Lamps Lamp Lamps Quiz

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raisincharlie said:
Just being my usual off the wall self luv. The thing that gets me the most and has me studying alot, is if one looks at this - they knew each other for a long time before the marriage. If the insiders are correct about JY, how he changed and the reputation he developed- I can't figure why such a woman as Michelle would have bothered with him - let alone marry him in the first place. She had to be aware of this (again assuming the insiders aren't blowing smoke) - I just can't figure that at all. It just doesn't compute for me.

Really thanks for the differing scenarios - when it comes to the gory details I am pretty worthless with respect to those thoughts. My imagination draws a blank when trying to reconstruct how things may have occurred - so I appreciate the theories. I tried really hard with the Vitale case to reconstruct in my mind how that happened - when listening to the DA's closing I found how very far from correct I was. I think my mind is actually very unwilling to go there.

ETA - I am hoping additional warrants will be released by the media - we certainly have seen but a small portion of the warrant related to the house itself.

same here RC (tapping my fingers on my desk)
Excellent work Samiya! I would love to know your theory as it how it all went down from the time JY left the house.

Lol, you crack me up. I hardly think you're useless :D you're obviously better in other areas.....ahem look at all the work you did on the search warrants thread....


Going on the rage within the murder, if Michelle had been lucky enough to grab a lamp and given him a heave ho with it (and I'd hope it was a beauty), he would've grabbed it and either used it against her or more likely have thrown it it he had weapon in hand already. In that case, I hope he was also checked for any possible injuries, but that wouldn't matter as that particular lamp would have his DNA on it as well as possible skin and hair fragments.

I also noticed that Michelle had a good little set of fingernails she may have used too.

In regards to a fire poker being used, there is a photo if Michelle and Cassidy in front of their fireplace. The 'fire place' looks spotless so I'm thinking that it was never used as the house plans at the time that Michelle and Jason bought the property state that is has central heating.


How are you? All is 'clear' over here. He's back where he should be *phew*

Re alarm clock.....If Michelle is anything like me or most mom's we can set our alarm and the kids will still be up before it, lol. But they might have had one.


I so love your typo. Had me cracking up with laughter at 2 am and I woke my son up who is still growling at me at 2:33am, lmao @ my 'great threat'

Speaking of 2:33, now 34 am, I suppose I'd better choof off to bed. waaah don't wanna coz then I miss heaps.

Ok, it's now 2:49am, lol
LinetteH said:
I have a lamp on my bedside but my husband does not. I read at night, he does not...
Same in our bedroom.
A Do you have a bedside lamp?

B Is it on a bedside table or cupboard?

C Do you have a husband/wife/partner?

D Do your partners side of the bed have a small table or cupboard?

E Is there a lamp on it too?

D If your lamps are built in to the headboard would one or both of you have a lamp on your sides of the bed?



So in summary...

How many bedside lamps are in YOUR master bedroom?
I just cant wrap my mind around a lamp being used if this was a premeditated murder. Usually lamps etc are used in a heat of passion murder because it is handy.

If Jason did this and imo he most likely did I just have a hard time visualizing a male using this kind of weapon. Seems like a lamp is more what a female may use.

But who knows. Are we even sure it was a lamp that bludgeoned her?


Two tall candlestick type lamps, one each on the tables on either side of my bed. Plus another tall candlestick lamp on a dressing table across from the foot of the bed. Oh, and plus a small "night light" type of glass shaded lamp on a dresser.

If Jason premeditated this murder, as I think he did, if feel he most likely used a heavy metal tool, such as a very heavy wrench or a hammer. Something he already had but felt would never be missed if he threw it away.

I would be interested in knowing if Jason had a tool bench in the basement or garage, and if he was known as a "handyman" type who did home repairs and would have had hand tools like wrenches and hammers. (I am talking about a larger type of pipe wrench here - like plumbers use, not a smaller wrench like you use to work on a car.)

If it was a hammer, you would think LE probably already has figured that out due to indentation marks. If a wrench or large mag flashlight, they might not be able to identify indentation marks.
oceanblueeyes said:
I just cant wrap my mind around a lamp being used if this was a premeditated murder.

**snipped coz I talk alot, lol**<---said by Samiya, not Ocean :)

Hi Ocean,

I am not sure that a lamp was used by the perp either, whether Jason or someone else, which is why this quiz is here, and also because I do a lot of scenario work. And I have no idea if a lamp was used to kill Michelle.

The 'second lamp',if it existed, may have been grabbed and used in an attempt by Michelle to try and fend off her attacker, or it may have been used by the perp..either after taking it off Michelle when she tried to defend herself (In which case the rage implied would mean that it was probably grabbed from her and thrown somewhere in the room) or as a secondary weapon if the first went scuttling across the floor because his hands were slippery with blood.

For all we know, until LE confirm premeditational homicide by either Jason or an unknown, the only premeditation may have been Jason returning to 'have it out with Michelle (argue about something)' and it could've ended in Michelle's death. If that is the case, everything else afterward is simply a cover up job.

For example, in a premeditated strangulation....if the perp had her on the floor or the bed and she was fending him/her off during the attempted strangulation, there is a possibility of the perp reaching for the closest portable item that could do damage to his victim to stop her from stopping him in his quest.

I did notice discussions around about marks and swelling on her neck and apart from an attempted strangulation (or strangulation to end life) BFT to the back or sides of the head can also cause the swelling due to the build up of fluids (odema) and also bleeding into surrounding areas in the case of a branch of the Occipital artery being severed. Not all bleeding bleeds out of the body.

But in the meantime this helps keep us on track with another possibility in a river of many :) and if there were two lamps and one is missing, then LE would be wondering the same thing.

It wouldn't take long to identify the weapon used. Each weapon has it's own trademark pattern on skin, underlaying tissue and bone.
A Do you have a bedside lamp? yes

B Is it on a bedside table or cupboard? yes

C Do you have a husband/wife/partner? husband

D Do your partners side of the bed have a small table or cupboard? yes

E Is there a lamp on it too? no - his is a floor lamp that matches mine

D If your lamps are built in to the headboard would one or both of you have a lamp on your sides of the bed? n/a

So in summary...

How many bedside lamps are in YOUR master bedroom? 2 - plus the mate to mine that is on the dresser across the room
A Yes
B Yes
C Yes
D Yes
E Yes


We each have a study lamp -- brass and glass (song lyrics, maybe??) on top of the headboard of our waterbed (yes, waterbed -- old hippie habits die hard -- and it was a very wonderful thing after I was pregnant and sticking out all over -- yes, I know, TMI...

And one of them would make a dandy murder weapon, or a good defensive weapon, yes, indeed-y.

And we still have the same two, thank you, God.

A Yes
B Yes
C Yes
D Yes
E Yes


We each have a study lamp -- brass and glass (song lyrics, maybe??) on top of the headboard of our waterbed (yes, waterbed -- old hippie habits die hard -- and it was a very wonderful thing after I was pregnant and sticking out all over -- yes, I know, TMI...

And one of them would make a dandy murder weapon, or a good defensive weapon, yes, indeed-y.

And we still have the same two, thank you, God.

LOL! I had a waterbed for years and when preg, I could never get out of the thing. It was a very unelegant roll, roll again, leg up over the side roll honey put the kettle on, I'll be out in an hour! kind of thing. But it was fun when I look back at it and certainly laughable because I could picture myself in labour and not being able to escape the clutches of the waterbed!
LOL! I had a waterbed for years and when preg, I could never get out of the thing. It was a very unelegant roll, roll again, leg up over the side roll honey put the kettle on, I'll be out in an hour! kind of thing. But it was fun when I look back at it and certainly laughable because I could picture myself in labour and not being able to escape the clutches of the waterbed!

Sorry for the OT, but must answer...

Thanks, Samiya!! :floorlaugh: Oh yes, I remember those days in the last several weeks when I felt like one big basketball trying to roll out of that bed. :lol:

But we got a rhythm, a rock, and a roll, and we did it, didn't we?! But once I was in it, it was so much better than a regular bed. How I dreaded sleeping in another bed when we visited my mom or went for a weekend at the beach. And the heater for the bed is pure bliss...:great:

I don't know what we'll do if this one ever has a problem -- do they make 'em anymore, or did all the hippie waterbed makers get rich & retire??

Thanks for the memories, Sam!! :tyou:
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