Laura Babcock Murder Trial 12.08.17 - Charge to the Jury - Day 2

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Common sense is one of those things that is very hard to define. Just like reasonable doubt. That's why people disagree about these things. And that's why for years courts refused to define reasonable doubt beyond that it's not certainty.

Snipped with respect. This is a really great point. I think also that for an individual to decide what is reasonable doubt they most likely want them to interpret themselves due to the idea of a jury being "judged by your peers" so to speak.

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I agree with this.

MS help source the gun and the incinerator. He was heavily involved in setup and testing of the incinerators. There is not a single text text (despite MS begging for cash) to the effect of “Yo Bro no worries. Once our pet incineration business is up and running you will be swimming in cash” so why the intense interest suddenly from someone who’s only ambition in life is to get wasted run illegal missions and write 3rd rate rap songs. But we did here “We need something with bones in it” for the test

“Don’t be outside” followed by hours of radio silence. “I rolled my first spliff” odd statement coming from DM but no questions from MS cause he knew what it meant. Marlena can wait n the car while “ we talk to that girl”

Then an incineration of the victim, gleeful pictures and a rap written whist the body burned. The lyrics of which just happened to align perfectly with all known evidence of the crime.

Then to top it all off he confessed to the killing to some high schoolers for crying out loud. One of which went to his principle with the info of his own volition as soon as he heard details of the crime in media. The only witness I can recall that went to police on his own accord in both this and the TB trial if IRC.

I really can’t fathom what more evidence would be required for an M1 charge. It is a mountain of evidence. I can’t help but wonder if the MS not guilty crowd aren’t out thinking themselves. Maybe focusing to heavily on the trees and losing sight of the forest

The crown put out a very good theory of Laura’s death that makes sense is believable and ties in all the available evidence.

I request that anyone that believes MS is not guilty of this crime please put out your alternate theory of these events that will account for the totality of known facts and can create REASONABLE doubt as to MS’s guilt

Perfectly expressed. I wholeheartedly agree.

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I wrote a long comment a few hours ago but something else came to my mind after I posted it.
What I find incredible would be that MS helped DM do some serious crimes and yet to my knowledge was never even paid any substantial amount of money.
I think most people if they were going to be willing to involve themselves in very serious crimes and assist the one planning them would want big money.
It looks like all that MS got from DM who had a lot of money , was drugs, a place to stay and other small favors, not even a car.
That is another big mystery to me why anyone would get themselves in serious crime and not be very well compensated for it. At least then be able to move away , start a new life, go on a trip knowing that a possibility could be caught.
That is what makes this case more bizarre and more bizarre.

Since MS was totally broke, any of the bread crumbs DM was giving him was better than nothing. He had a party pad, drugs, a pool, and a rich friend who paid for his phone and a place to hang. That's a lot when you are a loser with nothing in your 20's. Not to mention DM threw him more crumbs in the form of a Dream as a rap artist.

This is what happens in an abusive relationship. One party manipulates, and controls the other party, while throwing them little bits to keep them hooked. Add to that the love bombing, it's a classic circle of abuse.

I was thinking something similar in a way about CN. I’m sure she was involved and she was charged with Accessory after the fact in the TB trial.... yet she studies, and does med school, and works at kids camps etc Who does that? Pick a life of crime or pick a life of hard work, but why do both? LOL And if you’re willing to be involved in a murder, WHY do a post graduate degree??? That is SO much work, just get a regular job like anyone else if you still need more cash. It makes no sense.

She was a Ryder, not a criminal mastermind herself. Now that DM is gone, she needs a way to support herself. Her dream is dead.

I think that MS was very open to the opportunity. He wanted to be a Gansta rap star, and to have any real respect in that genre you have to be real. To MS killing and incinerating made him real and not a subdivision poser. Gave him inspiration and confidence in his raps. Paybacks, drugs, brotherly love and a promised music studio from DM didn’t hurt either

Another good point. He would think he needed to be "legit" to be in the rap game.

Since there is so much chatter about this photo of MS, let's consider who is taking this photo? Who is taking the video of the rap? Who is taking the photo of MS welding?
Now common sense would say, why isn't this person IN any of the photos or videos if they enjoyed it so much? If they planned it together why is only one person "boasting" here?
It all feels very much "set up" up in a way.

DM was begging MS to hook him up with MWJ
DM was asking SS to build and order incinerators

I could go on about the DM list but we all know it's M1 for him... All MOO

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Yes, just proves the point that this was an abusive relationship, in the way DM was manipulating MS, using him, and always kept in the back of his mind that he could use MS as a scapegoat.
Re Post #193

Adam Carter tweets that the Judge reviews the texts from Blasiak’s phone. On July 3 LB texts that she is going to Montreal on Thursday (the 5th) and then maybe to Disney or Vegas, for ”work”. Of course, this is the same day she has multiple texts and calls to/with DM, and is eventually picked up by him at Kipling.

Have we seen reference to these LB/Blasiak texts on the 3rd before?
Re Post #193

Adam Carter tweets that the Judge reviews the texts from Blasiak’s phone. On July 3 LB texts that she is going to Montreal on Thursday (the 5th) and then maybe to Disney or Vegas, for ”work”. Of course, this is the same day she has multiple texts and calls to/with DM, and is eventually picked up by him at Kipling.

Have we seen reference to these LB/Blasiak texts on the 3rd before?

There was definitely conversation about this. I assume the reason the Crown questioned the border officer was because of these texts which suggested she was heading to the US, but never crossed.

Im wondering if legal arguments contained more details on this.
I don't think you have even remotely captured the essence of those that are not sure what prior knowledge MS had. And no one is asking anyone here to suspend common sense, in my opinion - it's your opinion that is being asked.

Maybe you could list what 'the totality of the evidence' is. I find that term highly overrated since a list never accompanies that phrase.

Imo everyone here is on the same side - not sure why any deserve to have their azz kicked.

Fwiw - when people take a pic of another person - they don't say cry, they say smile.
Perhaps too simple, but why take a photo like that in the first place? Why take photos of bones burning in an incinerator? Why take a photo of the blue tarp rolled up? Must have had some kind of special significance.

That those photos were even TAKEN shows how important those moments were to DM and MS. (IMO, same applies to that gruesome rap and the timing of the rap being written/recorded.)

There is no innocent explanation for any of those photos, IMHO.

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Her comment to Blasiak about Montreal, Vegas and Disney, combined with the multiples texts and calls to DM on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd certainly suggest to me that he lured her, together with her iPad, her suitcase and her money (less the $1000 she left at her parents place) with a promise of work, followed by a holiday.
Reason for MS’ big smile IMO is the ‘success’ of the ‘next level mission’.
They had been planning this for months. The failure of BBQ #1 was a setback. BBQ #2 finally arrives. Top priority. They are working on the trailer to make it mobile. Good thing too cuz that very night, after “talking to that girl if you know what I mean” they had to relocate to the hangar for a power source. And here they were, “BBQ ready for meat”, bones burning and crackling. Reason for celebration in their twisted minds.
Next level mission accomplished. The recording studio promised by DM so close, MS could taste it. Gotta write a rap about this right away. So sweet...
MS was all in from the get go. More than AATF. The smile says it all.
Evidence in totality = M1 for sure.
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