Found Deceased LA - Kerry Keating, 21, Metairie, 28 Nov 2016

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Kerry and his sister, Jessica.

He started using methamphetamine, Jessica Keating said, spurred on by his older brother, who is currently incarcerated after his arrest on drug charges. Last year, when Keating moved back to LaPlace, his sister took steps to keep him clean.

"I told him a condition was he would submit to my random saliva drug tests," she said. "He did it and he passed with flying colors every single time."


Keating lived with his sister and started an apprenticeship at her company. In October, he moved out of his sister's place and into his own apartment in Metairie.

He also started hanging out with his older brother, who lived in Gonzales up until his arrest in December.

"It made me nervous when he and Kerry became closer," Jessica Keating said.

Keating and his older brother, 38, were in Gonzalez about 10 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 26, a day before his truck was found.

The two men had been using drugs for hours, Keating's older brother told his sister.


About 11:50 p.m. Sunday, Keating called his nephew. He told his nephew to tell his older brother - the nephew's father - that he didn't steal anything from him, Jessica Keating said.

Keating's nephew called his father, who didn't know what Keating was talking about, and then called his uncle back.

Keating's voice was panicked during the second call, his nephew told Jessica Keating. He told his nephew that someone was chasing him, and that he needed help.

I've changed my mind about foul play. Kerry had done drugs for hours with his brother (which may have included methampetamine). He was at his apartment, then left (for what reason?). He made a bizarre phone call to his nephew about not stealing something, which confused his nephew. His next call to his nephew was when he said he was being chased.

I believe he was hallucinating from the drugs he was taking, ditched his truck after breaking the axle, and accidentally drowned in the water.

Much more at article:
Does anyone remember this story? A young couple on meth made bizarre phone calls, were angry at cows because they thought they were people that wouldn't answer them, and ended up freezing to death outside instead of returning to their warm car.

Over the course of the evening, the couple made a series of bizarre, frantic phone calls to 911, asking for help in finding their way home.

At one point, Wamsley said they had come across hundreds of bystanders who didn't speak English. Hornickel said others were taking cars apart and putting them in the trees.

The couple also left their truck, which still had a half-tank of gas, warm clothes and Wamsley's cell phone. It was minus 10 degrees with the wind chill.

Wamsley's body was found the next day. Six days later, authorities found Hornickel's body. Both had frozen to death.

The 911 dispatchers receiving the couple's phone calls that night had no idea what was happening. But authorities now know the young couple was high on crystal meth. A super-concentrated form of methamphetamine, a drug that has become a scourge of Middle America

Kerry and his sister, Jessica.

I've changed my mind about foul play. Kerry had done drugs for hours with his brother (which may have included methampetamine). He was at his apartment, then left (for what reason?). He made a bizarre phone call to his nephew about not stealing something, which confused his nephew. His next call to his nephew was when he said he was being chased.

I believe he was hallucinating from the drugs he was taking, ditched his truck after breaking the axle, and accidentally drowned in the water.

Much more at article:

Yes quite likely. Very sad. I would not have pegged him as a meth user, at least not in the photos we have seen. Nevertheless, quite likely.
Elainera, I know. :( He and his sister looked so happy, healthy, and gorgeous in that picture. It's so very sad and frustrating, what a waste of a beautiful life. Drugs are like a siren song, once you are an addict it is very easy to get lured back in. It seems he was on the road to recovery and leading a productive and sober life. It sucks that his brother participated in his relapse. He never should have been hanging out with him, I don't blame his sister for being concerned about that.

Edit: I hope his sister doesn't blame herself for anything, once an addict is determined to relapse there isn't going to be much that will stop them.
Oh wow - reading how his mom fell and hurt her back, which in turn caused her more lung issues just breaks my heart.

In the article it says that LE told her they had tracked him to a hotel and more than one location in NOLA. I am curious what they were basing this on.

Eyewitness News reached out to the St. John the Baptist Sheriff's Office who released a statement that says, "We are treating this investigation as a homicide and are planning to meet with the family next week to bring them up to date on the investigation."

Really?? I was not necessarily expecting them to say that! Well, it definitely sounds like they need to find out what was happening!
Eyewitness News reached out to the St. John the Baptist Sheriff's Office who released a statement that says, "We are treating this investigation as a homicide and are planning to meet with the family next week to bring them up to date on the investigation."

Really?? I was not necessarily expecting them to say that! Well, it definitely sounds like they need to find out what was happening!

Whoa! I was not expecting to hear this either. I feel badly now for assuming it was related to some kind of drug dementia. Poor Kerry. I wonder what evidence they have found to believe it was a homicide?
There is a post from the justice for Kerry page from 2019 that is pretty interesting.
There is a post from the justice for Kerry page from 2019 that is pretty interesting.
About the police department? When you're personally affected by it, incompetence can feel the same as corruption. Kerry was certainly chased but if it had been by the cops or for anything other than a secret reason, he would have communicated that over the phone before he crashed.

Now I'm not saying the the cops aren't complicit with the local organized crime but I am saying that almost certainly Kerry ran afoul of it.
About the police department? When you're personally affected by it, incompetence can feel the same as corruption. Kerry was certainly chased but if it had been by the cops or for anything other than a secret reason, he would have communicated that over the phone before he crashed.

Now I'm not saying the the cops aren't complicit with the local organized crime but I am saying that almost certainly Kerry ran afoul of it.

100% agree. So many times a police station is called corrupt any time there is any sort of incompetence.
100% agree. So many times a police station is called corrupt any time there is any sort of incompetence.
Also in another pass over this story today with a fresh mindset this time the Andrienne Quintal case jumped right into my mind. It's quite possible the people chasing Kerry were paranoid delusions.

If the police had been operating under that assumption though they should have used one of the standardized phrases about no evidence of other parties being present or whatever. We're getting deep enough into this new millennium that failing to make the right statements is basically incompetence though.

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