LA - Six teens for brutal assault on 17yo boy, Jena, 2006

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Any violence at school should be handled appropriatley. The kids who hung the noose should have been punished more severley. While that in it self is not what i would call a hate crime, it sure as hell is a threat. The 6 who beat the student also should be punished appropritaley. Attempted murder is a stretch. Assault maybe. Had a group of 6 white kids beat a black kid that way everyone would be screaming hate crime. I think race has become too big of an issue in crimes. it doesn't matter what color the beaters were and the victim were. What matters is 6 kids jumped a single boy and beat him up pretty badly.
Todays Hearing is over. bail denied, Bell returned back to jail..

CNN ..

Court rules 'Jena 6' defendant to stay behind bars

JENA, Louisiana (CNN) -- Mychal Bell, the sole defendant who remains behind bars from the group of teens known as the "Jena 6," will not be released Friday, a court decided.


Authorities in Alexandria, less than 40 miles southwest of Jena, arrested two people who were driving a red pickup Thursday night with two nooses hanging off the back, repeatedly passing groups of demonstrators who were waiting for buses back to their home states.
The marchers had taken part in the huge protests in Jena that accused authorities there of injustice in the handling of racially charged cases -- including the hanging of nooses in a tree after a group of black students sat in an area where traditionally only white students sat.
The driver of the red truck, whom Alexandria police identified as Jeremiah Munsen, 18, was charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor -- a reference to the 16-year-old passenger. Munsen also was charged with driving while intoxicated and inciting to riot, according to the police report.
As officials were questioning the driver, he said he had an unloaded rifle in the back of the truck, which police found. They also found a set of brass knuckles in a cup holder on the dashboard, the police report said.
Watch what police found on the truck »
The passenger told police he and his family are in the Ku Klux Klan and that he had KKK tattooed on his chest, the police report said. He also said that he tied the nooses and that the brass knuckles belonged to him, the report said.
^^ which is exactly why displaying anoose in the manner the kids at Jena HS and the kids with the truck should be considered a threat. No telling what he would do beofre the night was out had he not been caught.

Authorities in Alexandria, less than 40 miles southwest of Jena, arrested two people who were driving a red pickup Thursday night with two nooses hanging off the back, repeatedly passing groups of demonstrators who were waiting for buses back to their home states.
The marchers had taken part in the huge protests in Jena that accused authorities there of injustice in the handling of racially charged cases -- including the hanging of nooses in a tree after a group of black students sat in an area where traditionally only white students sat.
The driver of the red truck, whom Alexandria police identified as Jeremiah Munsen, 18, was charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor -- a reference to the 16-year-old passenger. Munsen also was charged with driving while intoxicated and inciting to riot, according to the police report.
As officials were questioning the driver, he said he had an unloaded rifle in the back of the truck, which police found. They also found a set of brass knuckles in a cup holder on the dashboard, the police report said.
Watch what police found on the truck »
The passenger told police he and his family are in the Ku Klux Klan and that he had KKK tattooed on his chest, the police report said. He also said that he tied the nooses and that the brass knuckles belonged to him, the report said.

WTF is wrong with these people?????

I hope they add weapons violations and something about terroristic threats. That ought to be a good one.

Who lets their 16 yo get a KKK tattoo? And ride around with a drunk driver and a gun?

Todays Hearing is over. bail denied, Bell returned back to jail..

CNN ..

Court rules 'Jena 6' defendant to stay behind bars

JENA, Louisiana (CNN) -- Mychal Bell, the sole defendant who remains behind bars from the group of teens known as the "Jena 6," will not be released Friday, a court decided.

I can't argue against the judge's decision; this is apparently the 5th time this boy has been charged as a juvenile. That can't be overlooked.

On Tuesday, a three-judge panel said it was "premature" to consider releasing Bell. The district attorney will determine whether to refile the charges in juvenile court, a defense attorney said.

Bails for the Jena 6 had been set at between $70,000 and $138,000, and all but Bell posted bond. The judge has refused to lower his $90,000 bail, citing the teen's record, which includes four juvenile offenses -- two simple battery charges among them.
WTF is wrong with these people?????

I hope they add weapons violations and something about terroristic threats. That ought to be a good one.

Who lets their 16 yo get a KKK tattoo? And ride around with a drunk driver and a gun?

"Attempting to incite a riot" was mentioned as a possible (Federal?) charge, and it apparently carries the most weight. There was also mention that their families might have been involved in the planning.
"Attempting to incite a riot" was mentioned as a possible (Federal?) charge, and it apparently carries the most weight. There was also mention that their families might have been involved in the planning.

That explains A LOT.

I think the gene pool might be a little shallow in Jena.
I can't argue against the judge's decision; this is apparently the 5th time this boy has been charged as a juvenile. That can't be overlooked.

On Tuesday, a three-judge panel said it was "premature" to consider releasing Bell. The district attorney will determine whether to refile the charges in juvenile court, a defense attorney said.

Bails for the Jena 6 had been set at between $70,000 and $138,000, and all but Bell posted bond. The judge has refused to lower his $90,000 bail, citing the teen's record, which includes four juvenile offenses -- two simple battery charges among them.
Buzz did you know that here in CA there is no right to bail for juveniles? They are presumed guilty until proven innocent.
ETA: Oh and they do not have the right to a jury trial. It's a completely backwards system.
CNN has a great 1-hour special on this right now (e.s.t.) I hope it repeats because I missed the first 10 minutes. I've already learned more than I've read on the internet about this case.
Buzz did you know that here in CA there is no bail for juveniles? They are presumed guilty until proven innocent.
ETA: Oh and they do not have the right to a jury trial.
I didn't know that JBeanya; that's interesting. I only had one incident of contact with the Juvenile System and was very disappointed that they let my son off so lightly for motor vehicle infractions. I wanted him to learn a lesson.
I didn't know that JBeanya; that's interesting. I only had one incident of contact with the Juvenile System and was very disappointed that they let my son off so lightly for motor vehicle infractions. I wanted him to learn a lesson.
They do not have the rights that we have as adults. They have their trial in front of a judge and they do not have the right to bail. So this boy would not even have the right to bail if he were in our juvenile detention sytem. Just an interesting tidbit.
Roanoke neo-Nazi condemns Jena Six
William A. White posted the youths' addresses on a Web site that calls for lynching the group.

By Laurence Hammack

"As thousands of people rallied in Jena, La., for six black youths charged with assaulting a white classmate, the FBI was monitoring a neo-Nazi activist in Roanoke who posted their names and addresses on a Web site that proclaimed: "Lynch the Jena 6."

William A. White also listed some of the defendants' telephone numbers, urging his readers to "Get in touch, and let them know justice is coming."

The leader of a Roanoke-based white supremacy group, White has a penchant for inserting inflammatory rhetoric into racially charged incidents that attract national attention, as the Jena Six case has done this week.

"He has done this kind of thing routinely, but probably never in such an outrageous way as this," said Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors hate groups.

"It's appalling, but it's not surprising."

An FBI official said the agency is aware of White's posting.

"The FBI reviews information provided for possible violations under our jurisdiction, and would seek a prosecutive opinion at the appropriate time," said Sheila Thorne, a special agent with the agency's New Orleans division.

The review came as protesters gathered Thursday in Jena, the site of racial unrest since last summer. After a black student asked the school for permission to sit under a tree where white students traditionally gathered, three nooses were found hanging from the tree. Months later, the Jena Six were charged with beating a white student.

On his Web site, White complained of "agitators" who were demanding acquittals.

A posting Thursday afternoon that contained contact information for the six youths was headlined: "Addresses of Jena 6 N-----s; In case anyone wants to deliver justice."

In a second item, White was quoted as saying: "If these n------s are released or acquitted, we will find out where they live and make sure that white activists and white citizens in Louisiana know it ... in order to find someone willing to deliver justice."

White, commander of the American National Socialist Workers Party, could not be reached for comment Thursday."

more at link

Authorities in Alexandria, less than 40 miles southwest of Jena, arrested two people who were driving a red pickup Thursday night with two nooses hanging off the back, repeatedly passing groups of demonstrators who were waiting for buses back to their home states.
The marchers had taken part in the huge protests in Jena that accused authorities there of injustice in the handling of racially charged cases -- including the hanging of nooses in a tree after a group of black students sat in an area where traditionally only white students sat.
The driver of the red truck, whom Alexandria police identified as Jeremiah Munsen, 18, was charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor -- a reference to the 16-year-old passenger. Munsen also was charged with driving while intoxicated and inciting to riot, according to the police report.
As officials were questioning the driver, he said he had an unloaded rifle in the back of the truck, which police found. They also found a set of brass knuckles in a cup holder on the dashboard, the police report said.
Watch what police found on the truck »
The passenger told police he and his family are in the Ku Klux Klan and that he had KKK tattooed on his chest, the police report said. He also said that he tied the nooses and that the brass knuckles belonged to him, the report said.

This article contains what I consider the best quote to come from this incident:

"I wish we had a charge in Louisiana for aggravated ignorance in Louisiana, because this is a classic case" said Alexandria Police Sgt. Clifford Gatlin.

To add a little bit of balance, on the same day as the judges were denying bail, the same day stupid Jeremiah was dangling his nooses, Lafayette approved and dedicated $2.5 million dollars to construct the Rosa Parks Transportation Center. Isn't that a wonderful continuation of Mrs. Parks' legacy?
They do not have the rights that we have as adults. They have their trial in front of a judge and they do not have the right to bail. So this boy would not even have the right to bail if he were in our juvenile detention sytem. Just an interesting tidbit.

But would he be held in an adult jail (after it has been determined that he will be tried as a juvenile, if he is tried) while awaiting the DA's decision as to whether to retry on the same charges or whatever? Somehow, I don't think so.
In my opinion, no matter what the events were that led to the fight, it is never justified to beat and kick someone when they are down. Someone throws a punch at me, I'm gonna punch back. But it's not in my personality to beat someone when they are down. I think the 6 deserved charges of aggravated assault. Charges of attempted murder were by far too much. I think they should serve thier time too.

Ok, getting off the soapbox.

Sorry for three posts in a row. I guess I forgot about clicking on those little quotes! :blushing:

gman, I agree with you that the fight warrents some charges. BUT in Jena, when a white kid conks a black kid in the head with a beer bottle, that is considered "non-criminal." All justice is demanding here is that these six be treated EQUITABLY.

If the roles had been reversed, would the white boys have been arrested at all? If blacks had been hurling racial taunts at the whites to try to start a fight, would the white boy be disciplined for defending his race or would it be seen as just a school yard scuffle? Would the whites have been charged with assault with a deadly weapon because they were wearing tennis shoes? Would they have been charged with attempted murder? Would they have been charged with conspiracy to commit murder? Would they have been tried as adults on charges it is improper to try juveniles on? If one of them was convicted by an all black jury, would the white community be expected to sit still and say justice was served? If a judge threw out the conviction and determined that the boy should have been tried as a juvenile, would the white community be expected to stay silent while their white boy remained in an adult jail?

It's just impossible to separate race from this case, because this case in that community is ALL about race.
This article contains what I consider the best quote to come from this incident:

"I wish we had a charge in Louisiana for aggravated ignorance in Louisiana, because this is a classic case" said Alexandria Police Sgt. Clifford Gatlin.

To add a little bit of balance, on the same day as the judges were denying bail, the same day stupid Jeremiah was dangling his nooses, Lafayette approved and dedicated $2.5 million dollars to construct the Rosa Parks Transportation Center. Isn't that a wonderful continuation of Mrs. Parks' legacy?

When I read that I thought, "wow, and some people still say there is no problem? are you kidding?!"
It's a life changer to be the lightning rod for a just cause. I was at the University of Alabama when Cleo Thomas became the first African-American SGA president. He lived in my dorm and we would talk late at night and he'd say "You just can't believe how people will treat you"; death threats, telling you to your face you are not human, and other deeply disturbing events.

accordn2me: Any word on AG action here?? I haven't seen any in the news. I hope he doesn’t let this racially-slanted DA do this damage to six young lives.

Hey Crypto....I'm not expecting any AG action. In fact, it would shock me. In this particular case, I don't believe he could do anything (no jurisdiction), even if he wanted to.

Did you see the statement by Reed Walters?
They now want a Congressional Investigation of the Judicial System in Jena. I don't have a problem with Michael Bell still being in jail; after all, this is his fifth offense. I do agree that he can be tried as a juvenile, but I would hope that the racial issue won't contort the justice system such that he won't pay for his crime.

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