Lee Anthony up.
JB: Did you ever have a argument with your mother about sending DC to the area off Suburban Drive?
Yes sir, I did.
Did you go to your parent home?
Yes, I did.
Did your mother tell you about sending DC with a video camera to Suburban Drive?
Yes, that did happen.
That she sent DC to the woods off Suburban, that she got a tip.
When did this happen?
Later in the year of 2008.
Before you went back to work?
I believe it was.
When did you go back to work?
October 2008.
Did this create an argument?
Might have been one-sided on my part. I was quite angry.
It was the first time anyone in my family was willing to look for a deceased Caylee.
FG: You had this conversation in October 2008 or before?
I don't know the exact time frame.
FG: Are you aware that DC and JH were in the woods in November?
Yes sir.
So this conversation took place before the event actually happened?
Yes, I guess so.
What do you mean you made a decision to go back to work?
I was very angry that my folks decided to do that without keeping me in the loop and I couldn't believe they were even considering that maybe Caylee wasn't with us. I decided to go back to work to focus my energy across the board.
FG: So in October 2008 you were completely sold on the line that your sister sold you?
LA: Yes and no.