LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette; 19 May 2012 * Timeline & Media Links ONLY *

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Exploring Whiskey Bay

(excellent article.)

It's that one exit on eastbound Interstate 10 that just seems a little bit different than the others.

Travelers who take Exit 127, commonly known as the Whiskey Bay exit, are driving into the definition of seclusion. While most interstate exits lead to at least convenience stores and fast food restaurants, this one — just 30 miles east of Lafayette —is almost completely desolate.

It's also the turn-off linked to the mysterious and high-profile disappearance of Michaela "Mickey" Shunick, last seen May 19 in surveillance footage riding her bicycle. Her bike was discovered a week ago in the waters of Whiskey Bay.

This remote exit has a ramp that curves sharply, almost into a complete circle, and leads onto La. 975. Turn left onto La. 975, go just about 40 yards, and there's a huge white sign with "NO" written in large black letters. The sign is a not-so-subtle reminder that there is no public access into the woods beyond that point and trespassing is prohibited. Visitors clearly are not welcome.

The poster audie has compiled a very good list of Texas search and rescue organizations:

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - LA LA LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette; 19 May 2012 - #22[/ame]
Jane investigates: Where is Mickey Shunick?

NASCAR driver Buster Graham. Graham will have Mickey Shunick’s picture painted on the hood of his car for the ARCA Racing Series in the Pennsylvania. He tells Jane, why he decided to replace sponsors with Mickey’s image and why this case in particular hits him close to home.
From (6/7/12):
Link to video and article

The family's private investigator says he has descriptions of two people he thinks are involved in Mickey's disappearance. He says he will be releasing those descriptions soon. But, the information is still very new.

Abdella says he is not concentrating on the Z-71 pickup truck as much as police but he does believe more than one person may be involved in Mickey's disappearance.

"I think I have a description of two individuals that could possibly be involved in the disappearance of Mickey Shunick."
From (6/7/12):
Private investigator says new developments in Mickey Shunick disappearance

The private investigator tracking Mickey Shunick's disappearance says he has credible information about two people who could be involved in her disappearance. John Abdella says two people who don't know each other called him with almost identical descriptions. The calls were made days apart, and he believes something good will come out of this. Abdella is not releasing the descriptions. He'll notify police first.

As hopeful as I want to be about this, it still seems like it could be the product of rumors. It seems odd that somone would just now be calling with descriptions?? Well unless it's somone who knows the perp and JUST now noticed him or them acting strangely or not going to work or slipping up about that morning. That must be what it is. I pray this gets us to Mickey!!!
Special K-9's Help in Mickey Search, Final Volunteer Effort This Weekend

Meanwhile, six highly trained dogs from Special K-9's Rescue and Recovery Group out of Texas scoured more areas in the Atchafalaya Basin
"Our primary goal is to clear certain areas, so that people on the ground won't have to cover them," said spokesperson Mike Candella.
The dogs covered 10 miles on land and completed four water searches with their trainers. Though the dogs didn't turn up any forensic evidence, the team hopes they helped rule out areas near Whiskey Bay.
From the Baton Rouge Advocate
June 9, 2012

Sister: ‘We need to keep looking’

While police have scaled back their efforts to a degree, Chief Jim Craft said the department is still heavily vested in the search efforts.

Shunick's investigation has been an all-encompassing endeavor involving upward of 40 Lafayette police officers at one point, Craft said, with the assistance of at least 40 to 60 additional representatives from different law enforcement agencies, including local sheriff's offices and police departments, State Police and the FBI.

"We'll take any and all help we can get … anybody and everybody and everything that we can think of or possibly do to locate this girl," Craft said. "There's never been a search of this magnitude in the history of our department."

As many officers return to their regular duty, the department has created a mini-task force of officers from area law enforcement agencies to handle core aspects of the investigation into Shunick's disappearance. The group meets twice daily to review leads, evaluate evidence and assign a game plan for the next day.
IMO, we have been looking at these images all wrong, although I honestly do not think any of this matter in the case anyhow. I will try to explain my thought here.

I think this is Image #1, and I will call this WTA (white truck A). Notice 2 cars here at gas station, no car in intersections. Also note that the opposing traffic on University has a green light, meaning this truck (WTA) would have to stop at intersection. Sometimes at night, these light take a loooong time to change. The guy in the white car is just finishing getting his gas and is running in to maybe pay for overage? Or maybe didn’t need gas, just ran in for cigs? Anyway… If you have ever been to this gas station, you will understand how difficult it is to turn around here. To me, he is facing us, therefore, if he wants to go back down University towards campus, he would need to pull right out onto St. Landry and then right onto University.

Which brings us to image #2:

I just noticed here that there appears to be 2 cars in the intersection behind the trees. The first, WTA, appears to be crossing the intersection now (however NOT turning left onto University, IMO), as well as white car from gas station in right turning lane. Notice DWT is here. IMO, DWT passed MS earlier on St. John, before crossing intersection.

Next comes image #3:

MS. No trucks. Only blue car at gas station. Perhaps he is inside BSing with clerk? (I have seen this often).

So there are my thoughts. If I am correct, where does that really leave us? DWT stops? Waits for MS? DWT not involved at all???

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