LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #31

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I guess they need to be investigated because they are not being truthful?? So doesnt that really mean you just have extra crap to verify?

I meant thanks to geo-tags on posts and people constantly updating FB and twitter with "I'm going here for lunch, Im doing this today, Im going here this weekend" etc. it makes it much easier to tail people.
I also want to state something else with respect to verified posters.

The people that do get verified I owe a great debt of gratitude to. They often, especially the professionals, require personal and confidential information to be disclosed which total strangers can then look up. This includes where they live, family etc. which in essence could put their family, friends, and more important what they do for a living and their integrity on the line when individuals decide to state inaccurate and false information.

I find this to be distateful.

You can realistically "colorize" black and white images in a multitude of Adobe Photoshop ways-you cannot determine or "develop" extract actual color from a black and white image. That I am aware of and I have extensive experience with Adobe Photoshop.

On that same note:
I imported the images of Mickey alone on St. Landry and the Z71 on St. Landry into Adobe Photoshop. I enlarged both images so I could see the center pixel(s) of both the light on her bike and the hotly debated light under the truck. Adobe Photoshop color picker tells me that the html notation of what I determine to be that center pixel of those lights in both images is: ffffee
For the layman that might not be significant, but I edit and create graphic images on an almost daily basis. When doing websites by html or trying to use exact matching colors and fonts on a graphic, you want to match html notation (color, density, hue, saturation etc)

My Adobe Photoshop says: The bike light on Mickey's bike is the same light under the truck, in my professional opinion. (Before you direct me: I have emailed the mods to be verified as a professional)

I believe the original images that LE released are too low quality and/or specific items are obscured on purpose. Therefore, I cannot see a "bike". I cannot see a mangled bike. I cannot see a body. I cannot see "Mickey". Anywhere in this photo! What I can tell you is that the same light source on her bike is under the truck. Specifically. We can speculate that Mickey is further down St. Landry but we have no photo proof or eye witness, no verified proof.

We can speculate Mickey is under the truck, in the truck, standing next to the truck (she is short like me. I can't see over the hood of just about any truck out there.) bent over next to the truck, in the bed of the truck, out of camera view 20 ft in front of the truck. We have no photo proof to determine that. I assure you I am not insane, or making wild speculations. I am trying to give helpful, sleuthful information that helps find Mickey. I apologize if my opinions offend(ed) anyone.

I agree! Nothing can convince me otherwise!
Was the bike's headlight found? Maybe it fell off... and that is all that is under the truck?
Maybe she turned around to go back for it, and the headlight was kicked further in the right lane... hence that is why we still see a light in the second photo? Then MS continued on...
If there is a photo proof MS was caught on camera after that point has it been confirmed by LE? If so I missed the link!
Seems to me that was THE LAST sighting of her and the very next vehicles caught on camera were the two white trucks... if not why not release the photo captured of her further along?
But I do agree with you. the headlight is there.
I meant thanks to geo-tags on posts and people constantly updating FB and twitter with "I'm going here for lunch, Im doing this today, Im going here this weekend" etc. it makes it much easier to tail people.

OR stalk them for nefarious reasons! A 23 yr old girl my son knows was mugged and the guy attempted to drag her into her walk up apartment in NYC! Luckily she fought HARD, dropped all her stuff and began to run. She saw a cop a few blocks away and beat on his window! He summoned and ambulance for her. The guy has ALL her stuff! purse lap top, keys, money, I-phone and credit cards! All thanks to 4 square! AT 2am she posted that she was headed home! ~ uh.... DUH!
So I was probably the last one off the mountain tonight and the parking area was empty when I came down and I had to load my bike onto the car rack. I have a heavy bar that attaches from the seat post to the stem so it fits the rack and I was hooking the bar onto my bike.
These 2 poor guys come riding up to me in a black pick up truck. I am holding this crossbar in my hand and they very politely ask me for directions. This is a dead end street and people get lost up there all the time-I am forever giving directions.
But honestly I think I scared the carp out of these poor dudes I had that bar in my hand and said don't come any closer!I'll tell you how to get there just stay in your car and don't come near me.
Their eyes got big as saucers and they were like geez lady. I said sorry but don't come close. I mean there was no one around at all!

I gave them the info and they went on their way-but one of those guys would have ended up with that bar in the head if they had gotten out of the car. It was almost comical if it wasn't so sad.

sorry for this OT but this case does have me on the defensive.

Man I would of loved to have a picture of this "crazed person" as you will probably now be referred to as :giggle:
The video is not black n white. It is low saturation. The saturation settings are set to the lowest setting by default, and it is low light.

I have attached the original image and a desaturated image.

I am glad to hear that you have decided to become verified.

Many don't realize the cost of these graphic programs and many have a very negative view with respect to them.

They are not programs that you can take a few hours to learn. Like painting a picture there are a number of skills that must be applied. Some individuals are better than others when using them. Unfortunately, it is the ones that are not always good that seem to get the most attention and give these programs a "bad name".
What is that type of gun used for? Hunting,le,protection, long range shots or short range?

My guess would be home defense. It's why I have one. Plus, the shorter length makes it convenient for me to haul around in the truck on the farm. I think most people would rather use a rifle for long range shots outdoors. This shotgun is the one I grab if I hear something go bump in another room during the night. On one occasion a truck full of weirdos drove up late at night and on another occasion, a few nights later actually, a coyote was on the basement lid. This was the gun I preferred when I walked outside on both occasions.
I am glad to hear that you have decided to become verified.

Many don't realize the cost of these graphic programs and many have a very negative view with respect to them.

They are not programs that you can take a few hours to learn. Like painting a picture there are a number of skills that must be applied. Some individuals are better than others when using them. Unfortunately, it is the ones that are not always good that seem to get the most attention and give these programs a "bad name".

I know exactly what you mean. After years and years of working with images you also learn real quick what does and does not fit. If something doesn't have the same "light pattern" as the the rest of the image, it's likely altered. You identify light sources, fluorescent, sun, flashlight, etc. It is very detailed and time consuming to pick apart and even harder to explain why significant information is important. I was thrilled when A.C.I got verified too, the multi talented professionals the better.

A few people have asked.. "so what if the bike or the light is under there" what difference does it make?" The same difference if she was identified on a camera in New Orleans in a black truck. Is everyone going to say, "she disappeared from lafayette and the POI is a DWT, so it can't be her". No. I am a firm believer in give me ALL the information and I will match it up with what I already know or toss it to the side until it becomes relevant. But, don't leave out information just because it's not what I want to hear. :)
Exactly! People with "no fear" are completely naive, or they are the kind of person one should fear. (IMO) just like I don't get why someone would hang "truck nuts" from their truck, I never understood "no fear" stickers.
I probably shouldn't ask, but i just have to know what "truck nuts" are.

I have one of these stickers.


  • Screen shot 2012-06-29 at 1.29.09 AM.png
    Screen shot 2012-06-29 at 1.29.09 AM.png
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It doesn't get much more "hard evidence" than them seeing her being put into a truck or getting into a truck. Thats plenty enough evidence to make an arrest if they know who the driver is. And if they know all that but don't know who the driver is, then it is irresponsible to not ask the public for help in finding the person. That would just be wasting time. Look at Jaren Lockhart's case. Video of two people seen with her, released to the public, boom, identified and arrested within days. If LPD wanted to make an arrest, they would. And then figure out the evidence after. They're known for that. When they want to make an arrest, they do. They're not secretly building a case against some perp. They may have POI's, but theres no hard evidence to go on. If there was, someone would be arrested by now. IMO they are still just lookinh for more clues and solid evidence to point them in the right direction. So people thinking they should just sit back and wait until an arrest is made because LPD already has wbat they need and are building a case, are wrong. People should absolutely still be calling in anything they see or hear, anything suspicious at all, to LPD and Abdella.

I agree with pretty much everything you said. Here's the thing: in the jaren case, the camera was super clear and the people were easily identifiable. I didn't say they saw everything in these Mickey frames. The big "if" here depends on those LCG cameras being live feed or like the traffic cameras. Those have HUGE lapses of time, when we're talking about a possible three second accident. Anyway, I'm a professional photographer and after really looking at shadows, contrast, light, etc in photoshop, it is more than obvious that there are areas of the photo that have been blocked out with different layers. We can only speculate why and what is under these layers. So, what we see may very well be what they see, except, of course, the parts of the picture that have obviously been blocked out. And if I was the defendant, I'd feel pretty good about my trial outcome if the evidence was that picture and another of the scene 15 seconds later. You can't be serious that you believe that would be enough evidence. They are not looking to arrest the driver of the truck. They are looking to find Mickey. So, if you have the driver of the truck in jail, do you really believe, with all of your investigative experience, that the driver would talk and they'd find Mickey? I don't.
They know who did it. They don't, however, know where Mickey is.
It's why the adds on tv say "if you know anything about Mickey, or this truck, please call." I don't get the feeling they're interested in much else. Somebody may have seen Mickey and I dare say the person that drives the truck has some friends around here somewhere.

I am hesitant to say this, because I will not confirm my source, but an acquaintance of the driver has talked... Searches are going on. I'll say this. There are murky water sonar searches going on and they're not at whiskey bay.

All of this is my own opinion, of course.

(so, since you're obviously not working on the case, what exactly would you arrest someone for with this "hard evidence"? let's not forget, Jaren's body was found)
Im sorry I havn't been on here in awhile .Could someone catch me up a little ..this is just a guess but i think what everyone is saying is something like thier is a pic of something maybe the white truck and someone has spotted something in the pic .whos been lying or trying to track people the owners of the truck. Yes i know i can go back and read time line or every page but maybe someone could help me out i don't need a moment by moment recalling just a update .please
It doesn't get much more "hard evidence" than them seeing her being put into a truck or getting into a truck. Thats plenty enough evidence to make an arrest if they know who the driver is. And if they know all that but don't know who the driver is, then it is irresponsible to not ask the public for help in finding the person. That would just be wasting time. Look at Jaren Lockhart's case. Video of two people seen with her, released to the public, boom, identified and arrested within days. If LPD wanted to make an arrest, they would. And then figure out the evidence after. They're known for that. When they want to make an arrest, they do. They're not secretly building a case against some perp. They may have POI's, but theres no hard evidence to go on. If there was, someone would be arrested by now. IMO they are still just lookinh for more clues and solid evidence to point them in the right direction. So people thinking they should just sit back and wait until an arrest is made because LPD already has wbat they need and are building a case, are wrong. People should absolutely still be calling in anything they see or hear, anything suspicious at all, to LPD and Abdella.

The family and friends had to zoom in and recognize Mickey's bright hair and posture to identify her as the rider. I don't think an equally blurry picture of a driver that they probably don't have would help the pubic identify them. LE is responsibly doing just what you said and asking the public for help locating the driver/truck. (and of course to keep eyes open for Mickey) They do not need our help beyond that. They would ask for it if they did. I firmly believe they are doing their job, and not irresponsibly arresting someone, then trying to collect evidence to build their case. You build a case, then make an arrest. Hello?!
Post a link or nobody buys it.....
I agree with pretty much everything you said. Here's the thing: in the jaren case, the camera was super clear and the people were easily identifiable. I didn't say they saw everything in these Mickey frames. The big "if" here depends on those LCG cameras being live feed or like the traffic cameras. Those have HUGE lapses of time, when we're talking about a possible three second accident. Anyway, I'm a professional photographer and after really looking at shadows, contrast, light, etc in photoshop, it is more than obvious that there are areas of the photo that have been blocked out with different layers. We can only speculate why and what is under these layers. So, what we see may very well be what they see, except, of course, the parts of the picture that have obviously been blocked out. And if I was the defendant, I'd feel pretty good about my trial outcome if the evidence was that picture and another of the scene 15 seconds later. You can't be serious that you believe that would be enough evidence. They are not looking to arrest the driver of the truck. They are looking to find Mickey. So, if you have the driver of the truck in jail, do you really believe, with all of your investigative experience, that the driver would talk and they'd find Mickey? I don't.
They know who did it. They don't, however, know where Mickey is.
It's why the adds on tv say "if you know anything about Mickey, or this truck, please call." I don't get the feeling they're interested in much else. Somebody may have seen Mickey and I dare say the person that drives the truck has some friends around here somewhere.
(so, since you're obviously not working on the case, what exactly would you arrest someone for with this "hard evidence"? let's not forget, Jaren's body was found)
The video is not black n white. It is low saturation. The saturation settings are set to the lowest setting by default, and it is low light.

I have attached the original image and a desaturated image.

I should of quoted all of it. I was asked "How did I see color in what was a black and white." by reedus23 I believe. I have found it to be in color also. Thank you though.
I followed some hostile posts related to Mickey Shunick on a social networking site in late May. I followed that trail where ever it went. There were pictures. (see attachment) Other pictures from this series included a white GMC 1500, a local restaurant, some ppl doin stuff. It seemed pretty meaningless to have the images outside the context of the social scene it came from. I can't help but include a weapon like this as a possible way to get a person off a bike. It's been on my mind this whole time.

I don't know what to say. Can you link the social networking site? I'm kinda speechless.
Thanks for going back and sifting through those threads deja....I'm afraid to ask how long that took you....but thanks again.

You're quite welcome. I hope you understand that I didn't do it to prove you wrong. I was afraid I had been using and commenting on an altered photo and was confusing people. But did want to make sure I clarified it for both of us.

Bad side is I'm getting comments as if I think now its a black and white and contesting it is in color. No big deal I guess other than confusing for folks, but thats how it goes.:banghead:
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