Lawyers texting in court?

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Anyone know at exactly which point JA made his complaint in today's trial videos? I want to see it for myself and have a good laugh!
In my opinion, it makes one look unprofessional. PERIOD. If you are that unprepared, and that unaware of where you are, then you shouldn't be a lawyer.

Texting these days has gotten out of control. Know your job. Know your purpose for being present. Texting while "on the job" looks like one is lazy. IMO

I guess I am sick of the "dumbing down" of this country. :twocents:
I have no idea and it infuriates me!
JB disrespects the Court daily and smirks all the time when he gets away with it.
I really thought HHJP would take him to task over this texting, but whatever the rules of decorum for this court are, they are applied only to the SA team.

I agree. It's obvious JA was annoyed by it and found it inappropriate, I was disappointed that HHJP let it go but then I'm hoping he addressed it at side-bar!
I read in todays trial thread that ICA was texting as well. Supposedly would take the phone and hold it in the binder to not be seen.

I've been trying to find a link to todays coverage with time stamps to see if I can find it but no luck so far.

I didn't see it but if true it scares me to think that she might be texting LA possibly CA too! Sure pray that's not the case because when they drink the kool-aid the have a hard time coming back to reality! :maddening:
YES, highly inappropriate, desrepectful, and unprofessional! And, since we're on the subject of JB's unbecoming conduct, may I add that I find his standing up while the prosecution is speaking to a witness on the stand, like he's just waiting for an opportunity to object, to be extremely bullying behavior. I found myself yesterday yelling at the TV telling JB to either make an objection or sit his fat you-know-what down! I hope Judge Perry will tell him for me. Don't make me come down there Jose!

Since he is standing, don't you think he could at least stand up straight instead of slouching with one hand on the table.:banghead:

His demeanor is disrespectful for anyone who is a gentleman, particularly for a courtroom . This has bothered me all along. Remember Perry Mason, all starched and crisp and standing up straight?

I didn't see it but if true it scares me to think that she might be texting LA possibly CA too! Sure pray that's not the case because when they drink the kool-aid the have a hard time coming back to reality! :maddening:

I agree! I can't imagine who else would accept a text from her?

Since he is standing, don't you think he could at least stand up straight instead of slouching with one hand on the table.:banghead:

His demeanor is disrespectful for anyone who is a gentleman, particularly for a courtroom . This has bothered me all along. Remember Perry Mason, all starched and crisp and standing up straight?

I must be part of the minority here. I actually like Baez and think he's doing a pretty good job with the facts he has to work with.
It is wrong and the judge needs to put a stop to it or make them leave their phones in their brief cases. I don't like it at all and think it is very rude of them to even think of doing it.
For what it is worth, I have had to text my assistant, witnesses, etc many times during a trial to coordinate matters. The only difference today though is that Baez did it at a podium, which I have never done.

And before you go blasting Baez for even doing it at the defense table, the reality is the state is constantly emailing their office with the computer in front of them to coordinate the same types of things.

The fact that he did it at the podium is what gets to me. It just seems highly disrespectful. I don't think there is anything wrong with doing it at the defense table.
I must be part of the minority here. I actually like Baez and think he's doing a pretty good job with the facts he has to work with.

If he actually did have any "facts" to work with, I might feel the same way.
Who doesn't need a little humor after today's fiasco?


10: @icaseyomarie Yes, Juror 10 does have nice eyes, but I'm in the middle of questioning this witness, can we do this later?
9: Thanks for reminding me. I actually mailed that check yesterday. I swear.
8: @OrangeCoLibrary Sorry to bother you again. Can I also have the definition for "specious" ? Thanks.
7: I just got up to do a cross examination, and when I sat back down at my computer, all my Texas HoldEm chips were gone. Can you look into this for me?
6: @GeraldoRivera: Cool, bro. See you there. Hey, I've been meaning to ask you, what kind of gel do you use?
5: I don't care if he doesn't like the car, my butt is on the line here and I'm running out of options, so you'd better make sure Scruffy is available for deposition tomorrow.
4: @ABCBachelorette: I know! Shocker! I can't believe she sent West home and kept Ryan! Whatever!
3: @Cheney Mason: Yeah, him. Third row, blue shirt, nerdy looking. Ask him if he's a chemist. Where's a freaking chemist when you need one?
2: @icaseyomarie For the tenth time, no, I will NOT ask if Juror 10 is free in 2031. And get out of my chair.
1: @JeffAshton I know you are, but what am I. Hahahahaha!
I'm a law clerk for a tiny criminal defense firm. From what I understand - texting at the table is totally okay, and generally communicating with clerks/people at the office regarding something in the case. Texting at the podium, on the other hand, is something I've never seen done and I don't think would be tolerated by the judges I'm familiar with.

It can be incredibly helpful to direct someone to pull the most relevant case law regarding X issue when something comes up in trial, but I think texting at the podium is bit much myself.

I didn't see it but if true it scares me to think that she might be texting LA possibly CA too! Sure pray that's not the case because when they drink the kool-aid the have a hard time coming back to reality! :maddening:

Shouldn't the deputies be watching her? Is an inmate allowed to text or use a computer while in court?
Well, apparently, Judge Perry isn't too concerned about it, probably knows what's going on, so maybe Mr. Ashton should be more concerned with his own professionalism rather than criticizing the opposing counsel. JMO, but to be chastized several times in two straight days by a very fair judge doesn't win him any points, as far as I'm concerned. He needs to curb his temper a bit, and also show some respect. He's had far more experience in the courtroom than Baez has, you'd think he would know better.
I always thought that the texting had to do with Baez needing his Dad (Cheney Mason ) and his Mom ( Dorothy Simms ) to feed him things to ask and say because he's not effective enough on his own and there is too much me ....the question is.....well ....but I need to know.....I'll ask it this way....don't answer that....and the like that goes on. I think they text him also when he asks a snarky question that makes him look bad or when he asks questions that should never be asked....or things he has implied like " Decomp being consistant with a Banana ". :waitasec:
Just wondering what others think about this because I think it's HIGHLY inappropriate and unprofessional ESPECIALLY at the podium! Am I alone in this? Why is the Judge allowing this?

ITA, disgusting, unprofessional and disrespecting! :loser:
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