DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Fox (tv) just reported that the identity of the remains is to be announced at any moment and they're live in Orlando waiting.
I would like to know why the duct tape was wrapped all around the head? This makes no sense to me. If you want to shut a child up wouldn't you just put the duct tape around the mouth. I have watched countless of movies where duct tape is used and I have never seen the tape wrapped around the entire head. This baffles me.

I can think of 2 things about the duct tape. One is that it was wrapped around her mouth and head to keep her quiet or two, since the distance between the mouth and nose in a child is not that much, she made a few rounds with the duct tape to cover her mouth and nose and Caylee died of asphyxiation. That would be the a way to kill a child, just wrap her nose/mouth up with tape and throw her in the trunk to die so she doesn't have to see.
You are so right about the lime. We had an ex-cop in my hometown that killed his wife and son and buried in them in the barn and covered with lime to hide the smell from cadaver dogs.

He lived on a farm though; however the A's do not. What would they have had lime on hand for anyway?

Good question. We did see George spreading lime on his front yard when the Fox webcam was focused on the house.
Sorry if mentioned work and trying to get caught up.

I was wondering about the notebooks and paper they took as evidence from the A's home the other day.

Could this be a script the A's wrote so EVERYONE could get their stories straight? I have always wondered why they ALL agreed upon the 9th as being the date before the tape was discovered and they had to change the date. Thought they might have used the 9th date to make it look like the same perp was responsible for little Caylee and the JB park jogger NG that was killed and found on the 10th.

Wouldn't that be something if LE found a notebook that had this whole 30 day script written by Cindy? Is this why Cindy kept saying she had given KC 30 days?

I've wondered about the dates ever since they released the interview of Cindy's Mom w LE. She tells them she's sure that she last saw Caylee on the 8th but Cindy reminded her in some letter that it was Fathers day. On the tapes she seems pretty sure when the date was, but she defers to Cindys recollection and video proof. I think it's great Cindy visited her Dad on Fathers day. I think it's weird Caylee wasn't with George on Fathers day, nor was Casey however.
Ever since her interview I've wondered how all the members of the family first mistakenly choose a date a week earlier and then all realize that they were off by a week. It's not like they were trying to recall the last time they ate spaghetti.
I also find it weird how quickly they call LE for a gas can, or security in Casey's case when her pretend cell phone went missing from her imaginary desk at work, and yet they clam up when a child's life is at stake. I bet those notebooks hold the entire A gameplan. The game sure stopped quickly with the discovery of remains though:clap:
No immunity for you.
As far as the body being there (as opposed to "moved there"). It was there - it was the first and only spot (aside from the trunk).

Does JB and Phil Keating and the rest of "Team Casey" really think I'm that stupid to believe someone not only just moved that body there but that whoever did this awful deed also opened the bag and spread all those bones, teeth, etc. all over God's creation?

I've really had enough of this. The simple fact that this poor child's bones were scattered over half an acre or better is PROOF ENOUGH that her little body has been there for quite some time.

"Nuff said - case closed.
(snort snort)

lol (at the 'snort snort'.)

My first thought at the breaking news of the skull being found was someone (LA?) had moved it there (had just witnessed the travesty of G & C on LKL the night before and thought he did it to finally put them out of their misery.) Based on TM's saying he personally saw the indentation where the body lay for some time, I now believe that she put it there early on. I also feel certain, with all of the highly specialized forensic experts at the crime scene, the truth will finally be told. We are so long overdue for some truth!
oh i don't think she taped/chloroformed caylee while partying. I think that when she chose to wrap tape around Caylee's head to cover her mouth, she did it with the knowledge she would not remove the tape from a living Caylee. I think she could have taped her mouth shut and HELD the rag over her nose/mouth to purposely kill Caylee.
if it was an "accident"--
I think she seemed to have had a kidnapping scheme on the backburner for some time-- google searches reveal and Rev. Grund alluded to it in interviews. I think she could have scrambled to the kidnapping ploy as a Plan B to cover up having caused an "accidental' (I use quotes bc, legally, this would not be an accident) death caused by drugging/locking caylee in a trunk. Or the "accident" could have happened by inadvertently overdosing Caylee during the course of a fake kidnapping-- tape would already be there , or she was planning on taping her anyway before they were "rescued" -- I've thought about all the scary contingencies a lot, unfortunately-- I think I'm not doing a good job of expressing them--

I think you are doing a very good job at expressing them and thank you. Your input is very well thought out and I tend to agree with you. I would like to think it was an accident and she did wrap the tape after death rather then before, for Caylee's sake. However learning what we have I really dont see this is accidental in any form. And on that note its becoming harder for me to seperate a difference between the two. She is a cold, heartless person regardless.
I've seen mention of a potential plea having been in the works--- was this actually an option presented to Casey?? How do we know this? She CERTAINLY should have taken that. I'm glad she didn't though.

It is in print in Geraldo's blog from the day the body is found, he says that there was a 10-15 year deal on the table in exchange for the location and exact details of what happened and Casey wouldn't take it. I am glad she didn't, with time served and Florida's credits earned during your sentence she could have been out before her 30th. Shows the level of how much she doesn't want to take responsibility for her actions, that was an amazing offer, if it existed.
No I didn't hear that. I'm shocked that an innocent person would agree to a plea if they truly believed their child was missing and Zanny was on the loose, with keys to the A home, making threats to harm the family.
I want them to search Lee's house and property so bad I can't stand it.

Have you ever noticed the ones most guilty are the first ones to want to help with the investigation. Remember Scott Peterson and the fliers, Mark Hacking and the search for Lori, Ken Register that killed Crystal Faye Todd and then was a pall bearer at her own funeral.

I'm telling you, Lee is hiding something and I hope they do search his property. Afterall, he does just live a block away from the A's house and he was to talkative at the beginning as if trying to make himself look like a hero to take an suspician off of him.

I think KC killed Caylee alone, but she is too weak to have handled things afterwards without someone's help. Blood is always thicker than water and I don't think she would have trusted anyone except Lee.

He just makes my skin crawl.

I had to buy some duct tape a while back, and was amazed at all the colors of choice you can purchase it in. Does anyone know if they have said what color the duct tape is they found?

Mods, please feel free to move this post if not on the right thread.
I can't figure this out either unless the skull wasn't completely intact?

Baby teeth are embedded in the gums not rooted to the jaw ao as the gums decomposed, the baby teeth would drop off. I believe there might have been a good source of soft tissue on the tooth they've sent to the FBI for identity testing.
I think you are doing a very good job at expressing them and thank you. Your input is very well thought out and I tend to agree with you. I would like to think it was an accident and she did wrap the tape after death rather then before, for Caylee's sake. However learning what we have I really dont see this is accidental in any form. And on that note its becoming harder for me to seperate a difference between the two. She is a cold, heartless person regardless.

Thank you :) and yes, I wanted to see this as an "accident" for quite awhile-- I never got into the pure accident theory that Caylee just drowned and Casey panicked. But I was thinking it could have been a sinister and fully culpable "accident" -- but I also have troubles holding onto any full accident theories. Especially after we learned that there was complete skull detachment -- AND some soft tissue/tape evidence on the skull. To me, the remaining tape/underlying soft tissue shows the skull detachment probably couldn't have resulted from an animal disturbing the remains, nor were th environmental factors THAT extreme-- so I think those "neck breaking" searches might have been put to use. And yes, she's completely cold and heartless IMO. :furious::furious::furious: But! Don't forget, she's started eating cole slaw! :furious:Monster!:furious:
It is in print in Geraldo's blog from the day the body is found, he says that there was a 10-15 year deal on the table in exchange for the location and exact details of what happened and Casey wouldn't take it. I am glad she didn't, with time served and Florida's credits earned during your sentence she could have been out before her 30th. Shows the level of how much she doesn't want to take responsibility for her actions, that was an amazing offer, if it existed.

oh WOW. I'm so glad her disgusting little personality kept her from taking that deal. That's so horrifying to imagine her being released at the age of 30!!
I want them to search Lee's house and property so bad I can't stand it.

Have you ever noticed the ones most guilty are the first ones to want to help with the investigation. Remember Scott Peterson and the fliers, Mark Hacking and the search for Lori, Ken Register that killed Crystal Faye Todd and then was a pall bearer at her own funeral.

I'm telling you, Lee is hiding something and I hope they do search his property. Afterall, he does just live a block away from the A's house and he was to talkative at the beginning as if trying to make himself look like a hero to take an suspician off of him.

I think KC killed Caylee alone, but she is too weak to have handled things afterwards without someone's help. Blood is always thicker than water and I don't think she would have trusted anyone except Lee.

He just makes my skin crawl.

(respectfully snipped)

I am so right there with you on this! And he followed up by refusing to give DNA, fingerprints, etc. without a subpoena. I really hope they take a long hard look at LA's possible collusion.
Where did the post go saying fox tv is at scene waiting to announce results of remains? Am I loosing my mind?
Wouldn't it be amazing though? Could this be why George and Cindy are all of a sudden seeking immunity? Handwriting doesn't lie and they would know they would have been caught with no way to explain their way out of it.

Always amazed me how detailed George was about KC & Caylee's clothing the supposedly last day he saw them. And Cindy's story about the car accident that Zanny and Raquel had and how KC witnessed it even though she was EIGHT cars behind.

Cindy, even though I feel sorry for her loss, seems to like to be in control of every conversation, always finishing Geoge's stories when in interviews. Example, the other night on LKL, she finishes his story by saying "and that's the last time you saw Caylee." It's like she doesn't want to give him a chance to mess up or "forget" his part of the script.

Well, to their (limited :rolleyes:) credit, I think I'd be writing down everything I knew or could think of if I had been in their shoes on Day 31. Especially with all the absurd lies and leads Casey was feeding them. But I do tend to agree that any journals/notebooks probably would reveal the progression from trying to gather actual information to find Caylee to scrambling to create a cohesive united front to protect Casey.
And yes-- sadly I think poor George probably had an entire binder of scripts, probably written by Cindy -- the cues Cindy gives him in interviews are so intense!! Poor George.
I never heard about that one. Where did you hear that? Maybe it's just a rumor.
well I am not sure if this is the correct thread to post this- it does say discuss evidence- the Mods can move it or erase it if they want- I just heard Phil Keating on Fox news remark about that lady that said the area was dry when she took those pics of it- and couldnt understand why LE didnt find the body back them and people are saying maybe the body was moved- well he just said that tim walked back there and said that the body would have been missed if it was placed under one of those big bushes- it would of went unnoticed-
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