GUILTY LA - Jaren Lockhart, 22, New Orleans, 5 June 2012 - #4

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Wouldn't LE have taken those to process for blood evidence and soil samples?

Yes they would. I was asking a question, not making a statement. Sorry if it sounded that way!:seeya:
Yes they would. I was asking a question, not making a statement. Sorry if it sounded that way!:seeya:

I was hoping the member who posted the statement would give us the answer to your question.
I discounted him at first and started checking it out.
TS may not be responsible for ANY of them, but even if he did something to one of them at least that family would have answers.

What struck me was how close the girls are in height and weight! All tiny tiny!
9 girls all
4'11"- 5'3" tall
17-23 yrs old.

I have noticed that girls who are young and petite seem to be a popular target for sex offenders and murderers. Chasity Starr, whose remains may have been found yesterday in Port Orange, Fla., was 5-foot-3. The missing woman from North Carolina was very small in stature. It's often the case. They make easier targets, it seems.
Address Date 01-28-2009
Verify Date 04-24-2009
City ARARAT State NC
ZIP Code 27007
County SURRY

Arrat NC is only 5 hours away form Myrtle Beach.
That is where Brittanee Drexel disappeared from on 4/25/09
just pointing out that we know he was "in the area" so to speak...

I'm not sure I trust the site gngr~snap. Why don't his prison records reflect these check-ins? He's listed as an absconder.

His prison records reflect that on January 28, 2010 he was sentenced to 36 mos. special probation that he did not comply to which is why he is back in NC now (as far as we've been told). He received this sentence due to offending as of April 3, 2009. :waitasec:

The criminalcheck site looks fake to me - who backs that site?
I have noticed that girls who are young and petite seem to be a popular target for sex offenders and murderers. Chasity Starr, whose remains may have been found yesterday in Port Orange, Fla., was 5-foot-3. The missing woman from North Carolina was very small in stature. It's often the case. They make easier targets, it seems.

That's an observation I agree with but we want to find out who is killing these girls who are all similar is physical appearance.
TCS's mom may be a victim too. I don't agree with her words, but this is still her child. Don't know her (just like I don't know Jaren's people).

Until they press charges (and even after), we should probably lay off of her and let the psychiatrists delve into what went on there.

Maybe she's lost her marbles. I know I would.

It's hard to process the thought that she is a victim! IDC if its her child or not...If my child did the things TS has been convicted of ...MY KIDS OR NOT....I would not say they should call of an investigation of an innocent victim when I KNOW MY SON HAS PRIOR CONVICTIONS AND A TRAIL THAT FOLLOWS HIM TEN MILES LONG!!!

no offense but its been talked about pages back how her attitude towards how her son is so innocent WHEN THE EVIDENCE proves otherwise is what some may say is what ultimately fueled TS into the becoming the criminal he is today...

:truce: once again no offense Just stating the obvious
I'm not sure I trust the site gngr~snap. Why don't his prison records reflect these check-ins? He's listed as an absconder.

His prison records reflect that on January 28, 2010 he was sentenced to 36 mos. special probation that he did not comply to which is why he is back in NC now (as far as we've been told). He received this sentence due to offending as of April 3, 2009. :waitasec:

The criminalcheck site looks fake to me - who backs that site?

I found that site from doing a public records check. The addresses where he was living line up with it.
He missed the 4/3/09 date and showed up 4/24/09. (I thought)

I thought it matched up...
Do you have the link to the full prison records? All I can find is this and it's not complete. His address was last accounted for on 3/21/11
Zack was not pushed. He was observed walking back and forth to the balcony railing and looking over the side. He also left a lengthy suicide note.

so true he was surely not pushed!!!!
Ur facts are all the same to what I have read about!! Thanks alot for clearing this up!!
I stated some of the same facts a while back but couldnt post links...
I'm still new to this
Thanks for helping my man out who was requesting the links for the WDSU links!!!:woohoo:
Regarding Brittanee Drexel, they have a suspect in her disappearance...a level III tier sex offender who's still walking around free...shivers
Investigator Phillip Hanna of the Georgetown County Sheriff’s Office said a signal from Drexel’s cellphone was detected about 50 miles south of Myrtle Beach later that night – in a remote boat landing area near the South Santee River and roughly 8 miles from the Sunset Lodge apartments in Georgetown County where Moody had been living at the time.

She has a thread here on Websleuths-
I don't know who this Bill guy is, but I worry that his objectivity might be compromised by what appears to be tunnel vision. Whether by chance or by design, he stands to profit if his theory proves true and loses all of the attention if he disproves it.

He has corrected some things. The first time I ever saw his blog was before JL, before BW, when MS was added. He had a couple errors in it then that are gone. One person he had back a few weeks ago was 44 years old, another that didn't have a picture, wasn't blonde. When one finds such obvious errors, its difficult to consider it credible. My 2nd trip to his blog was to read his ooh, the Republicans are coming, Tampa riot time post. But that's a different thread. Just makes my head hurt.
I have noticed that girls who are young and petite seem to be a popular target for sex offenders and murderers. Chasity Starr, whose remains may have been found yesterday in Port Orange, Fla., was 5-foot-3. The missing woman from North Carolina was very small in stature. It's often the case. They make easier targets, it seems.
OT: Seriously? Oh, dear. I haven't been able to watch the SK very much lately. :escape:
They should have evidence all over them then. TS's sneakers.

Oh my I just watched the surveillance video again and then watched the video of TS getting out of the police van in his prison garb. The shoes IMO are the same shoes. Why didn't they take them for evidence (blood, hair, soil) when they booked him. Did someone slip up. :banghead:
Oh my I just watched the surveillance video again and then watched the video of TS getting out of the police van in his prison garb. The shoes IMO are the same shoes. Why didn't they take them for evidence (blood, hair, soil) when they booked him. Did someone slip up. :banghead:

Can someone make a post with the link to these videos? I'm not too skilled at finding past posts apparently :truce:
I just had a horrible thought! What if TS had a collection of "souvenirs" in the vehicle or the home???
On the other hand it would be a good thing!
so true he was surely not pushed!!!!
Ur facts are all the same to what I have read about!! Thanks alot for clearing this up!!
I stated some of the same facts a while back but couldnt post links...
I'm still new to this
Thanks for helping my man out who was requesting the links for the WDSU links!!!:woohoo:
LadyBug, posting links is easy. If you're reading a news article, for instance, look at the address bar (usually at the top of your screen) where you see http://www. "something or other". Highlight that whole string (address)

  1. Right click your mouse and select "copy" (or highlight the address and press Ctrl+C)
  2. Come to a page here and click "post reply".
  3. Right click and select "paste" (or, press Ctrl+V)
  4. Link will appear in your post. You can use your arrow keys or mouse to move your cursor in front of the link and type your message. Or you can type your message and then paste the link. Until you're comfortable pasting links, I say paste it first and then fill in your message.
I was hoping the member who posted the statement would give us the answer to your question.

mmmmm maybe they gave him a replacement pair just like his old ones. im just observing what i saw in both videos. :seeya:
Another thought:

It is quite possible there was still trace evidence (semen) found in the vaginal cavity of JL Assuming there was sexual contact between MAS and JL of course.

My fingers are crossed on this one. DNA to connect him to the crime. I hope so. It let's JL help LE lead them to her killer.
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