LA: "the knowledge/means to facilitate the answers"

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LA's emotions that poured out of him moved me more so than CA and GA's
When that young man said "I am broken... I honesstly believe him and have empathy for that statement.
my heart has always gone out to the grandparents that deal with this tragic violent loss and will deal with it till their dying day. I didnt ever feel one way or the other about lee. Exept to suspect him in a cover up of some sort.(after the fact )
What I would REALLY love is to get a good look at the braclet he kissed twice and see if it is a "Caylee Memorial bracelet" OR a "Support Casey bracelt"
This would clear up , in my mind, to whom exactly he was speaking so passionatly to.
If Anyone out there has the means to freeze that part of the video, tighten up on it and magnify that braclet I would be so greatful as my computer is a dinosour.
I think many would be intrested to see,,
I can agree with this, especially when he began kissing his wrist.


Yea...gotta agree...the wrist kissing thing was weird...especially the loud lip-smacking sound effects that accompanied dh was watching with me and he, as a man, was none too impressed (and that is a kind way of expressing it).
LA's emotions that poured out of him moved me more so than CA and GA's
When that young man said "I am broken... I honesstly believe him and have empathy for that statement.
my heart has always gone out to the grandparents that deal with this tragic violent loss and will deal with it till their dying day. I didnt ever feel one way or the other about lee. Exept to suspect him in a cover up of some sort.(after the fact )
What I would REALLY love is to get a good look at the braclet he kissed twice and see if it is a "Caylee Memorial bracelet" OR a "Support Casey bracelt"
This would clear up , in my mind, to whom exactly he was speaking so passionatly to.
If Anyone out there has the means to freeze that part of the video, tighten up on it and magnify that braclet I would be so greatful as my computer is a dinosour.
I think many would be intrested to see,,

I know I would be interested to see what braclet he was making out with too.

I have one big question for others, every single time I hear his clip played, I hear Lee end with "I am Broke". Not broken. I explain this to myself by reminding myself that every member of this family shows a weird penchant for using the wrong words! Am I right or am I right? Or am I wrong?
i wondered if 'the knowlege/means to facilitate the answers' was a plea to baez.
Jedi speak?

I was thinking more Yoda speak. Maybe he used the Yoda Speak generator.
That's why he had the laptop on the podium. ;)

Seriously, I agree that he, like Scott P just uses a bunch of words trying to sound smart and educated but it comes out babble-di-boo.

The more serious the situation, the plainer the speech should be.
To me it is in reference to the yet to come legal battles, horrible details to be revealed etc..

To those of us (Lee included) who have the knowledge (witnesses) and the means (legal system, forensics) to facilitate (one of many big words that didn't need to be used) the answers that my family deserves. I ask you to fill your heart with compassion (don't take glee in her prosecution) and truth (the real story is bad enough, lets not exaggerate it).

This is how I interpreted it, too redhead. ita. I think he was addressing us, the public; admonishing us not to be so critical.
"For those of us that are frightened or angry or mournful or that just don’t understand, I ask that you fill your heart with patience and grace. And that you allow yourself to yield any judgments that you may already have."

I really did not understand why he would use the word 'frightened' and include it. I could really feel the anguish and pain he had. He seemed like he wanted the truth to come out and it felt to me like a directed comment . I felt very uncomfortable at his last part and somewhat confused at who he was speaking about while it was happening.
Remember when Casey was being questioned at Universal and said she lied "because I'm scared."?
I know I would be interested to see what braclet he was making out with too.

I have one big question for others, every single time I hear his clip played, I hear Lee end with "I am Broke". Not broken. I explain this to myself by reminding myself that every member of this family shows a weird penchant for using the wrong words! Am I right or am I right? Or am I wrong?

I listened to what he said 3 or 4 times and each time was convinced that he said "broke." Then went back for a fourth time and noticed there was a breath at the end of the word:

broke ... breath ... n

So you're "sort of" right and "sort of" wrong. One-half star has been awarded to you though.:innocent:
I listened to what he said 3 or 4 times and each time was convinced that he said "broke." Then went back for a fourth time and noticed there was a breath at the end of the word:

broke ... breath ... n

So you're "sort of" right and "sort of" wrong. One-half star has been awarded to you though.:innocent:

Yeaa! That's 1/2 a star more than I usually get!!!

To balance out my previous slightly negative post, may I offer up this...the media critisism of Lee on stage wearing the small green "go KC" button but not the larger Caylee button. Well, presumably his outfit came with a jacket. He wasn't wearing a jacket while onstage. Perhaps his Caylee button was on the lapel of his jacket and it was a complete oversite that he wasn't wearing onstage. Just a thought.
The day to remember, today is.

The day to pay tribute, today is.

The day for this family to unite and display their solidarity and strength, today is. Gotta tell you, have I, hard to stand up here and be the pillar of strength, it is.

United, this family is, but incomplete, this family is. Incomplete, I am. Broken, I am.

Clearer, it is (not)

"For those of us who have the knowledge and the means to facilitate the answers that my family deserves, I ask that you fill your heart with compassion and truth and I ask that you allow your conscience to speak for you when your mind cannot comprehend the right words to say."

My take: This sounds like a 'Freudian slip' to me. Those of US who have the knowledge...? That means LEE has the knowledge & the means (the media) to say the truth about what happened to Caylee (what the family deserves.) It's like he's guilting himself, prepping himself for what he's ultimately going to tell LE.

He's talking to himself during this whole thing. Himself & maybe someone else (he used 'us') So him and KC maybe? He's asking himself to fill his own heart with compassion & truth - basically say the truth. He's asking himself to let his conscience speak (this will be his excuse for blaming KC - 'his conscience was killing him') His mind cannot comprehend the right words to say because what he knows is so horrible.

This is the only way this sentence makes sense. Maybe he didn't mean to say this but he sure said it.
1. It's either directed to Casey for her to CONFESS and be ruled by her conscience,


2. Lee thinks someone else is involved and wants them to come forward.

I can't think of any other way to construe the comment.

IMO, it's #2.

Lee will forever stand by, support, and do anything possible to help KC.
I'm still thinking he thinks Casey is innocent and that he is pleading to the kidnapper/murderer to find compassion and come forward with the truth. The way he phrased it ....."Finally, for those of us who have the knowledge and the means to facilitate the answers that my family deserves...." He said that his family stands united - so if this stmt was directed towards Casey I think he would have phrased it differrently and said "....answers that OUR family deserves".

I'm sorry I'm repeating myself. I just didn't think I made myself clear in my previous post. I'm on info overload and I'm tired (oh lord....I sound like CA)

Could Lee have been directing this comment to Baez? Baez would have the knowledge and means to facilitate the answers from Casey.
I find it difficult to believe that ANYONE knew what the heck he was saying, and I'm a fairly intelligent person (LOL). It's like this family can't directly come out and ask a question or make a statement without beating around the bush or lying. They use words that a normal person would not use, thinking they are going to out-intellect the average person, and try baffling us with their BS. I think it was crazy the way he was talking and acting, and if he thinks that his message got to a kidnapper, he's got another thing coming, they probably couldn't figure it out either. The only other person he could have been talking to was Casey and something tells me she understood exactly what he was saying. The more I think about what he said the more dumbfounded I become.
I just saw despair---true despair,and he wants the gossip to stop.JMHO

Ok, so why didn't he just say he wants the gossip to stop?
But I also believe that his heart is broken for Caylee.
Maybe I missed something but where did he say ANYTHING about Caylee to memorialize her? He was more concerned to get his own messages out. Just my opinion.

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