LA LA - Belle Chasse, WhtMale 16-17, UP88342, hanged, suicide note, Feb'75 #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Steven Lewis Ericson

Ericson, circa 1972

  • Missing Since 06/01/1972
  • Missing From Nevada County, California
  • Classification Missing
  • Sex Male
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 04/03/1954 (69)
  • Age 18 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'10, 170 pounds
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian male. Blond hair, hazel eyes.

Details of Disappearance

Ericson was last seen in Nevada County, California on June 1, 1972. He has never been heard from again. Few details are available in her case.

Investigating Agency

Nevada Sheriff's Department 530-265-7880

Maybe to old, blond hair, and hazel eyes, but the nose is similary...
21 in 1975 so at the outer range age limit but still possible, his teeth look like he had braces and still has a bit of an overbite. The hair on his eyebrows is very light but how would you sketch 'light' eyebrows in black and white?

The first of June is my Dad's birthday too. ❤️
Quoting myself, but I would look if there are any missing people aged 15-20 from the right timeline that have:
* brown or dark brown hair
* brown eyes
* thick, full lips - both upper and lower (this is not a common look where I live)
* hair probably parted on his right side
* probable cleft chin
And would start with lads missing from the states that border Louisiana: Texas, Arkansas, and Mississippi.
Did a search. Initially got just one match and that unfortunately does not really match the story.
Then looked a bit wider and some parts about Anthony Andrzejewski really stuck with me, even though he is older. But he is stated to have been disabled and I'm afraid they mean it in a way that would rule him out. Not sure, though.
I was also a bit intrigued by Mitchel and Brian, but I don't think either stories sound like a good fit.

I think it is more likely to be someone not on Namus, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on Anthony. IMO the face and the general backstory match quite well, but his older age gives me a pause and I'm afraid there might be medical details that rule him out.
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Did a search. Initially got just one match and that unfortunately does not really match the story.
Then looked a bit wider and some parts about Anthony Andrzejewski really stuck with me, even though he is older. But he is stated to have been disabled and I'm afraid they mean it in a way that would rule him out. Not sure, though.
I was also a bit intrigued by Mitchel and Brian, but I don't think either stories sound like a good fit.

I think it is more likely to be someone not on Namus, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on Anthony. IMO the face and the general backstory match quite well, but his older age gives me a pause and I'm afraid there might be medical details that rule him out.

Personally, the one who most resembles him is Orin Anderson but he has blond hair...But his face is almost the same; another one who is very similar to him is Lester Perry...
Did a search. Initially got just one match and that unfortunately does not really match the story.
Then looked a bit wider and some parts about Anthony Andrzejewski really stuck with me, even though he is older. But he is stated to have been disabled and I'm afraid they mean it in a way that would rule him out. Not sure, though.
I was also a bit intrigued by Mitchel and Brian, but I don't think either stories sound like a good fit.

I think it is more likely to be someone not on Namus, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on Anthony. IMO the face and the general backstory match quite well, but his older age gives me a pause and I'm afraid there might be medical details that rule him out.
Unfortunately from what is known about Anthony this would be beyond his mental capacity, it is also stated that he could not write.
Brian was at a party before he disappeared, our Doe doesn't sound exactly the social, partying type. I don't think the circumstances fit Mitchel either according to his thread.

Personally, the one who most resembles him is Orin Anderson but he has blond hair...But his face is almost the same; another one who is very similar to him is Lester Perry...
I don't think a resemblance to a black and white artistic impression is enough in this case. Orin had blue eyes and strawberry blonde hair and visible acne scars, so he can almost certainly be ruled out.

I don't think a similarity to the drawing is enough; I really do think the specific identifiers need to fit. BCJD had :
Brown eyes
Brown hair
A scar on the inside of his mouth
5 foot 10 to 6 foot
Slightly protruding teeth

I really just can't see the point in suggesting young men with blonde hair and blue eyes; LE and medical examiners would, quite rightly, rule these people out immediately.
I know this is simply my opinion, and I mentioned it previously, but Orin Anderson seems so clearly of Scandinavian heritage I personally believe if he was BCJD this would have been in the description.

Every time his face pops up, I think I am looking at one of my friends from Sweden when we were younger. It is an uncanny resemblance.

JMO! I know we are working from a sketch, and maybe I am biased by the strong resemblance to my friend, but I do not think BCJD has these features either.
What am I going to say Prob was Already Said or was already established. Would be surpised if not most likely he wanted to off himself in that place. Of how a note was written i don’t want to believe he wrote it when he was there he mostly wrote it before hand. If it was the log way most likey he could’ve been keeping that note until the right time came? As of how he got there could be up to other people to figure out but most likely no he could not have came from the place he was found at. Since mostly or half )not sure) but I know the records were destoryed because of a Hurricane. ..this is all I actually got so maybe this willl be helpful
What am I going to say Prob was Already Said or was already established. Would be surpised if not most likely he wanted to off himself in that place. Of how a note was written i don’t want to believe he wrote it when he was there he mostly wrote it before hand. If it was the log way most likey he could’ve been keeping that note until the right time came? As of how he got there could be up to other people to figure out but most likely no he could not have came from the place he was found at. Since mostly or half )not sure) but I know the records were destoryed because of a Hurricane. ..this is all I actually got so maybe this willl be helpful
Not all the records are gone, the funeral home records are on this thread.
Received a reply back from the DNA Doe Project..they will add this young man to their database of potential cases. Glad they acknowledged my email! Hopefully, they will be able to lend a hand in the near future..we will wait and see.
Received a reply back from the DNA Doe Project..they will add this young man to their database of potential cases. Glad they acknowledged my email! Hopefully, they will be able to lend a hand in the near future..we will wait and see.
Thats good news hopefully they manage to find his grave to exhume him if they take the case.
Received a reply back from the DNA Doe Project..they will add this young man to their database of potential cases. Glad they acknowledged my email! Hopefully, they will be able to lend a hand in the near future..we will wait and see.
Hello everybody

Any updates from anyone?

Sweetluv, any update from project doe?

Is anyone going to crimecon in May in Tennessee?

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