
DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
I am in Lubbock Texas area. Rosendo Rodriguez Capital Murder Case our landfill was searched and Joanna Rogers was found after 2 1/2 years I believe that the state helped fund the search. I was so glad that she was found and her parents could lay her to rest and have some closure. So it can be done

Thanks for posting that so quickly. That does give me pause for hope!
I read somewhere (I can't remember where though) that some landfills not only use GPS for tracking, but they are also able to track the different layers (they know what day each layer was put in). I'm not sure any of this would be helpful though-KC could have placed Caylee in any dumpster in the Orlando area-and we aren't even sure what day Caylee might have been put in the dumpster. It would be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Literally.
I am in Lubbock Texas area. Rosendo Rodriguez Capital Murder Case our landfill was searched and Joanna Rogers was found after 2 1/2 years I believe that the state helped fund the search. I was so glad that she was found and her parents could lay her to rest and have some closure. So it can be done

Her remains were mummified? Would that be because in the landfill, it would be like being buried, with no oxygen getting to the body?

Seems like that would help the case with possible forensics being able to be done, versus there being just bones left.
For the record that is where I belive this peanut is.
Said it since 7-19. She is there God love her.
A little divine intervention would be welcome, but if not, we will ENDURE in other ways.

From your mouth to God's ears Blink. I whole heartedly agree. I choose to believe that one way or the other, God will find a way to bring Caylee home.
question, would the Cadaver dogs hit on a dumpster after all this time 2 1/2 months? I heard they checked the dumpster at the Amscot, but what about the dumpsters around her favorite spots, do we know if Cadaver dogs were taken to those dumpsters as well
I read somewhere (I can't remember where though) that some landfills not only use GPS for tracking, but they are also able to track the different layers (they know what day each layer was put in). I'm not sure any of this would be helpful though-KC could have placed Caylee in any dumpster in the Orlando area-and we aren't even sure what day Caylee might have been put in the dumpster. It would be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Literally.

I once heard a landfill search described as being like searching for a needle in a field of haystacks, with a few tons of manure and medical waste thrown in.
exit13 mentioned 2 landfills didn;t he?

He did and it gave me the hebee jeebees too for some reason. There are two landfills in his neck of the woods and he lives close to one - the Lone Pine or something, I can't remember.

Joseph was asking him so maybe they could plan a search. Just made me shiver.

If this has been discussed, please direct it to the appropriate place.

Has LE searched landfills or do they have plans to do so? In the area I live in, a young girl was found in a suitcase in the landfill, long after her murder.

Anyone know if they have plans for this or has it already been done?
here is a thread about a landfill search it might give you some info on whats been done and what hasnt

I really feel Casey put Caylee in a dumpster. Casey, IMO, is just too lazy to dig a grave. She doesn't look the type to go off into some woods somewhere and dig a hole. She probably drove around with the body in the trunk, scouting out some secluded dumpster somewhere. When she borrowed that neighbor's shovel I think she was going to bury Caylee in the back yard, then realized the task at hand was too much. That's why she returned the shovel so fast ( the neighbor said she had it about an hour).

I would guess it would cost Orlando taxpayers a ton of money to find a body in a landfill. I imagine bulldozers, biohazard suits, cadaver dogs and lots of workers would be very costly. I don't think they can justify a search on just a hunch. Afterall, whatever site local even with specific knowledge of which dumpster, which truck, which dump local will have 5 months of trash on top of her. There were also 3-4 hours lapses (according to pings on phone) in time when Casey had time to drive out of Orlando, dump body, and drive back.

IMO, they will never find the body.
A landfill is a very dangerous search situation. It is especially dangerous for Cadaver dogs. Unless they know the specific spot or the exact time she would have been placed in the landfill, her body would be nearly impossible to find.

Landfills not only store trash but they also are able to compost at an amazing rate.
She sure could be in a landfill- but which one- she could of traveled 50 miles away and dumped her in a dumpster- I doubt they would search all the landfills within say a 100 mile radius- and my feelings went recently from thinking she would be found to her not getting found- unless a miracle happens which I can only pray for. The child needs a proper burial and Casey needs the fullest punishment and without that body I am no longer sure she will get this, and dreading the thought she could get away with murder- that would be horrific.
IMO I truly in my heart believe that Casey disposed of precious Caylee this way. God Bless this little girl's heart and soul! Some sort of otherworldly intervention would be great right about now, or for her mom to step up to the plate and tell where she is at so she can be properly laid to rest.
I have always thought she tossed her in a dumpster. I think she was in a duffle bag/suitcase or box. KC just did not care enough to really hide the body. I think she got ride of it the fastest/easiest way she could and that was a dumpster.

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