GUILTY LA - Jaren Lockhart, 22, New Orleans, 5 June 2012 - #4

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IMO, a big part of that is also Bourbon St./Nola vs. Lafayette. Something happening to the former gets less attention than the latter. Plus, a missing case vs. a confirmed death case. Anyway, personally, I have become strangely much more inspired/fixated about JL's case than with Mickey's, without any reason why that I can think of...when I see her picture and think about what happened...I wish I could do more...

me too...cant explain it. im here for the long run too.
I found that site from doing a public records check. The addresses where he was living line up with it.
He missed the 4/3/09 date and showed up 4/24/09. (I thought)

I thought it matched up...
Do you have the link to the full prison records? All I can find is this and it's not complete. His address was last accounted for on 3/21/11

Here's the prison record that only records information thru January 28, 2010.
TCS was sentenced to 36 months special probation at this time.

My ERROR of thinking was in assuming he hasn't complied to any part of his latest probation period/sentence.
It looks as if he worked the system up through July 7, 2011.

The reason he was sentenced to 36 mos. probation in the first place was for not complying as of 4/3/09.
When did LE gain knowledge of his whereabouts after that date of noncompliance? RSO Residence violation.
Where was he between April '09 and January '10?

Considering he received the 36 mo. sentence for the above violation, LE must know where he was or at least where they found him but would not know his movements inbetween.
I'll assume he lied about that to LE.

How does NC Department of Justice verify a RSO's address? What procedure do they use?

Notice that his mugshot image has the date 7/7/11. Is it safe to assume that he at was living in NC (no) or did he travel there to cover for his probation rules?
Because the picture was taken on July 7, but the address confirmation was on March 3, 2011, three plus mos. PRIOR to the latest picture.

And why don't they consolidate the probation records with prison records when there are active sentences?
When the perp complies with the rules of his probation, why isn't his prison record updated to reflect that he did show up? Because, we know at some point he quit complying with the rules of his probation. It seems like that was after July 7, 2011.

So, who keeps the records showing if a RSO is where he's supposed to be and when he goes to have a mugshot updated why don't they update/reverify his address at the same time?

I can understand now how someone else pointed out that some other person could have sat in for him to take that July 7 mugshot.
I hope they redo fingerprints every time the perp walks through the door to verify his identity.

gngr~snap, I understand where you're coming from now and thank you for your patience. I'm unhappy that LE has not figured out a way to update prisoner information along with their probation records when they violate a condition of their release.

TS was very high risk as he had been an absconder, failed to register '05 and was guilty of a RSO residence violation '09.
I doubt he was honest at any time about where he really was living but managed to show up for his scheduled appointments until July 2011 and kept LE off his tail.

How do they go about verifying RSO's addresses? Take a look at Nick H. for example (in Kelli Bordeaux's case), he was living behind a bar for months undetected. ugh!
So he is saying that the photos with the daughter aren't the BF? I thought their eyes (daughter and man) were identical!

No, they are referring to a surveillance photo of a man in SC wanted for questioning.
So he is saying that the photos with the daughter aren't the BF? I thought their eyes (daughter and man) were identical!

I believe that Benny was addressing the photo of the dude from SC thatvwas questioned did any think he looked like Jaren's bf(Benny's brother) ..Benny was stating that no that was not his brother as well as giving the physical characteristics that would prove that it was not his brother.. IMO he was only speaking of that particular issue and question about the dude from SC.. jmo

He has corrected some things. The first time I ever saw his blog was before JL, before BW, when MS was added. He had a couple errors in it then that are gone. One person he had back a few weeks ago was 44 years old, another that didn't have a picture, wasn't blonde. When one finds such obvious errors, its difficult to consider it credible. My 2nd trip to his blog was to read his ooh, the Republicans are coming, Tampa riot time post. But that's a different thread. Just makes my head hurt.

Oh is the 'Bill' who peeps are referring to Bill Warner? The PI who has the map with the serial killer on the loose theory?
I couldn't figure out who Bill is that peeps have mentioned. :waitasec:

I don't know about the Republican subject, but I think he may be on to something when he questions if the disappearances/
murders could be linked.
When you're developing a theory, everything may not be correct. Why isn't he credible if only five of the murders are found to be linked?
Some of them may not be linked to the same killer but he's still drawing attention to missing women who's disappearances remain unsolved.
Why does this make him not credible? He's asking LE and the FBI to pay attention as there's something wrong with the picture.
A PI doesn't have access to all the same tools and resources that our official law agencies use to conduct investigations.
I don't think BW is insisting or even suggesting that he KNOWS all the women are linked to the same killer. :twocents:
Mod Note: Regarding Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, and other social networking sites, only those pages belonging to either a perp or a victim can be linked. Exceptions are public group pages, such as "missing" pages or "justice for" pages, LE pages, news media pages.

You can refer to a comment/post or photo and include a link. Do not copy and paste comments/posts. And again, always include a link. The same goes for comments to news articles.

Pages belonging to individuals who are neither a victim nor a named suspect/POI are not allowed to be linked.

We have a great group posting here for Jaren. This is such a sordid crime, and it easily could be sensationalized. But you guys have consistently shown respect and discretion.

Cupcakes for everyone!

Well, you might have to have someone on the inside (a trustee) in a local jail change out the prints, or maybe they do not even run prints every time someone is jailed. I don't know exactly how it would be done in a small local jail, but I still say one of those photos is not even him.

A while ago I posted a long post about prison records versus probation records and as to why they don't show up on the same page.
While I was thinking the issue through, it became clear to me why you proposed that an imposture could have been sent in TS's place
to fulfill his probation duty. I see how it COULD be possible. (Sorry, I didn't remember who originally proposed the idea.)
Also, I wonder if one is fingerprinted everytime they report to fulfill a rule of their probation.
Speaking only for myself, video guy does not resemble mug shot guy. IMO

I understand that I'm incorrect, but I'm struggling to make these two images be the same person in my mind.

Mug shot/perp walk guy has a different frame and different carriage from video guy. Eye. Emm. Oh.

I'll have to watch both videos side by side on my desktop...and arrive at 'if everyone else on the planet is satisfied, whaddo I know?' and let it go.

Well I guess I'll answer one of my own questions. If it is TS in the video, he may have gotten the tatoo on his right arm
since the last time LE got an official look at him. That's the only explanation because the Mugshot page states his scars and
tatoo on left shoulder.

The feet look similar in the shoe pictures. Don't they?
I see no resemblance. How does this relate to Jaren's case? Isn't this guy in South Carolina?

Because of the date of June 11 it stuck out to me. I think he looks like someone but I don't know who. He just looks familiar.

<modsnip> In two days, a person can drive a long way and through several states.
If someone left LA on June 6 or 7 or 8 or 9, they could be in SC by June 11 with no prob. :waitasec:

The guy is probably unrelated to this case, but that's what sleuthing is - examining all the possibilities.
It's not stated in the article why they're looking to id the guy. Only one headshot of Jaren's bf has surfaced and,
from what I remember, his face looks kind of ruddy. Doesn't the guy's face in the picture face look a little like that too?
No one is saying where bf is, so how do I know?

Also, he looks a little like TS's 2009 mugshot.

Well thanks for all the answers above. You must take into consideration that I am a stranger and am looking at this
case through a stranger's eyes. That's not because I want to pintpoint anybody but I'd like to know the truth.
To get to the truth, one must ask questions.
I can assure you the money dancers make is NOT WILDLY EXAGGERATED!!!!

I used to dance and I can attest to that!!
Forgive me if I seem rude but this comment just kind of rubs me the wrong way as the assumption is made that dancers for some reason lie...

IDT you're taking into acct. the expense that comes along with being a professional entertainer....
You make your money and typically spend most of your tips the next day bc ur so used to living that lifestyle

I would typically say oh yeah hell why not get my hair and nails done tonight maybe I'll get a pedicure as well....
I used to eat at fancy places constantly with my husband...
If we went to wal mart I bought everything I wanted I was not forced to make a decision on what I needed more or wanted more...

Anything i needed and saw that I wanted I got!!
This in part bc alot of times I would tell myself hey I can make a couple hundred dollars tonight anyway and replace it....

Often times you do have bad nights and those nights tend to dampen ur plans at times bc you may make $800 Sat. night and think man I am making money heck yeah...So you go to the buy the MAC make-up instead of the revlon and then you go to work on the off time during the summer and weekdays are even worse but there are nights you may not make any money at all

There were a few times when it was so dead I actually paid to work after tip out and parking were does happen especially when there are no conventions in town!!

Not very many nights the 4-5 years I worked out there I may have paid to work a hand full of times but compared to the nights that I made bank it didnt matter!!

Anyone who works out in the FQ can attest to how the nights out there are just hit or miss!!

It could be a slow bunk night but That one man may walk into the club who is just smitten by you and you could end up making a grand that night through VIP room.....

This isnt an every night occurance tho or even once a week ......So I think ur letting urself become a little confused

Again please I'm not being rude I just want to clear up the fact that u stated that dancers are somehow making up things......thats all

I am not posting this to be ugly
I am attempting to make u understand that there ARE nights when u "BALL" lol and there are nights that just SUCK but that is the JOYS of working in the FQ I believe that is why all of us who are drawn there either never leave or always find ourselves back there
or wishing we were back working there..:truce:

I think you and I are saying essentially the same thing. I am not saying that anyone is lying. Just overlooking the fact that even if you make a lot of cash
on many nights, on others, you may not. And it is an expensive lifestyle.

So when I say exaggerating, I mean that they are overlooking the things that make it less lucrative than some other jobs might be in the end. Like you said, if you get used to making 800 cash on a Saturday night, you might spend way more than you really should during the week. And on those nights you might be only clearing 200 or 300 or 400.

I mean no disrespect. I have many friends who have danced over the years. And for some it was a great job. Especially for the ones who used the money to get some other training or education for their futures. But for others, it was a trap and a dead end. JMO But I have lost a few friends who went into the abyss.
Because of the date of June 11 it stuck out to me. I think he looks like someone but I don't know who. He just looks familiar.

In two days, a person can drive a long way and through several states.
If someone left LA on June 6 or 7 or 8 or 9, they could be in SC by June 11 with no prob. :waitasec:

The guy is probably unrelated to this case, but that's what sleuthing is - examining all the possibilities.
It's not stated in the article why they're looking to id the guy. Only one headshot of Jaren's bf has surfaced and,
from what I remember, his face looks kind of ruddy. Doesn't the guy's face in the picture face look a little like that too?
No one is saying where bf is, so how do I know?

Also, he looks a little like TS's 2009 mugshot.

Well thanks for all the answers above. You must take into consideration that I am a stranger and am looking at this
case through a stranger's eyes. That's not because I want to pintpoint anybody but I'd like to know the truth.
To get to the truth, one must ask questions.

Im not saying her bf did anything wrong in fact i believe hes innocent...

However u were saying nobody knows where he is....he is an active fb user as i was teading some of his comments and the one pn fathers day was pretty sad...i wish everyone would stop speculating him guilty bc un my mind as well as LE and jarens family he is not guilty of anything! JS
I just want to take this moment to rehash some things that some of our posters might not know. Shortly after Jaren's disappearance, a family member began posting here. That individual insisted that Jaren's boyfriend was not involved. Another family member posted here a few days later. That family member reiterated that the boyfriend was not involved and asked everyone to be mindful of avoiding comments that might be unnecessarily hurtful should her daughter read them some day. The family member also asked us to refrain from discussing Jaren's daughter, as the little girl has nothing to do with the case.

Jaren's daughter is being cared for. Jaren's boyfriend is accounted for. Trust me, police are going to notice if the boyfriend leaves for South Carolina.

I'm not a mod, and I'm not perfect. But I would respectfully like to see this stay a little more focused on the facts and a little less open to wild speculation.
I just want to take this moment to rehash some things that some of our posters might not know. Shortly after Jaren's disappearance, a family member began posting here. That individual insisted that Jaren's boyfriend was not involved. Another family member posted here a few days later. That family member reiterated that the boyfriend was not involved and asked everyone to be mindful of avoiding comments that might be unnecessarily hurtful should her daughter read them some day. The family member also asked us to refrain from discussing Jaren's daughter, as the little girl has nothing to do with the case.

Jaren's daughter is being cared for. Jaren's boyfriend is accounted for. Trust me, police are going to notice if the boyfriend leaves for South Carolina.

I'm not a mod, and I'm not perfect. But I would respectfully like to see this stay a little more focused on the facts and a little less open to wild speculation.

Somebody get this man another heineken.

....and.... I'd like to add for newcomers to the thread: Many of your questions have been answered in previous threads. It would benefit you to take the time to read them and catch up so we're all on the same page.
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