LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #31

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In my opinion, the still of Mickey on her bike at this intersection is the last verified sighting of her. Isn't this correct? So, either something happened at this point, or LE is not releasing evidence of her making it past this point.

I see the bike, but I cannot fathom WHY LE would release a photo of the bike under the truck. Can anyone, even if you don't believe the bike is there, but just assume for a second that it is, come up with any reasons why LE would release a photo of the truck with the bike under it? What would be their thinking? What would that accomplish? Thanks in advance.

There is no reason and thus the reason they did not release a picture of the truck with the bike under it. MOO
I have to wonder how many, if any of these times are right.

BW said they left Artmosphere at 12:44 (to go about a mile to his house on Ryan).
They were on video at TB at 1:24. (a 5 min drive from Ryan St.)
Mickey left Ryan St at 1:44?

Mickey was hungry and not feeling well and it took about 35 minutes to bike 0.9 miles, lock bikes and get in the car?

Maybe TB time is wrong. Or else BW is wrong or the video stills.Or they sat around hungry for a little while for some reason before they left to get food.

Wow! I never realized this. Hmm. One would think If you feel bad, you get food right away. Maybe this is where the pipe came in to play.
Have you also seen evidence of Mickey's existence after the Circle K video still?

It's that simple, that basic. One question.

Seeking factual, verifiable evidence is the basis of our legal system and should not be the subject of derision, in my opinion.

Evidence of Mickey past that intersection is much closer to a cinematic portrayal of an alien craft than an image that exists in reality.

I can establish that by establishing the fact that she is not at the Circle K. If she were there, we wouldn't be here. Since we know she's not at Circle K, the question becomes, where do we look from there for evidence of where Mickey went. Unfortunately, or fortunately, LE hasn't been forthcoming with that information.
I have family members with OCD. It's not always controllable.

Maybe it's much worse and this behavior is his *controlled*.

Right. My ex had OCPD, obsessive compulsive personality disorder, and medication just made him more manic.

Which was a TREAT. ;)
I can establish that by establishing the fact that she is not at the Circle K. If she were there, we wouldn't be here. Since we know she's not at Circle K, the question becomes, where do we look from there for evidence of where Mickey went. Unfortunately, or fortunately, LE hasn't been forthcoming with that information.

I think the only link LE has to Mickie is where her bike was located. I think that is why we have seen them back there. I do not believe last week's search was a training exercise, or if it was, the location was not simply random. They are looking for Mickie, IMO, but as Tim Miller indicated, if she was put there at WB, she might never be found. Yet where else to look? She could be anywhere.
No official in any capacity has said there's *nothing* under that truck wheel.

I'm not saying it's Mickey. I'm saying it requires an explanation. Period.

To think that LE is going to come out and dispel every bit of speculation and conjecture is, well, misplaced. I'd rather them spend their time looking for Mickey and the perp than telling me I'm wrong.
I was in those threads. Why the absence of confirmatory information from an official source this many weeks later?

I don't get the wall of silence.

LE should release the video or explain why (or even IF) they cannot or will not release the video.

It's not complicated.

Evidence they *could* have on video:
-Mickey hit by truck, followed by many sub scenarios regarding dragging or snatching
-Mickey well clear of the intersection before the vehicle appears: truck issue solved
-Something else happening to Mickey after the last image of her that we miss in the lapsed time: after all this time they don't need witnesses they haven't yet interviewed if it's on video
-Mickey voluntarily climbing into the truck with someone she knew or trusted
-Perp on foot (my personal fave), cropped out of the frame
-LE has nothing more than we have due to a camera malfunction, accidental erasure, whatever
-Mickey crossed the street and put air in her tire at the Circle K, somebody there grabbed her
-etc, etc, etc

If continuous video footage exists and they don't want to release before or after, release interim frames between the Mickey frame and the truck frame.

Enough time has lapsed, IMO. Saying the release of additional *frames* will endanger the investigation at this point requires a suspension of logical thought.

If there's nothing to hide, open the door. A citizen is missing, people are entitled to know if they are also in danger.

Don't get me wrong, the wall of silence drives me crazy too and frustrates the heck out of me. I do wish I knew everything LE knew and not knowing just drives me even crazier. Having said that, there are very good reasons LE doesn't release the information they have. I might not agree with their reasons, but they have reasons none the less. As I indicated before, they can't spend all their time appeasing us or answering our questions, because lord knows the questions would be non-stop if they started answering them. I'd rather have them looking for Mickey and her perp.
Don't get me wrong, the wall of silence drives me crazy too and frustrates the heck out of me. I do wish I knew everything LE knew and not knowing just drives me even crazier. Having said that, there are very good reasons LE doesn't release the information they have. I might not agree with their reasons, but they have reasons none the less. As I indicated before, they can't spend all their time appeasing us or answering our questions, because lord knows the questions would be non-stop if they started answering them. I'd rather have them looking for Mickey and her perp.

I'd rather have them issue a short, simple statement that says they are looking for Mickey and the perp.
(and be doing so, too, obviously.)
Many of you have said that LE would not knowingly release a pic of Mickey and/or bike under the truck. I agree w/ that. We, I think, would all agree that the quality of the released pics is poor.

Do you think there is any possibility that LE released the truck pic(s) without realizing what may be under the truck? For those that have kept track of every press release, timing, etc... What agencies were involved when the truck pic was released? Was it only LPD?

Nothing against LPD, but maybe they did not know/see what we may see in the pics at that time. I know we have some phenomenal sleuths here with extraordinary skills - perhaps more skilled that the local PD at the initial phase of this case.

Is there a chance that LPD released what they thought were pics of truck only, only to find later after closer observation/testing/enhancing that there is indeed more to see (Mickey, bike, etc???).

So... now they can't backtrack and say, "Oooops, we should not have released that?"

Even if they are stills from continuous video - the darn quality is so poor, who knows what it shows? Maybe someone got it wrong that told ACI and others that it's continuous?

I also agree with those that have wondered too why the released pics are perfectly centered vs. if they were chance shots from a camera that snaps pics every so often. I can't take credit for that thought - others thought it before me. Don't want to seem like I "thunk" it up! Why also, as has been brought up, does the focus/cropping change?


BBM The problem I have there is then I could also say, what if the person who confirmed that it was Mickey on the bike in that picture was wrong? Then where do we go?
I read that her dad made a statement that she had recently had a nervous breakdown. I am praying with all my heart that she is just taking a little break and not a victim of foul play. She sure is a beautiful young woman.

I missed that article. Can you link or point me in the right direction? I too pray you are right and she is just taking a little break.
After nearly a week without results in the search for missing Michaela 'Mickey' Shunick, police have revealed they have uncovered surveillance footage of the 22-year old riding her bike.

Two videos both show the University of Louisiana student on St. John Street and St. Landry Street in Lafayette.

And in both videos a white four-door pick-up truck is seen to pass by on camera after Schunick rides by and date from 1.47 and 1.48 a.m after the student had left a friends house on Saturday May 19.

Read more:

BBM Not stopped in front of the video camera.
BBM The problem I have there is then I could also say, what if the person who confirmed that it was Mickey on the bike in that picture was wrong? Then where do we go?

Where do we go anyway? Even if turns out that was not Mickey, somehow...she is still gone. The whole thing about where she was last does not help to know where she is now, at least not unless the driver of the truck is identified and proven to be involved. Then maybe a location could be worked out. But I still believe she was left near her bike.
I agree about the shadow, but I keep hearing about the yellow glow halfway of the truck bed. All I can think of is the type of light being shined on the shine and type of white paint on the truck is causing a yellowish glow on the truck bed despite the sign being orange. I remember from physics class that the color of something is due to it absorbing the spectrum of light except for what color it appears to be.

Short version is every object is every color except the one you see. I believe it is proven that the source and type of light can alter our perception of color. I know that people must have seen clothing that appears maybe purple for example and then at another angle and light source that may see blue clothing. I think it happerns mostly with dim fluorescent lighting. Go outside and it makes a difference. JMO

/lol that wasn't so short was it. The sign may reflect orange, but the light we see it through makes it appear yellow. I'm on the fence about it, but I'm fairly certain thats not a tool box back there. The more I enlarged it the worse it got in the supposed tool box area. I keep wondering if there was some sort of identifying letters or logo there and it was blurred out, just to keep from tipping anyone off. Of course this is JMO.

I don't mean to sound stupid here, but aren't the pictures black and white? If so, how do we ascertain ANY color from a black and white photo? I'm not telling everyone else its not possible, but my mind is telling me its not possible. Any help here would be appreciated.
In regards to the "bike under the truck" believers...
(since I won't attempt to "see" anything in the blurry pics anymore....)

This is MS's bike.


This is reported to be a close replica...

Here is the Missing Mickey flyer with both pictured.,r:9,s:64,i:314

Did her bike have reflectors on the wheels?
Are they added later?

Hard to tell as the wheels were moving in the pic with
her riding it.

Do we know for a fact she had a headlight? (I thought so...)
That was obviously put on at a later date.

Notice the handle bars! They are much shorter than
what I was thinking! (tried to find some info on a "Madison Schwinn" bike, with no luck)

They look to be about the same length as Mickey's hip to knee length.
I took a hip to knee length myself. (mind you I am 5'8")
It was 16"...

Does anyone know how to locate specifics on bike models?

These pics I CAN see clearly!

Here ya go, the specs for both the madison and cutter bikes. I hope the links work, if not you can go to and review the info.
Hmmmmm... it would help explain LE reluctance/refusal to release anything further from the video. Or to communicate why they won't release anything else. I was thinking the same thing; I don't personally know anything about LPD, but I live in a small Louisiana city and I know some people would probably use the word "podunk" in relation to our local LE. I'm not saying it, of course, but, you know.. I don't think it's crazy that they had an "oops" and didn't realize the bike was under the truck in the picture.
Yeahhhhhh but FBI was involved so I think maybe they'd be looking over their shoulders a little and would have prevented a mistake like that.......I hope.........IMO

LE could have a shot of a vehicle pulling out of the LCG lot behind DWT. They could know that that vehicle is the perp and not want to show us what that vehicle looks like which would explain the way the still is cropped. They could be showing us the DWT because they know that it is a witness and LE just wants to know what they saw. LE might not want us to know what the perps vehicle looks like because they don't want him/her to know they are on to them.

My opinion only but I favor the perp on foot theory. But I myself would be willing to believe that there was either someone or something cropped out of the pics and it could be another vehicle. I had always been under the impression the photos were still frames out of continuous film but recent discussion (here) has led me to believe that maybe it is a camera that takes a picture every minute or I don't know anymore.

All I see in the area circled in red is a Darth Vader helmet. Has that been ruled out, lol? But, seriously, what do others say they are seeing here?

What you are probably seeing as a Darth Vader helmet, I am seeing as Batman, lol.
OT and just for kicks, I took this at my office, which only has about 18 people total. I work for a contractor. Those are all 4 door z-71's on the end, and we have a couple of more parked up front. If the DWT is important, I hope they have more footage making it easily identifiable.
In my opinion if the pictures were as clear as the picture of Mickey before they were zoomed in and cropped off my opinion they had to be......then yeah they have clearer pictures
Yeah... hubby thinks I am seeing the curb at the gas station...not the top of the door...
also said I need to just stop giving my opinion on these pics!
I have Serous Retinopathy in my right eye!
Time to come to terms with that fact...
while color and the overall image is ok
any lines are distorted...
This is how a normal eye sees
View attachment 24090
This is how my right eye sees
View attachment 24091
:no: I can't see like I used to.
:tmi:-gracefully bowing out of any future image discussions:seeya:

Maybe I should see a doctor because I see curb from other side of street as well......yes IMO it looks like it could be an open door but that same diagonal line is there in other pics and its the curb.....IMO you aren't "just seeing things"

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