Lake Underhill

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I seriously doubt Casey put her anywhere based on Caylee's favorite places. Casey is all about Casey. I don't think she would risk being seen. If she was loving laying her daughter to rest because she accidentally died.....her favorite stuff would have been with her......not left in the back of the car she abandoned.

Casey is lazy, I can't see he putting much effort into disposal. I think the reason she hasn't been pure luck. I still think she just stuffed her in the dumpster and casually walked away.

The part I bolded I completely agree with. I had a problem with the LP river search because I don't think KC would have left a memento in the tree. I think Caylee didn't exist in KC's mind afterwards, until she was confronted about her whereabouts.

I think she was so lazy that she would have just left her in the trunk rather then deal with it. But my theory has someone else taking charge of the situation.


remember KC said 'dad she is close very close' that 'close'.........of course with flooding Caylees little body even weighted down may of moved alittle..........body gases
release her like it did Laci?????

This bolded part I don't agree with. When she told George that Caylee is close I don't think it was a hint or a clue. She was trying to sound like she had a mother's intuition and felt like she could 'just know' without providing anything to back it up. I think it's possible that Cindy believes in motherly instinct and so she used this as a means to manipulate her into believing her.

ETA: I think she said this after she became aware that her conversations were being recorded and sent out to the media. So it's possible she was using the mother's instinct to try to manipulate the public as well.

Again, JMO
I drive this area everyday and there are lots of places along Goldenrod out to the airport that seem much more likely. JJ told me he searched it and another local group also searched it. I just don't see Casey wading out in a dirty lake, at night by herself in an area full of cosntruction and traffic on both sides when there are so many other places that would be more readily accessable to her and with less exposure. I'd still guess somewhere out Goldenrod, Lake Nona area. She could get on 15, a straight shot from all the keys points pretty much, and be in the middle of secluded areas in no time. Ever since this started I've been considering areas I pass by on the way to customer's homes throughout this area and there are just so many places that could be accessed at night with little detection and very little effort on her part.

Since several lakes have been mentioned and you live in the area what do you know about Lake George? (I am not trying to be funny) Noticed it on the Google map of GeorgiaPI's post #4........just curious...TIA if you have a comment......
IMO, I think she tossed her in a dumpster. That would be the easiest thing for her to do and not many people would pay much attention to her putting trash bags or boxes in there.
My first thought with Lake Underhill is no way would she have put Caylee there. Its way too busy! But, after thinking about it some more, it doesn't sound that unlikely any more. Casey did a lot of things that don't make much sense. And, Lake Underhill is only about a mile from where AH and RM live. Granted there is alot of traffic around the lake, and over it, but I'm not too sure that people driving by would be paying too close of attention to what a person would be doing at the lake, especially if she did the disposing at night.

The only problem I have with this theory as that after 9/11, a lot of airports installed Cameras, local police are more keen to keep their eyes out around airports, etc. (even the smaller ones), and this place is just "too out there in the open" for her to take a chance, night or day.

I'm of the belief that she put her somewhere closer to ALs apartment because it would be convenient for her to go "check it out" from time to time, to make sure no one has stumbled upon anything. So I think the focus would be more on anywhere that's within say, a 3 mile radius of ALs apartment, that's fairly secluded. The Econ Trail (west of Dean Rd.) and somewhere within JBP sounds more to this line of thinking...IMHO
The part I bolded I completely agree with. I had a problem with the LP river search because I don't think KC would have left a memento in the tree. I think Caylee didn't exist in KC's mind afterwards, until she was confronted about her whereabouts.

I think she was so lazy that she would have just left her in the trunk rather then deal with it. But my theory has someone else taking charge of the situation.



Again, JMO

I always thought Casey and Casey alone was responsible. But I've been chewing on something for a few days now....George, the one that really did seem the most LOGICAL and honest....has been bothering me.

He wasn't in denial ..........he KNEW that smell and prayed it wasn't CAYLEE according to his statements. Why wasn't he worried that it was CASEY??? I do not believe he drove that car back home and went to work. No way, not with his LE training. I think maybe he stumbled upon the car before it was towed?

It seems more likely to me now that maybe her dad disposed of Caylee to save his remaining family. Perhaps Casey has no clue where she is now?
What stood out to me most in that interview was how Casey spoke of Caylee only in the past tense. Very telling, in my opinion. Cold-hearted b*tch.
I always thought Casey and Casey alone was responsible. But I've been chewing on something for a few days now....George, the one that really did seem the most LOGICAL and honest....has been bothering me.

He wasn't in denial ..........he KNEW that smell and prayed it wasn't CAYLEE according to his statements. Why wasn't he worried that it was CASEY??? I do not believe he drove that car back home and went to work. No way, not with his LE training. I think maybe he stumbled upon the car before it was towed?

It seems more likely to me now that maybe her dad disposed of Caylee to save his remaining family. Perhaps Casey has no clue where she is now?

I have a similar theory. I wrote about it in this post:
I have a similar theory. I wrote about it in this post:'s REALLY begining to bother me. You made additional points in your post that i hadn't even thought of.

Here's a new one.....George ...who i always considered reasonable and logical..... now seems totally whipped. He prsents himself one way to the world, another way to his family and another to LE. When he was speaking to police in a later interview...he asked LE to LIE to Lee to get him there.....George later puked while awaiting Lee's arrival.

I used to defend the Anthoy's., I am not to sure.
I seriously doubt Casey put her anywhere based on Caylee's favorite places. Casey is all about Casey. I don't think she would risk being seen. If she was loving laying her daughter to rest because she accidentally died.....her favorite stuff would have been with her......not left in the back of the car she abandoned.

Casey is lazy, I can't see he putting much effort into disposal. I think the reason she hasn't been pure luck. I still think she just stuffed her in the dumpster and casually walked away.

I agree. Does anyone know, was the apartment complex that AL lived in checked? Woods, dumpsters, etc? I think she took her out of her trunk and then out with the trash while AL was in class...IMO.
Sorry if someone beat me to it, a poster here in another thread mentioned that the only time when KC showed any emotion in the LE tapes was when Lake Underhill came up. I agree, this needs to be searched. A couple of months before she went missing LE found a body floating in Lake Underhill. Now if KC had a brain cell (not sure if she does) she would make sure she wouldn't float up.
I seriously doubt Casey put her anywhere based on Caylee's favorite places. Casey is all about Casey. I don't think she would risk being seen. If she was loving laying her daughter to rest because she accidentally died.....her favorite stuff would have been with her......not left in the back of the car she abandoned.

Casey is lazy, I can't see he putting much effort into disposal. I think the reason she hasn't been pure luck. I still think she just stuffed her in the dumpster and casually walked away.

Lake Underhill=KC likes to run there. Seems like this one is about KC.
There are a million lakes in central FL, canals too, and alligators in most. She could have dumped her in any one of them.

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