LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette; 19 May 2012 - #22

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For a few days in a row, there have been numerous TOS violations on this case. While it may seem harmless to some, we are getting dozens of complaints from other members who want to discuss this case constructively. From now on, there will be more time outs issued to those who repeatedly choose to ignore our guidelines.

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OT but I just wanted to say it's awesome having our own personal private P.I. here to bounce things around and share ideas.

Forive if this has been stated/worked out before. Has someone made a grid of the area from above that includes that area from University-St Landry-Coliseum-Johnston w/ probable & usual routes?
I drove down St Landry @ 1 hr ago to see how it ends to Coliseum & saw a man staring intently at the concrete in front of the buns/pizza hut lot. I guess we're all trying to put pieces of an unwieldy puzzle together. I feel for the searchers in this 100+ heat w/index. Like breathing through wet flannel w/ possibility of 'sun pain' round the corner. Worth it for just one clue.

When TES was in Lafayette, he did make a grid search plan, I am not privy to just where that grid pattern started and finished though. Maybe someone local who has searched would be able to tell you/us.
Ok I'm finally back--decided coffee wasn't going to do it, just straight up went back to bed and now ready to start the day all over at 3:30 pm.

As I say every day: Okay, let today be the day Mickey is found. Or at least let today be the day some tiny sliver of evidence is found that leads to something bigger, that leads to Mickey. And yes I am aware the day is half over, but who knows what LE could have discovered while I was sleeping. If they are still watching video, maybe something useful.

The only thing I have to add after catching up on posts is, IMO that's not a window decal people are seeing. I just don't think we'd be able to see one through TWO windows (back glass and rear passenger); tinted or not. I don't have a decal, but I can tape up a piece of paper or something on my back glass and take a pic from the same view that the cam captured the DWTIQ. I'd be surprised if I could see that piece of paper in the pic.

I agree that it isn't a window decal. I personally believe that it is just a distorted reflection of whatever is across from it (the construction sign, maybe?)

the only other thing that I could almost believe it being is a sunshade for a carseat.

I see the dog face - but it looks like a cartoon. I have a mastiff so I am used to the giant head lol, but the proportions are all wrong. JMO
This, despite adamant posts here that RM has been cleared. Until I hear that RM has been cleared by LE I am assuming it is not so.

LE neither confirmed or denied to KATC that they even questioned RM, so theyre not going to turn around and say he's clear. I stated before, he was questioned, searched and cleared all based on a tip. As far as I know thats still true. If theres multiple trucks on his property none of them are his or his family because they only have a couple vehicles registered to them one of which is a truck. As far as people being scared of him....have you looked at him? I dont see anyone being scared of that kid. And for the whole bike thing....that just sounds ridiculous. LE isnt the only ones who saw that bike. Is everyone covering up this evidence **** up?
LE neither confirmed or denied to KATC that they even questioned RM, so theyre not going to turn around and say he's clear. I stated before, he was questioned, searched and cleared all based on a tip. As far as I know thats still true. If theres multiple trucks on his property none of them are his or his family because they only have a couple vehicles registered to them one of which is a truck. As far as people being scared of him....have you looked at him? I dont see anyone being scared of that kid. And for the whole bike thing....that just sounds ridiculous. LE isnt the only ones who saw that bike. Is everyone covering up this evidence **** up?

May not be everyone, but yes, possibly ****** up.
Echoing Cazzie, bits of posts 2, 3 & 4 on page one of this thread

Please remember the following when discussing the Mickey Shunick case:
Websleuths is a moderated forum. We strive to discuss cases in a friendly environment.

Our rules can be reviewed here: Link to the Rules Forum [ame=""]The Rules - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame] (PLEASE make sure you know the rules!)

Everyone is now being held responsible for knowing the rules.

By posting on this thread, you are stating you know the rules!
Some posts are like a punch in the stomach arent they :what: especially when it's post and run (or log off and watch what happens). Sick games :cursing:
And for the whole bike thing....that just sounds ridiculous. LE isnt the only ones who saw that bike. Is everyone covering up this evidence **** up?

I agree, it sounds a bit ridiculous. But...people on this thread have wondered about these awfully quiet fishermen who found the bike...Have you talked to anyone who was there when LE recovered the bike, and who saw the bike? Or, did all the news agencies and such show up after they'd already removed the bike and were just there for the additional searches? Maybe it's just one fisherman they're having to keep quiet?
I frequently feel frustrated (unintended alliteration, LOL) with not being allowed (WS TOS) to discuss every single thing about a case...but there are reasons, and they are good ones.

Hoping that Mickey is found soon (aren't we all?)...

Personally, I can't see even getting rid of the bike UNLESS it was too late for Mickie to be okay...getting rid of the bike seems like a panic attempt to remove all traces of her. JMO
Some posts are like a punch in the stomach arent they :what: especially when it's post and run (or log off and watch what happens). Sick games :cursing:

And that is EXACTLY how rumors get started. EXACTLY.

The member that posted that was contacted by moderators long ago. He has been given the opportunity to be verified and has refused to even acknowledge a Mod PM. That is the person's right, but consider that for what it is worth.

This is the internet folks. Just because someone flys by and posts some juicy tidbit doesn't mean it is factual. Be careful drinking the spiked kool-aid when you don't know who mixed it up, iykwim.

That post is not to be referenced again here for any reason, got it?

Thanks for the alerts and thank you for limiting the quoting and carrying on. It was noted who obliged! Much appreciate it! :blowkiss:
Are ground searches still on today? Are any bodies of water being searched?
SHHH! Bessie is going to be all over this thread!

Anyways how is the weather in LA today? :)

ETA: nevermind...Beach was the fire fingers this time!
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