LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #41

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29 members and 31 guests reading Thread. Comeon guests, register for WS and join in with the discussions. This recent document is chocked full of information. For weeks we at WS have been discussing the details and trying to figure out what all may have happened with MS. WS posters were spot on about so many things and questioned things that have turned out to have merit. Guests join WS and post some of your ideas and observations.

Cudos to WSers on all your hard work, research, speculations and opinions. While it seems like things were going s l o w for a time, we can see that LE was in fact busy at work. I think they have a strong case for LP and MS. Quite possibly for others... maybe several others. Time will tell. Right now the most critical aspect is to find MS. Hope that happens this weekend.
My husband and I, like many, have followed this case closely from day one with hope and many prayers for Mickey's safe return. We contine to do so in hope of seeing justice served for she and Lisa Pate. The DTL case hit close to home for me, for a number of reasons and when BSL came to light as a person of interest in Mickey's disappearance , my husband could relate to the shock I felt upon hearing the news. Serial killers can live amongst you in even the smallest, most tight knit communities. In both cases there were indications that they were troubled, to say the least, but they managed to deceive many of those closest to them and most that they knew as casual acquaintances. We will continue to seek clues, insight and information and pray for the families who have lost their loved ones and for those working tirelessly and diligently so that, even in death, the victim's voices may be heard.
I am interested in finding out about the search warrent for the house listed @ 247 Ridgewood. this street is located off of souviner gate which is in the area near MS last sighting.
I am interested in finding out about the search warrent for the house listed @ 247 Ridgewood. this street is located off of souviner gate which is in the area near MS last sighting.

I noticed that and even did a Spokeo check on the address. Elderly people are listed as living there.

All search warrants were named in the document, even if they were cleared. If you look in the list of search warrants, they searched a white pick up truck belonging to a female. My best guess would be this vehicle was at one time a VOI and was cleared. Maybe that address is the residence of one of the people whose vehicles were searched and cleared in the very beginning?

Just a hunch, but it makes a little sense to me.

Good first post MoJoe; we are happy to have you with us posting.

New folks who have been following usually have a fresh idea..... like MissKJN mentioning the dumpster near funeral home.

Glad to have you here.

Oops, meant to give credit to Katie78 for location of funeral home.
Although the houses are quite close together there, maybe LE has reason to believe that that is the exact location that Mickey was abducted. Maybe the search warrant was more for the property than inside the house.

I'm curious about what the dark squares are on the road in front of this location. Are these speed bumps? Or where they are doing road repair? They don't look like the same items in GA.

Nevermind... when you scan up I see the sign.... Speed Lump. Never heard of them called Lumps - learn something new every day.
I'm curious about what the dark squares are on the road in front of this location. Are these speed bumps? Or where they are doing road repair? They don't look like the same items in GA.

Nevermind... when you scan up I see the sign.... Speed Lump. Never heard of them called Lumps - learn something new every day.
FWIW sometimes they're called "speed humps" here.
Would the ER staff have been able to tell that he didn't just get those wounds from a recent mugging somewhere, somehow??

well--you could certainly tell whether they were fresh versus old based on how much bleeding going on and how the tissue looks--in regard to whether mugged or in a scuffle or etc.--sometimes difficult to determine if self inflicted or what based on where the injury is.

Remember ER staff see wounds all the time and hear "creative" stories all the time--so if no exceptionally bizarre behavior was going on -- they probably just notified LE so a report could be made--after asking permission from BSL (HIPAA in LA does not require mandatory reporting of knife wounds in competent adult so they either asked or he requested police). They may have taken photos there for investigation if requested or if offered and he consented prior to sewing him up. Since LE was called any bloody clothing, etc. should have been collected and retained as evidence! So unless of course he had washed and changed clothes he incriminated himself probably trying to make an alibi! It'll be interesting when all is revealed.

This lists the last verification date as 5/28/12. It lists a scar on both the left & right ribs, as well as a scar on his right hand from "surgery".
I want to know if he was seen in person by his parole agent, or whatever the title is, or if he just had to phone in.
If he did, indeed, have prior hand surgery, maybe it was re-injured in the abduction and that's why more bell's didn't go off with medical personnel. This could also explain the contact with the orthopedic surgeon (G.?.).
If he was trying to down-play the injury, he could just say he re-injured it or whatever and he'd already have the "in" with hand surgeon etc....Does this make sense? I know what his story was about being mugged in NO but if he had prior injury to the hand he could've worked that angle as well.
:razz: Okay, I've been following this case from its beginnings as a missing person case and also the Websleuths threads from nearly the beginning. This is the first case I've ever followed in an in-depth manner and watching it unfold has been spellbinding and kind of exhausting--from trying to keep up and from the eerie revelations. I still have to read a couple of threads leading up to the grand jury.

My interest initially arose from having lived on Louisa Boulevard for two years--a location maybe a couple of blocks from where MS's abduction took place. I generally felt safe and loved living in the Saints Street neighborhood while at ULL. I often walked and biked the area and do remember exploring on foot the area where this one-block street ends during the day: the field bordering a section of Coliseum Road. It's isolated but did not feel threatening then. Night-time in Louisiana can be an entirely different matter however, and I usually stayed close to home (not being judgmental here but as an older student, the night-life had less appeal to me; IOW been there done that already!). Strange and inexplicable events seem more likely to happen in the state--some marvelous and some scary. Just my impression from having lived there a total of six years and not even trying to be scientific here.

I became equally interested in the case because of MS and the wonderful person she seems to have been. I still think about her family, her pets, and the community she left behind. Her fate even now seems inconceivable, and I hope all are able to heal from this great loss.

Good sleuthing to all,

PS A couple of random thoughts:
--I've thought about the hand grips and wondered if a stranger could have come along and seen the bike and tried to salvage it or even just the grips alone as bike bling. Then maybe abandoning the effort for whatever reason. Just an idea, because I'm always interested in stuff I find.
--At a traffic light this morning, a DBT with the Z71 package idled alongside my car today (B=black). Although the noise was audible, I don't believe it would have obscured the sound of a collision, especially at night. IMO of course.

29 members and 31 guests reading Thread. Comeon guests, register for WS and join in with the discussions. This recent document is chocked full of information. For weeks we at WS have been discussing the details and trying to figure out what all may have happened with MS. WS posters were spot on about so many things and questioned things that have turned out to have merit. Guests join WS and post some of your ideas and observations.

Cudos to WSers on all your hard work, research, speculations and opinions. While it seems like things were going s l o w for a time, we can see that LE was in fact busy at work. I think they have a strong case for LP and MS. Quite possibly for others... maybe several others. Time will tell. Right now the most critical aspect is to find MS. Hope that happens this weekend.
And, anyone could go in there every year...oh, I don't know...for maybe 8 straight years and pay the box rental on his behalf for the year and it would remain in tact and untouched, right?

This makes far more sense to me regarding evidence in the LP case than the notion someone stored any evidence for him while he was incarcerated. Actually, he may have bee-lined to that same safe deposit box with evidence from MS, as well. I'm convinced he kept a small trophy. I just couldn't figure out where.

I do not know if he kept trophies at the bank. At Chase, our safety deposit room was very tight and was actually attached to the safe. We were required to stay there with the customer. I could not imagine someone would keep trophies there, but I guess anything is possible.

As to the question of paying for the box, yes anyone can.
I'm curious about what the dark squares are on the road in front of this location. Are these speed bumps? Or where they are doing road repair? They don't look like the same items in GA.

Nevermind... when you scan up I see the sign.... Speed Lump. Never heard of them called Lumps - learn something new every day.

speed lumps are different in that there are separations between the sections that allow for emergency vehicles, such as fire trucks, to pass over them without slowing down, because of their wider axles. the sections of the "lump" are wide enough that passenger vehicles have to pass over at least a portion of them.
Global Tower Partners Site Locator is interesting. I don't know how to link but you can find their information on the Internet on their website.
I do not know if he kept trophies at the bank. At Chase, our safety deposit room was very tight and was actually attached to the safe. We were required to stay there with the customer. I could not imagine someone would keep trophies there, but I guess anything is possible.

As to the question of paying for the box, yes anyone can.

Can you pay for a safety deposit 5 or more years in advance?
Oh my. what are the two round tower things at the bottom left of that photo?

I looked at this last night and did not see the two tower things, did you figure out what they are?
That's even worse if he said he was trying to find an ER? That's so odd?? Who would believe that?
I'm prob confused. Can't quite get his timeline. If he abducted & killed Mickey in th early hours of the 19th, which was a Saturday, no? Why would he be in Nola on 20th? O do I have it off?

I think she disappeared the early morning hours of the 20th and he sought treatment that same day around 2 or 3 in the afternoon, about 12 hours afterward.
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