Laura Babcock Murder Trial 11.29.17 - Day 24

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We don't know. Plea deals have to be entered into by both parties.

As in any deal, both sides have to have motivation to compromise.
Ok thanks. I was wondering if the fact that there are two accused would have had an impact, which makes complete sense.

But geez...with the evidence against DM, it would probably have been in his best interest* to plead guilty to M2 or manslaughter (and AATF for MS) rather than take your chances on M1 with a jury.

*Assuming of course that the Crown would have accepted those pleas
As the jury filed out — not for the first or last time Wednesday — Mark Smich turned around and grinned at Dellen Millard.

Well, I was there today and I was watching closely and no, I did not see that MS grinned at DM. I saw MS turned around to see public and he smiled to someone he saw. He looked very happy and it was a smile not a grin.

I feel like ther’s a few mistakes in that article, mostly minor, but I’m happy to hear that you, as someone who was in the courtroom, say he didn’t grin at DM. I found that statement disappointing when I read it.
Both guilty, M1, MS counseled in the sizing and ordering of the incinerator. That is the premeditation part of the murders to come.
Without the Eliminator DM or MS or both would not have murdered LB.
You don't think they would have murdered her without the incinerator? But they DID murder her without it. If that's the case then SS actually counselled in everything to do with the incinerator. Including test burns.

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It looks like MS and DM are still buddies, as the jury was leaving MS turned around and grinned at DM, today ugh, I guess no remorse at all.
A previous poster who was in court today believes that MS was actually smiling at someone in the gallery. So I wouldn't be so sure.

Possibly the alleged new girlfriend even.
Ok thanks. I was wondering if the fact that there are two accused would have had an impact, which makes complete sense.

But geez...with the evidence against DM, it would probably have been in his best interest* to plead guilty to M2 or manslaughter (and AATF for MS) rather than take your chances on M1 with a jury.

*Assuming of course that the Crown would have accepted those pleas

Well, the fact there are two accused complicates things. But, again, both parties have to want to compromise.
...I thought the phone went dead in Mississauga. I really wish the mystery of the phone pings could be put to rest. :tantrum:

I know! I had to read over that a couple times to make sure I wasn’t misunderstanding. That’s a pretty big mistake to make if it’s not accurate. I so hope that there will be somewhere for us to look at all the evidence. I’m so confused and interested in the phone pings that day.
...I thought the phone went dead in Mississauga. I really wish the mystery of the phone pings could be put to rest. :tantrum:

I had to read that part of the article a couple of times. I don’t think the author was saying that the phone was tracked all the way to the farm, she is just implying that DM had the phone and was on his way to the farm when it went dead. From what i’ve heard, it sounds like he usually took the QEW and then probably took highway 6 in Hamilton across to the farm. So the last ping was along the lakeshore (or could have been QEW I guess since tracking pings isn’t that precise) in Mississauga. The wording in the article is a bit odd and comes across as stating facts when it’s really just an assumption that the phone was en route to Ayr.

ETA: The author’s implying the phone was headed for the farm with DM but MS’s rap lyrics insinuate that the phone is now in the lake. So you are not wrong.... I had trouble typing that out for some reason so I hope it makes sense!

Edited again.... no you’re right. It is confusing. I think the author is wrong though. No indication the phone was headed to the farm. Last pinged on the lakeshore. Erg
You don't think they would have murdered her without the incinerator? But they DID murder her without it. If that's the case then SS actually counselled in everything to do with the incinerator. Including test burns.

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They murdered her just as the incinerator was about to arrive.

And there is no evidence that SS knew anything about bones being needed, etc. His burn was the break in burn that was required. Or else they would have charged him.
I believe the jury was sequestered during deliberations for the TB trial. It is standard practice in Canada to not sequester the jury during the actual trial, then after the judge hands the jury instructions they are sequestered until a verdict is reached. Sequestering the jury makes it harder for jurors to have their minds swayed by outside information. It reduces pressure on jurors to vote a certain way, and it helps prevent harassment, threats, or actual violence from non-jurors who want to influence the outcome of the case.

When a person is on sequestration (if there is such a word) is he in solitary, house arrest, in his room, or can he have guests in or what? Room service? Drinks? TV?
Anybody know?
When a person is on sequestration (if there is such a word) is he in solitary, house arrest, in his room, or can he have guests in or what? Room service? Drinks? TV?
Anybody know?

They are sequestered in a hotel. They each have their own rooms and are alone except when they are all together deliberating. I don’t think they can see anyone at all, or watch tv. There are cops that sit outside of the juror’s rooms.
So... I expect DM is going to say he was a wannabe **** but was clueless to the real crime life. Try to use the fact that he was taken as a complete mark on the gun sale that went from a $100 purchase to $2300 for him to buy for his benefit. He had no bullets etc.
So... I expect DM is going to say he was a wannabe **** but was clueless to the real crime life. Try to use the fact that he was taken as a complete mark on the gun sale that went from a $100 purchase to $2300 for him to buy for his benefit. He had no bullets etc.
Ha. I didn't even make that connection. That's funny.
... Could MS really anticipate that the incinerator will be used for a murder?
Murder and covering up a murder are two different animals...
The incinerator was not purchased as a device to kill anyone...

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Have we heard one single piece of evidence that MS ever even met Laura? Not that I can recall, and if not I am sure Dungey will include this in closing, "ladies and gentlemen, my client did not even know Laura Babcock, why on earth would he want to kill her??" , or something to that effect. The motive all falls back to DM. I am a little concerned on the jurors all ending up agreeing on MS for M1. I understand the totality of the evidence put together tells a bigger picture, but some things can be explained "away" or doubt created in regards to them by Dungey. ie: the text exchange on the red bag where DM says it yours now to MS.

DM is a no brainer for me, Guilty as charged. And knowing more then the jury is supposed to know, or take into account (Tim) I for sure believe MS was involved but I do not know if he was present or part of planning for the specific murder of Laura. I hope the judge can/will leave an option for other verdicts besides the M1 for MS.

I cannot feel that justice is served if only DM gets a guilty verdict here, it will be good but feel not complete. MS knew for sure IMO what was being incinerated, definite accessory and definite indignity to Laura.

Your right, MS should only get Accessory After the Fact and only get 25 to life for his part in Laura's murder.
Court has also seen a frequently replayed rap video shot a month after the Crown maintains Babcock's body was incinerated. In the video, Smich spits out lyrics that he'd apparently written on a laptop which had been loaned to Babcock by her ex-boyfriend before she vanished just after Canada Day, 2012. Lyrics which Smich had entered into the laptop on the very night, July 23, the prosecution says, that Babcock's corpse was allegedly fed into "The Eliminator," a commercial monstrosity intended for the disposal of animal carcasses.

"The b---h started off all skin and bone/now the b---h lay on some ashy stone/last time I saw her's outside the home/and if you go swimming you can find her phone."

I am wondering if MS will give the narrative that he was just singing the rap and didn't write it. Or it was co-written. DM filmed him performing a song he wrote. I've watched it a few times. Why does he seem surprised when he says," if you going swimming you can find her phone. find her phone? what? What? Find her phone? If you go swimming you can find her phone"
Maybe I'm overanalyzing but it doesn't seem as put together as the other crap raps he's spewed previously. MOO

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Your right, MS should only get Accessory After the Fact and only get 25 to life for his part in Laura's murder.

So true, Oreck, anything people want to call it, so long as it's 25 to life - no need to debate that one.
I am wondering if MS will give the narrative that he was just singing the rap and didn't write it. Or it was co-written. DM filmed him performing a song he wrote. I've watched it a few times. Why does he seem surprised when he says," if you going swimming hot can find her phone. find her phone? what? What? Find her phone? If you go swimming you can find her phone"
Maybe I'm overanalyzing but it doesn't seem as put together as the other crap raps he's spewed previously. MOO

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The what what part is him stalling for time while he tries to freestyle another rhyme.

Do NOT breathe a single word of what is said when the jury is not in the courtroom. It is a violation of the Publication Ban and nobody wants to be responsible for that happening.
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