LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 - #20

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I am not from the area...and just finally collected my bearings on google earth. Is that a parking garage connected to LCG building next to the communications tower? It just looks like a drive thru of some sort to me...?? there cameras in there or aiming at the back side of it?
Chicken Fried, camera 3 area also has a camera that points a little bit down Azalia St. Are the cameras in the back lot of LCG active? If so they would pick up if she went into the lot. That back area is where they keep the pool vehicles.

Back in that corner at the end of Azelia that runs in to Phyllis and where Parkside intersects is really dark at night. There is a coulee back in there. On Phyllis (Azelia runs in to Phyllis going straight back from LCG) there appears to be the backside of apartment buildings. Did you notice if they have cameras? They are between LCG and MC. Thanks!

Thank you! I saw it and forgot to include it. I will update the map one all the constructive criitcism has come in :)

I really was focusing on cameras involved in the current discussion, but yes, I should go have another look around - that makes sense..
bbm: cf, I have no idea where in the threads it was or if it was MSM at a link -- but I seem to recall some comment about MS appearing to be proceeding on red in her direction ...? Anybody else recall that?

Gosh, if I run across that again, I will let you know.

I remember reading that too....
Chicken Fried, camera 3 area also has a camera that points a little bit down Azalia St. Are the cameras in the back lot of LCG active? If so they would pick up if she went into the lot. That back area is where they keep the pool vehicles.

Back in that corner at the end of Azelia that runs in to Phyllis and where Parkside intersects is really dark at night. There is a coulee back in there. On Phyllis (Azelia runs in to Phyllis going straight back from LCG) there appears to be the backside of apartment buildings. Did you notice if they have cameras? They are between LCG and MC. Thanks!

I have no idea if they are active (the LCG back lot cams). When I raised that question, A.C.I said: if the front cam is working, why assume the back ones don't. He's probably right, but I have no confirmation at all abou those cameras, and I'm not a PI, and City Hall probably won't give me that info. Part of the mystery. I did satisfy myself that if MS went across that lot, and the cameras were working, she would have been seen - unless the tapes got recorded over.
I am not from the area...and just finally collected my bearings on google earth. Is that a parking garage connected to LCG building next to the communications tower? It just looks like a drive thru of some sort to me...?? there cameras in there or aiming at the back side of it?

Drive through.

:silenced:Wow, I just realized that the timing of the traffic signals may reveal something, They change their length depending upon whether a car has triggered the sensor.... If that's the perp truck in the shot of MS on Versailles, then the timing might be able to be figured out, using the car on University and whether it had a red or green, whether she stood next to that truck at the St. John/University light, and the perp got a good look at her... or whether she knew him and he offered her a ride, and they pulled into the LCG lot when the light changed to throw the bike in the back....

Would MS have run a red light? That's a question for her friends... but that area gets REAL quiet that time of night,,, So, if she runs the red, does the truck? But maybe it was about to turn green. More speculation. I wonder if the light timing can help at all?

Just more speculation, I know, but I hadn't speculated like that before....

But shoot - we don't have the video. There were likely several other cars. and LE is all over this.

But still--- if the truck headng west on St, Landry came from St. John

bbm: OK, quoting your same post a second time to say that, after looking around a bit, what I am finding is some previous mention in the threads that she appears possibly to have run a red light because (shortly after) the light for the other direction appears to be green
bbm: cf, I have no idea where in the threads it was or if it was MSM at a link -- but I seem to recall some comment about MS appearing to be proceeding on red in her direction ...? Anybody else recall that?

Gosh, if I run across that again, I will let you know.

IIRC, the comment was speculative. No way to tell, unless maybe some way to time the traffic light and sync it with the other vehicles.... MAYBE it's possible?

Jeez, I need sleep.

BBL - Good night!

bbm: OK, quoting your same post a second time to say that, after looking around a bit, what I am finding is some previous mention in the threads that she appears possibly to have run a red light because (shortly after) the light for the other direction appears to be green

That's going to have to be carefully checked over. IIRC there was a lot of wild speculation around that thread, but maybe not. Worth a look..

Drive through.


Thanks...could it have happened right there...a "blind spot" so to speak?? Google man makes it look like it could've...but you're there. Now that I have my bearings your map makes complete sense to me...couldn't make it out earlier. I have been lying sick in bed so..and I'm just completely baffled. Can't imagine how you locals feel!! And I think your work may absolutely bring out the true possibilities.

IF it did happen right there that's enough time for them to get her...I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the passenger snagged her..turn around and back there at 151..once again if it's the same truck.

man oh man i'm babbling...cough syrup...sorry.
Hi, it took me three days to read every post. I've thanked a lot. I do think WS will help find her. The last text and her leaving right away after friends asked them to join them to eat. I think maybe she was headed there, to swing by. Maybe someone else was there with them she hadn't seen earlier at Artmosphere and felt less tired after eating. Also, maybe BW's ex, a friend, was also there and she was just avoiding conflict or something simple. (?) I think the image they haven't released is the z71 following her on Versallies to St John. They have said they saw it follow it her on video there, but have not shown a photo of the truck. It is definitely a factor. IMO

She did speak to a friend at 1:30am before leaving BW's and the friend said the rest of the gang was at Mel's Diner (on Johnston) where Mickey had wanted to nosh earlier in the evening before she went with BW to the TB drive-thru. Since Mel's is open 24 hours and the friends would have likely been there for a time it's quite possible she would have headed in that direction home along Johnston and dropped by for a few minutes en route if she'd made it that far.

There are possibly other images of Mickey and the phantom WT out there that aren't being released because they are blurry or LE wishes to keep certain information from the public in the interest of solving the case. Early in the investigation LPD Chief Craft said there was a video of a bicyclist from inside a structure between 1:30am and 3:30am but that it couldn't be determined that it was Mickey. And Cpl. Mouton said that Mickey's last sighting was OFF St. Landry -- whether that could mean off or on in local parlance is a matter of debate. It's quite possible that she was on the security video from 215 and 224 St. Landry Street and that those captures are not being released.

It's seems we'll have to wait for another press conference and hope that some clues or evidence come from the processing of the bicycle.
Nothing to be sorry about they don't like to let people know what they can really track...

"With the older style analog cellular phones and digital mobile phones that are not GPS capable the cellular network provider can determine where the phone is to within a hundred feet or so using “triangulation” because at any one time, the phone is usually able to communicate with more than one of the aerial arrays provided by the phone network. The cell towers are typically 6 to 12 miles apart (less in cities) and a phone is usually within range of at least three of them. By comparing the signal strength and time lag for the phone’s carrier signal to reach at each tower, the network provider can triangulate the phone’s approximate position."

Yes, correct. But the signal has to be sent at that exact moment, or at least that was my understanding. You will have to excuse last nights post, I know a lot about Wireless, and I have no idea who pursuit mag is. I will tell you that the way about this is worded makes me believe that it is not the "gospel truth.". I will now stop with this conversation. It would be really difficult to verify my professional experience in telcom at this point. I still have friends that can do so, but really do not want to put them out as they are working hard to keep their job at Verizon.

I do have a friend that still works at Verizon in technical support. I will ask, because I do not believe you can ping to determine last location. B/C the phone is no longer there. If this were the case, no one would ever have a missing phone, and apple's "where's my phone would not be so popular".

Without GPS being on that phone, it will never be found if it is not destroyed or under water. So I would think the phone issue is done. I think the most important question is --- Where is MS? For all I know she could have left her phone at his home, dropped it, etc.

Doesn't Mickey have 2 horses according to several news articles and one of BW interview? And what were there names?
I wonder why she was just selling one.
No bike rack and BW is a biking guy. Wondering why. Side trips or areas outside your regular area would be where I would take a bike to explore.

I do not have a bike rack mine broke and was never replaced. I ride where I want to go, why would I want a bike rack?

Originally Posted by justwannahelp View Post
i too find this strange. not that it really means anything to the case, but i think it's weird that you would miss your sons graduation. not judging, just saying it seems odd

It's just the nature of the oilfield. These offshore operations are very expensive... upwards of 500K to 1M USD per day for deepwater rigs and drillships. People who take on that work DO get paid a premium. Also, when important dates are likely to be missed, families still celebrate... just at a more convenient time.

Somehow quoted the wrong post... I copied and pasted the actual post that I was replying to...
I don't buy it. Bike racks are cheap. Everyone hauls their bike different places to explore. This guy never took trips and brought the bike? I have a hard time believing that unless he traveled alone and put the bike in the backseat.

Most nicer bikes have "quick release" tires. You can take them off and put them back on. Throw down the seat and put the frame in, and the tires can go in the floor board. I once helped a friend put a Specialized road bike in a very small Nissan. I am a floral dress wearing bike rider, if I can do it, I am sure he can.

No rack necessary.

Its not a very big vehicle at all. I also find it odd that he has no bike rack. Perhaps its just that he rides EVERYWHERE and thus has no need for a bike rack as he rarely takes his car places. I suppose you don't need a bike rack if you don't have to transport your bike anywhere.

I use a removable bike rack, It's on my car only when I am transporting my bike.
It's just the nature of the oilfield. These offshore operations are very expensive... upwards of 500K to 1M USD per day for deepwater rigs and drillships. People who take on that work DO get paid a premium. Also, when important dates are likely to be missed, families still celebrate... just at a more convenient time.

Somehow quoted the wrong post... I copied and pasted the actual post that I was replying to...

It's definitely not unusual for oil field workers to miss important events :(
No, I don't think so, because she apparently told him early on that she did not feel like drinking because she had too much to drink the night before with her sister. So she did not drink that night, thus told him at the start.

sorry if this has already been answered, but now that i think about her going out with her sister the night before - did ms go to br to see charlie or did charlie come to laf? im only asking because the phone call ms and cs spoke while ms was at artmosphere and ms asked her to come to that show but cs said she stayed in br. so, if the night before was a real boozefest im just curious where the party was and if there was anything that went sideways then...

also the idea that the group of friends at artmosphere was ten people... thats a lot of friends... this case reminds of morgan harrington and lindsey baum rolled into one big mess.. moo
Maybe something slipped in what she was drinking? The food was bad??

Why though just lay down like in the middle of a street unless she passed out or something?

Does she have a medical history of anything?

I've always wondered if someone drugged her, or if she got stomach cramps while riding. I once had stomach cramps six miles from home. It was horrible. I had to ride with them. I thought I was going to die. I could see how either thing might make her stop temporarily.

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