Laura Babcock Murder Trial 10.23.17 - Day 1, Opening Statements

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I may be wrong, but I think that usually the Defence treads lightly around family. I can't remember....was Sharlene Bosma questioned by the Defence?

DM is already dragging LB through the mud.

It doesn't matter what she did for a living or whether she was erratic or had boyfriends aplenty. It doesn't matter that she had mental illness. No one deserves to be murdered and then thrown in an animal incinerator to be cremated.

This is horrible. MOO
A minor was convicted of first degree murder for ordering the death of an innocent girl (Stefanie Rengel) via her boyfriend. Why was CN spared any charges of conspiracy to murder?

There is no evidence that she conspired to commit murder or suggested it in any way. Even just having information that a murder occurred is not enough for an accessory to murder charge.
A minor was convicted of first degree murder for ordering the death of an innocent girl (Stefanie Rengel) via her boyfriend. Why was CN spared any charges of conspiracy to murder?
This makes no sense! Why is CN "getting away" with this??

marianne boucher‏ @CityCourtsTO
Babcock: She worked around our rules by living at other ppls houses. Don't come home past mid night mid week. Normal things. Petty rules.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
"Did Laura ever accuse you of hitting her?" #Millard asks her father. "No. I may have given her a hard stare."

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
Millard asks about the name "Ryan," Laura's mother's maiden name. Laura went by "Elle Ryan" on social media. "She thought it was pretty"

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV
Milard asks Babcock's father Clayton if he ever hit his daughter. Clayton says it's not in his nature, "Hitting my daughter is repugnant."

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
"Did Laura tell you she chose Ryan because she had difficulties with you?" No. But #Babcock is unusual & could be mocked by some juveniles.

Liam Casey @liamdevlincasey
Accused murderer Dellen Millard, repping himself, has asked Laura Babcock's father on several occasions if he hit her. No, Babcock says.
The Crown is making the "Love Triangle" the motive in the killing. I would suggest that CN had something directly to do with Laura's murder.
Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
Relationship between Laura & her mother was also good, although Linda was more a "stickler for the rules."

marianne boucher‏ @CityCourtsTO
Millard is asking if the reason Laura's disposition changed was because of him.
Babcock: In my eyes the relationship was goodA good family

Caryn Lieberman‏Verified account @caryn_lieberman
“Did you ever see her cut herself” asks Millard. Father says “cut herself?” sounds shocked by the question.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
"I was happy with my family. For 55 years I was blessed. Then this happened. Not quite as happy now." Laura #Babcock father testifies.

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV
Laura Babcock's father, under cross by Millard - the man accused in her murder - "I was blessed for 55 years and then this happened."

marianne boucher‏ @CityCourtsTO
Millard: Ever seen her cut herself, scars?
Babcock: No. Once she banged her head against the wall...but it was a happy home.
Anyone remember when Millard sent the picture of the PPK to Noudga? Was evidence in Bosma trial. Naturally, she didn’t remember.
Caryn Lieberman‏ @caryn_lieberman
“Sorry sir just let me gather my notes,” says Millard.

Caryn Lieberman‏ @caryn_lieberman
Millard asks if father is “trying” to give the court a “happy image” of the home.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
Clayton #Babcock saw his daughter bang her head against the wall in frustration, once. No other self harm he witnessed

Caryn Lieberman‏ @caryn_lieberman
“We had very few bad moments in the family,” says Laura’s father.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
"Are you here trying to give us a happy, perfect image of your family life at home?" #Millard asks. Life was good, Clayton #Babcock says

Caryn Lieberman‏ @caryn_lieberman
“It was a normal family dynamic,” says Clayton Babcock.
Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV 13s13 seconds ago
Judge to Dellen Millard on his cross technique: Mr Millard this is getting very repetitive... You are going way too far with repetition."

Thank you, judge
How can DM be allowed to do this??? So disrespectful and just plain wrong for him to be questioning victim's father!

If DM wanted a specific lawyer who was unavailable until 2018, will this be grounds for appeal? This is crazy, DM being his own lawyer.....
I have to say the pace at which tweets are coming out just isn't as fast as when professional lawyers have done the questioning. Lots of bathroom break time.
The Crown is making the "Love Triangle" the motive in the killing. I would suggest that CN had something directly to do with Laura's murder.

I am not....absolutely not a fan of CN but I don't know that I'm convinced she had any direct involvement but I'd suspect that she was aware after the fact. Regardless if she was or was not involved, I don't think there is evidence to prove her involvement. Despite the obvious involvement as an accessory in the murder of TB, there was not even enough evidence to go to trial then.
This is why she isn't being held accountable.
Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
"We weren't dancing through the kitchen singing kumbaya. It was a normal family looking life," #Babcock's father says.

Caryn Lieberman‏ @caryn_lieberman
Judge tells Millard too much repetition.

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV
Judge to Dellen Millard on his cross technique: Mr Millard this is getting very repetitive... You are going way too far with repetition."

Trevor Dunn‏ @trevorjdunn
Millard to Laura Babcock's father: Are you here today trying to give us a happy perfect image of family life?
A: Our home was a normal home

.@HefCHCHNews live tweeting from the #Babcock murder trial. Watch her report on the Evening News at 6PM.

marianne boucher‏ @CityCourtsTO
Judge warns Millard he's being repetitive.
Millard now asking about day Babcock reported her missing.
Laura's boyfriend also reported.
Caryn Lieberman‏ @caryn_lieberman
Babcock mentions today is his wedding anniversary.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
"If I wasn't told it was my anniversary today I wouldn't know," Clayton #Babcock says of his memory for dates. #Millard #Smich

marianne boucher‏ @CityCourtsTO
Babcock says he's terrible at remembering dates.
Millard tells him he's doing well.
Babcock: It was out of character to leave dog. Not call.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
"If there was anything she could do well, she could work a phone," #Babcock says of how his daughter's disappearance became suspicious

Adrian Humphreys‏ @AD_Humphreys
Clayton Babcock tells jury today -- the opening day of trial for daughter's murder -- is his and his wife, Linda's 35th wedding anniversary.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
"You're not trying to give us a rosy, distorted image?" #Millard asks. No. Laura was 5'11, life of the party, but their life was normal.

i think he is trying to create some doubt in the Jury's mind.

Basically, he's trying to suggest that her father beat her, kicked her out of the house, had unreasonable demands. I took her in, looked after her, blah blah blah. He's trying to set up the father as a possible alternate as to who killed Laura.

I think that's what he's trying to do.

Caryn Lieberman‏ @caryn_lieberman
Millard cross exam of Babcock complete.

marianne boucher‏ @CityCourtsTO
Millard again asks if he is painting a rosie picture.
Babcock: She was a good worker and could be the life of the party.
Millard now done.

Trevor Dunn‏ @trevorjdunn
Dellen Millard wraps up questioning of Laura Babcock's father, Clayton. Mark Smich's lawyer is now up.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
Dungey up now for Mark #Smich. Did Laura embellish stories? #Babcock isn't really sure. "I'm in sales, I embellish."

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV
Thomas Dungey, the lawyer for Mark Smich, is now up. Millard has finished his cross examination.

Caryn Lieberman‏ @caryn_lieberman
Lawyer for Smich now cross examines Clayton Babcock.
Didn't CN join the Facebook group looking for LB? There is enough in that text message for CN to know where to start looking if she had any empathy. IMO
I am not....absolutely not a fan of CN but I don't know that I'm convinced she had any direct involvement but I'd suspect that she was aware after the fact. Regardless if she was or was not involved, I don't think there is evidence to prove her involvement. Despite the obvious involvement as an accessory in the murder of TB, there was not even enough evidence to go to trial then.
This is why she isn't being held accountable.

There was enough evidence to go to trial. She chose to strike a deal and plead guilty. The evidence against her in both trials is largely circumstantial and there isn't nearly as much of it against her as there was against both of the accused because she didn't actually participate in the murders. Makes you wonder sometimes though who was the mastermind behind all of it and why DM's killing spree seemed to start after he met her.

Do we know if Millard and Smich are sitting at the same table?
I also wonder if any family or Millard and Smich are in the courtroom today. I wonder if Rabbit is in the house?
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