Lady wakes up, finds man crawling around bdrm.

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Woman wakes up to find man crawling in her bedroom

Published: Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A resident of the 27000 block of Winchester Terrace woke up at about 7 a.m. Sunday to find a man crawling on her bedroom floor and going through her nightstand.


...the man, about 5 feet 6 inches tall, was in the house for a long time because every closet inside was open. Several drawers also were ransacked...


...The report said that when the couple went to bed the front and back doors were unlocked, but the doors were closed...Police believe the man got into the couple’s unlocked Ford Ranger parked in the driveway and used a remote control to open the garage door just enough for him to slide underneath.

:waitasec: In this day and age they went to be with unlocked doors :sheesh:

Okay I have to be honest, when I read this it sent cold chills up and down my arms. That scenario scares the carp right out of me. To be laying in bed, roll over and open my eyes and be looking into the face of a hooded man on his hands and knees. ACK! (Note: I do spend a lot of time here without DH, because of his job so that could be a factor).

Egads~ this is the stuff of nightmares for me!
Yikes, that is awful. My grandmother was awakened once by someone stepping on her head. The guy was trying to come in her bedroom window which was right above her. Luckily she was babysitting a friend's dog and it scared him off.
:eek: Lorraining! After reading your post it occured to me why I am so scared of this type of thing...

Back in the early 70's my favorite Aunt was newly divorced with four small children and sitting in her bedroom late one evening. I can't remember if she was reading or mending some clothes of the children, but at any rate, she heard a soft scratching noise...she looked around, went to check the kids, came back sat back down and it started again.

She cut off the bedroom light and saw through her raised window, the face of a man very close to her screen...looking at her...scratching the screen. :eek:

She says she never knew she could scream that loud (she's very soft spoken) or move that fast.

He ran off and never returned. Cops came and never found him. But that has stuck with me and back in the early 2000's I was home alone with my four small children (DH was off somewhere training) and I thought I had heard something outside. I'm not a scardy-cat so I looked out the windows, double checked they were all locked and went to bed. Got up the next day and outside the bedroom window where my daughters slept (then aged 5 and 4) the large screen was leaned up against the side of the house next to the window. I call the MP's...a real young one comes out...looks at it and says...maybe it fell off the window...I said okay...and then did it pick itself up, move itself over from the window by a foot and prop itself up against the house? ... He filed a report :D
Ooooh, these stories give me the creeps.

The only thing like this that happened to me was in my old house when I lived with a roommate. She had gotten up before me and opened the front door to the screen to let some air in or whatever. I woke up, nude as usual, and there was this little boy standing at the foot of my bed staring at me. It was a shock but I quickly realized it was the little boy who lived down the street. I had never talked to him before but knew who he was and it was quite evident he was not from a great home environment. He was also autistic. I was freaked out he was going to go home tell his parents something like 'that lady down the street showed me her boob' but he didn't or if he did they didn't care and I can't say I am surprised about that.

My mother DID have something like this happen to her about a year ago. She was upstairs in bed reading, alone and she heard a noise she recognized but couldn't place. She went back to reading and she heard it again and then realize OMG, it is the sound of the window screen being raised downstairs. There was no phone upstairs so in order to retrieve the phone mom would have to go downstairs. She got up and then she heard a thunk and the sound of someone running right beneath her bedroom window. It was obvious whoever it was had run away....if there was only one person. So, she had to go down the stairs to get the phone and I cannot imagine how scary that was not knowing if there was someone down there or not. There wasn't but the window in the living room was open and so was the screen and there was a box underneath the window. She called the police and when thye arrived the first thing they asked was if she had anyone working on her house recently and as a matter of fact yes, she had - that very day she had the trees trimmed. She then thought of one of the men in particular who had seemed interested in her, talking to her alot, asking questions, etc. They were there long enough to figure out mom was not married, lived alone and access the best entry point. She feels sure it was that same guy who came back. Her car was in the driveway and her bedroom light was on so obviously whoever it was knew there was someone home. Fortunately something scared him and he ran. My stomach just flops thinking about what could have happened. He might not have gotten scared and continued to enter the home.

Needless to say mother-dearest is much more safety conscious. There is a phone upstairs by the bed now, she replaced the locks on all the windows and bought those security strips to place on the windows which will sound an alarm if someone tries to enter.
bah...a yapping chihuahua in the bed and a .38 under the pillow= real security LOL
my mother in law told me a scary story that happend to her friend 6 months ago. I thought she was joking and telling me a urban legend, but it was in my local newspaper she kept it and showed me scary!!!!!

my mother in laws friend had a babysitter to look after her 2 year old daughter one night for her and the husband to go out. later on during that night the babysitter phones the mother telling her that the baby wont go to sleep and everytime she trys to lay the baby down in her cot she starts screaming and clings onto the babysitter.
The babysitter explains to the parents that she has tried everything to settle the baby rocking the baby, playing music, taking the toys out of the cot, etc. Then the babysitter asks the mother if it would be ok to take the clown doll sitting by the babys cot out of the bedroom.
The mother replies to the babysitter that the baby does not have a clown doll and she tells the babysitter to take the baby, go to the neighbours and phone the police.
When the police arrive the clown is still sitting there not responding and the police arrested him and had to carry him out. Turns out that the clown was a boy from the babysitters school, he had entered the babys room by climbing through the attic window and he had mental problems.
when I read this story in the newspaper I went cold and now I sleep with the lights on!!!!!!! I have also read other stories on google about people reinacting urban legends. Type in 'man hides in childrens wardrobe dressed as clown' this story is also scary and its has pics of the man in court.:waitasec:
my mother in law told me a scary story that happend to her friend 6 months ago. I thought she was joking and telling me a urban legend, but it was in my local newspaper she kept it and showed me scary!!!!!

my mother in laws friend had a babysitter to look after her 2 year old daughter one night for her and the husband to go out. later on during that night the babysitter phones the mother telling her that the baby wont go to sleep and everytime she trys to lay the baby down in her cot she starts screaming and clings onto the babysitter.
The babysitter explains to the parents that she has tried everything to settle the baby rocking the baby, playing music, taking the toys out of the cot, etc. Then the babysitter asks the mother if it would be ok to take the clown doll sitting by the babys cot out of the bedroom.
The mother replies to the babysitter that the baby does not have a clown doll and she tells the babysitter to take the baby, go to the neighbours and phone the police.
When the police arrive the clown is still sitting there not responding and the police arrested him and had to carry him out. Turns out that the clown was a boy from the babysitters school, he had entered the babys room by climbing through the attic window and he had mental problems.
when I read this story in the newspaper I went cold and now I sleep with the lights on!!!!!!! I have also read other stories on google about people reinacting urban legends. Type in 'man hides in childrens wardrobe dressed as clown' this story is also scary and its has pics of the man in court.:waitasec:

OMG! What!
my mother in law told me a scary story that happend to her friend 6 months ago. I thought she was joking and telling me a urban legend, but it was in my local newspaper she kept it and showed me scary!!!!!

my mother in laws friend had a babysitter to look after her 2 year old daughter one night for her and the husband to go out. later on during that night the babysitter phones the mother telling her that the baby wont go to sleep and everytime she trys to lay the baby down in her cot she starts screaming and clings onto the babysitter.
The babysitter explains to the parents that she has tried everything to settle the baby rocking the baby, playing music, taking the toys out of the cot, etc. Then the babysitter asks the mother if it would be ok to take the clown doll sitting by the babys cot out of the bedroom.
The mother replies to the babysitter that the baby does not have a clown doll and she tells the babysitter to take the baby, go to the neighbours and phone the police.
When the police arrive the clown is still sitting there not responding and the police arrested him and had to carry him out. Turns out that the clown was a boy from the babysitters school, he had entered the babys room by climbing through the attic window and he had mental problems.
when I read this story in the newspaper I went cold and now I sleep with the lights on!!!!!!! I have also read other stories on google about people reinacting urban legends. Type in 'man hides in childrens wardrobe dressed as clown' this story is also scary and its has pics of the man in court.:waitasec:

About 4 months ago, after decades of having to sleep with a light on, I started to sleep in the dark. But it'll be as bright as the :sunshine: tonight. Not chancing no :crazy: clown :eek:
bah...a yapping chihuahua in the bed and a .38 under the pillow= real security LOL

And an inside bolt lock on the bedroom door. My mother had a friend who had the bolt lock, a little dog in her room, but kept the gun in the bedside table. That's what I'd do if I didn't have a kid in the house.
OH MY GOD....................I will never forget that clown story!
I could never sleep with the lights on. I have always felt that I knew the way around my house in the dark a lot better than someone coming in the middle of the night. I also keep a key fob next to the bed, my neighbors know if the horn on my car goes off in the middle of the night, I need help. Also have a yapping little dog! And a driveway doorbell. If someone or something comes in the yard, the doorbell chimes and my little dog runs to bark!

I am not reading them either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And an inside bolt lock on the bedroom door. My mother had a friend who had the bolt lock, a little dog in her room, but kept the gun in the bedside table. That's what I'd do if I didn't have a kid in the house.

I agree. If I didn't have someone in my home, I would have to take these measures. I would have freaked out if I woke up to someone in my home. Too creepy.

Have to keep your doors locked in this day and age.

I still sleep with my light on, such a baby.

This reminds me of what happened very shortly after our house was built. The deadbolts had not been put on the doors yet. We had only lived here about 2 weeks.

My younger brother was living with us at the time and he got up around 5 am to get ready for work. My husband had left earlier and our son and I were still sleeping.

My brother, who can be very much of a prankster, came into my bedroom and was whispering to me as he gently nudge me. "Sister, who is that man laying on the couch?" Instantly, I thought this was just another joke and was perturbed that he had woken me up and robbed me of a hour's sleep but the anxiety in his voice quickly brought me to my senses.

I told him to go unlock the gun case and take out the 12 guage shotgun and load it and I would call 911 from my bedroom and to wait for me in the hall. I could tell our son was still sleeping in his room as I stopped by his door to listen. We walked all the way up to the end of the hall with the lights off and then I whispered and told him when I turned the hall light on, I wanted him to quickly point the weapon at the intruder. He did that but the man did not stir so I told my brother to be extremely careful and nudge him harder and then step way back where he couldn't lunge for the gun. He did and the guy came up wild eyed and scared to death (GOOD!) when he knew he was staring down the barrel of a shotgun. I walked back to our son's room and told him not to come out of his room for any reason. He knew I meant every word.

As my brother held him at bay, I questioned him and got his full name and address, even the name of his parents which are influential people in our town. It took the police 45 minutes to even show up then we had it under control. He was charged with breaking and entering and he said he got in our back door with a plastic card. To say the least that afternoon the best deadbolts available were installed on all three doors.

The way my brother even knew that there was a person in our home was at that time we had a long telephone cord and when he went to throw his clothes in the hamper after taking his shower he ran into the cord that had been stretched all the way from the kitchen wall over to the living room couch and he walked into the cord on the way to the washroom. He followed the cord thinking we had pulled it over there for some reason and when he got close he could hear breathing and there was just enough light to see a male figure there. Had he not bumped into the cord then my son and I would have been left alone to deal with this guy.

The guy said he was an alcoholic and was looking for small things to steal and his girlfriend was suppose to come back and pick him up but she never showed up and that was why the phone cord was stretched out because he had tried to call her. I guess he fell asleep or passed out waiting for her.

When my husband came home and found out about it he was beyond furious.:furious::furious: He called the guy's parents and told them this man better never be seen in our area again if he knew what was good for him and he never was.

It did leave us all traumatized for awhile. Just the thought that someone unknown to us was inside of our home as we all lay sleeping and how it could have ended with a much different outcome scared us all.


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