LE Presser - Wednesday, August 11, 2010

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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So to clarify: could it be that Terri(or companion) moved her truck from one place to another while in the school parking lot?

Also, what could look *not quite right* in Freddy's lot?


If the truck was moved - was it first parked in a regular spot, then the mystery person moves the truck to the access road by the exit while they are inside the SF so they can leave without notice? Hmmm.
New here...tired of lurking since this case began and not posting. :innocent:

Haven't we heard them say that they have received thousands of tips through the tip line? Haven't we also heard people complain that they've called in tips but have never heard back? Maybe they think there may already be a bunch of people who've called in and reported "hey I saw this truck parked at FM on June 4"... but because these tips are buried amongst 20 million (inflated intentionally for effect) other tips, it's easier to ask DIRECTLY for these people to call NOW, rather than go and weed through all of the existing tips to try to find them in the haystack?

If so, then we're not asking new people to jog their memory from two months ago... we're asking those people who reported their tip nearly two months ago to come forward and repeat it. Chances are, they were already annoyed that nobody had gotten back with them yet. Ha!

Is the tip line number they gave the same tip line number that they've been using all along or is it a new one expressly for this particular purpose?

and as a new poster, I guess I'm supposed to say MOO now? Moo.


Nice to have you!!
By now, they should know exactly where every car or truck or moped was parked on that day. They should know what every person was wearing, what they ate and where they went afterward. I am really disappointed that they are asking this now, regardless of new info, this stuff seems investigation 101 to me, in a case with so little knowledge of what has happened to a child.

Even if they know Terri and Dede did something to Kyron...they are no closer to knowing what or where, IMO.

:floorlaugh: I agree completely! Calling all generic white trucks!!!
I'm multitasking here, so I'm really hoping I misheard what Gates said when asked why they were coming out with the info on both of those Fred Meyers 2 months later.

I swear I heard him say it was from tips (or that they developed this from working through tips).

This info was in Terri's email she sent to a friend on June 5th.

LE didn't have those emails until 2 months after Kyron disappeared ?????

what. the. hell.
So, this missing piece--could expand the suspects, confirm premeditated.
Eliminate a story from a non-suspect.
Remember, we/I learned from Alan Jackson (the cutest): Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

So--who's shakin' in their Birkenstocks in Portland right now?

Could DEDE have some kind of immunity deal? Could she have given them just enough to place the truck where the pictures show? Could she have given them enough and now they just need witnesses to back up her story??, based off of maybe what her texts and emails say from Terri, or from what Terri has told her? We know she is cooperating to a point now, so are they using some kind of limited immunity?
My understanding is with immunity they cannot use what she tells them against her, only what they find on their own....I think...

I'm more confused now than I have been.
Although, I still feel like there is some kind of relationship going on that has not hit MSM yet, which would be the only reason people would have helped her in any way!
By now, they should know exactly where every car or truck or moped was parked on that day. They should know what every person was wearing, what they ate and where they went afterward. I am really disappointed that they are asking this now, regardless of new info, this stuff seems investigation 101 to me, in a case with so little knowledge of what has happened to a child.

Even if they know Terri and Dede did something to Kyron...they are no closer to knowing what or where, IMO.

I believe they do, which is why they want the people who own those cars, who were parked there that day, to come talk to them. It sounded like they are looking for corroborating witnesses who were parked in that part of the lot that morning. If some random guy came up and said he was parked right next to Terri's truck in a green blazer - and they know that the car parked next to hers was a black Civic, then he's not credible and who cares what he says. If someone comes forward and says he was in a black Civic and there are two witnesses who say there was a black Civic next to Terri's truck, then whatever he says he saw has a bit more credibility.

Obviously I'm making up all the makes and models as examples...

I didn't get the impression LE was starting from scratch trying to sketch out the parking layout. I got the impression they know a LOT and can place a LOT of cars that were there and are now just looking for the people who were driving them that day.
I think the good news is that we now have (in a backward sort of way) confirmation of Terry's timeline as reported by unnamed sources and thru her just released emails.
When Cap'n Gates says that with a smile like he did, I sooooooo want to believe in a miracle for Kyron. :praying:

I soooo want to believe Dede helped Terri get Kyron underground out of the belief that it was necessary for his safety. Or something.

*emma pours some magic dust on her desk and snorts it*


If figures when everything starts happening I'll have been away from the TV the last few days. I'm so lost. Meant to watch the presser but I took pain meds last night and didn't wake up until my phone rang.... arg!!

Will links to the stored video go in the today's news sticky?

I think this is a first time a lightbulb went on in my head. I can think of a few scenarios based on some of the back and forth we've heard that would make this possible. And it would explain my confusion about DDS's reaction coming out of GJ.

But wow.... I don't know. Because I've always assumed if TH did it, she's..... something unmentionable because it will probably get me banned to say what I think of a stepmother who could hurt this little boy. But I can't get over how one woman manages to rope so many others, law-abiding, upstanding citizens who appear to be known and respected in their communities to carry out a murder, or cover it up. I just couldn't put those pieces together. But they might have been willing to break the law, if they felt they were protecting him the only way they could.

It's an intriguing thought on a number of fronts.... Boy is it a stretch. My back hurts from that kind of stretching. I just hope someone calls with a great tip, Kyron is found alive, and we can all go back to our lives. Or the next case, as the case may be. This has to be torture for the family. Sat in the car with my daughter outside her apartment last night, in front of the sign again.... Every time I see his face I want to cry. We'll both be mid-sentence and trail off, because that beautiful smile is there, larger than life.

Please come home, little man. Your family is waiting for you!
Did you not all hear him say that they are operating under the assumption that he is still ALIVE? Why would anyone say he is not alive when they clearly have no evidence to prove he is dead? Keep the hope alive people......pleeeeeze.......

If I just say "they always say that", it sounds terribly heartless, but it's true. They say one thing, but their actions show something else. Everyone on here wants Kyron to be found alive, but you also have to stay realistic about the possibility.
Maybe they WANT the owner/driver of a mystery vehicle to KNOW they are comin'? In Other Words, they KNOW someone hasn't come clean...
Did you not all hear him say that they are operating under the assumption that he is still ALIVE? Why would anyone say he is not alive when they clearly have no evidence to prove he is dead? Keep the hope alive people......pleeeeeze.......

I'm just trying to be semi-realistic, shanety. :twocents: They searched the woods, ravines, and ditches all weekend - Kyron isn't in the woods and still alive, sorry.

ETA: I've been here on Websleuths for seven years - I think that has something to do with my opinion of this case.
So, this missing piece--could expand the suspects, confirm premeditated.
Eliminate a story from a non-suspect.
Remember, we/I learned from Alan Jackson (the cutest): Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

So--who's shakin' in their Birkenstocks in Portland right now?


Anyone who owns a white truck! Or has red hair! Or anyone who thinks they know someone with a white truck! Or someone who has changed their hair color to red! Or anyone who has known, or does know, or has communicated with a person with red hair and owns a white truck. Or anyone who thinks they may have seen or communicated with Terri or any one of her friends, especially those with red hair. moo mho
What I mean is they should have a huge chart on the wall that shows every single car and who owns it, by now...so they would only need to call a person if they had a later question...and this does not seem to be the case...
did anyone get the feeling they were close to a resolution (as I hoped and prayed) cause i sure didn't... :(

I am definitely getting the feeling that they are close to resolution. I may be in the minority but I am very impressed with this investigation and the tactics they seem to be using. They revealed a mountain of stuff today, just not to us. Instead, it was revealed to the person(s) responsible for Kyron's disappearance.
IMO, they just told certain people specific info, such as where witnesses have placed them, that likely has certain people shaking in their boots.
Why? Because a confession from someone is much better than a purely circumstantial case (which could still be winnable). This was pure pressure and I think it was directed at DS. TH has lots of reasons to continue to remain silent. DS must be much less vested in such silence, in an emotional sense because this is not her family or her husband's kid, etc. So they plaster her photo all over a flyer, and give out info stating they have witnesses placing vehicles in certain areas. If I was DS I would be pooping my pants.
I have a lot of faith right now in LE.
It was interesting that the DA was there. It was interesting to get a feel for his demeanor and hear his voice, his clear command of the info, his sharpness, authority. I think he could be pretty intimidating. Thumbs up there from me.
This conveys to me they are probably not seeking an indictment for murder...
I think LE knows stuff and who knows what their point is here.

I am guessing that there is another white truck involved here and they know whose it is, but they need or want corroboration about the other white truck.

It's funny, but where I live, white trucks are not popular at all.

Unfortunately, a lot of people don't watch the news. So maybe just the right people won't even see this. But I bet Skyline people ARE watching.
I believe they do, which is why they want the people who own those cars, who were parked there that day, to come talk to them. It sounded like they are looking for corroborating witnesses who were parked in that part of the lot that morning. If some random guy came up and said he was parked right next to Terri's truck in a green blazer - and they know that the car parked next to hers was a black Civic, then he's not credible and who cares what he says. If someone comes forward and says he was in a black Civic and there are two witnesses who say there was a black Civic next to Terri's truck, then whatever he says he saw has a bit more credibility.

Obviously I'm making up all the makes and models as examples...

I didn't get the impression LE was starting from scratch trying to sketch out the parking layout. I got the impression they know a LOT and can
place a LOT of cars that were there and are now just looking for the people who were driving them that day.

I so agree. I bet they have a big diagram and can fill every slot. They are trying to find the owner of the one who shouldn't have been there. moo
New here...tired of lurking since this case began and not posting. :innocent:

Haven't we heard them say that they have received thousands of tips through the tip line? Haven't we also heard people complain that they've called in tips but have never heard back? Maybe they think there may already be a bunch of people who've called in and reported "hey I saw this truck parked at FM on June 4"... but because these tips are buried amongst 20 million (inflated intentionally for effect) other tips, it's easier to ask DIRECTLY for these people to call NOW, rather than go and weed through all of the existing tips to try to find them in the haystack?

If so, then we're not asking new people to jog their memory from two months ago... we're asking those people who reported their tip nearly two months ago to come forward and repeat it. Chances are, they were already annoyed that nobody had gotten back with them yet. Ha!

Is the tip line number they gave the same tip line number that they've been using all along or is it a new one expressly for this particular purpose?

and as a new poster, I guess I'm supposed to say MOO now? Moo.

Welcome and that was a great first post!

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