Legal Questions for our Verified Lawyers #4

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Do CM/JB and/or CFCA have to account for donations they've received for CFCA? If so, who would that money have to be reported to? Also, could donated money affect her indigency status as far as having an attorney appointed for her for her upcoming appeal? (I believe CM mentioned "thousands" donated?)

......partial quote, I hope...
BTW "The Jeffrey Klee memorial Act" made my day. You have no idea how much. Tks so much "MH" for that very valuable/important post. Just hitting the thank you button was not enough.
However, since the Act was signed into law in 2010, would it still apply to Caylee who died in 2008.

I think it does cover Caylee.

Section 3. The amendment to section 95.11, Florida Statutes, by this act
applies to any claim that is not otherwise time barred on the effective date of
this act.
Section 4. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.
Approved by the Governor May 11, 2010.
Filed in Office Secretary of State May 11, 2010.

I don't see how an action on behalf of Caylee would have been time barred in the Month of May, 2010, if we use the old 2 year rule. Therefore, it appears that Caylee's death falls within the parameters of the Act.

Sharing my opinion,
Maybe this has been discussed here before, but was there a Life Insurance Policy on Caylee Marie Anthony? If so, do we know or can we know the details? Thanks in Advance.

Not that we know of.

I'm still baffled about a couple of matters. One is Judge Strickland sentenced CA to time served + 1 yr. probation (With the stipulation that would apply ONLY if she was convicted of murder or the lesser included offenses) for the check chgs. Re: Amy H.
Ok then we have 4 seperate counts of lying to LE which was to run consecutively. So that's where she served 1047 or however many days. Now that was her sentence for lying to LE.
Is it possible HHJP didn't catch the stipulation Judge Strickland put in there?
I realize they have good time and gain time in Fla. but she served less than 4 yrs. which was a seperate sentence for lying to LE. Actually she served less than 3 !! She was out on bail thanks to LP, who she spit on too. But how does this girl walk with all of these chgs?
He couldn't have taken into consideration that the time served was strictly for check chgs. I believe she still needs to serve her 4 yrs. for the lies!!
I say she goes back to Jail :maddening:
Perhaps I'm not understanding, that's why I'm asking and confused a bit. If this IT hasn't gotten a sweetheart deal, I don't know of anyone else who has.
Since when is probation served in jail? It's all simply not right. :banghead:

IMO Strickland intended for the probation to be served upon release, but someone screwed up and actually allowed her to complete her probation behind bars. It makes absolutely no sense.

I agree, also, that HHJP should have started the 4-year (less good time, etc.) clock after completion of the sentence for the check charges.

In addition, IMO there was a miscalculation somewhere, because Casey's good time, etc., should not have permitted the total sentences on the lying charges to dip below 85% of 4 years.

Since many have questioned why the DT did not disclose the accidental drowning (theory) many moons ago, is it remotely possible that they did?
Is it possible that is was ( rightfully IMO) rejected by the PT (unknown to us), during an attempted plea bargain and therefor no plea deal could be reached.
Are such unsuccessful plea bargains sealed from the public?

Sure, it's possible that the defense suggested this theory during plea negotiations. The negotiations wouldn't be "sealed" but might not even have been in writing if they didn't get too far, and of course the media (or a citizen) would have to request any documentation--it wouldn't just be released automatically.

Do CM/JB and/or CFCA have to account for donations they've received for CFCA? If so, who would that money have to be reported to? Also, could donated money affect her indigency status as far as having an attorney appointed for her for her upcoming appeal? (I believe CM mentioned "thousands" donated?)


If it is a non-profit, they will have to report at least to taxing authorities.

The donations would not be going to Casey so would not affect her indigency status at all.
Do CM/JB and/or CFCA have to account for donations they've received for CFCA? If so, who would that money have to be reported to? Also, could donated money affect her indigency status as far as having an attorney appointed for her for her upcoming appeal? (I believe CM mentioned "thousands" donated?)


If it is a non-profit, they will have to report at least to taxing authorities.

The donations would not be going to Casey so would not affect her indigency status at all.

I'm sorry, I should have been clearer. CM stated during an interview with reporter Tony Pipitone that people have donated 'thousands' for Casey. To my knowledge, Casey has no non-profit org. That's why I was asking...specifically with regard to CM's statements below:

TP: But offers of support are pouring into her attorneys’ offices.

CM: Today alone, I received 75 pieces of mail specifically offering places for her to live. You’d just be surprised the outpouring of mental health counselors, doctors and nurses. Also people with homes on ranches or farms or places for her to stay and protect her.

TP: And money, too. Checks? Cash?

CM: Checks.

TP: Are you going to cash them, give them to her?

CM: Absolutely.

TP: How much money are we talking about?

CM: Well, I’m not going to tell you.

TP: Well give me an idea thousands? Hundreds?

CM: Thousands. Thousands of dollars in checks.

TP: People that want to help her get back on her feet?

CM: People that don’t know her, don’t know me, [only] know about the case. They saw it and are trying to help her and they will help her. They have and they will continue to.

Thanks. :)
I'm still baffled about a couple of matters. One is Judge Strickland sentenced CA to time served + 1 yr. probation (With the stipulation that would apply ONLY if she was convicted of murder or the lesser included offenses) for the check chgs. Re: Amy H.
Ok then we have 4 seperate counts of lying to LE which was to run consecutively. So that's where she served 1047 or however many days. Now that was her sentence for lying to LE.
Is it possible HHJP didn't catch the stipulation Judge Strickland put in there?
I realize they have good time and gain time in Fla. but she served less than 4 yrs. which was a seperate sentence for lying to LE. Actually she served less than 3 !! She was out on bail thanks to LP, who she spit on too. But how does this girl walk with all of these chgs?
He couldn't have taken into consideration that the time served was strictly for check chgs. I believe she still needs to serve her 4 yrs. for the lies!!
I say she goes back to Jail :maddening:
Perhaps I'm not understanding, that's why I'm asking and confused a bit. If this IT hasn't gotten a sweetheart deal, I don't know of anyone else who has.
Since when is probation served in jail? It's all simply not right. :banghead:

Here's what happened in plain English:

Casey pleads guilty to the check charges.

At that time, she is being held on bail.

Casey is not given a sentence which starts running on the date of the plea.Instead, she gets time served.

This means, she is not serving any sentence after the date of the check fraud plea. She is only in jail on a held-on-bail status.

In other words,
By having a sentence of time served imposed on the check charges,
that allows her to be considered as held on bail again.

The clock starts ticking so that any day now spent incarcerated, as she awaits the murder trial, counts toward any future sentence.

Therefore, what happens is, the time spent behind bars, as she awaits the murder and lying trial, is counted toward any future sentence she might get.

(Because she is not doing time for any other previous conviction, the "bail clock" is ticking).

Every day behind bars will thus count toward any potential future sentence.

The meaner way to do it, (not that I ever did this :angel:)

would have been to impose a sentence for the check charges which started running from the date of the fraud plea.

But Casey got 400 and something days (which was already served ---held on bail) and a year's probation.

Anyway, per the meaner way:
By having Casey serving that actual sentence as she awaited the murder/lying trial, it would have stopped the "on bail clock" from ticking so that any sentence imposed at the conclusion of the murder trial would not have been reduced by credit for time served...since technically she would have been serving the check fraud sentence as opposed to being held on bail for the murder charges.

And as you'd expect, if she is not held on bail, there won't be availability of credit for time served.

I think some of the confusion comes from the fact that public sentiment would like to go back in time and do it all in accordance with what I call "the meaner way."
If you could even do that for a first offender.

Bottom line:
If a defendant is serving a sentence for a conviction, the fact that the defendant is serving time will make the issue of bail moot;

Since the defendant is already incarcerated, the status of the defendant is going to be as an inmate who is awaiting a trial while serving a sentence.
The days behind bars at that point count only towards the sentence being served. The serving of the sentence cannot generate credit for time served
for a conviction that hasn't happened unless the defendant is on a held/bail status.
Serving the sentence would supercede any "held/bail" issues and the tick-tocking-credit-clock would be dead.

So, when time passes on an imposed sentence, The time only counts toward the actual sentence being served.

There is NO "bail-ticking-clock."

You do not get credit for time served upon a later conviction which might occur during the serving of that sentence. This is simply because you would not be held on bail. In fact the defendant would be in jail serving a more, no less.

I am speaking only from experience here...I have no statutes to cite. But I can tell you that this an an area that can become confusing even for attorneys if they do not deal with these types of issues on a daily basis.

Hope that makes some sense.:seeya:
sharing an opinion
partial quote:
........... :maddening:
Perhaps I'm not understanding, that's why I'm asking and confused a bit. If this IT hasn't gotten a sweetheart deal, I don't know of anyone else who has.
Since when is probation served in jail? It's all simply not right. :banghead:

Sorry I overlooked this part.

I don't think you are confused here. Nope. Uh uh. I think what has happened relative to the probation is what is confused, at best.

The whole idea of supervised probation is that the probationer is not incarcerated.

That's why a sentence which imposes a penalty of jail time to be followed up by probation (the deal with the check fraud plea) is called a
"split sentence." i.e.
It's not all jail time. Some of the sentence is served after release.
Yeah, that would be the probation part.

So as to what on earth has happened here, I can't say.

The idea that the period of supervised probation just "poofed" is hard to accept.:banghead:

sharing an opinion, as always:seeya:
partial quote:

Sorry I overlooked this part.

I don't think you are confused here. Nope. Uh uh. I think what has happened relative to the probation is what is confused, at best.

The whole idea of supervised probation is that the probationer is not incarcerated.

That's why a sentence which imposes a penalty of jail time to be followed up by probation (the deal with the check fraud plea) is called a
"split sentence." i.e.
It's not all jail time. Some of the sentence is served after release.
Yeah, that would be the probation part.

So as to what on earth has happened here, I can't say.

The idea that the period of supervised probation just "poofed" is hard to accept.:banghead:

sharing an opinion, as always:seeya:
Can they reinstate probation (as it should be) or is it too late?
I realize that mistakes can be made, but it's the State of Florida FPS...don't they have any power?
I have an appellate question ...
My understanding is the defense prepares their argument(s) and supporting evidence which they file with the appellate court ... and the court reviews it and makes a decision ... We know the defense requested transcripts from motions hearings and/or trial ...
Is that how it works, I guess is my question ? The state doesn't file objections ? Court record is used for the basis of the conviction ? ...

Also, I'm wondering if anyone wants to take a guess at how long this appeal could take ? ... Especially, where the defendant has admitted to the charges ..

I'm sorry, I should have been clearer. CM stated during an interview with reporter Tony Pipitone that people have donated 'thousands' for Casey. To my knowledge, Casey has no non-profit org. That's why I was asking...specifically with regard to CM's statements below:

Thanks. :)

She would have to report that income when applying for a finding of indigency.

Can they reinstate probation (as it should be) or is it too late?
I realize that mistakes can be made, but it's the State of Florida FPS...don't they have any power?

It is too late, because my understanding is that they actually had a probation officer go and visit her periodically in jail--so she did "serve" her probation albeit in a completely idiotic way.

I have an appellate question ...
My understanding is the defense prepares their argument(s) and supporting evidence which they file with the appellate court ... and the court reviews it and makes a decision ... We know the defense requested transcripts from motions hearings and/or trial ...
Is that how it works, I guess is my question ? The state doesn't file objections ? Court record is used for the basis of the conviction ? ...

Also, I'm wondering if anyone wants to take a guess at how long this appeal could take ? ... Especially, where the defendant has admitted to the charges ..


The arguments must be limited to the court record, but the state certainly gets a chance to file a brief.

The appeal could take a year. Casey never admitted to the charges. Keep in mind that what is said in opening statements is not evidence.
This has probably been asked and answered but if they prosecute CA and they win, does the Son of Sam law kick in and prevent her from making money for anything related to Caylee's death, to include taking a salary from a foundation she made up?

She lied about the chloroform searches, knew they could prove she was at job, so she had another lie ready. I don't see how perjury gets any worse than that during a capital murder case.

I wonder if they're aren't prosecuting her because of the flub of over the 84 searches -vs- once. Opinions?

Sounds like FCA wants to go into therapy. I personally think it's a delay tactic because negotiations aren't going well with her big payday. Anyway, if she goes to therapy for months, then declares bankruptcy, can she get an interview at that point and keep all the money---never paying a dime for all the civil suits that happened after she declared bankruptcy?

Declaring bankruptcy won't help her one bit against the IRS, that's for sure.
What a great thread.

My question is actually a tax one. If FCA owes a tax lien of $68,520, can't she appeal that? Then file an amended tax form for that year and get that amount shaved off some?

I'm not sure if CA was claiming both of them or if FCA was filing by herself claiming Caylee. (maybe somebody knows on here) but if FCA had been claming Caylee on her taxes before....if she did an amended tax form for 2008..she could technically still claim Caylee for that year and recieve that deduction. ???

Can't she also claim some of the money that was paid to Baez on her taxes for that year?
Can they reinstate probation (as it should be) or is it too late?
I realize that mistakes can be made, but it's the State of Florida FPS...don't they have any power?

State already used its power to terminate probation and discharge defendant.

I doubt it was a mistake.
Looks like they wanted her out of the system...

"Postman always rings twice" though. :cheerup: Keep that in mind.

Just sharing an opinion,

My question concerns the photos of Caylee that Casey sold to ABC in order to pay Jose. Was she in jail at the time that she sold them? Are people allowed to conduct business transactions while in jail?
Sounds like FCA wants to go into therapy. I personally think it's a delay tactic because negotiations aren't going well with her big payday. Anyway, if she goes to therapy for months, then declares bankruptcy, can she get an interview at that point and keep all the money---never paying a dime for all the civil suits that happened after she declared bankruptcy?

Debts resulting willful/malicious acts may not be dischargeable in bankruptcy. Additionally, if Casey has assets such as the value of her right to publicity then those assets are liquidated to the benefit of the creditors. Florida is the same jurisdiction where the publication rights re OJ's book "if I DID IT" were transferred to the Goldman family despite elaborate efforts to frustrate the Goldman family's collection rights by forming a corporation owned by OJ's kids to receive the publication proceeds.

Always only my own opinions
Will Jose still have possible contempt charges brought by HHJP because of actions during the trial? HHJP said he would adress them when the trial was over. TIA.
What a great thread.

My question is actually a tax one. If FCA owes a tax lien of $68,520, can't she appeal that? Then file an amended tax form for that year and get that amount shaved off some?

I'm not sure if CA was claiming both of them or if FCA was filing by herself claiming Caylee. (maybe somebody knows on here) but if FCA had been claming Caylee on her taxes before....if she did an amended tax form for 2008..she could technically still claim Caylee for that year and recieve that deduction. ???

Can't she also claim some of the money that was paid to Baez on her taxes for that year?
It is difficult to know what Casey's rights are with regard to the tax lien, because we don't know whether she filed ANY tax return for 2008 or what was on it. There are endless possibilities i.e. she could have filed no tax return, she could have filed a timely, accurate tax return but failed to pay some/all of the taxes due, she could have filed a late tax return, etc. Income tax information is generally confidential; the only reason we know about the tax lien is because the lien itself is public.

Generally speaking, it is difficult (and expensive!) to appeal tax liens especially after the time limits have expired. However, the IRS is usually open to negotiations that result in a large portion of the taxes being paid sooner or later.

Always only my own opinions
My question concerns the photos of Caylee that Casey sold to ABC in order to pay Jose. Was she in jail at the time that she sold them? Are people allowed to conduct business transactions while in jail?
People are allowed to conduct business transactions while in jail. It would be terribly unfair if people who had not (yet) been convicted of any crime were not allowed to conduct business transactions while incarcerated awaiting trial. They can sell their homes, cars, rights of publicity, etc. They often need to, to pay their attorneys.

Always only my own opinions
Thanks AZ for answering the questions I had about KC's appeal ... :seeya:

Kind of bummed out that it could take a year, though ...

Can the civil suits go forward ? In particular, the Zenaida suit ? Or are these going to be dependent on the outcome of the appeal ?
It seems Zenaida and TES suits are based on the lies that she told, and like the costs of investigating the lies would depend on if the appellate court upholds her conviction on the lying charges

Guess I'm getting frustrating thinking she could hold up all of this for quite an extended period of time ...

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