Lee and Mallory tied the knot

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You are so funny! Congrats on your 4000th.

It made me look to see that I had 4227....can't believe I wasted that much of my life on FCA!

You didn't waste your life......you helped get Caylee's Law past in many states and they're not done yet. jmo
Late to the party, but I've been ignoring this entire area.

I wish Lee and Mallory all the best. I hope they can find a way to have a normal, healed, and happy life together.
Originally Posted by logicalgirl
Guess I'll jump in with my -

Here goes - I'd say after the shape Lee was in after the trial, particularly with half the country jeering at him for his (mostly midunderstood) breakdown after his testimony - he needed at least a six month break to get his head patched back together.

Kudos to Mallory for standing by him - she who had to testify to what she believed was true during the year before fca killed Caylee because if you recall, no one asked her what she believed by the time the trial was held. It must have been hard for her to get on the stand knowing the defense lawyer she was facing had accused "her man" of a heinous crime.

IMO there was no way either of them would allow fca anywhere near their wedding - nor do i see her in their life in anyway, let alone if and when they have children. Lee knows the truth about his sister.

Also, IMO - I'd guess there would have had to have been some negotiations and promises from CA and GA to let them attend also. His mother who lied on the stand and didn't robustly defend him, and a father who didn't deny the accusations about Lee - here we have two parents who clearly gave preference to fca all of Lee's life. And where did it get them? An alienated son, a dead grand daughter and a daughter who is forever branded as a child killer, no matter what the jury said.

This is a fractured family - and from my view point - far too broken to be having all the happy reunions some posters have described. It isn't going to happen in my lifetime.

I say good luck Lee and Mallory and hope for blessings in your life together.

I don't know where that post went to, but Logicalgirl you are just so ..... logical! You make total sense if you look at that situation logically. But....you forget...it's the Anthonys. Logic does not apply here.

LOL - you made me chuckle! As much as they are a family - they are also individuals and watching the dynamics very closely - i do not see how it is possible to lump them together and paint them the same colour. FCA, Lee, George and Cindy are all in individuals positions in this family and always have been. I don't see them as united and never have.
Fca is there by herself - always has been and is a master manipulator. I have also felt that she has had since a young child - a terrible temper and I think her parents are afraid of her, to some extent.
Lee is the odd one out - never fit in - had some obvious teenage mental issues, can't see him ever being part of the "in" crowd - in fact I'd bet good cash he was ostracized in high school as being just plain weird. George was too strict with him, and he was Cindy's little boy - taught at an early age to be her "little man". And IMO FCA manipulated him into believing it was the two of them against her parents. BUT, he watched FCA always given preference, found himself shut out - tried to support and believe in his sister when this story broke, and in the end resented them all. He watched his father fold to Cindy's will, he watched his mother lie on the stand and become Baez little rosebud and heard his sister insinuate terrible things about him - and in the end he knew she was guilty. To me it's pretty clear this is a humpty-dumpty situation that I can't see being mended. He hates FCA for killing Caylee and won't forgive himself for not being there for her.

He was inconsolable after his testimony and had a complete breakdown. Any shred of family love was completely shattered and while he may tolerate his parents when he has to, I beleive he sees his sister for what she really is and I don't beleive there is a place in his life and his marriage for her.

I found it heartbreaking to watch and hope he is getting professional help.

That's what I think. Logical - well...:waitasec: I"m glad he has Mallory - I'm glad they are married and I hope they can find some peace someday. The family connection is a huge burden to carry forward for their life.
LOL - you made me chuckle! As much as they are a family - they are also individuals and watching the dynamics very closely - i do not see how it is possible to lump them together and paint them the same colour. FCA, Lee, George and Cindy are all in individuals positions in this family and always have been. I don't see them as united and never have.
Fca is there by herself - always has been and is a master manipulator. I have also felt that she has had since a young child - a terrible temper and I think her parents are afraid of her, to some extent.
Lee is the odd one out - never fit in - had some obvious teenage mental issues, can't see him ever being part of the "in" crowd - in fact I'd bet good cash he was ostracized in high school as being just plain weird. George was too strict with him, and he was Cindy's little boy - taught at an early age to be her "little man". And IMO FCA manipulated him into believing it was the two of them against her parents. BUT, he watched FCA always given preference, found himself shut out - tried to support and believe in his sister when this story broke, and in the end resented them all. He watched his father fold to Cindy's will, he watched his mother lie on the stand and become Baez little rosebud and heard his sister insinuate terrible things about him - and in the end he knew she was guilty. To me it's pretty clear this is a humpty-dumpty situation that I can't see being mended. He hates FCA for killing Caylee and won't forgive himself for not being there for her.

He was inconsolable after his testimony and had a complete breakdown. Any shred of family love was completely shattered and while he may tolerate his parents when he has to, I beleive he sees his sister for what she really is and I don't beleive there is a place in his life and his marriage for her.

I found it heartbreaking to watch and hope he is getting professional help.

That's what I think. Logical - well...:waitasec: I"m glad he has Mallory - I'm glad they are married and I hope they can find some peace someday. The family connection is a huge burden to carry forward for their life.

I do not post much anymore but I just want to say I am in agreement with you.
all i am gonna say is that i hope lee and mallory can put this behind them and start their lives a new and as far away from CA and esp. FCA as humanly possible. the idea of FCA possibly babysitting their future kids makes me shudder. and i fear that FCA could weasel and con her way back into their good graces, both LA and M . M had the whole 'she was an amazing mother' kool-aid...i hope im wrong on this( the kool-aid bit)
good luck to them, learn from the past mistakes of the family and go forward
Yet, LA is working for a man who employs and/or supports GA&CA in other ways, and who many suspect supports or has supported FCA as well. Awfully cozy, if distancing himself was LA's goal.
Yet, LA is working for a man who employs and/or supports GA&CA in other ways, and who many suspect supports or has supported FCA as well. Awfully cozy, if distancing himself was LA's goal.

Maybe it's the only job LA could get where he could be afforded some protection. I think the foundation is supporting KC to be honest with CA's blessings. I give GA credit for getting out there and working. For KC, it's business as usual less one child. jmo
Is it known if GA and CA attended the wedding? Have there been any pictures?
LA's place in this family was exhibited during the trial. After his emotional testimony they broke for lunch. It was reported that LA went to lunch alone while his parents are elsewhere. That alone showed me the strange dynamics. If this had been my son, after he had such an emotional time, I would have been trying to comfort him, not ignore him.

I am sure that m loves him a great deal, or she would have bolted long ago. I hope they are able to rely on each other and have a happy marriage. M could help L in ways nobody else could, simply by showing him that he is important to her.
I wish them nothing but the best. I think they need to start a whole new life away from all of the turmoil and chaos. I hope that is possible.:cake:
I only wish Mallory the best! She is going to need it! :thud:
LA's place in this family was exhibited during the trial. After his emotional testimony they broke for lunch. It was reported that LA went to lunch alone while his parents are elsewhere. That alone showed me the strange dynamics. If this had been my son, after he had such an emotional time, I would have been trying to comfort him, not ignore him.

I am sure that m loves him a great deal, or she would have bolted long ago. I hope they are able to rely on each other and have a happy marriage. M could help L in ways nobody else could, simply by showing him that he is important to her.

FL, I wonder if that was planned? The separate lunch thingy?
FL, I wonder if that was planned? The separate lunch thingy?

I can't figure out the purpose if it was planned. The jury would not be privy to that so why plan it? I felt so bad for Lee when I read this. It just seemed like a moment that showed that he was not cared for like his evil sister. I think that if he and Mallory can keep themselves away from his parents, they will be okay.
Yet, LA is working for a man who employs and/or supports GA&CA in other ways, and who many suspect supports or has supported FCA as well. Awfully cozy, if distancing himself was LA's goal.

Jobs are hard to find right now in this area. It may have been a case of nothing else was available to him. Of the entire family, Lee is the one that really didn't cave in and follow the script as expected by jb. JB tried to get him to testify to something, kept asking the same questions, but he held on and would not take that path. You could see the way jb looked that he wanted something else.
FL, I wonder if that was planned? The separate lunch thingy?
I remember the Hinky Magpie saying Lippman was in the side room off the court room with Lee for a few minutes and when he came out he told GA and CA that Lee did not want to be with them at all.
I thought that shot of Lee and Mallory leaning on each other at the back of the courtroom after her testimony pretty much said it all for me.

I hope they can stay strong and have a life together.
I thought that shot of Lee and Mallory leaning on each other at the back of the courtroom after her testimony pretty much said it all for me.

I hope they can stay strong and have a life together.

So do I.
And to think Caylee could have been their flower girl. She would have been beautiful.
Well, good for them. I'm no fan of anyone in that family, but L & M are young and they do need to get on with their lives. I hope they never trust KC with their future children. I do hope they will find some peace and happiness in the chaos their lives have become.
And to think Caylee could have been their flower girl. She would have been beautiful.

very good point "kenoshakid" i have to wonder if that thought had crossed LA, M's minds or even GA and CA's mind.
it very well should have....

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