Lee and Mallory tied the knot

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I really hope Lee and Mallory have a wonderful life together! They must be made of rock, seriously. ♥♥ Life does go on.....> and you've got to give them credit for being there for one another, rather, Mallory for Lee of late! Geez...what a life.
I wish them nothing but good things. They've been through so much already. I can't see how Lee will ever get over the accusations by KC using him to get her own behind out of yet another corner. Things will come up throughout their married life, no matter how much they try to protect themselves due to the massive coverage of this case. I hope the marriage will thrive in spite of it.
More posts removed. TOs next.

Nobody is saying you've got to wish them well. Just stay off of this thread spewing the hate. Not sure what is hard to understand about that.

This forum is literally FILLED with threads bashing every member of the Anthony family. All I am asking is to refrain from posting it on this one thread.
I wish them much luck as well and I figure that with all that they have been through already the fact that they are still together and actually did marry says a lot about them and the love they must have for one another. Lee hold on tight to Mallory, you really have a gem there and congratulations to both of you if you read here.
If they have kids don't let Aunt Casey near them.
I was surprised to learn that Lee and Mallory just got married this month. I saw their registry that showed October 1, 2011 as the wedding date. DH and I spent his birthday (10/1) weekend on Mackinac Island (MI) and toasted the couple before dinner that evening :toastred:

Mazel Tov!
I was surprised to learn that Lee and Mallory just got married this month. I saw their registry that showed October 1, 2011 as the wedding date. DH and I spent his birthday (10/1) weekend on Mackinac Island (MI) and toasted the couple before dinner that evening :toastred:

Mazel Tov!

OMG Ive always wanted to go there ! Loved the Somewhere In Time movie and had no idea there was a "cult" following they even have a movie night where peeps dress up in period costumes and hang out at that hotel LOL Love the idea of horses and no cars

maybe some day
OMG Ive always wanted to go there ! Loved the Somewhere In Time movie and had no idea there was a "cult" following they even have a movie night where peeps dress up in period costumes and hang out at that hotel LOL Love the idea of horses and no cars

maybe some day

Mackinac Island should be on everyone's bucket list :)
I sincerely wish them the best. My heart goes out to her for being brave enough to marry a man who will forever be tainted by the "he molestered me" brush, thanks to his ever lovin' sister. Mallory must truely love Lee to be able to marry into such disfunction and with the knowledge that any future playmate of their future children will have an accused molester as a father and another as a grandfather. Add in a sister-in-law who threw away her own child as garbage and a rabid mother-in-law...that is a lot of baggage to carry into your married life. My thoughts go out to Mallory.

For what it's worth- a long hot shower to clean off the ick after I type this quasi-compliment- Det. Melich said he really thought that outside of this case, the Anthony's (George and Cindy) were otherwise functional, "normal" people in the way they lived their lives.
We know some of the neighbors did not like them much, but co-workers seemed to like Cindy, detectives seemed to have some affinity for George...so, maybe Mallory is a big picture gal and she is marginalizing, compartmentalizing and trying to be altruistic.
Or, she's as bonkers as they are.
If they have kids don't let Aunt Casey near them.

They (the Anthonys) are no longer a part of her Machiavellian schemes, they don't define or reign in her narcissism...so she would have no reason to hurt a niece or nephew, because there is no plot there.

But Cindy is right to state KC herself need not have children. For the reasons stated above, it's obvious why she hated Caylee and would hate a new child in her charge.

No worries to those who can but reminisce about KC headed for the needle room-Take heart! She will strike again (hopefully not bodily harm to anyone) and will be caught, psychopaths don't cure themselves.
"Lee and Mallory tied the knot"

Is that anything like putting a noose around one's neck?

I thought they had gotten married months ago. Interesting.

So after all these years, she went through with it. :waitasec: True love? Only suitor available? She fell in love with the family? :jail:

Hang on, Mal, it's going to be fun... :rollercoaster: I hope you like amusement parks.

Best wishes to the happy couple. Seriously.
Oh, I think it has already started. She is never going to have the life she had before. She is still in prison but of a different kind. At least she felt secure in prison. She'll never feel that way again. She'll always have to look over her shoulder. The best her "rich boyfriend" could do for her was to hide her in a church compound???? She will wake up one morning and say, "Hey, where did all my false friends go." Only a matter of time. jmo

Don't worry, she'll just make up some new friends with more exciting backgrounds.
I'm not a fan of either one. But I do hope they manage to have an ok life.
I hope that Lee Anthony and Mallory Parkery have a good life together.
I don't care either way. Good luck and good riddance to them both.
I hope they have a successful union, I do. They have stood by each other for so long and I can only imagine having to live with allllllll the controversy. I really wouldn't wish what happened to them before, during and after the trial on anyone. This however, does not mean I agreed with everything, but I do feel Lee was played by his family pretty hard. I hope they are happy.
Okay, if I were good friends with this couple, I would encourage them to move to a tiny village in northern Newfoundland, or somewhere similarly difficult to reach, geographically/weather wise. Narrow their lives down to little simplicities that can only be found in such demographics... both could teach school, I'm sure, or clerk for one business or another.

Lee need only wax those brows and give them a lightening to deter from the paternal familial traits he bears. Don a nice Pendleton shirt, a down coat, with some pants and boots-- and disappear.

I don't think the Orlando crowd would venture up more than once. :)

That's what I'd do if I were them...

Good luck, to the tenacious couple, they're going to need a ton of it.

I read in recent people magazine (one w tom n Katie split on cover) that LA forgives his sister and wants a relationship w her again....Mallory be aware ...very aware...don't let aunt KC watch whatever kids u have....

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