Lee Anthony's testimonies

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both Kc and LA wiping tears - I believe these are genuine tears of both of them
they didn't find it important enough to tell me after I had already asked - i was very hurt - I don't think I wanted to believe it...what do you mean they didn't want to include you (object-sustain) were you angry because they didn't tell you - object leading -sustain

why were you angry OObject asked and answered sustained
other reasons - why were you were angry - no

Jb asks for a moment - both kc and LA still teary - big sighs...
no further questions
recess for lunch - recess til 1:30

rise for jury

Colorado girl asked:
Does anyone have a screenshot of this? I do not know how, but I saw JB pat him on the back and Lippman at the back of the courtroom by the A's

-------> Here you go!

Is JA up next or does JB need to finish his direct? Here's a pic of GA and CA while LA was breaking down on the stand. GA has a very satisfied look on his face as if he's pleased with LA's performance.

Rode the elevator with the Anthony family at the lunch break. Cindy was comforting Lee, who was still crying. #CaseyAnthony

by stevehelling via twitter at 7:34 AM
LA refused to meet with state but called DT to meet with them
Lee back on stand. Was by himself at lunch hour per IS.

JA publishing an exhibit.

This is photo you discussed with JB?
You indicated there were stains in the trunk here here and here.
Yes sir.
This stain on the tire area cover
I'm not familiar with it.
When you owned the car, it didn't have a stink?
No (laughing).
In prep for this trial, were you requested to meet with prosecution to go over your testimony to prepare you -- and you refused to do that, didn't you.
But Mr. Baez asked you to meet with him and you agreed.
So you reached out to Mr. Baez. So after you refused to meet with PT, why did you reach out to Mr. Baez?
A while in previous testimony I spoke with my folkes where information came out and I thought it was important to make Jose aware of. So I took it upon myself to meet with Jose.
In ref to your discovery of your sister's pregnancy, did you say that you did have a conversation with Casey when you discovered she had a bump?
I more or less made a remark. I don't know if I was expecting a reply.
On July 23 ? 2009, in reference to this case, you gave a depo, yes?
On Page 831, line 6, could we show that? Can you look at lines 6 to line 16?
JA: Do you recall that series of answers you gave?
JA: You were asked whether you called her out on it.
You said it "wasn't really my place"--if I did, not directly to her?
LA: Yes.
JA: So in 2009 you said that you didn't say anything directly to her but today you did?
Arguments about LA's answers.
Lee looking at depo on screen.
Lee Anthony: When I did ask about it it was denied to me and told to let it go. #CaseyAnthony
by oscaseyanthony via twitter at 12:56 PM

Lee Anthony: Said parents didn't admit pregnancy to him. #CaseyAnthony
by oscaseyanthony via twitter at 12:55 PM

#caseyanthony WESH analysts think earlier, Baez hoped Lee would say "other" thing upsetting him was the sex abuse, but he didn't go there.
by amandaoberwesh via twitter at 12:55 PM

Lee is talking about his sister being pregnant. He is about to read statement from prior depo. #CaseyAnthony -jfell
by cfnews13casey via twitter at 12:53 PM

Lee Anthony did not mention pregnancy to her when he picked her up at the airport. #CaseyAnthony
by oscaseyanthony via twitter at 12:53 PM
LA: I read that entire page.
JA: You were referring to the first time you noted it, right?
JA: When your parents learned of the pregnancy, they were very excited, weren't they?
Well, yes.
JA: Are you saying there was no preparation for the birth of this child.
LA: That's why I was so angry. Because I wasn't included in any of it. I was told to "let it go."
JA:Your parents were over the top about this, weren't they?
LA: No.
JA: You described them as "over the top"
LA: My parents ARE very over the top, I was told to let it go.
JA: Go to page 35 of the depo. Read the whole page Mr. Anthony.

JA - w/LA - going over stains identified in trunk.....he identified 2 in the picture - but did not recognize the basketball size stain on spare tire cover - and it didn't stink when LA had the car....

were you asked by a member of SA to go over testimony to prepare for trial....DT asked you meet this week - previously I had refused to meet with him but last week I reached out to meet JB - and met with him this week = why did you rech out to Mr. Baez? object overrule - last time I was testifying I sat in with my folks - information came out I felt it was important for JB to be made aware of....felt I should take it upon myself to make him aware of that.....nothing we have discussed today

understand you say about your sisters pregnancy - did you see a bump? didn't say bump I most likely made a remark like What the hell is that in passing....do you recall depo in 2009 in this case under oath and JB was present with other counsel - pg 30 and pg 31 line 6 show that to witness - publish to witness

show about line 6 to line 15 ....do you recall that series of questions and answers about the event of your seeing the bump or bulge - I recall yes...I called her out on it - that being the bump - object - overrule - this is impeachment

It wasn't really my place - it's here so yes I said that....in July 2009 you did not say anything to her about it....I didn't call her out when she showed up @ airport to pick me up either - don't know date or time you are referring to.....

JB ask he read his entire answer - JA if I may the rest of the answer does not deal with the subject matter -

HHBP you can do it on redirect-

JA - read context?
LA - started in the middle - do you want me to read whole thing ..this was a reference to the first occassion wasn't it?

LA reads......breathe deeply .....I read that entire page - referring to first time that you noticed? I don't recall there is nothing in here asking if it was the first time or time from airport....

your parents were excited when they learned about her pregnant - don't know they didn't tell me anything.....nothing in the home indicative of a baby? that is why I was so angry the one time I asked about it I was told to let it go... your parents were "over the top" about prior to the birth ....after ward they were - prior to I didn't pay a lot of attention I was told to let go and not address so I was angry and it was a little easier to block it out at that time....so you have said

JA - read pg 35 to yourself please Mr. A.....LA reads...says he just reading last paragraph I kinda rambled in there so it hard to get my point....in that paragraph whole page you indicate you felt your role to just be there in background to support not really be over the top - my parents were over the top....parents response to imminent birth of their granddaughter - how they felt emotion....about how they felt about it.....I remember ...I was not included - I would sit in the background and they would be over the top....preparations for imminent birth of Caylee? got a crib.....didn't they redecorate the computer room - decorated to the 9's - your mother doesn't anything half way...yes...I lived there I lived in room right next door actually - you know your Mom went nuts decorating the room WTP everywhere - I never opened the room or looked in until after....your Mom and kc went shopping bought all kinds of stuff....have a party a baby shower....if they did I wasn't invited.....they had their friends, kc friends, didn't invite Mallory? don't believe so.....where were you when party occurred? I imagine - You saw presents....aftermath? No sir I did not look - I was not made a part of ....if I was led to know I should not be inovlved.

LA was just impeached and shown that he is in kahoots with the DT. done and done. The jury will know his slant.
page 36 line 22 to end of page
JA: did you cry during this portion of the depo
LA: don't recall

JA: what was different what was asked in depo and same question today - emotion was different
LA: he didn't totally believe Caylee was dead then - has regrets and wishes he could have been there a lot more
In that para you discuss the period of her pregnancy before Caylee was born.
You felt your role was just to be in the background because "my parents just wanted to be over the top. They just wanted me to be there."
LA: In reference to them being over the top? I wasn't asked to be involved so all I could do was be in the background and they would take care of it.
What preparations of the house did they make?
They bought a crib ...
Didn't they redecorate for Caylee?
Your mother doesn't do anything halfway, right? And that was in prep for Caylee's arrival, correct?
And your mother went nuts for the birth of her first grandchild, yes?
I never went in the room until after she (Caylee) was born, but I can imagine.
Did they have a party?
If they did, I wasn't invited.
Did they have a baby shower?
If they did, I wasn't invited.
But you know they had a party.
I wasn't invited.
It happened at the house, right?
I would imagine.
You saw presents, though, right?
I felt it was hidden from me, so I didn't go out of my way to invite myself. So hopefully that answers your question.
But your parents weren't hiding this fact from their friends and family right?

During the depo, when you discuss the leadup to the time the baby was born, do you remember that?
I don't remember.
Page 36--do you recall taht question and answer.
Did you cry during that portion of the depositon.
I don't recall if I did.
What was different about that question being asked of you today to cause such raw emotions?
Asks question to LA again. Why such raw emotion?
Two years ago I did not know 100% that Caylee was dead. Now, I've come to a place where I know she is. And I now have regrets I was not closer.
You attended a memorial service two years ago.

You were asked about a stain the size of a basketball (in the trunk).
Yes I was.
Do you see a basketball size stain there?
I see a huge stain, nothing I'd compare to a basketball.
Do you see white powder at all.
I do and that's nothing as I'd refer to a white powder.
Point to me where you see a stain where there's a powder.
Lee refers to stains marked and un-marked.
Did you see your mother use an entire bottle of Febreeze in the car?
KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Lee admitted he refused to meet with prosecutors to talk about testimony but reached out to defense before it called him to stand
4 minutes ago

KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Prosecutor asked lee why he cried on the stand after showing no emotion over the same question two years ago
8 minutes ago
JB back up.

Did you say you were told to "let it go."
My mom told me to let it go.
And you were referring to Casey's pregnancy.
During cross exam, Mr. A you spoke of your parents being over the top with happiness, correct? Is that what you testifed to in your depo?
I believe so.
Are there any other opinions about your mother not being happy or not thrilled.
Yes, I gave an opinion that she was not thrilled that Casey would have a baby out of wedlock.
And the baby shower, didn't that occur after Caylee was born?
I don't recall for sure. I don't recall, I'm sorry.
You were asked why you didn't cry in the depo. I sitting here today much different than sitting in the state attorney's office?
Share with the jury.
I don't want to be here. I don't want Casey to be here or my parents to be here.
I'm also emotionally and all that stuff in a much different place than I was a couple of years ago and it's just emotionally draining and very difficult.
Mr. Ashton asked about the memorial and you testified about not believing that Caylee was dead.
I didn't want to believe it at that time.
So you were able after the funeral to block her death for approx. 6 months?
JB repeats the same question.
What were you able to do about your niece emotionally.
I don't know the exact emotion. I could still hang in with that belief that someone took Caylee. I don't know when that really changed for me. I know last year was really hard for me around Caylee's birthday and my birthday. But as far as the deposition I was asked about Caylee being dead, and at the time I didn't believe it, and right now I do. It was a very very tough time.
JA pointing out that LA needed lots of refreshers or reminders of what he testified to when being questioned by the SAO, but when the DT questioned him, he seemed to recall things clearly, no refreshers needed.

Aside: QUITE true.

Missed a few moments of testimony

JA the.question.to.you.Mr.A.was.this ....what was the way you asked the question two hours ago and two years ago....2 years ago I didn't believe Caylee is dead.....my emotions are elicited from the facts that I have regrets and I wish I would have been there a whole lot more than I was....

JA - you attended and spoke @ a Memorial 6 months before this depo was taken! yes
no further questions

REdirect -JB
you were asked about a stain somewhere in this vicinity the size of a basketball? publish to the jury #80 - publish - do you see a basketball size stain there/ object-overule
I see a few stains - nothing the size of a basketball ..

do you see white powder? object-photo speaks for itself

point to me where you see ....

stains that I refer to are darker in nature ....pardon I am color blind but red or black ....did you see your Mother use an entire bottle of Febreze ...object overrule----did you see LE spray entire trunk w/Bluestar- don't even know that is....

did you meet with DT anytime prior to trial....let me narrow that down..
meet with Dt

advise us of any testimony you intended to give for the FL State...did you testify truthfully when you testified (object-sustained)

LA - can I bring up?
JB - I would like to question the witness about it your honor - show to witness pg 31 - double check - go to 30....just double checking want to follow up on a question...pg 31

lines 12-14....review.....read asked during cross examin. first sentence read into evidence - second sentence ...I think if I did not to her directly or I would have said something to my mom or a friend of mine.....that is what you were referring to when you testified about when first told Mom-object-
JB- witness can answer
JA = witness can't change answer
HHBP - read answer - speak for itself.

LA - Mom told me to let it go....worries about kc's pregnancy - my inquiry yes...

lines 13-18 look over read...during cross JA suggested your parents were over the top...that is not (object-overrule - let him finish asking question)

Mr. Ashton said your parents were over the top with happiness with Caylee being born...is that what you meant? yes....any other opinions about your mother not being happy or being thrilled....I gave my impression that she is not thrilled that kc had a baby out of wedlock...baby shower occurred for Caylee after she was born....object -assume fact not in evidence -sustain

Did Caylee baby shower occur after Caylee was born? don't know for sure....asked why didn't cry during depo...is sitting here today much different than sitting in Atty office two years ago - object- overrule

share -why -
don't want to be here, my sister or parents to be here, also emotionally much different place than I was a couple years ago....this is emotionally draining and very difficult....giving speech @ Caylee memorial prior to depo- testified not believing Caylee was dead....I was not willing to write it off at that time....having a funeral for your neice and block it out for 6 months -object-lead sustain....again....what were able to do compartmentalize for 6 months after your neice died....I don't know....I came to belief she is gone....if I saw someone who looked like her I would turn my head 1 or 3 or 100xs last year particularly hard for me....around my birthday and Caylee birthday....I remember it being a big joke to other people that I didn't believe it and now I do....is it a joke? objection-sustained
no further questions....


JA - remember when testified for State of FL - in july 2009? no when you testified for State....how many times did Mr. George step up to you to refresh ...object overrule...probably as many times as you both did today....in your testimony with your recolletion from JB....but when Mr. George question you ...you had a lot more trouble...
yes hard to remember things 2 years ago...
pg - line 13-24 Hey kc looking probably looking @ passing ...I don't believe I made it a big deal - she shrugged me off for whatever reason or my sister was just getting fat or whatever....you probably spoke to your Mother....your recollection is better today but back then it was no big deal....probably at minimum @ passing...I don't believe I made it a big deal....(object-sustained)
pg 33 lines 1-8 - read that please to yourself.....need to see page before I will be happy to show to you (object-outside scope of re-direct) when baby shower and preparations ...in that refresh recollection -months preceeding Caylee's birth for the shower? yes....

JB no further questions
JA -I have 1 further question....no I don't thank you

Witness stand down

1:30 judge and lawyers back

SIDEBAR #9 (1:30-1:44)



States Exhibit #80 - photo of trunk. He agreed with the markings of where he remembered stains being. The stain on the spare tire cover was not there when he owned it. It also did not have a stench.


Did you meet with a member of the prosetion team..


Yes - and I refused to do that.

Mr. Baez requested a meeting with you to prepare?

To my knowledge, it was not to prepare. However, he had reached out to him prior to this week and then they followed it up with a meeting this week.

OBJECTION - request instruction - OVERRULED

Why did you, after refusing to meet with us, reach out to JB?

While I was in court, prior to getting called to a stand, during a break, he sat in with his parents and there was a discussion where information came out that he thought it was important for JB to be made aware of. He took it upon himself to do that.

Was this on the subjects you had discussed today? No.

Regarding ICA's pregnancy? You had a conversation with ICA when you discovered the bump? He stated he made a remark and didn't really expect a response. He said "what the hell is that" in passing.

Regarding 7/30/09 depo - page 31 line 6-15 - regarding the event of seeing the bump or the bulge. He recalled it. He was asked if he called her out on it.

OBJECT - improper impeachment - OVERRULED

In the depo he said it wasn't really his place. He now states that he did not call her out on it at the airport either when it was quite obvious.

He was shown page 30

OBJECT - read entire answer - HHJBP you can do it on redirect

He could not tell from the depo which instance he was talking about.

He did not know if his parents were excited when they learned of the parents. They did not say anything to him. That was one of the reasons he was so angry and decided not to go see her. He was not included and when he asked about it early on, it was denied to him and that was what he did.

His parents ARE very over the top. Prior to Caylee's birth he did not really pay a lot of attention. It was something he was told to let go and not address.

Page 35 of his depo - He was asked read the whole page to himself. This discusses the period before Caylee was born. His role was just to be there in the background just to support, not be over the top, because my parents were to be over the top? He was under the impression that they were excited. He wasn't asked to be involved. They would take care of it and do whatever was necessary.

Preparations to house - they got a crib. Did they redecorate an entire room? To my knowledge, yes. He saw it after the fact. It was done to the nines.

He lived in the room right next door. Did your mother go nuts decorating the room? I know there was winnie the pooh everywhere. He never walked into the room until a little after she was born. He is sure that ICA and CA shopped in preparation. If there was a party, he was not invited. If there was a baby shower - he was not invited. He believes there was a baby shower in June. They invited their friends, Casey's friends, but he doesn't believe they invited Mallory. He has no knowledge of the party. He imagined it was at the house. He didn't ask to see presents. He was not involved in it. He felt it was either hidden from him or not made a part of it.

He wishes he was an attentive potential uncle, but he was not.


Page 36 of depo - line 22 to end of page - he recalled it. Did you cry during that portion of your depo? I don't think so. Why did you cry 2 hours ago that caused you to cry? There were other things asked in my depo....

OBJECTION - nonresponsive - SUSTAINED

What was different?

OBJECTION BY JA - we need to hear

What was different 2 hours ago than in your depo? 2 years ago I did not 100% hold the belief that Caylee was dead. Since then, he has come to the place where he believes that she is and his emotions are elicited from the fact that he has regrets and he wishes he could be there a lot more than he was.

Memorial service - 1/09 - 6 months before depo - YES SIR, I did.

No further questions.


Regarding stain on spare tire cover (Exhibit #80). Do you see a stain?

OBJECTION - photo speaks for itself - OVERRULED

He sees a few stains but nothing as big as a basketball


Do you see white powder? Yes, but that is different than a stain. He marked where the stains were that he knew of. He now could not see the other stain. He is color blind so his interpretation of colors is different.

Did you see your mother use an entire bottle of FaBreeze in the car?



Did you see LE spray the trunk with Blue Star? No

Did you meet with the Defense prior to you testifying for the State against your sister? No.

He did not advise the Defense of his testimony to the State.

Did you testify truthfully?


Page 30 of depo - lines 12-14 - second sentence - "I think if I did, not to her directly. Or I would have said something to my mom or to a friend of mine, you know." That's what you were referring to when you first told your mother?


Yes, sir.

When you said you were told to let it go, who told you? My Mom. That referred to his inquiry into ICA's pregnancy.

Page 33 - Lines 13-18 - Parents were over the top and ecstatic. Is that what you testified to in your depo? I believe it is to the extent of that.

Are there any other opinions that you gave about your mother not being happy or thrilled? He gave an ipinion that it was his impression that his mother was not thrilled that ICA would have a baby out of wedlock.

Baby shower happend after Caylee was born?


Did the shower happen after the fact because no one knew she was pregnant


He does not recall.

Why didn't you cry during depo question - is sitting here today much different than sitting in the SA's office two years ago? Absolutely.

Why - I don't want to be here. I don't want my sister and my parents to be here. I'm also emotionally in a much different place than I was a couple of years ago and this is obviously emotionally draining and very difficult.

Speech at memorial service prior to depo - he did not want to believe that Caylee was dead at that time - even after the memorial service.

You were able to block her death out for 6 months after the Memorial Service?


He doesn't know when he really came to the belief that he has now that Caylee is no longer with them. Even now, if someone looks like her, he will still look. He doesn't know when that really changed for him. Last year around Caylee and his birthday was particularly hard for him. He remembers being asked aroudn the time of the depo if he believed she was dead - he didn't want to and couldn't. He knew it was a joke to some people.

Who was it a joke to?



During his testimony earlier in this case, how many times did FG have to refresh your recolleciton?


Two or three times. He wasn't counting.

Did JB have to refresh your recollecton? He asked me to read two or three pages. During his initial exam, your recollection was just fine. I believe they were. But, when FG attempted to question you - it is hard to remember something from 2 years ago.

Line 15-24 of depo - Did you say anything to your mom like hey Casey's looking pregnant, probably in passing. If she shrugged him off..... He said - probably - at minimum - at passing.

OBJECTION - asked and answered - SUSTAINED

Page 33 - Lines 1-8 -

OBJECTION - outside of scope of redirect - OVERRULED

Shower was prior to Caylee's birth? Yes.

No further questions.

Witness is excused (2:24)
HHJBP - there is a hawk that from time to time perches himself on the ledge outside.

15 minutes recess til 2:45
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