LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #38

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Best I remember, there was no date in June officially cited, at first, for LP going missing -- just the month of June. Later, LT said LP went missing same night as the accident -- and still later also added LP was murdered the night of the accident (but before the accident).

It seems like an "official" date of death for Lisa was at first the date in Sept. 1999 when her body was found, because a poster found a Social Security death record or something similar with that date. It appears the family/and or LE went with the death date of July 3 at some point later.

Screen shot from taken on July 16, 2012. The family tree seems to be created by one of Lisa's siblings.


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Those are really kind words, thanks. The only good thing that has come out of this for her is that what happened to her made him already a high profile suspect. It may have made it easier to believe that he is a person that could do something like this. She had a notion not to say anything at first because he had threatened to kill her family and burn her house down but she thought better of that and knew that he could still come back after her anyway if she did nothing.

Your wife was very smart to report him. If she had not, that threat would have hung over she and her family for a very long time. Please thank her for her bravery.
Thank you!! :rocker: The location for the 6/19/99 wreck looks right - State Road 95... 3 occupants, one death..

So now... when did LP go missing? That fact is eluding me! It was said that she didn't show up for her son's birthday.

Someone speculated earlier that the June date might have just been the "last known sighting" of LP (by those no way involved in whatever happened to her) and that the party might have been July 3 -- and the first time it could be confirmed that she was truly "missing", since she didn't show up for party. That poster was assuming, I think, that maybe her kids didn't live with her, which I surely don't know to be a fact.
What was stated earlier was that the house was an unoccupied camp owned by the family of the person killed in the accident. supposedly he was BSL's buddy.

I was under the impression it was occupied.... by BSl's buddy and CH.

It certainly was rented to Guy Landry around Sept. 1, 1999. So either the owner decided to start renting it out, or already was doing so.

One thing for non-locals to consider - the word "camp" down here means a second home - usually pretty spartan but sometimes luxurious - used on weekends, etc. - as a base for hunting, fishing, or relaxing.

But a camp can also be rented out and be someone else's home. The word "camp" really should be taken in the local context that it's not the owner's primary residence, but also an be occupied 24/7 by renters at the pleasure of the owners.
Who was driving in this accident? BSL or the guy that died or ?

Thanks for reposting the link to that post by LT! :)

LT is a verified local, but one thing I can't take completely at face value is LT's statement that LP was "murdered" the night of the accident.

That's a piece of evidence that should have sent someone to LE in 1999. If LT knows for a fact that LP was murdered that night, it seems to me that, due to the gravity of the charge, LT would need to give at least some hint of the source.

Then again, this info may not be good to put on the Internet, either, if it's accurate - for the sake of the trial.
Wait wait wait WAIT - Backwoods, are you saying that Claire Higginbotham was living there with Guy Landry in Sept. '99, when the body was discovered?

Dimly through the tired haze, I seem to remember something about someone in a wheelchair there when the remains were found?

This is important. Was CH living in the house in Sept. '99?

In The Daily Advertiser of Sept. 23, 1999, another reporter on staff interviewed the couple that found Lisa Pate's remains. The man was named Guy Landry. But the woman was not CH. It was SJ. Don't know if I'm supposed to name a new person on here who I haven't seen named before. If so, I can provide it.
Great questions. I'll see if we can put them on BSL timeline.....

WOW!! I did not know that BSLs adoptive father was at a NO hospital.
I thought it was Lafayette. That's good to know.

Actually, I think I'm wrong. I don't know where I got N.O. Others have said it was closer to home. Please disregard! :bang::doh:
I'm a bit behind in the thread, but if this hasn't been addressed yet: I think, at one point, Laffy Taffy said no one was "living" in the house at the time as a residence but that it was "their camp" ...?
This article says otherwise, and around here, MSM trumps word of mouth.
Pate’s body was discovered by Guy Landry, who told investigators at the time that he found what appeared to be human skeleton remains under a pile of wood on his property, according an Acadia Parish Sheriff’s Office report.

In an interview with The Daily Advertiser in September 1999, Landry said he stumbled upon the discovery while walking through what appeared to be a trail cutting through an overgrown area in his back yard.

“Just a few steps into the thicket, barely 25 yards from his front door, he spotted three boards laid side-by-side and what looked like a bone at the far end,” The Advertiser reported, noting that Landry had rented the home for less than a month when he found the remains.

The October 1, 1999 Advocate article I linked the other night states, "residents of the home found the body under three large boards."

Now you have to pay too read the rest of it, unfortunately. There isn't much more to it, though.
In The Daily Advertiser of Sept. 23, 1999, another reporter on staff interviewed the couple that found Lisa Pate's remains. The man was named Guy Landry. But the woman was not CH. It was SJ. Don't know if I'm supposed to name a new person on here who I haven't seen named before. If so, I can provide it.
No, you can't. Sorry. Can you link to the article?
You'd think that for something that serious, they would have given BSL a polygraph in '99. That's a big deal to tell LE that someone who just died confessed a murder to you.

Totally agree. Rumors get so stretched out of shape, but I believe there has to be some inkling of some version of actually circumstances. Especially since so maby people in that local town seem to remember that the case was buttoned up in 1999.
I understand all the discussion about Lisa, but with all due respect, isnt this thread supposed to be about Mickey? I know they are all tragically intertwined now, but let's not forget her. Knowing when Lisa went missing is not going to find Mickey.

Since BSL is the suspect in both and past behavior predicts future behavior, I think it is important to include Lisa in Mickey's thread. Info from one case can lead to info on the other case.

Well, we're missing a simple fact here - when was her absence reported to police? On her son's birthday? I can't help but think that this info has been published somewhere, and we're just missing it. Shouldn't be a deep, dark secret.

Lisa had a drug problem according to her family. Her brother said in an article that she had slipped a few times and had slipped again around the time of her disappearance. Her family had not seen her since late June but knowing of her slip, they may not have panicked and there may not have been reason to panic. Apparently she loved her children though so when she missed her son's birthday party, the family realized something must have happened to her.
In The Daily Advertiser of Sept. 23, 1999, another reporter on staff interviewed the couple that found Lisa Pate's remains. The man was named Guy Landry. But the woman was not CH. It was SJ. Don't know if I'm supposed to name a new person on here who I haven't seen named before. If so, I can provide it.

Thank you SOOO much. If the name was reported in the news at the time, then yes, it's OK to post here, isn't it Bessie?

Just in time with the facts :)

That makes a difference. If CH did not return to the camp after her injury, then how would she know about LP - if at all - unless either someone told her, or she was there prior to the car wreck when something happened regarding LP.

The KATC website listed a quote from CH that BSL threatened "to take revenge."

Revenge for WHAT? is my immediate question.

I was curious - did you visit the Acadia courthouse in person, or on-line?
Good idea to visit the CH! Sometimes there's no substitute.
Totally agree. Rumors get so stretched out of shape, but I believe there has to be some inkling of some version of actually circumstances. Especially since so maby people in that local town seem to remember that the case was buttoned up in 1999.

I'd be curious to know if there was a big public push in '99 to find Lisa.

- was there a lot of D.Advertiser coverage of the case that you saw when you looked it up, or was the story a "one-day-and-out" story?
Thank you SOOO much. If the name was reported in the news at the time, then yes, it's OK to post here, isn't it Bessie?

Just in time with the facts :)

That makes a difference. If CH did not return to the camp after her injury, then how would she know about LP - if at all - unless either someone told her, or she was there prior to the car wreck when something happened regarding LP.

The KATC website listed a quote from CH that BSL threatened "to take revenge."

Revenge for WHAT? is my immediate question.

I was curious - did you visit the Acadia courthouse in person, or on-line?
Good idea to visit the CH! Sometimes there's no substitute.
No, it's really not okay, CF. SJ will suffice to show it was not CH. That's what matters. No?
I'd be curious to know if there was a big public push in '99 to find Lisa.

- was there a lot of D.Advertiser coverage of the case that you saw when you looked it up, or was the story a "one-day-and-out" story?

I found 2 stories in September 1999 when the remains were found, 1 on Oct. 1, 1999, when they were identified as LP and then her obituary, all in The Daily Advertiser.
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