GUILTY LA - Jaren Lockhart, 22, New Orleans, 5 June 2012 - #3

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They said she liked to twirl batons and could be found outside most nights walking up and down the block, twirling for hours.
Neighbors came to expect such odd behavior from Sanchez, who they said also worked as a stripper. Some characterized it as "Margaret being Margaret," describing her as "anything but normal."
For all of Sanchez's apparent eccentricities, neighbors described her as a friendly woman who fell into the wrong crowd as a teenager.
They said she struggled with drug abuse, and had a revolving door of romantic relationships and jobs. She is the mother of two small boys who live with a relative, they said, and she was living in a house owned by her brothers, one of whom neighbors say is the noted musician Paul Sanchez.
About six months ago, Speaks moved into the house. Neighbors said Speaks worked as a bouncer and kept to himself, never even waving hello.
It can also almost be guaranteed that they had been drinking all night, and it's likely they were tweaked out on something a tad harder than alcohol to boot. Doesn't provide for an ideal "let's think hard about this and make wise decisions" scenario.

I think what we're leaving out is that perhaps it was just fun for TS.

Perhaps the dismemberment was the culmination of years of roving sex offender dreams.

If that entered into it, we're not going to be able to understand it.

I often struggle to understand the inexplicable. Right now, it's the Sandusky trial. Just as often, there is no answer.

Why do crazy* horrible people do crazy horrible things?

The worst thing about that is that it's tough to defend against. A determined crazy person is almost unstoppable.

*I have family members with mental health issues, one who's legally insane. I'm using "crazy" on purpose.
As some people may know already I'm Jaren's "adopted" mom not the dear sweet lady that was shown so heartbroken on television even though I'm just as heartbroken. When I first stumbled across this web site in the very beginning of this nightmare some of the things being said angered and hurt me until sometime explained that it was just concerned people discussing and trying to disect the case. And then I realized it was ok for people to talk and have their opinions because it was keeping her name out there and people focused on her.

I just want to say thank you, for all the sleuthing everyone has done. And I'm glad people are finally seeing her for more than just her job description, that's all we've ever wanted. She was so much more, she always lit up the room with her smile and as y'all can see, she was deeply loved by the people who knew her best! We were not blind to her choices or lifestyle, but you can only hold their hands a little while before you have to let them fly out on their own. After that, all you can do his hope and pray! God bless everyone on this site. And if I was rude to anyone earlier on in this investigation, I truly apologize because I was lashing out through my grief

I never thought you were being rude.

Glad you're around.
There was a quote from the neighbor saying that Speaks wasn't friendly and "kept to himself, never even waving hello".

Apparently he had no problem playing with himself in the front yard in from of three young girls who quickly went in and told their mom. He didn't that part of him to himself. These were neighbors of his and she wishes she had called the police.

I can't believe she didn't. I would called the cops and personally told every neighbor. She could have saved Jaren's life if she had called because he would have been in jail for his failure to register as a sex offender.
I think what we're leaving out is that perhaps it was just fun for TS.

Perhaps the dismemberment was the culmination of years of roving sex offender dreams.

If that entered into it, we're not going to be able to understand it.

I often struggle to understand the inexplicable. Right now, it's the Sandusky trial. Just as often, there is no answer.

Why do crazy* horrible people do crazy horrible things?

The worst thing about that is that it's tough to defend against. A determined crazy person is almost unstoppable.

*I have family members with mental health issues, one who's legally insane. I'm using "crazy" on purpose.

I suggested it was just for fun....Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo wannabees?
As some people may know already I'm Jaren's "adopted" mom not the dear sweet lady that was shown so heartbroken on television even though I'm just as heartbroken. When I first stumbled across this web site in the very beginning of this nightmare some of the things being said angered and hurt me until sometime explained that it was just concerned people discussing and trying to disect the case. And then I realized it was ok for people to talk and have their opinions because it was keeping her name out there and people focused on her.

I just want to say thank you, for all the sleuthing everyone has done. And I'm glad people are finally seeing her for more than just her job description, that's all we've ever wanted. She was so much more, she always lit up the room with her smile and as y'all can see, she was deeply loved by the people who knew her best! We were not blind to her choices or lifestyle, but you can only hold their hands a little while before you have to let them fly out on their own. After that, all you can do his hope and pray! God bless everyone on this site. And if I was rude to anyone earlier on in this investigation, I truly apologize because I was lashing out through my grief

Words cannot express my condolences. I can only speak for myself (but I think others here are the same) when I say my statements have been more "clinical" and may have seemed cold in regard to things, but it's just the investigative way of looking at things, i.e., have sympathy but still discuss the facts without emotion.

Although I'm no fan of the adult entertainment industry, it grated on my nerves the way the media and people overused the term "stripper". It sounded callous and dehumanizing. If she was a secretary, would they have said "murder of local secretary..."? No. I'm not referring to anyone/everyone who has used the term to refer to her obviously, just the unnecessary overuse of it.

I hope and pray that justice is swift and proper and that the family and friends can be at peace.
The quote from the neighbor saying that Speaks wasn't friendly and "kept to himself, never even waving hello".

Apparently he had no problem playing with himself in the front yard in from of three young girls who quickly went in and told their mom. He didn't that part of him to himself. These were neighbors of his and she wishes she had called the police.

I can't believe she didn't. I would called the cops and personally told every neighbor. She could have save Jaren's life if she had called because he would have been in jail for his failure to register as a sex offender.

What a piece of garbage.
It makes me smile to think of what awaits him in Angola....
Now, please don't shoot the Devil's Advocate Messenger, but...
What if MAS and TS didn't do this?
What if they conducted their "business transaction" -- whatever -- and JL left from wherever the business transaction would have taken place a-ok?
What if when the video of MAS and TS came out, they freaked because of TS's long rap sheet -- TS wasn't about to come forward and answer to his fugitive status and made sure he kept MAS close by so that she wouldn't come forward either?

What if the unspeakable horror that became of JL happened at the hands of someone after MAS' and TS' involvement?
Now, please don't shoot the Devil's Advocate Messenger, but...
What if MAS and TS didn't do this?
What if they conducted their "business transaction" -- whatever -- and JL left from wherever the business transaction would have taken place a-ok?
What if when the video of MAS and TS came out, they freaked because of TS's long rap sheet -- TS wasn't about to come forward and answer to his fugitive status and made sure he kept MAS close by so that she wouldn't come forward either?

What if the unspeakable horror that became of JL happened at the hands of someone after MAS' and TS' involvement?

We aren't going to shoot you. But I do wholeheartedly disagree.
I suggested it was just for fun....Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo wannabees?

I understand the Homolka/Bernardo parallel to a degree.

I'm not so sure these two are students of past killers, except in the vaguest possible way.

It's just a feeling I have about Speaks, specifically. I don't think he's an emulator. He thinks he's writing history, not revisiting it.

Tough to explain, sorry. =\
Now, please don't shoot the Devil's Advocate Messenger, but...
What if MAS and TS didn't do this?
What if they conducted their "business transaction" -- whatever -- and JL left from wherever the business transaction would have taken place a-ok?
What if when the video of MAS and TS came out, they freaked because of TS's long rap sheet -- TS wasn't about to come forward and answer to his fugitive status and made sure he kept MAS close by so that she wouldn't come forward either?

What if the unspeakable horror that became of JL happened at the hands of someone after MAS' and TS' involvement?
"Grannan said Tuesday that no one has been ruled out as a suspect in Lockhart's death " After MAS and TS were in custody.

I feel there's more to this story.

Also, I don't have a gun.
Now, please don't shoot the Devil's Advocate Messenger, but...
What if MAS and TS didn't do this?
What if they conducted their "business transaction" -- whatever -- and JL left from wherever the business transaction would have taken place a-ok?
What if when the video of MAS and TS came out, they freaked because of TS's long rap sheet -- TS wasn't about to come forward and answer to his fugitive status and made sure he kept MAS close by so that she wouldn't come forward either?

What if the unspeakable horror that became of JL happened at the hands of someone after MAS' and TS' involvement?

Not likely, in my opinion. Even now the cops are reporting that their story is convoluted and doesn't match up or make sense.

That's the great thing about the truth. If you just stick to the truth, then it is so much easier. Why would they lie now if they are innocent of harming Jaren?
Now, please don't shoot the Devil's Advocate Messenger, but...
What if MAS and TS didn't do this?
What if they conducted their "business transaction" -- whatever -- and JL left from wherever the business transaction would have taken place a-ok?
What if when the video of MAS and TS came out, they freaked because of TS's long rap sheet -- TS wasn't about to come forward and answer to his fugitive status and made sure he kept MAS close by so that she wouldn't come forward either?

What if the unspeakable horror that became of JL happened at the hands of someone after MAS' and TS' involvement?

I think it's looking less and less likely. But I'm willing to entertain the possibility, since shooting you would not solve anything!

If there were any reason for LE to think that might be the case, I'm sure we'd have some information in that regard by now. if they completed their "transaction," JL would have either wound up in a cab, or made it back to the motel, or MAS and TS would have mentioned where they left her, especially now that they've been captured.
And I'm not sure they have done this before. But I do think they did it for what they thought would be a fun (psychotic)way to "spice things up". By the looks of her, I'd say she isn't having much fun now. He looks as smug as ever.
We aren't going to shoot you. But I do wholeheartedly disagree.

I understand. And believe me, I so totally want these two to be the ones -- I want nothing more than the satisfaction of knowing that the evidence will show that they will be charged (and convicted!!) of the heinous crime against JL. Justice served. do we know? Are we jumping to conclusions? Does the timeline make it illogical that a third- uninvolved party could be responsible?
I understand. And believe me, I so totally want these two to be the ones -- I want nothing more than the satisfaction of knowing that the evidence will show that they will be charged (and convicted!!) of the heinous crime against JL. Justice served. do we know? Are we jumping to conclusions? Does the timeline make it illogical that a third- uninvolved party could be responsible?

The timeline is lacking a few very important pieces of information... that's the problem. Where and when was she killed? How long after that was she dismembered? Where and when was she put in the water?

Having those pieces of information might make an answer to your question possible.
]Words cannot express my condolences. I can only speak for myself (but I think others here are the same) when I say my statements have been more "clinical" and may have seemed cold in regard to things, but it's just the investigative way of looking at things, i.e., have sympathy but still discuss the facts without emotion.
Although I'm no fan of the adult entertainment industry, it grated on my nerves the way the media and people overused the term "stripper". It sounded callous and dehumanizing. If she was a secretary, would they have said "murder of local secretary..."? No. I'm not referring to anyone/everyone who has used the term to refer to her obviously, just the unnecessary overuse of it.

I hope and pray that justice is swift and proper and that the family and friends can be at peace.


Well put. Speaks for me, as well.

The last thing I want is to contribute to Jaren's family's pain.

I have a grown daughter - I think she's beautiful - I can't imagine surviving such a nightmare. It breaks my heart to consider the hypothetical. Their very real and unrelenting heartbreak has to be immeasurable. It's beyond my comprehension.

We may be strangers but we wish - more than anyone would guess - that this cruel and hideous thing hadn't happened.
I understand. And believe me, I so totally want these two to be the ones -- I want nothing more than the satisfaction of knowing that the evidence will show that they will be charged (and convicted!!) of the heinous crime against JL. Justice served. do we know? Are we jumping to conclusions? Does the timeline make it illogical that a third- uninvolved party could be responsible?

We probably want this to be solved.

It'd be nice to think that MAS & TS are the only people responsible and with them off the streets, some of the danger's contained.

But if there are more people involved, the danger still exists.
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