Leggings on Men: The new "must-have".

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My hubby has been reading all this and the cleaver pants are becoming something of a legend in this house!;) :doh: We love them!!
kazzbar said:
My hubby has been reading all this and the cleaver pants are becoming something of a legend in this house!;) :doh: We love them!!
Not to be confused with Ward Cleaver.
Oh the stir ups!! I had them in every color hahahaha... along with the long shirts to go with them and the BIG HUGE belt.. But hey I was like 13 what did I know? :doh: :doh: :doh: As far as the men wearing them my hubby is in the Army and honestly he would probably get killed if he wore something like that around here!!

reb said:
oh and by the way.. if dudes really do start wearing leggings.. they are definitely NOT ALLOWED to wear the ones with those god-awful "stirrups" like women did in the late 80's. that was the WORST look ever!!! and what was that all about anyway?? were they afraid their feet were going to fall off their legs???
Ummm...these are not much different than ballet tights for men, and it takes us balletmoms all about three years to get used to THEM.

I have a friend whose son is a dancer, and I finally had to tell her, "I really cannot look closely at how well the tights are fighting, if they are bagging to his knees, please, I cannot help you."

At least the "new" style doesn't include a poofy shirt a la Seinfeld.
JBean said:
OH yeah..the sock! I can just imagine trying to talk to someone with out looking at their sock. hahah those pants were hilarious.
The thing that gets me about those Cleaver pants is how 'proud' the guy that is wearing them looks!Hard to imagine anyone looking that sure of himself when wearing them down the street or to pick :eek: the kids up from school!:eek: :eek: :rolleyes:
kazzbar said:
The thing that gets me about those Cleaver pants is how 'proud' the guy that is wearing them looks!Hard to imagine anyone looking that sure of himself when wearing them down the street or to pick :eek: the kids up from school!:eek: :eek: :rolleyes:
Ditto kazz. It would be even harder if his, "pride" is showing center stage at the wrong time and place:D :eek: :eek: . I know if I were a guy I just wouldn't risk it. But, that's just me.

LionRun said:
Ditto kazz. It would be even harder if his, "pride" is showing center stage at the wrong time and place:D :eek: :eek: . I know if I were a guy I just wouldn't risk it. But, that's just me.

Yeah but Eldrige Cleaver was a Black panther so what did he care? I especially like the last sentence:

In 1975, Cleaver modeled anatomically fitted men's pants he designed featuring a "Cleaver sleeve" which was a penissheath that was basically a sock protruding from the front of a pair of pants (see "Eldridge Cleaver Models his hot new pants" in Rolling Stone issue 197 dated October 9, 1975). The sleeve accommodated free movement and size changes of the enclosed male organ.

L M A O...... what have I started here????

Gives a whole new meaning to the line "I think you were a little hard on the Beaver last night."
Ahhhh! ! ROFLMAO:D :D :D .

Gives a whole new meaning to the line "I think you were a little hard on the Beaver last night."
OMG.. , That was just tooooooooo funny!

:blushing: :dance: :clap: :eek:
iambehaving said:
OMG.. , That was just tooooooooo funny!

:blushing: :dance: :clap: :eek:
When I pull up, "new posts" and even see this thread--before reading new posts--I am already laughing. This thread is hilarious! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :crazy: .

Gives a whole new meaning to the line "I think you were a little hard on the Beaver last night."
Good Morning .
SeriouslySearching said:
Quoting from that article you posted, "That said, I know a lot of guys who wear leggings around the home to watch DVDs, lounge around before Premiership games or surf the Internet. But actually on the street, never mind into a nightclub or bar? Yet, the truth is that leggings are way more comfortable than pants and that if we fellows were not all so uptight and worried about our status we would have all begun wearing them a long time ago."

Hmmm...I didn't know that is what they called it nowadays. Status, huh?! LMAO :D

Can I just ask, are there really men who lounge around the house in leggings? Because that image is bad enough for me...forget out in public! Sweats aren't comfortable enough???


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