LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #41

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Yes, the brother did say BSL was adopted, as did the adoptive mother. But I have never seen anything that said the brother was adopted. I want to think I have seen just the opposite, that he wasnt. JMO

You probably did... we can't sleuth him so I digress... he is a biological son IMO.
I have been thinking about BSLs adoption.

His mom Cynthia made an unusual comment about adopting him and that it was her right to tell people that. I got the impression that she felt the news
would come out that BSL was adopted. No-one seems to know who the biological dad is and SomeGuy said he didn't know if BSL ever met the guy. A mother is not required to list the birth father on the birth certificate. Maybe the 'adopted' dad RDL is actually the baby daddy and Ms Cynthia was the only one who actually adopted the baby? That may explain why the birth mom kept other kids but gave him up-maybe he had a different dad than the other kids she had.
The Haleigh Cummings forum always had a general discussion topics, in addition to other topics. However, Kyron, Lisa, and JonBenet's forums never had a general discussion topic; except recently for Kyron. I'm not sure why the difference.
I'm not liking this either. Everyone says that it will be better. But so far, I don't see how it is. Sorry to complain.

I get the same feeling I get at Whole Foods in the refrigerated drink section. EVERYONE is looking for their favorite flavor of Honest Tea, but it's no longer there. So then we look for a different brand that is JUST green tea or JUST black tea with no sweetener or berry or fruit etc. added. Can't find it in another brand. I keep wondering if I will ever enjoy a Just Green Tea Honest Tea with my salad at Whole Foods again.

I feel like the same with this change. Oh well.

Maybe we could have an Everything Else subforum? I find that I spend time looking in the different subforums and come away feeling discouraged about posting in the right place. I would feel confident with an EE option. If it was unused, it could just be closed down. Thanks for listening.

so JD Lavergne is alive and is who raised him until the divorce around 1997. He is still living.

G Lavergne has passed away.

If this is the case, then do you think that someone else abused him? No one has come forward saying that his dad abused him. Right? This is just assumption?

Someguy said he felt like BSL was a victim of his father. I think he meant his adoptive father, not his stepfather.

Relationships where there's been childhood abuse are very complicated. I think the victims cope the best way they can, even forgiving and sometimes caring for their abuser. In spite of all that's happened, the child wants his parent's love, even if the parent is or was the abuser. The other part is not having been protected by the non-abusive parent, in this case his mother. It's as painful as the abuse itself.

Not making excuses for BSL, but it's all so heartbreaking.

Maybe it takes some getting used to, but I believe the forum model is superior over just having general discussions when there is a lot to talk about. For Mickey's forum, there are topics about where to search for Mickey, the resemblance of McDuff and BSL, the truck and BSL's other vehicles, BSL's wounds and hospital visits, Mickey's bike, etc. You just decide what topic you want to discuss, and then you do so. If you think of something you want to discuss, and there's no topic, you can just create one.

JMO but if separating the discussions into smaller more manageable topics was the goal I would have preferred that happen weeks ago when there was way too many posts to try to read in a day on the DWT and where she could be, etc than now when things have slowed down.
But each person likes things different. Some people prefer more specific discussion in one place.
Thanks to the mods for putting up with us!
i know what you are saying.

but i'm still not convinced that both Cynthia's husband's aren't alive. someguy said that he BSL spent the first week visiting his dad in the hospital then the second week he wasn't there visiting any longer. that second week was the week that MS disappeared.

so if he was visiting and people found it strange that he stopped visiting, whoever was in the hospital must have been someone he truly wanted to visit. so maybe it's the 2nd husband that was just in the hospital?

do we know FOR SURE that Cynthia's 2nd husband died of cancer in 2009? maybe the first husband died of cancer in 2009?

i wish someguy would come back and clarify some of this for us. makes me wonder if LE asked him not to talk to us?

bbm: I believe someguy eventually pretty much stated that he had been asked not to say much more, though I don't believe he said by whom (could be LE, defense, family)
:nono: It is strictly against the rules to sleuth other members.
WAIT A MINUTE!!!!! BSL was adopted, we know that. Where did it appear that the brother ALSO was adopted? The brother "someguy" that was on here? He was ALSO adopted?

someguy stated he IS NOT BSL's brother

ETA: sorry, I now see someone already pointed this out -- I echoed, not meaning to
I read somewhere he was adopted as well... THAT MAY BE A RUMOR!
Didn't the brother say in his FB post that BSL was adopted?
or did I dream that?

If the brother was adopted as well, and he made a point to mention BSL
being "adopted" I find that VERY odd...
In fact... even if he is a biological son born after BSL was adopted I still find the statement odd...

:moo: ~ why does it matter if he was adopted??? Are they trying to say he was "born that way"?

In BSL's step dad's obit, both he and his brother are listed as stepsons. I think BSL was adopted
and then his adoptive parents had his brother together.
Bumping this post to end the speculation.

Someones post seems to think I'm BL's brother which I am not.
I have submitted the form to verify.

About a week before she went missing, Brandon's father had some serious health problems and had to be hospitalized. He was in the hospital for a total of 2 weeks and she went missing about halfway through his stay. Towards the end of his hospital stay it was strange that Brandon wasn't around and when his father was being released and it was strange that he wasn't around to come pick him up from the hospital. Brandon said he was in New Orleans and had been robbed and stabbed and couldn't pick him up so his brother had to. one of his fingers had nearly been cut off.
Re: the three mysterious mounds. I lived in a rent house that was under repair by two guys who were friends with each other and then got in a huge, vocal argument with each other. I had to leave before it ended, but the next day, there was a plot of upturned earth and no sign of either man. Their absence went on for days. My roomie and I speculated that the loser of the argument might be buried there but neither of us wanted to check! Later, both men were back on the job, and it turned out that one of the guys had overheard me saying something about wanting a garden and thought to give some help by starting the plot.

So, in the farmer's case, it might be that there was someone wanting to plant--an illegal cash crop perhaps? I admit it doesn't make much sense that there were three plots. Also, it doesn't make much sense because Louisiana landowners are in my experience especially passionate about their landownership. For this reason, a closer watch might be kept on one's property here. I guess I'm talking myself out of the case I was making here...

Moving along to look at this from another angle...the number of plots has me wondering. Could it be that there was something planned on a grander scheme by BSL? (i.e., three abductees?)

The method by which he abducted MS, the bump-and-grab, seemed to indicate more of a mind geared more toward spontaneity than planning. Then I think back about the multiple IDs of other women found in his home.

An earlier poster wondered how he might be in a position to collect them. If he has the IDs of MS and LP, these are women whose lives he invaded in the worst way. There are other, less permanent ways of collecting IDs however. We know BSL has burgled before. What if he burgled or creeped (a la Charles Manson) homes of potential victims? This would provide him with an opportunity to lift other IDs.

This really bugs me because in addition to their legitimate, legal purpose, the IDs also serve as a "calling card" and perhaps eventually as a different kind of trophy. What better way to remember what a target looks like and where she lives? Another opportunity may have been at bars or grocery stores or other places where women might leave handbags unattended for a moment. If only the ID were gone, women might attribute it to misplacing the item rather than anything suspicious.

All this makes me wonder if BSL plans more than some of us gave him credit for...

And all this is also just MSO (my speculation only)
One more comment and then I promise to leave it alone forever...the main reason I would like a "general discussion" thread is because we are probably looking at two years or so before a trial, and there will be lots of times without any info coming in, and some of us will just want to talk about stuff...JMO
Re: the three mysterious mounds. I lived in a rent house that was under repair by two guys who were friends with each other and then got in a huge, vocal argument with each other. I had to leave before it ended, but the next day, there was a plot of upturned earth and no sign of either man. Their absence went on for days. My roomie and I speculated that the loser of the argument might be buried there but neither of us wanted to check! Later, both men were back on the job, and it turned out that one of the guys had overheard me saying something about wanting a garden and thought to give some help by starting the plot.

So, in the farmer's case, it might be that there was someone wanting to plant--an illegal cash crop perhaps? I admit it doesn't make much sense that there were three plots. Also, it doesn't make much sense because Louisiana landowners are in my experience especially passionate about their landownership. For this reason, a closer watch might be kept on one's property here. I guess I'm talking myself out of the case I was making here...

Moving along to look at this from another angle...the number of plots has me wondering. Could it be that there was something planned on a grander scheme by BSL? (i.e., three abductees?)

The method by which he abducted MS, the bump-and-grab, seemed to indicate more of a mind geared more toward spontaneity than planning. Then I think back about the multiple IDs of other women found in his home.

An earlier poster wondered how he might be in a position to collect them. If he has the IDs of MS and LP, these are women whose lives he invaded in the worst way. There are other, less permanent ways of collecting IDs however. We know BSL has burgled before. What if he burgled or creeped (a la Charles Manson) homes of potential victims? This would provide him with an opportunity to lift other IDs.

This really bugs me because in addition to their legitimate, legal purpose, the IDs also serve as a "calling card" and perhaps eventually as a different kind of trophy. What better way to remember what a target looks like and where she lives? Another opportunity may have been at bars or grocery stores or other places where women might leave handbags unattended for a moment. If only the ID were gone, women might attribute it to misplacing the item rather than anything suspicious.

All this makes me wonder if BSL plans more than some of us gave him credit for...

And all this is also just MSO (my speculation only)

~jmo... from ohh about 1985.
on a deck with "potted" plants (that got stolen! lol)
3 crops make total sense! :what:
IIRC when growing marijuana... the male

one will kill the other...
A plot to "grow" the original seedlings... and new ones in time...
a plot for the mature males
and a plot for the mature females...

makes sense to me now for 3...
No... I don't smoke it. Just knew people that did! really! I tried it and had a reaction! lucky me I guess... just had to put that out there guys!
Re: the three mysterious mounds. I lived in a rent house that was under repair by two guys who were friends with each other and then got in a huge, vocal argument with each other. I had to leave before it ended, but the next day, there was a plot of upturned earth and no sign of either man. Their absence went on for days. My roomie and I speculated that the loser of the argument might be buried there but neither of us wanted to check! Later, both men were back on the job, and it turned out that one of the guys had overheard me saying something about wanting a garden and thought to give some help by starting the plot.

So, in the farmer's case, it might be that there was someone wanting to plant--an illegal cash crop perhaps? I admit it doesn't make much sense that there were three plots. Also, it doesn't make much sense because Louisiana landowners are in my experience especially passionate about their landownership. For this reason, a closer watch might be kept on one's property here. I guess I'm talking myself out of the case I was making here...

Moving along to look at this from another angle...the number of plots has me wondering. Could it be that there was something planned on a grander scheme by BSL? (i.e., three abductees?)

The method by which he abducted MS, the bump-and-grab, seemed to indicate more of a mind geared more toward spontaneity than planning. Then I think back about the multiple IDs of other women found in his home.

An earlier poster wondered how he might be in a position to collect them. If he has the IDs of MS and LP, these are women whose lives he invaded in the worst way. There are other, less permanent ways of collecting IDs however. We know BSL has burgled before. What if he burgled or creeped (a la Charles Manson) homes of potential victims? This would provide him with an opportunity to lift other IDs.

This really bugs me because in addition to their legitimate, legal purpose, the IDs also serve as a "calling card" and perhaps eventually as a different kind of trophy. What better way to remember what a target looks like and where she lives? Another opportunity may have been at bars or grocery stores or other places where women might leave handbags unattended for a moment. If only the ID were gone, women might attribute it to misplacing the item rather than anything suspicious.

All this makes me wonder if BSL plans more than some of us gave him credit for...

And all this is also just MSO (my speculation only)

I am curious to know who's I.D.s they are and how he got them too because back when I was 19 and a new momma a strange young man showed up at my door one day saying he found my drivers license that I couldn't for the life of me figure out how/where I had lost it. He was handsome and polite and flirted. He asked me out and I declined, politely. I felt sort of stalked after that, running into him unexpectedly. Just creeped, frankly. A month later I read in the paper he was arrested for sexual assault and never saw him after that. Point being, maybe he found a way to steal the I.D.'s to meet them, assault, kill? Then keep as a trophy? I don't think Mickey fell for it, and he hit her with the truck instead.
Originally Posted by LearnToBeStill View Post

I would LOVE to see this area searched. Wood group on Ambassador was where he was employed for the past 3 years. I wonder how many times he reported to that office? I wonder how well he knew those little side roads that run in front of the vermillion river..... and I wonder if he knew about the little dead end on court ave where some trees and shrubs take you right to the river? That place creeps me out BIGtime. I wish someone would take those volunteer dogs down there. My daughter and I caught a horrendous smell back in that area several weeks ago.....and just a week before the horrible smell, a car was parked on the side of the road back there and i wondered (knowing mickey is missing and everyone is on high alert anyway) why that car would be parked there in front of a no tresspassing sign and noone is in sight???? So we waited and a man came out of the woods that lead to the river. he saw us and went back into the woods. he came out again in about 10 minutes from a different area of the woods, walked along the brush with his head down and smashed against bushes to come along the passenger side of his car, walk around the back of it and enter on the drivers side with his back to us the entire time. We found it to be odd and creepy and we havent stopped thinking about it since. Just putting that little story out there.

Interestingly, that piece of woods at the end of the Court Ave. cul-de-sac, on the Vermilion River, happens to be owned by my landlord. When I searched the Vermilion by boat on May 22, I searched it because I had permission and also because it seemed a darn good place to dump a victim. It's a desolate piece of woods, full of all kinds of trash, broken concrete, beer bottles, etc., on a small coulee. It's for sale.... my landlord and I went there by boat a couple weeks before Mickey disappeared to tack a "For Sale" sign on a tree, visible only from the water. The land at the end of the cul-de-sac is tied up in some long-running dispute with a Lafayette councilman who lives on Court Ave. who for his own reasons has unethically blocked any development permit for years, so my landlord is giving up and selling the land. My landlord told me there have been two suicides there that he knows of.

It's worth checking again, since I have permission.
Interestingly, that piece of woods at the end of the Court St. cul-de-sac, on the Vermilion River, happens to be owned by my landlord. When I searched the Vermilion by boat on May 22, I searched it. It's a desolate piece of woods, full of all kinds of trash, broken concrete, beer bottles, etc., on a small coulee. It's for sale.... my landlord and I went there by boat a couple weeks before Mickey disappeared to tack a "For Sale" sign on a tree, visible only from the water. The land at the end of the cul-de-sac is tied up in some long-running dispute with a Lafayette councilman who lives on Court St. and for his own reasons has blocked any development permit for years, so my landlord is giving up and selling the land. My landlord told me there have been two suicides there that he knows of.

It's worth checking again, since I have permission.

How old were the people who committed suicide there and were they male or female?
How old were the people who committed suicide there and were they male or female?

No clue.... why do you ask?

I didn't see any disturbed earth... it's difficult to walk, due to a very jagged, uneven terrain... but I suppose it's possible that a victim was put there after May 22. As far as the smell described - there is only one house nearby - to the west across the coulee - but the house is located on a huge parcel, and is quite far away. I'm going to have another look at the property, just on principle. It would be a pretty good dump site. And it's full of poison oak, by the way..... loaded with it.
One more comment and then I promise to leave it alone forever...the main reason I would like a "general discussion" thread is because we are probably looking at two years or so before a trial, and there will be lots of times without any info coming in, and some of us will just want to talk about stuff...JMO

That's what the "Jury Room" forum is for. It allows us to talk about stuff that's not related to any particular forum.

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