Laura Recovery and Klass kids come back to help find Hailey

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What if?

Her whole attitude is to run the searchers off?

No searchers, no one will find HD.....

No arrest.
Here are just a few choice excerpts from BeanE's page, which show Billie's motivations;

The important thing people need to remember is not slandering me,” said Dunn.
CBS News, January 13, 2011

“I love him,” added Dunn
KTAB, January 14, 2011

lthough law enforcement tells Dunn they are looking into all leads, she feels they’re “too focused on Shawn. There are places you can make Shawn fit and lots you can’t. I know he loves Hailey and David. Not like I do, but he does.” Dunn would like to see investigators focus more on the witnesses who claim to have seen Hailey on Monday, Dec. 27 “It makes a big difference how everyone thinks if Hailey was seen later,” she said.
Colorado City Record, January 26, 2011

We asked Billie what was the lowest point for her over this past month. Her response: when the investigation turned to her former boyfriend, Shawn Adkins, the only suspect named in the case of her missing daughter.
KTXS, January 26, 2011

“On top of Hailey missing have people saying horrible things and making horrible accusations and after I get Hailey home I’ll deal with the slander and the defamation of character. I definitely will“.
CBS 7, January 27, 2011

Host: “Are there problems between Hailey and Shawn?“

Billie: “Not anymore.“
Blog Talk Radio interview, February 7, 2011

“Every day that they don’t find something is good for me.“
Blog Talk Radio interview, February 7, 2011

Wow, that last one is a real doosie.
What if?

Her whole attitude is to run the searchers off?

No searchers, no one will find HD.....

No arrest.

The searchers that she wants GONE are the local volunteers. This group searched every single day for the past 8 weeks. And she wants them to stop.
She is getting nervous and afraid.

I think your right. I can understand, in a way, her feelings about the video. Certain family members of mine videoed my mother's funeral and were upset because I didn't want a copy and couldn't understand why, but that's not something I wanted to remember my mother by. I had my own pleasant memories and thought it (video) was morbid.

I think it's time for BD to seek some professional help in a me, her thinking is off kilter and has been for while...not just since HD's disappearance. How can someone who watches violent, horror films be so upset about the things we've seen her get upset by....and it all (always) reverts back to SA. The repeated dirt comments keep coming up.....something is within those words. Past or present...but something. IMO, she's thinking IF HD's gone, good chance she won't get DD back, and then the probability of SA being found guilty----or even not guilty, but all the trouble this "mess" has provided just might have him flying the coop to get away from it all. Yep, she's nervous and afraid. Whether it be because she is part of it or the aftermath...and she's striking out to survive and to keep control of what she can. JMO:twocents:
I think your right. I can understand, in a way, her feelings about the video. Certain family members of mine videoed my mother's funeral and were upset because I didn't want a copy and couldn't understand why, but that's not something I wanted to remember my mother by. I had my own pleasant memories and thought it (video) was morbid.

I think it's time for BD to seek some professional help in a me, her thinking is off kilter and has been for while...not just since HD's disappearance. How can someone who watches violent, horror films be so upset about the things we've seen her get upset by....and it all (always) reverts back to SA. The repeated dirt comments keep coming up.....something is within those words. Past or present...but something. IMO, she's thinking IF HD's gone, good chance she won't get DD back, and then the probability of SA being found guilty----or even not guilty, but all the trouble this "mess" has provided just might have him flying the coop to get away from it all. Yep, she's nervous and afraid. Whether it be because she is part of it or the aftermath...and she's striking out to survive and to keep control of what she can. JMO:twocents:

My husband's uncle sent my husband a video of my mother in law's funeral---wrapped up for Christmas. DH, poor guy, opened it with our Christmas gifts that year. Kind of ruined the spirit of Christmas morning with the kids. Uncle
B, bless his heart, had no clue it was not warmly received.

I agree that there is something there about the 'dirt' and the 'ugly fields and creeks'. Odd how she keeps throwing that out there. I hope she is at rest in a field or creek instead of buried in a pipeline at one of his worksites though.
Good news................they aren't quitting.

I knew they'd come back....for Hailey. I think most of problems stem from the fact that Billie had not been out to the bridge to show support for them as Clint has done. Maybe CD did slip or just tell BD that they think SA had a hand in it....or maybe she didn't like their take of SA's behavior while searching in the vicinity of his relatives.

You don't see too many local people on camera huddling around Billie and it seems...for some reason--she wants nothing to do with them either. Just her and SA---against the world. If she goes to Dallas, I'll be surprised. IMO
For anyone tempted to buy Billie's lie she presented at her Jan 31 press conference that the reason she comes off so badly is because all her interviews are edited, a lie further promulgated on her Feb 7 Blog Talk Radio appearance, here's a list I put together of seventeen - 17! - live, raw, unedited, uncensored interviews she's done.

Note that a full 16 of them were done *before* she lied on Jan 31 and claimed all her interviews had been edited.

Carefully note the dates of Billie's unedited interviews in this list, and then when you get to the 17th one, note how it was billed - as her "first"!!! "unedited and live" interview.

What a crock.

ETA: Jan 31 press conference:

After watching many of the interviews I’m beginning to see why myself. I have yet to see an entire interview aired or printed. They are cut or pasted, edited for time and space, and often I’m not quoted in correct context. My words are sometimes picked apart and twisted around in such a way that I don’t even recognize them.

Note that at the time of Jan 31 press conference, she had already done *fifteen* live, raw, unedited, uncensored interview that I was able to find with just a quick search. There are probably even more out there.

Ms.B..first off, thank you so much all you put forth in regards, to not only this thread, but many other threads whom you have worked tirelessly on for many,many years. For me, and me only, the reason MK, LR and Hailey's Angels are there searching tirelessly as well, is for Hailey. Thank goodness they are not giving up. Anything BD says, I take with a grain of salt. JMO!!!
Of course I dont think a child should be left out in the dirt (thank you for acknowledging that). My point about the video and her comment...its not that its too ugly to search there or its the wrong place. I dont think any parent wants to see people poking around in dirt looking for their childs body.

Guess I'll continue on the video thread that's been started.

BBM: what's this redbox video are you talking about?


Oh, I wasn't referring to any *known* video..just saying that unless a video exist from any one of the 'sightings' and apparently there isn't...then the searchers and LE have nothing else to go on as far as where to search. I just used the red box thingy as an example..since that person may very well believe that they saw Hailey but the receipt proves nothing more than someone in the family rented a movie at that location on that night. Sadly, I believe that Hailey had been killed many hours prior to that night..

You know, I do wonder why Billie hasn't been all over Hailey's friends, school, cheerleading squad, etc. (and of course I don't know for sure that she hasn't, but if I were a betting woman, I'd bet money that she has not )..trying to find out everything she can..what was going on in Hailey's life.. or on her mind leading up to her disappearance. She just doesn't seem to care about that which of course leads me to wonder why. Makes me think it's probably because she already knows...moo

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