Lee Anthony's testimonies

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Jun 3, 2010
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FG: What is the 1st thing you recall your sister saying upon entering the house?
LA: On entering the house, she would have been in her room, so... I don't recall the exact words - I don't remember.
FG: May I approach the witness (referencing deposition)
LA: She said Caylee was with the Nanny.
FG: At this moment had you been aware of the existence of a nanny?
LA: No
FG: Were you ever aware your sister used a nanny from time to time?
LA: No
FG: Recall any comments about a cycle or a routine?
LA: Something along the lines of "This is what she is used to and I don't want to change that . I interpreted that as her sleeping routine for some time leading up to that point.
FG: Did that make sense to you?
LA: Maybe from a routine standpoint - but not to appease my mother and get my child back - that should be the train of thought.
FG: Do you recall your answer upon being asked that question at the deposition?
LA: No
FG: May I approach? (referencing deposition)
FG: Do you recall what you said at deposition in regard to defendants not taking Caylee out of her comfort zone?
LA: I referenced her routine was approximately 3 weeks at that time.
FG: Did that make sense to you?
Objection. Sustained as to relevance.
FG: How long were your mom & sister arguing in the bedroom?
LA: In my sister's bedroom - couple minutes.
FG: Was it much longer than that?
LA: Throughout the evening - but at that juncture - only a couple minutes at a time.
FG: When did your sister say you could get Caylee?
LA: Tomorrow.
FG: May we take a quick break?
HHJP - 15 minute recess.
FG: Do you recall giving taped interview with Corporal Edwards on 7-29-2008.
LA: Yes
FG: Do your recall telling him what your sister said to you?
LA: No
FG: (refers to deposition)
DS: Object. May we approach?
HHJP: Not at this point. He's just asking to refresh his memory. If it goes beyond that we can approach?
FG: Do you recall what you said to Det. Edwards?
DS: Objection
HHJP: Let's approach - since I don't have the statement.
FG: Did you ask your sister why wonb't you allow us to see Caylee - what did you tell Det. Edwards she said?
LA: I told him she said "because maybe I'm a spiteful bytch"
FG: You had stated earlier during this timeframe your mom would come & go from the room.
LA: Correct
FG: Times your mom was away did you attempt to talk to your sister?
LA: Yes
FG: Were you trying to reason with her?
LA: Yes
FG: Do you recall asking her what's going on?
LA: Yes
FG: What she told you?
LA: At one point she said that Caylee was missing that someone had kidnapped her.
FG: We'll get to that. Initially when your'e still trying to figure out how to get Caylee, do you recall your sister talking to you about your mom - when you were asking her what's going on?
LA: I don't recall
FG: May I approach witness (refers to depo)
FG: Do you recall statement that you just read/
LA: Yes
FG: Can you tell this jury exactly what your sister told you in the bedroom
LA: From what I remember?
FG: Not to paraphrase - what did you tell Det. Edwards
DS: Object to interrupting witness when he was answering the question
HHJP: Overruled
FG: Do you recall exactly what your sister told you in re: to your quesiton what's going on - what's the deal - do you recall word for word what you told Det. Edwards?
LA: Not verbatim
FG: Would it help to see what you said?
LA: Yes
FG: May I approach (refers to depo)
LA: She told me that my mother had numerous times throw it in her face in my sister's face that Casey was an unfit mother for Caylee - and that Casey says maybe I am.... and I went on to say that my mother had also referenced Caylee as being a mistake, but the great mistake or best mistake Casey has ever made.
FG: During this time period - are you getting frustrated with your sister.
LA: Very, yes
FG: WHy are you frustrated
LA: Nothing was making sense to me
FG: What's not making sense?
LA: Why couldn't we - or anybody able to bring her home - no reason to fight with mom at this point
FG: Did you recall asking her "what's in it for you?
LA: Yes
FG: Recall what she told you?
LA: No, I don't
FG: May I approach one more time?
FG: What did you ask your sister?
LA: Where was the last place you remember seeing Caylee?
FG: Her response?
LA: At sawgrass apartments. I also asked her where she had been staying
FG: Her response?
LA: With her boyfriend at the time, TL, at his apt.
FG: Did she give you any indication she was looking for her daughter?
LA: Yes she did
FG: What did she say?
LA: She had been trying to find her herself
FG: Did she say how?
LA: Later in the evening she did
FG: What would she do?
LA: She said she camped out at the last place she had seen her (dropped her off) - kind of watching the place, I guess
FG: For how long did she do this?
LA: I don't recall - a couple days?
FG: ANy other searches she conduceted to find her daguther?
LA: She would go to places she thought Caylee could be or someone might take Caylle like a store - the park, or something like that
FG: Did she indciated to you when she had last spoken to Caylee
LA: SHe at one time descri8bed a phone call she received
FG: Was it that same day on 7-15
LA: I believe so.
FG: What did she tell you about talking to her daughter on 7-15-08.
LA: I remeber this phone call she had told me that the only person on the end of the call was Caylee. Don't remember exactly or what if anything Caylee said to her - Casey's response to Caylee was "Put an adult on the phone."
FG: Did you ask her at that moment during that conversation why she hadn't told anybody?
LA: I don't believe I did.
FG: Upon hearing this news, what did you do?
LA: That Caylee had been missing? Asked her some follow-up ?'s we just discussed and immediately tried to do something to try to locate her.
FG: You went into search mode?
LA: Yes
FG: You obtained name of sister's boyfriend?
LA: Yes
FG: Did you call Mr. Lazarro? Did you make arrangements to see him? Did you do so?
LA: Yes. It was in the very early hours of the 16th. Met with him at his apt.
FG: Did you tell them what was going on?
LA: Yes
FG: Did you receive any items from Mr. L?
LA: Yes - Casey's belongings. I got a laptop, a duffel bag full of clothes, I believe a backpack as well, and just like another bag like knicknacks.
FG: ANything specific about the laptop?
LA: Yes, it was on. But it was like - a blue screen.
FG: Are you computer savvy?
LA: Yes
FG: What did that indicate to you?
LA: A virus. Something was wrong? I did attempt to reboot it. It went to that same blue screen.

FG: Did you turn computer off or just take it with you?
LA: I just turned it off and took it with me.
FG: What are they?
LA: There are some receipts - movie ticket stubs - a photocopy of a note of mine (LA) - and then just a sheet I think authorizing into evidence?
A dozen receipts give or take.
FG: Can you count them? Just the receipts.
LA: Yes -
DS: Object - this witness cannot testify they are relevant
HHJP: Overrule at this point
LA: I count 19
FG: Did you come into possession of those receipts?
LA: Uh - I never had possession of these receipts?
FG: Where did they come from?
DS: Object - he already said he didn't have possession
HHJP: Overrule at this point
LA: They were in one of Casey's belongings I recovered from TL's apt.
FG: You brought them to your parents house?
LA: Yes
FG: Did you look at them that night?
LA: I didn't know their existence that night?
FG: WHen did you become aware
LA: Within a few days?
FG: How did you become aware?
LA: During a family isitdown with LE they were offered the receipts and anything in her bags
FG: You testified you took a laptop from TL"s apt, and how many bags?
LA: I put the laptop into a bag - so that would have been 3.
FG: You referenced a backpack?
LA: Yes
FG: Did you empty?
LA: I did not
FG: Were you present when they were emptied?
LA: Yes
FG: What bags were they in?
LA: They would have had to have been in the backpack.
FG: Was that the only time you were over Mr. L's house on the 15th?
LA: Yes
FG: When LE first arrived at your home did you immediately speak to them?
LA: I did not speak with them. The 1st officer came into the front door - came to my sister's bedroom - and I believe started asking her questions.
FG: Were you present?
LA: I waas in the next room at that time?
FG: Was your Dad at home?
LA: Yes.
FG: Did your dad come home the same time?
LA: Slightly before - within minutes
FG: After police arrived did you yourself have any conversation with your sister?
LA: Yes I did. In the garage.
FG: Was the car still there?
LA: Yes
FG: Did it still smell
LA: Yes sir
FG What did you talk to your sister about?
LA: I asked her add'l questions - she told me about hte phone call she had that day?
FG: Talking to Caylee?
LA: Yes About Tony - at that time I hadn't been to the apartment. I also referenced how awful the garage and car smelled.
FG: Was it difficult to stay in the garage with that odor?
LA: Yes, sir.
FG: the items you brought back from Tony's apartment - did you see anything that belonged to Caylee
LA: I don't believe so
FG: No further questions
Cross exam of LA
DS: As I understand it - you are ICA's older brother?
LA: Correct
DS: Back to 7-3-08 - that evening - you indicated you rec'd 2 phone calls from your mother. Is that correct? Initially several phone calls?
LA: Initially I think I might have gotten one phone call.
DS: No mention of Caylee being missing?
LA: That's correct.
DS: To your knowledge, your mom didn't call your dad to find Casey that night?
LA: I have no idea.
DS: On 7-3-08 you left for Chicago and stayed until about 7-15?
LA: What day?
DS: 7-3 or 7-4
LA: I don't remember exactly - I think it was more in June. Definitely not on the 3rd July ....
DS: From 6-15 to 7-3 of 2008 - you saw your mom approx. one time
LA: Sounds about correct
DS: On 7-15-08 you indicated you were present when your mom called hte police?
LA: Yes
DS: At that time you didn't believe any crime had been committed
DS: The sunfire in the garage - it had some white shoe polish writing on it?
Was it your understanding it was writing from tow company?
LA: Yes
DS: The sunfire in the garage on the 7-15-08 - that was the car Casey drove ?
LA: Correct
DS: Your father had extra set of keys?
LA: Yes
DS: This would have allowed him to access the vehicle and trunk?
LA: Yes
DS: When you were talking with Casey - there were time periods you were whispering to her?
LA: One time in particular
DS: She was crying?
LA: Yes ma'am
DS: When your father arrived, prior to police - he did not go into Casey's room and say what's going on?
LA: I don't believe so.
DS: In fact, prior to the police arriving on that date, you father didn't ask you what was going on?
Sustained. Rephrase ?.
DS: There were no questions that your dad asked you prior to the police arriving?
LA: Not that I recall
DS: During time in which this confrontation you talked about between mom and sister - your role was peacemaker/mediator?
LA: Yes, doing my best.
DS: Your mom's focus based on your observation was more instead of trying to fix the situation - how could you not tell us - why did you let so much time lapse - she was dwelling on I can't believe we're in this situation rather than how can we fix this - what can we do to find Caylee?
LA: That sounds correct.
DS: Your mom's behavior/comments towrads casey it appeared to you that Casey didn't have a chance to respond?
LA: Sure. Yeah.
DS: When you went to TL's house - those bags were already packed
LA: Yes - except for laptop.
DS: It's your belief those bags were packed by TL?
Approach to sidebar
DS: That opinio that your sister did not pack that bag, can you tell me is it an assumption?
DS: The bags you picked up - they had no odor?
LA: No
DS: In your family, it's your father you details/cleans the cars inside and out?
LA: Yes
DS: He would do that if not every weekend, every other weekend?
LA: Absolutely
DS: The laptop with the blue screen... when you arrived at TL's apt., he was there for you to obtain that laptop?
LA: Yes he was.
DS: You as we sit here today cannot say that he might have been the one to cause the screen to become blue?
DS: That's all we have. Subject to recall.
FG: Regaarding the phone call from your mom - Caylee wasn't mentioned?
LA: Caylee wasn't "missing." Caylee & Casey have not been home....
Objection. Hearsay
FG: The door has already been opened.
DS: He's seeking to elicit hearsay
HHJP: Approach for a second.
FG: When police arrived were you all separated?
LA: Eventually, yes.
FG: When your sister told you this kidnapping scenario, would it be fair to say your focus left your sister to Caylee?
LA: Absolutely.
FG: When police arrived she told them about the kidnapping?
FG: When the police arrived the police focus was on trying to find Caylee?
LA: Yes
DS: Objection
HHJP: Objection sustained.
FG: Did you speak with police?
LA: Yes
FG: Tell the police what your sister told you?
LA: Yes
FG: Subsequent conversations with police, Det. Edwards was focused on what your sister said about the kidnapping?
DS: Objection
HHJP Overruled
FG: When you had subsequent interview with LE, you were asked specifically what your sis had told you about the kidnapping?
LA: Yes
FG: ZFG? (Zanny)
LA: yes
(Couldn't hear)
HHJP: Mr. Anthony you are excused subject to recall.
ICA tried to catch his eye, with a smile, but he ignored.
FG asking Lee if he was on family home pc on july 16, yes, he was
did he delete any records on pc-no
FG is questioning

FG questioning LA about 7/15 and his computer use

LA says he was searching where sawgrass apartments were

FG asks if he deleted any of the internet history

LA says no

FG asking about the different stories that ICA told hik

LA explaining the Zanny story
Mr. A. on july 16 2008 were you on your family's home computer?


Did internet searching...

In Aug 2008, did your siter return to the house from jail?


Did you have private conversations ith her?


Did she tell you a dirfferent version of how Caylee was taken from her?

Yes. She told me she met Zanny as well as Zanny's sister and children at Jay Blanchard Park in Orlando and during that meeting, Zanny held Casey down and told her she's taking Caylee from her and did that with the help of her sister.

How was she held down?

By her wrists?

Did your sister tell you why?

I don't recall what she told me.
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