LE needs to check on Amy's storage site.

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Storage boxes, ice chests, storage areas. All good thoughts. I don't think any of them would be a viable place of permanent disposal because of the odor, although once the body had decomposed and there were only bones remaining, there would be no more odor and any place would be probable.

So let's get back to the bins and storage. I doubt if a bin was used because the body oozed all over the car trunk. She could have used it to transport the body from the house to the car, but would she later take the body of out the bin, letting it drip all over the trunk? She could have disposed of the bin at the dumpster. :confused:

I'm thinking she wouldn't have been as quick on the draw to think of using the ice chest with ice in it to slow the decomposition, but an ice chest could have been used for the transport, and dumped later.

Ditto any type of storage facility. Too long in there, odor would be reeking. So it would be no good for longterm safe keeping UNLESS the body had turned to bones (no more odor). But where would she have kept the body until it became only bones? That doesn't work. She could have stored her there for a short time, then the odor got too much, and put her in the trunk. BUT, I think someone would have smelled it coming from the storage area, especially if it had leaked as it did in the trunk.

Oh, this is terrible to think of the child in this way!

We have lots of those plastic bins, too, for the very reasons stated by technicalconfusion - bugs, rain, hurricane evacuation.....it's an endless battle. :crazy:
If I was Amy I'd be sure to take LE with me when I opened it up~
That's what I was thinking. Honestly, after finding out that my money had been stolen, and that the thief's daughter is missing, if I even would have thought about my storage stuff, I think I would have been a little bit worried about what I'd find there. If I didn't take LE with me, I'd at least bring somebody else, because I'd be afraid to go alone.
They need to ask her if she gave Casey all of her keys. If she did then probably had access to everything she owns, car, apartment, possible storage building.
Thanks, spiritao.

"Men will get an erection". Good lawd! Even in death!

Interesting, but gruesome stuff. Now you know why I mentioned "oozing" and body fluids in my post. It just ain't pretty.
IF Amy had a storage building, LE would have received this info from Amy once Amy came forward regarding the stolen money etc., etc. Remember, LE has all of Casey's comments through MySpace and Facebook!
Yes, I would like to think that subject came up with LE and Amy but with so much stuff going on, sometimes things get overlooked. Those tubs bug me also folks. I watched a movie where a guy had his wifes torso sitting in a tub in the garage the whole time LE was investigating her disappearance. He had buried her, and went back later and retrieved the bones because the park was going to be searched where he had them hidden. I wish LE would tear a home apart to look for missing children the same way they tear them apart to look for drugs. sigh.. nothing unturned. they just didnt seem to be at anthonys home for long at a time.
Has everyone seen this page? I know that I am late to the game of LA but found this while searching for any info on him.
This was posted by 100%AGAVE on the LA thread:

This OPINION is MINE. There are MANY like it, but this one is MINE.

I reserve the right to at any time.

(I didn't know how to link to that page)

LA mentions a storage facility on that link
IF Amy had a storage building, LE would have received this info from Amy once Amy came forward regarding the stolen money etc., etc. Remember, LE has all of Casey's comments through MySpace and Facebook!

Yes! AND, I'm sorry....I really don't think that anyone....not even KC would be dumb enough to place a body in a storage unit! JMO!!!!!
Yes! AND, I'm sorry....I really don't think that anyone....not even KC would be dumb enough to place a body in a storage unit! JMO!!!!!

There is other evidence that could still be found. like the chloroform bottle covered in prints for example.
Has everyone seen this page? I know that I am late to the game of LA but found this while searching for any info on him.
This was posted by 100%AGAVE on the LA thread:

This OPINION is MINE. There are MANY like it, but this one is MINE.

I reserve the right to at any time.

(I didn't know how to link to that page)

LA mentions a storage facility on that link


Do you really believe that page is for real? Started Aug 5 2008.

Do you really believe that page is for real? Started Aug 5 2008.

I found it on another thread and then recalled there was already a thread about storage so I copied it over. I don't know if it is real. There sure seems to be a lot of bogus stuff on the net since all this happened.
No I don't think its real, because his middle initial is A not D, age is wrong also someone didnt do their research before the set up a bogus page.


Do you really believe that page is for real? Started Aug 5 2008.
Great find. While they are there looking be sure to check for the "rubbermaid" boxes, the A's have a lot of them in their garage. Please go to the link and go to the See Images and scroll through the images until you see GA in the garage and look to the right and see all the boxes. Just a thought. IMO.


The interesting thing about these type of containers is you can move the tops around, they fit the bottom of others.

If you want people to think that a container is still the same old one and not something "new", exchange lid from an older one with dust and marks on it. Anyone checking out their storage will naturally look to see if the dust from the tops have been disturbed. The body may not be there but maybe phones or something else she doesn't want found.
Casey Anthony is totally confident that Caylee's body will not be found, she would not put it in a storage shed or boxes in her mother's garage. She put it somewhere where she knew it would never be found, probably in a dumpster, she knew by waiting a month by then it would be long gone. JMHO

Do not look at the link if you are squimish....but it gives a good idea of what the body would be now!

Did anyon ever read about the Unicorn murder? Holly was the girls name.
Her body was found in a trunk on the back porch. The neighbours had complained about a horrible smell. I think they also said there was some kind of liquid oozing out of the trunk. EW
So...they might try and say that smell was from rotting pizza *I cant stand to eat pizza now*!
but I doubt if there is any smell like the one in back of KC's trunk. And it sounds like they had even tried to clean it. You cant even CLEAN that smell away.
Yes, I would like to think that subject came up with LE and Amy but with so much stuff going on, sometimes things get overlooked. Those tubs bug me also folks. I watched a movie where a guy had his wifes torso sitting in a tub in the garage the whole time LE was investigating her disappearance. He had buried her, and went back later and retrieved the bones because the park was going to be searched where he had them hidden. I wish LE would tear a home apart to look for missing children the same way they tear them apart to look for drugs. sigh.. nothing unturned. they just didnt seem to be at anthonys home for long at a time.
Might have been a movie...not sure. However, it happened in real life with the Tara Grant case. There is a link on here with Stephen's full confession. A book is being written on the case and the authors were invited here by Tricia. Check it out.

However, I don't think there is any need for LE to check out Amy's storage site in regards to this case. Amy is a victim and has been upfront with LE. If she noticed anything at all amiss...she would have asked them to check.
They certainly do have quite a few boxes, don't they? Something tells me unless there is a new one, those were covered when LE came to collect evidence. And without refrigeration, I suspect the odor of a body kept in one of those would be at least a little noticeable.

In all honesty, although I really like this theory, I suspect by now someone would have complained about odor coming from a storage unit, even if the unit had "climate control".

I read the idea as being she either (1) stole items from inside, or, worse (2) temporarily hid Caylee or other items there until she figured out what to do... or (3) Caylee is still there (though I agree the odor would have been noticed, unless it's a unit not frequented much by nearby unit owners/leasees...)

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