LA - Death for Child Rapist

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rapist who get out of jail have been known to kill their next victim to leave no witnesses. they are willing to kill to avoid jail. i have heard that the DP will not deter these men. i have yet to see a dead man commit another crime. jail sure aint stopping them. life with out parole would be nice except i dont trust it will happen. in the 50 years a man spends in jail plotting his escape or appeal the risk to the next child is to great.
I can't speak for other states, but Michigan is a LWOP state. We really don't have prison escapee problems.
i think a man who would rape a child and then kill them to avoid the DP would rape a child and kill them to avoid LWOP
i think a man who would rape a child and then kill them to avoid the DP would rape a child and kill them to avoid LWOP

One might think that, but, unfortunately the case here is that the child rapes still occur.
One might think that, but, unfortunately the case here is that the child rapes still occur.
they will still occur with the DP. my point was i dont see how it will increase child murder over LWOP. for me the point of the DP is more about justice. with child rape they picked the weakest victim. for a adult male to force himself on a small child is torture. a grown man who finds sexual pleasure in the body of a small child has commited a act that is unforgivable. if a state does not have the DP fine. if it has it then it should be for the worst of the worst. the cases that haunt those that hear them. the offenders than can not ever be changed. the truly evil. imo nothing is more evil than the rape of a child.
they will still occur with the DP. my point was i dont see how it will increase child murder over LWOP. for me the point of the DP is more about justice. with child rape they picked the weakest victim. for a adult male to force himself on a small child is torture. a grown man who finds sexual pleasure in the body of a small child has commited a act that is unforgivable. if a state does not have the DP fine. if it has it then it should be for the worst of the worst. the cases that haunt those that hear them. the offenders than can not ever be changed. the truly evil. imo nothing is more evil than the rape of a child.

I agree. It is evil. I just don't believe that giving the DP is the best idea.
i think a man who would rape a child and then kill them to avoid the DP would rape a child and kill them to avoid LWOP

Even if that is sometimes true, can you guarantee it will always be true?

Or will even a few rapists who didn't start out with an intention to kill think, "You know, I might as well kill this kid to shut her up, because the punishment is the same."

Because if even one rapist falls into the latter category, giving rapists the DP is sentencing some child to death.
Castration & life without the possiblity of parole. NOTHING LESS!!!!!:behindbar :behindbar
I understand what some of you are saying, but I believe that nothing will stop these sick people so go ahead with Dp. Of course you will have a few who will not care but i believe most wouldnt kill as that isnt what turns them on. I dont know I am so confused right now. I went to work feeling so happy but now I am confused.
:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: and the death penalty should be given alot more for those that choose to rape a child, they are of no value walking this earth and thank you louisianna for recognizing this!!!!!!!
I understand what some of you are saying, but I believe that nothing will stop these sick people so go ahead with Dp. Of course you will have a few who will not care but i believe most wouldnt kill as that isnt what turns them on. I dont know I am so confused right now. I went to work feeling so happy but now I am confused.


I don't think you are confused. I think you are right. Those who would kill a child will kill no matter what the penalty. I also agree with whoever posted that someone who would kill to avoid the DP will kill to avoid LWOP.
A rapist is not necessarily a murderer.

I don't agree with the DP. I can see a supporter's point of view in saying that they took a life, they should lose their life. I don't agree with that, but I can understand it.

I really can't see taking a life for rape. LWOP for sure, but not DP.
A rapist is not necessarily a murderer.

I don't agree with the DP. I can see a supporter's point of view in saying that they took a life, they should lose their life. I don't agree with that, but I can understand it.

I really can't see taking a life for rape. LWOP for sure, but not DP.

talk to that child when they are 20 and see if they feel that their childhood and life as they knew it was taken away. you're setting up that child for a ton of mental health problems also - what if due to what happened she becomes depressed / suicidal and actually is successful? I'd say that was murder.

That guy ruined her life and commited a heinous crime.

I think that the DP will deter people from doing it. Anyone who would kill the child because of the DP will kill for LWOP. Or even going to jail, some would kill. Doesn't make a difference - if they are going to kill another human, they will do it either way - they are almost separate entities. I feel like personally - in my opinion, which I am entitled to - that is almost a non-issue. If they are going to kill the child, DP or LWOP will make no difference.
Even if that is sometimes true, can you guarantee it will always be true?

Or will even a few rapists who didn't start out with an intention to kill think, "You know, I might as well kill this kid to shut her up, because the punishment is the same."

Because if even one rapist falls into the latter category, giving rapists the DP is sentencing some child to death.

Then the crime would speak for itself, wouldn't it?
I doubt that would happen, just because they would think to kill the child to keep him or her quite independently of the punishment.
Okay so after some thought my opinion is that they should all be put to death, rapists,molesters, and murders. When you take away that childs life why should yours go on. It is has been proven more times than once that they are not rehabilitated in any way and they will do it again, why risk it.
talk to that child when they are 20...

Could we put this argument away once and for all? NOBODY here has said raping a child is anything but a terrible, terrible evil. There is simply no argument on this point.

I think that the DP will deter people from doing it. Anyone who would kill the child because of the DP will kill for LWOP. Or even going to jail, some would kill. Doesn't make a difference - if they are going to kill another human, they will do it either way - they are almost separate entities. I feel like personally - in my opinion, which I am entitled to - that is almost a non-issue. If they are going to kill the child, DP or LWOP will make no difference.

These are all things you "think," but what is the evidence? Yes, of course, you are entitled to your opinion, but the very nature of a discussion is that others will question that opinion.
where is the evidence that they will kill kids just because they now face the DP?
where is the evidence that they will kill kids just because they now face the DP?

Fair question, sherri, and I doubt anyone has those stats. Perhaps I shouldn't have phrased my response to pedinurse as a request for "evidence," since it's almost impossible to "prove" what someone would do under different circumstances. (My apologies to pedinurse for not being clearer on that.)

But the fact remains: giving the d.p. for child rape removes the ONLY incentive the rapist has to let the kid live.

Even if I agree that many child rapists also kill for thrill or other reasons, if only a few are--even if only one is--deterred by not wanting to elevate his crime to capital status, that's reason enough for me not to make child rape a capital crime.
Did it occur to anyone that a child that has been raped can learn to cope?
Can go on to be a productive member of society?
That once you are a victim, doesn't mean you are always a victim?
A rapist has taken nothing from you that you can't get back.
It doesn't define a person.

Children are resilient creatures. Human beings are resilient creatures.

And bad things happen to people. That's life.

So what is the answer? Killing anyone whose done wrong? Or learning to cope with the difficulties given to you?

Whoever said life was gonna be easy??

LWOP. Keep them behind bars, for the rest of their lives. That stops the behavior we are trying to stop. What needs to be changed, IMO, is the laws need to be tougher from the first arrest.

Keep teaching children about good touch/bad touch. Keep lines of communication open with your children so that they can tell you if something happened to them. Watch who you leave them with.

Ultimately, what it comes down to for me is-- I believe we all reap what we sow. If not in this life, then in the next. And no one escapes the lessons they have to learn. No one.

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