LE where you are today!
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