LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 - #8

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1983 Olds 98 Regency:


That is the car on the surveillance cam. 1983 Oldsmobile 98 Regency (I think it's a Regency Brougham, which I think had a bigger vinyl top), give or take a couple years. Take it to the bank.

Here are the reasons that's the car:

1. Location of side spear that extends back from front wheel well.
2. Correct size.
3. Correct roofline.
4. Correct slanted taillights.
5. Correct straight up and down front of front fender, when viewed 3/4 from the rear.
6. Beveled angle to the back of the trunk lid -accounts for the strange reflection off the back of trunk. (Realized this late last night)
7. Correct shape of wheel well openings. Note - it appears the right-rear wheel well opening has been damaged on the car in question
8. The smoking gun: The small, horizontal rear side-marker light at exactly the correct level, as seen in the second, blurry car camera photo.

That is definitely the car we're looking for. And it's very rare! And I've seen one around town very occasionally for a few years. I'm pretty sure it's GREEN.
The one I saw had a younger black male driver - maybe age 25-35.

Look at two more photos linked here:

I'm going to redo my flyers.

The car is not, repeat NOT A CADILLAC.

And everyone in town thinks it is, and when I called the tip line last night the lady said she and the people there had been thinking Cadillac, as well.
Charlie says ---

"The night before she went out, she texted me around 11:45 asking me to go to the bar with her where the bands were playing .......
I was in BR and I wasn't gonna come back that night......I'd had a few drinks or whatever, I didn't want to drive......and I stayed in BR."

*when Charlie talked to BW on the phone the next night, Saturday, at around 5:00, after asking if he had heard from Mickey, Charlie asks him, "Do you think she's at the bar? I mean, whatever."

Wonder what bar that would be?
I'm thinking about taking Krav Maga classes. I know myself too well, I'd never be able to handle a gun in an emergency situation.
Becky and are going to do video this am. We will upload video of her whole route for everyone. Better than going to Blackham!

slowlybutshelly, bless you and thank you for your selfless efforts in the search for Mickey. Please don't let this negative experience influence your contributions.
Folks are exausted and emotions are running very high among the searchers. The overwhelming response by the LA community & beyond has simply overwhelmed everyone..

slowlybutshelly, you brought up a very good point about counselling for those affected by this tragedy. Locally, I am sure you could receive help or info of available resources from any local church.

slowlybutshelly, you already possess the most effective weapon in abduction safety; awareness.
Shelley, I am sorry people made you feel so bad and made you feel rejected. I don't think this had anything to do with 9 USD and if it did how petty. I think this had to do with ego's... Just keep doing what you are doing. I really
wonder about that list of people they are rejecting however, that is very negative to the cause of finding M. Between that and the negativity on her page about MSM releases, makes you wonder. I am just saying everyone needs to work together, no room for ego's on a search team. Rant

I am going to go out on a limb here. I mean no disrespect to Shelley. But I am going to assume that the list of who they don't want participating is made with professionalism.

I don't for one second think someone's ego is the reason for anyone's inclusion on that list.

ALSO: I've read through thread seven last night and this morning. I want to add a couple of comments to address some speculations that were posted.

First off: BRETTLY NEVER SAID THAT MICKEY RODE IN THE ROAD FACING TRAFFIC. If we are going to parse his statements, the least we could do is parse things he actually did say.

He said this was her regular bike route. No one has challenged that.

He said that when she got to West Congress, her norm was to ride on the SIDEWALK on the left hand side of the road. Please note he said sidewalk, not in the road facing traffic! No one has challenged that statement, either.

It is against the law here to ride in the roadway facing traffic. Mickey was experienced with riding her bike, she knew not to ride against traffic.

SECONDLY: it is not worth speculating that Mickey rode off to another bar, because bars in Lafayette have a MANDATORY close time of 2AM.

She would not have had time to get to another bar before closing time!

I am not trying to be ugly here, but it brings down the whole purpose of trying to help find Mickey if we get stuck on tangents that have zero basis in fact or possibility.
Stun Guns/Tasers are Legal and do not require a permit: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington State, West Virginia and Wyoming.

Thanks for the info nutkin, good to know. I may consider buying a tazer. I carry a whistle at present.

God Bless and Keep Micky and please let her come home safely.

(The picture of her and her horse so reminds me of my own dear daughter and it makes me sad. Her horse is missing her and I am sure she misses her horse.)


Thank you nutkin, been thinking about that. Do you know if there's any kind of license/certification involved to buy a taser?

Check local laws before purchasing! I know there are some defensive items we cannot legally carry!
Yeah lots of people are uneasy about guns. But the class you take to get your concealed permit is very useful in that it not only teaches you gun safety and how to handle it properly, but also makes you very comfortable with carrying one. And for a lot of people it is life changing to feel the level of safety you get from having a gun.

We live in a crazy world and are one of the few gun friendly states. I wish most women would take advantage of that

I totally agree with this. I grew up in a family where my dad didn't think it was important for his daughters to have knowledge of guns. When he'd be cleaning a hunting rifle, for instance, he'd tell me to stay away because "guns explode all the time." (Which is absolutely untrue!)

It wasn't until later on when I met my boyfriend and he taught me about weapons (as a war veteran, he had plenty of experience). We purchased a 9mm handgun for me that I picked out (due to the size, ease of loading, etc.) and we went to gun ranges many times a week for several weeks and then I signed up for the CHL class.

I carry my gun with me every time I leave my house. It is like taking my cell phone with me. I am very comfortable in all situations now, even in the case of a malfunction. But, it also takes regular handling and practice to feel that comfortable and at ease.

I don't live in a very safe neighborhood, but I feel safe knowing that I can defend myself and my children if need be. It is very empowering.

It does not take the place of common sense and awareness, but sometimes those things alone aren't good enough.
Charlie says ---

"The night before she went out, she texted me around 11:45 asking me to go to the bar with her where the bands were playing .......
I was in BR and I wasn't gonna come back that night......I'd had a few drinks or whatever, I didn't want to drive......and I stayed in BR."

*when Charlie talked to BW on the phone the next night, Saturday, at around 5:00, after asking if he had heard from Mickey, Charlie asks him, "Do you think she's at the bar? I mean, whatever."

So, at 5pm the next night Charlie asks BW if MS is at the bar. Does she mean 'still' at the bar, or never left the bar? This is strange. And then to say, "I mean whatever". Sounds to me that MS could be a lot like one of my grown daughters!
I remember reading something like that too. I think I also read that Brettly is a vegan and that ruled out his eating anything from Taco Bell.

Not true. I think a vegan on WS earlier said vegans can eat the Fresca bean burritos and some other stuff. Seems to be that anything with beans ordered with no cheese would be ok- nachos (no meat) and bean burritos, pintos, etc.
I agree with you. I went out on early searches in the first few days after she was missing. A bike would have been noticed; we came across decomposing animals and lots of trash. If you think fisherman are at whiskey bay at all hours, there is no way that bike sat there for a week unnoticed. But then again, it is possible that signs were not hung in that area until thursday or friday. I know because the posting sign effort was around town up until monday.

It definitely could not have been there the whole time. Even if the signs weren't up yet (and I will try to find out if anyone mentioned putting them up in that area on FB), if the bike was there, someone would have seen it. And if there were no signs up yet and they hadn't heard about Mickey at all, they would have taken the bike. Of course, it's possible that it was dumped same night and someone DID find it, but then heard who it belonged to, and put it back...
I am going to go out on a limb here. I mean no disrespect to Shelley. But I am going to assume that the list of who they don't want participating is made with professionalism.

I don't for one second think someone's ego is the reason for anyone's inclusion on that list.

ALSO: I've read through thread seven last night and this morning. I want to add a couple of comments to address some speculations that were posted.

First off: BRETTLY NEVER SAID THAT MICKEY RODE IN THE ROAD FACING TRAFFIC. If we are going to parse his statements, the least we could do is parse things he actually did say.

He said this was her regular bike route. No one has challenged that.

He said that when she got to West Congress, her norm was to ride on the SIDEWALK on the left hand side of the road. Please note he said sidewalk, not in the road facing traffic! No one has challenged that statement, either.

It is against the law here to ride in the roadway facing traffic. Mickey was experienced with riding her bike, she knew not to ride against traffic.

SECONDLY: it is not worth speculating that Mickey rode off to another bar, because bars in Lafayette have a MANDATORY close time of 2AM.

She would not have had time to get to another bar before closing time!

I am not trying to be ugly here, but it brings down the whole purpose of trying to help find Mickey if we get stuck on tangents that have zero basis in fact or possibility.

ITA with this whole statement.

Shelly, there are other ways you can help out without being part of the official search committee. Please don't go back to blackham and try and get this straightened out. Regardless of the reason you are on that list, and regardless of if it is just or not, going back there to divert someone's time and energy into getting you off that list would be making this about you - not finding Mickey.
I am going to go out on a limb here. I mean no disrespect to Shelley. But I am going to assume that the list of who they don't want participating is made with professionalism.

I don't for one second think someone's ego is the reason for anyone's inclusion on that list.

I agree with everything you have written. The only question I have is if this "Professional" had a legit reason for omitting certain searchers from future searches, it sure would have been nice of then to give the omitted parties a reason. Feeling do get hurt when emotions are riding high. I would think that after a person spent days in the field searching, if told not to "ever" return they would be pulled aside and given the courtesy of a reason. IMHO

Other than being in poor shape for hiking, or it being recognized that its taking a financial/emotional toll I cannot think of any reason to turn a person away. But that is just me.... Thank you for you input...:)
So, at 5pm the next night Charlie asks BW if MS is at the bar. Does she mean 'still' at the bar, or never left the bar? This is strange. And then to say, "I mean whatever". Sounds to me that MS could be a lot like one of my grown daughters!

I once told one of my sons that I was going to completely lose it if he answered me just one more time with, yeah whatever.

That kid looked me in the eye and said "Whatever, Mom! sheesh, you don't have to go all crazy!"

Eating someone's face?! Good grief. I'm locking myself in my room for the rest of my born days.

You make a good point, but (I know this sounds silly) I'm afraid of guns. I think I would be somewhat likely to shoot myself while trying to shoot someone else. They make me queasy and nervous. I'd rather the taser but if it really isn't much of a deterrent....well :(

Take classes.....please. The unfortunate fact about mace, taser or a if you don't have it in your hand and someone comes from behind or grabs you before you can reach does no good..or they may be able to take a weapon from you and use it on you. My mother always told me to have a shotgun in the house because you couldn't miss and could fire before they got close.....only to make *dang* sure they had stepped over the threshold first. LOL

I'd think self defense, just to get loose and run is the best, but I guess each person may react differently. I don't think I'd scream..because I'd be too busy trying to fight and hurt, but who knows how I would react if it actually happened....... might begin screaming FIRE repeatedly. ???

I didn't like riding my bike in traffic...and I loved to trail run before it became really popular...and did so alone. It really, really, really pizzes me off when a case like this hits.....because your freedom to do those things have been taken away. It was my way (alone) of letting off steam and getting rid of stress; taking in God's creations....and I really couldn't do that with a partner insinc. :furious:
It definitely could not have been there the whole time. Even if the signs weren't up yet (and I will try to find out if anyone mentioned putting them up in that area on FB), if the bike was there, someone would have seen it. And if there were no signs up yet and they hadn't heard about Mickey at all, they would have taken the bike. Of course, it's possible that it was dumped same night and someone DID find it, but then heard who it belonged to, and put it back...

If the bike were found in Lafayette by someone with a warrant, I don't think he would have turned it in - sad but true. Could be there was no one in his circle of friends with the moral courage to tell him to do the right thing, and no one in his circle wanted to take the reponsibility of lying to the police that HE/SHE found it... so they dumped it later.

But I'm not sure that in that situation they would have gone to the trouble to drive it all the way out to Whiskey Bay, either, so I'm not real keen on the idea it was found by a scavenger and then dumped. I'm still operating on the idea that the perp himself dumped it there.
Something keeps coming up, though, about her having received a text -- I think BW said she did -- but we've never, AFAIK, gotten any idea of from whom.

YES! I would like to know who it was that texted her. If it was a friend, you'd think they would have come forward already. I know that cell phone companies don't have what is said in a text, but they do have the number the text came from, since that is on the bill. Has LE looked into this yet?
Shelly, there are other ways to help. Look for the car/trucks. Spread the word. Keep your eyes open!
I'm going to work up a new poster now for the car - a better one. I'll post it when I'm done.
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