The river is the Missisippi RIver. Its not something you can just go search. It is huge and fast moving with ,multiple currents. It is also not something that he would have just happened upon, when leaving Republic.
The river is mostly blocked with warehouses, a cruise ship terminal, a big huge mall, a sea wall (if the river were to flood, there is a concrete wall that would try to keep the water out of the city, as we are below sea level), streetcar tracks and train tracks. This is mostly what it looks like.
This is a map of where he was.;_y...-avg-fh_lsonsw&hspart=avg&hsimp=yhs-fh_lsonsw
I can't find a picture of the outside, but it is a club that is in a strip that has lots of bars and lots of traffic. It is a popular club, surrounded by other popular clubs. It is not at all isolated. Someone reported that he was heading towards Canal, if you see that on the map.
I hope all my links go through! lol