Law Enforcement/the Brianna case

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I totally get what you are saying about the irresponsible actions of "runaways" and the repercussions of their abandonment. Here's my concern however. The husbands of Lisa Stebic, Theresa Parker and Stacey Peterson have all claimed their wives just up and left. Assuming the husbands are responsible for these disappearances (most here think they are), what a gift for them if a mechanism like the one you suggest were in place! It would not be difficult for them to either forge a signature or "coerce" one to be signed and voila!, no more searching for the victim or blaming the murderer.
While I think this would have be done in person by a credible witness (Judge, Attorney, LE, or Priest/Minister)to testify it was done without duress and perhaps could require a video tape of the person as well. There should also be a stiff penalty for anyone who reports this and it is found to be false.
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These are my opinions.
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 8,162

Originally Posted by 10EC_Dad
Let me ask, in the spirit of accountabilty:

1) How would you implement this? The laws passed would be what you need to implement it. Pretty self explanatory. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

2)How would you track compliance? How do they track missing people now? OK bad example since they do a very poor job of it and part of the reason a lot of us are here. Compliance would come when they are found. At least, LE would have something to charge them with in their absence so they could pick them up on a warrant in other states. There is nothing in place now that would give LE the right to hold them or send them back to face consequences.

3)How would you prosecute? See above.

4)What would be the penalty? I think repaying the monies spent searching for them is a start. Jail time for every law they broke in the meantime would be part of that penalty.

Looking forward to your well reasoned solution.

Here is part of it!

1) I see what you are saying, but passing a law is just that, it is not implementation. LE does not pass a law. How would LE implement the law?

2) Would it be against the law to not fill out the "paperwork" if someone did not report me missing?

3) How would you prosecute these:
a) I am in college, go camping with a friend for an extended weekend without telling anyone. Parents get worried contact police. They search the campus and cannot find me. I come back on Wednesday.
b) I lose my job in Texas and become distraught. I go to Vegas for the weekend without telling friends. I decide I am going to stay in Vegas for an unknown amout of time. On Monday, I fill out my paperwork in Vegas. Friends in Texas become worried that they cannot find me, go to local police station. No paperwork on file at local police station. I change my mind and come back on Friday.
c) I am a 14 year old girl and runaway from home. I do not fill out my "paperwork". Heck, I don't know about the "paperwork" because it is not taught in school. I am found alive and well 2 weeks later.
d) I am a father of 5. I walk away without filling out my "paperwork" and am found dead 1 week later.

4) How do you calculate the cost? Is there really very much cost on many of these cases? It seems that LE does not spend time on very many adult cases without evidence of foul play.

I agree that it is frustrating that some people vanish on their own and leave others behind. It is a terrible thing to do. Your basis for making a law was money. I just don't see how it will save money once you consider the full financial impact of implementation, compliance tracking, and prosecution. These cases in out trial system alone would appear to be at a greater cost than the little effort given looking for adults missing without evidence of foul play.

From the site above:

"McDonald said the Washoe County Crime Laboratory did not err on the DNA evidence from the underwear, first reported by police as the suspect's DNA. He said it was a misstatement to the media by investigators."

I have to agree that this is dissappointing. While it does not affect the outcome of the case, it should not have been reported incorrectly. I am glad that they did not "sweep it under the rug" but rather openly took responsibilty.

From the site above:

"McDonald said the Washoe County Crime Laboratory did not err on the DNA evidence from the underwear, first reported by police as the suspect's DNA. He said it was a misstatement to the media by investigators."

I have to agree that this is dissappointing. While it does not affect the outcome of the case, it should not have been reported incorrectly. I am glad that they did not "sweep it under the rug" but rather openly took responsibilty.

If it was a misstatement to the media, then why was it not publicly corrected right away? People were talking about the panties for at LEAST a full week before the correction was made. I think there is something else going on here.
I didn't say there weren't flaws in my system. LOL That is why we have legislators to sit down with LE to figure out the best course to plot.

I don't like that they wait until there is "proof" of foul play either. I think LE should take the word of the family and friends, along with looking at the ATM info, cell phone records,etc. to determine if FP could be involved then act accordingly. Too much time is lost on cases where they simply assume a person walked away because they are an adult. This is quite troubling to me. I want a solution to the problem or at least someone to address it.
If it was a misstatement to the media, then why was it not publicly corrected right away? People were talking about the panties for at LEAST a full week before the correction was made. I think there is something else going on here.

I agree that it should have been corrected immediately.
I didn't say there weren't flaws in my system. LOL That is why we have legislators to sit down with LE to figure out the best course to plot.

I don't like that they wait until there is "proof" of foul play either. I think LE should take the word of the family and friends, along with looking at the ATM info, cell phone records,etc. to determine if FP could be involved then act accordingly. Too much time is lost on cases where they simply assume a person walked away because they are an adult. This is quite troubling to me. I want a solution to the problem or at least someone to address it.

I wish there was a better solution also.

My point is that it is not as easy as we want it to be sometimes.
If it was a misstatement to the media, then why was it not publicly corrected right away? People were talking about the panties for at LEAST a full week before the correction was made. I think there is something else going on here.
It was another mistake to wait to report the second pair to begin with.
If they had not waited in the first place, there would BE no DNA mix up via the media from LE to worry about a disclaimer!
I agree that it should have been corrected immediately.
Maybe they didn't notice the mistake. Maybe there was a reason for the misinformation. RPD knows; we don't. Like you, I just don't see any reason to continually bash the RPD when we don't really know what is going on, what they are working with and what evidence they actually have.
If they had not waited in the first place, there would BE no DNA mix up via the media from LE to worry about a disclaimer!

SS you have followed enough cases to know that LE can't go blabbing about everything they find at a crime scene. They had to determine if the PP thong belonged to a person known to them. The DNA mixup had nothing to do with timing.

It just seems like you are grasping for anything to slam LE.

If you really need something, focus on the fact the the mistake has now caused incrimnating evidence to be released to the public. This takes away something the the prosecution could use later.

There, I can't be more fair or make it easier than giving you a solid case to be critical of LE.

Go with it. Have fun. Peace be with you.
And please tell me why they cannot use this evidence later after it is given to the public?! It does have his DNA, her DNA, and another girl's DNA in association to the case. That does not change.

They do not have to release evidence such as specifics of what he did to her body or how he positioned it...this would be something only the perp would know, too. They could even release those factors without hurting their case, imo. They have the DNA to match. They have witness accounts of the other rapes. They should have other forensics to use which will put this perp away and slam the door on him.

The panties are evidence as it relates to criminal charges later on...whether or not used to find the creep or not! To keep them from the public because it is detrimental to the case as it stands is ridiculous, imo. They need to get a lead on who this guy is and where to find the match to the DNA they have. Without that..they truly have nothing!
I assume you are talking about me. If I choose to post 100 times a day, I have no more clout than the person who posts once. I even have to be more careful to follow the rules because they will tos me first as I should know better. I put a lot of thought into what I post and try to stay away from "grandstanding", as you put it. My opinions do differ from other posters because we don't all see the world the same.

I am passionate about certain topics because of experience, mine and other's. If we do nothing here besides learn from people who have faced crime and violence in this lifetime in order to move forward to help prevent it occurring to someone else...I think it is a positive thing.

This site is full of people who are here because tragedy hit too close to home and they are looking for answers. Trying to find those answers, we go into areas which may be uncomfortable or even painful for some.

This isn't an editorial page, a crime novel, or a legal forum to debate case law. We deal with real life issues affecting millions of people touched by a missing loved one, a murdered friend, or others we don't even know but feel so much compassion for. We all want to help find some answers and perhaps bring a missing person home, find justice for a murdered child, or question what is wrong with this country that we have millions of people go missing without a trace. With the latter, I have serious questions about why and how this can happen time after time after time.

What are we doing wrong? How can this happen in the age of instant news, cutting edge technology, and in the most civilized society in the world? Go look at the faces of our missing or unidentified. Pages and pages and pages of people who have vanished seemingly into thin air. Where are they and how can we bring them home? Who are the people responsible? What can we learn from one case to apply to the next to prevent another tragedy? If it means questioning how LE handles a case, our perception of feeling safe in our surroundings, and how we can combat such violence...we should go down every possible avenue to find the answers.

Hiding your head in the sand and pretending that all is well with our law enforcement agencies or that the overall ills of our society are not part of the problem lacks intelligence and puts blinders on the very things which need to be fixed. We have a serious problem which needs to be addressed on many levels.
Thank you for proving my point.
Thank you for proving my point.

I think it is obvious that LE is doing a good job. They made a mistake in communicating the DNA and thong, corrected it, explained what caused the mistake and moved on.
I think it is obvious that LE is doing a good job. They made a mistake in communicating the DNA and thong, corrected it, explained what caused the mistake and moved on.

i agree...they'll catch this guy...there's all kinds of cases out there where it's taking time, much longer than what some folks think it should take, but LE in the country are a good group of hard working men & women...they don't give up.....they'll get him; i have no doubt
I think it is obvious that LE is doing a good job. They made a mistake in communicating the DNA and thong, corrected it, explained what caused the mistake and moved on.
I think we need to put some of the emphasis on the media misreporting some facts and less on the police "messing up." I'm guessing that the RGJ reporter did not check with more than one source in reporting the DNA mixup, because when the RPD later clarified it, they said that "someone" had miscommunicated that information.
I think we need to put some of the emphasis on the media misreporting some facts and less on the police "messing up." I'm guessing that the RGJ reporter did not check with more than one source in reporting the DNA mixup, because when the RPD later clarified it, they said that "someone" had miscommunicated that information.

True, the media has had their share of miscommunication. That is why I try to go to the LE press releases as the source of their comments. I don't know the circumstances of how the RGJ reporter received the information about DNA. I was glad to see LE correct the error and explain what happened.
True, the media has had their share of miscommunication. That is why I try to go to the LE press releases as the source of their comments. I don't know the circumstances of how the RGJ reporter received the information about DNA. I was glad to see LE correct the error and explain what happened.
Yes, you pointed me to that, and I thank you for it. Trying to keep up with the jumble of information in the various media reports is difficult.

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