Lance Armstrong Doping Scandal

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Lance is going to be treated very well by history, HE IS THE FUTURE OF SPORT, with genetic engineering and nano technology athletes of the future will be doing the exact same things, only better, than what Lance did, he and guys like Barry Bonds will be looked at by future generations as the ones who broke the barrier of the super human athlete that we will see sooner or later, everyone now is just behind the times and living in the past but make no MISTAKE LANCE ARMSTRONG IS THE FUTURE OF SPORT.

I dont like that he lied about it and destroyed peoples lives trying to cover it up but we gave him no choice because of our collective ignorance that THIS IS WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS for athletes, Lance is just the very beginning of it. He could have handled it better and made the very argument that I am making and if I were advising him that is the tack he would be taking.

Lance is being villified not for doping but for being an arrogant prick which everyone agrees he is and has always been, the doping and use of PEDs however, is the future of sport and I repeat future generations will build statues for guys like Lance and look at them as the ones who broke the barrier for what athletes can accomplish through the use of scientific and medical intervention. There is just no arguing that this is where sport is headed and Lance is just the very beginning of where it is going to go and where it will end up.

It is FOR CERTAIN that in the not too distant future genetic science and nano-technology will make the current performance enhancement technology seem like child's play. It may further be able to dramatically accelerate and amplify human performance. Unlike current performance enhancement technology, these new technologies will be most certainly be virtually undetectable. The athlete of the future may not be anything like what we imagine and Armstrong may be just a small sign of things to come.

Further, the fans demand athletes run and bike faster, hit the ball further and hit harder, this is why they buy the tickets to watch these guys perform and then when we find out what it took for these guys to accomplish those awe inspiring feats we throw them under the bus for giving us what we demanded to begin with.


I repeat, however, Lance is the future of sport, what he did is indeed childs play compared to what future athletes will be doing to increase performance using science and medical technologies.

It is really time to leave the stone age and realize that we arent living in times past anymore, things have changed and Lance was merely someone who took advantage of those changes and technologies to see how much further they could take him that his natural talent couldnt.

Like anyone I would love to see pure drug free athletes compete using only the natural gifts they have been given or earned with hard work but THAT IS NOT WHERE THE FUTURE IS HEADED, science and technology will soon introduce ways to boost performance that will make what Lance did look like nothing.

The only thing Lance did wrong was lie and cover it up, but what choice did he have, we are now proving we cant handle the truth and the changes that are happening all around us in sport, we are showing we are not ready for those changes EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE AND WILL HAPPEN, he did what he had to do, what did not have to do is ruin people's lives to cover it up he should have just left it alone and let his detractors believe what they want BUT MAKE NO MISTAKE it was NOT JUST LANCE who sued and ruthlessly went after those who tried to expose him it was THE MONEY BEHIND LANCE that was at the root of it, NIKE MONEY, POST SERVICE MONEY and lots of other money that demanded Lance take those accusations on as ruthlessly as possible to protect their INVESTMENTS.

Laying all this on Lance and making him out to be some horrible human being is the most short sighted and shallow minded thing I have seen yet by the general public. People just have not a clue what the hell really goes on behind the scenes and who is really pulling all those strings and they give Lance WAY TOO MUCH CREDIT for it all. HE was just a PAWN in the game like the rest of us the people with the real money know it and will never answer for it, Lance will again be the face of their evil just as he was the face of their goodness and herosim and these years.

His ultimate legacy most likely is out of our hands. Fans who may not yet be alive will decide who he was. To us, today, Eddy Merckx is the greatest cyclist who ever lived, not a fraud who tested positive for a stimulant while leading the 1969 Giro d'Italia and had his 1973 Giro di Lombardia win stripped for the same. Joop Zoetemelk is the hardman who started and finished 16 Tours—a record—and won one. He's not a reprobate who was caught doping at the 1979 Tour, received a paltry penalty of a 10-minute time addition, and maintained his second-place podium spot. Jacques Anquetil is the five-time Tour winner who in 1961 took the yellow jersey on Stage 1 and wore it all the way to Paris, not a boastful cheater who said, during a French television interview, "Leave me in peace—everybody takes dope." And Fausto Coppi is il campionissimo, the champion of champions, not an admitted doper who said on Italian television that he only took drugs when necessary—"which is nearly always.",4

Lance Armstrong will be treated very kindly by future generations who wont be forced to judge because of the emotions that control us today, they will look back and see that Lance was just the first to break a barrier that will soon be the norm in sports, that of using science and medical technology to boost performance.
Well, well, well---I'm watching 60 Minutes and Tygart from USADA asserts that Lance continues to deceive, that although Lance says "everybody does it" Lance's team had information that NOBODY else had, used methods nobody else was. I mean really, what else is new, Lance Armstrong remains the liar and cheater he has always been.

Paximus, why don't we just talk about Lance as a human being, he IS a horrible person. He is petty, vindictive, vengeful, full of anger and pretty much a narcissist and sociopath without a soul. Just a putrid human being.

There is NOTHING good about Lance Armstrong. He was, is, and continues to be a waste of air. He still doesn't get it and never will.
Well, well, well---I'm watching 60 Minutes and Tygart from USADA asserts that Lance continues to deceive, that although Lance says "everybody does it" Lance's team had information that NOBODY else had, used methods nobody else was. I mean really, what else is new, Lance Armstrong remains the liar and cheater he has always been.

Paximus, why don't we just talk about Lance as a human being, he IS a horrible person. He is petty, vindictive, vengeful, full of anger and pretty much a narcissist and sociopath without a soul. Just a putrid human being.

There is NOTHING good about Lance Armstrong. He was, is, and continues to be a waste of air. He still doesn't get it and never will.

We can talk about Lance the human being all you want but you and I obviously dont agree on how one should go about speaking about and judging other humans. Lance has his problems, everyone does, to call him a waste of air is going too far IMO.

I stand by what I said above, I know sports technology well and where it is headed, Lance is just the beginning of where it is going. He lied, he cheated, whatever, I dont like any of that, but history will judge him much differently than we are, I can assure you that, THAT IS ALWAYS THE CASE with almost everyone, however. We are too short-sighted to see what Lance really represents for the future of sport. Science is fast taking us in the direction Lance already has, period. Enhancing athletic performance is at the forefront of sports science and they will and ARE coming up with ways to do it far better and less detectable than what Lance did and it WILL BE THE NORM in 20 years or less.

I dont like how Lance handled this and if I were his legal adviser I would have him handle it much differently first by talking about how sports science is taking us in that very direction, he needs to educate instead of cover up, too late now. He made the same mistake just about everyone does when caught doing something society thinks is wrong, deny, lie and coverup. He didnt need to, he didnt kill anyone, its a freaking bicycle race, he should have used this opportunity to talk about the future of sports science and how synthetically or genetically enhancing performance is THAT FUTURE. He had a real opportunity there that be blew, bad representation and advisers.
We can talk about Lance the human being all you want but you and I obviously dont agree on how one should go about speaking about and judging other humans. Lance has his problems, everyone does, to call him a waste of air is going too far IMO.

I stand by what I said above, I know sports technology well and where it is headed, Lance is just the beginning of where it is going. He lied, he cheated, whatever, I dont like any of that, but history will judge him much differently than we are, I can assure you that, THAT IS ALWAYS THE CASE with almost everyone, however. We are too short-sighted to see what Lance really represents for the future of sport. Science is fast taking us in the direction Lance already has, period. Enhancing athletic performance is at the forefront of sports science and they will and ARE coming up with ways to do it far better and less detectable than what Lance did and it WILL BE THE NORM in 20 years or less.

I dont like how Lance handled this and if I were his legal adviser I would have him handle it much differently first by talking about how sports science is taking us in that very direction, he needs to educate instead of cover up, too late now. He made the same mistake just about everyone does when caught doing something society thinks is wrong, deny, lie and coverup. He didnt need to, he didnt kill anyone, its a freaking bicycle race, he should have used this opportunity to talk about the future of sports science and how synthetically or genetically enhancing performance is THAT FUTURE. He had a real opportunity there that be blew, bad representation and advisers.

Paximus, PEDs have been a part of cycling (and sports in general) for as long as it's been around. Lance is nothing special in that respect. Riders in the first Tour de France used strychnine and cocaine. And blood doping, the drug/method of choice these days, has been rampant since the early 1990s. The poster child for EPO is the Gewiss team's domination in 1994 (under the care of Michele Ferrari, the doctor who would go on to work with Lance). But the most outrageous doping program in history is surely the state-supported Eastern Bloc countries in the 1970s-80s. They dominated the Olympics back then. Many steroid fueled women's track and field records still stand from that time.

The big problem with Lance is corruption. From the first Tour he won, he was given special treatment. He was "too big to fail". And when doping tests from that Tour were retroactively analyzed years later, they showed that Lance was doping in ways other cyclists didn't dare (because there had been police raids at the Tour the year before). From there, Lance went on to pay the governing body of the sport, the UCI, hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes, and the owner of Lance's team even handled investments for the UCI president. It's all extremely slimy, and no different from corruption in any aspect of life. Add to that the way Lance ruthlessly targeted his perceived enemies (who are all pretty much good people), and Lance is a guy who deserves what he's getting.

But I agree with you about the medical technology to come, and I see doping as symptomatic of ethical choices society faces in general. Morality of doping to win bike races aside, upwards of 20 (and maybe many more) cyclists have died of heart attacks over the years from using EPO. EPO is an anemia drug that is dangerous even when used in a legitimate clinical setting. It's not something any truly conscientious doc would ever prescribe to improve athletic performance. The real problem for society (as well as athletes) is the breakneck pace of technological advancement and the messy way it's implemented; so we get drug recalls, people harmed and killed by poorly approved drugs, prescription drug abuse, drugs used off-label in dangerous ways, sketchy medical procedures implemented (think cosmetic surgery), etc....
I will say I would feel better about Lance Armstrong if he would assist USADA with his knowledge. After all, it takes a con to know a con.

Ultimately, his "performance enhancement" will return to bite him in the behind, because I predict his cancer (which I fully believe he caused himself) will return and will not be able to be contained.
I know Travis Tygart, the guy who prosecuted Lance, and I can guarantee that he is a straight shooter and believes to his very core in clean sport free from corruption. Two years ago he was given a detailed confession about what went on in Lance's former team (US Postal, yes, sponsored by the Post Office) and he did what any prosecutor would do...he started an investigation. There was also a federal government investigation into possible racketeering opened up at the time too Eventually more than 10 cyclists and multiple team staff came forward and gave Travis and USADA detailed information. They were all prepared to testify against Lance at an arbitration hearing. Travis had no choice but to prosecute this, it's his job and there was overwhelming evidence against Lance.

This is not just about Lance using performance enhancing drugs to win bike races. It's about:

- Lance and team management pressuring other team members into using drugs. This happened many, many times over the years and it's a horrible thing to do.

- Lance and team management acquiring drugs and selling them to team members...trafficking drugs. This included extremely unsafe experimental drugs like Hemassist that were never even approved for human use.

- Lance paid large amounts of money (bribes) to the governing body of the sport, the UCI, to have them look the other way and cover up his doping. The real injustice here is that the UCI management has not been held accountable. The top of the sport is extremely corrupt and Lance was able to use his fame and large amounts of cash to basically join in cahoots with the UCI Presidents.

As for Lance and cancer. I think the inspiration he has provided is terrific. But sadly, his accomplishments came while using some of the same dangerous drugs that doctors only prescribe to cancer patients with serious anemia. Many here have probably had loved ones, or even themselves, take erythropoietin and know how that drug should only be taken with great care.

So Lance did all he could...he gave in to USADA and is doing his best to win the PR war. But don't be fooled into thinking he's a victim of the system...far from it. When you play the system like he did there's going to be some pushback from the true watchdogs.
You were right all along, and I was wrong all along. I saw Tygart interview last night on 60 Minutes. He seems to me to be everything you said he was.
Paximus, PEDs have been a part of cycling (and sports in general) for as long as it's been around. Lance is nothing special in that respect. Riders in the first Tour de France used strychnine and cocaine. And blood doping, the drug/method of choice these days, has been rampant since the early 1990s. The poster child for EPO is the Gewiss team's domination in 1994 (under the care of Michele Ferrari, the doctor who would go on to work with Lance). But the most outrageous doping program in history is surely the state-supported Eastern Bloc countries in the 1970s-80s. They dominated the Olympics back then. Many steroid fueled women's track and field records still stand from that time.

The big problem with Lance is corruption. From the first Tour he won, he was given special treatment. He was "too big to fail". And when doping tests from that Tour were retroactively analyzed years later, they showed that Lance was doping in ways other cyclists didn't dare (because there had been police raids at the Tour the year before). From there, Lance went on to pay the governing body of the sport, the UCI, hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes, and the owner of Lance's team even handled investments for the UCI president. It's all extremely slimy, and no different from corruption in any aspect of life. Add to that the way Lance ruthlessly targeted his perceived enemies (who are all pretty much good people), and Lance is a guy who deserves what he's getting.

But I agree with you about the medical technology to come, and I see doping as symptomatic of ethical choices society faces in general. Morality of doping to win bike races aside, upwards of 20 (and maybe many more) cyclists have died of heart attacks over the years from using EPO. EPO is an anemia drug that is dangerous even when used in a legitimate clinical setting. It's not something any truly conscientious doc would ever prescribe to improve athletic performance. The real problem for society (as well as athletes) is the breakneck pace of technological advancement and the messy way it's implemented; so we get drug recalls, people harmed and killed by poorly approved drugs, prescription drug abuse, drugs used off-label in dangerous ways, sketchy medical procedures implemented (think cosmetic surgery), etc....
Good post, I agree with you, I have more to add to that when I get a free minute, againt great post and solid insight, appreciate you sharing!
Did you see what Charlie Sheen said about Lance yesterday? He said he was at an Oprah party and Lance was there and he (Sheen) walked over and said " I just wanted to come over and say Hello to you," Lance didnt even look up from his cell phone he was playing with and said "Oh ok." And that was it LOL

Sheen then tweeted or told someone in the media that Lance would be forgiven much quicker and by a lot more people if he wasnt such a douche.

Lance is definitely a and he possesses all of those same traits that many ultra successful people do in sports, industry, politics etc and mental health experts are now recognizing those traits that we are all supposed to recognize in great leaders as being the same exact traits and characteristics that psychopaths and sociopaths possess. I am pretty sure Lance is a sociopath in that regard and in facthe even told Oprah that he was diagnosed with a personallity disorder and narcissism.

No doubt the guy is a but the men behind that created myth of Lance Armstrong helped a lot in the way he handled anyone who suggested he wasnt clean.

My point was just that synthetically enhancing athletic performance is the future, we are not getting away from it now that Lance was busted, we are still moving in t hat direction fast and Lance was just a very small taste of what the future of sports holds wrt PEDs, genetic engineering and nano technology.
I was a bit surprised to learn the following about Armstrong:

Before Lance acquired the exclusive services of Dr. Michele Ferrari (the best doping doctor in cycling), he had competed in four Tour de France races. He dropped out of three of those races, and placed 36th in the one he finished.

So I'm thinking, maybe the seven yellow jerseys should have actually gone to the good doctor.
Yeah, Charlie Sheen was discussing Lance with Jay Leno. Say what you will about Charlie, he does have a way with words:

[ame=""]Charlie Sheen On Lance Armstrong - The Tonight Show With Jay Leno - YouTube[/ame]
PED's come in two types: the mild to no side effects to th eharsh types with lingering health issues

Level the playing field and allow some types of mild PEDs into sports,this way the star, heroes keep their careers going, owners keep making money, fans get to see their star athletes play for year, athletes get to rebound from injuries easier's all win win

This whole issue of cheating is so over reactionary
Today is his deadline to tell the truth!!

I hope he does some time-if he is convicted on the crimes above.
He destroyed a lot of people!!
USADA gives Lance two weeks to play ball:

"Armstrong attorney Tim Herman had previously told the Associated Press on January 26 that it was 'not possible' for his client to speak with USADA due to 'pre-existing obligations,' adding that Armstrong would be willing to work with WADA and the UCI if they formed a truth-and-reconciliation commission — but not with USADA.

Armstrong, it appears, has reconsidered. The two-week extension will give the two sides time to work together, though it’s unclear how soon Armstrong could return to competition, as both international and U.S. doping codes say the ban cannot be any shorter than eight years for doping sins of Armstrong’s magnitude."

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