Leonard Padilla and Tim Miller on Scared Monkey Radio - 10/10/08

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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He is now telling about when LE went in to the house, and that Lee is the one who changed the mind of the parents about taking the polygraph...He said there was a lot of "stuff" left from a decomposing body that was next to impossible to just clean up. He says she was the last person to see her with the child. He said she had parked the car at the Amscott the day before and she came back and got it on the 27th and drove it...

So is he saying that Tony helped? Tony says in his interview that Casey left in the morning of the 27th and said she would be back. But that he got a call to come get her because she was out of gas.

If we are to believe LP's theory, how did she leave unless Tony drove her?

I don't buy it.

It makes more sense that the Amscot employee simply got the day or time wrong. She saw the car on the 28th at 7am. But not on the 27th as she said in her interview.
Ewwww, that is just gross. But if true, it makes the hold KC has over her brother more believable. It also clarifies who might have helped her after the fact and the whole brother-sister code over the telephone when she was in jail the first time.

I don't see the 2 of them doing any high 5's over this one, huh.

Today I remembered the rose bushes I couldn't plant last summer because I wasn't strong enough to dig the soil in the yard. It dawned on me that Casey wouldn't be able to dig a big hole either; she's one size smaller than I am...... I'm thinking now that someone had to have helped her, if a hole was dug. I'm trying to remember who her last call of the day was to on the 15th and 16th......
Whoa the thought of incest is just utterly disgusting. I googled up this topic of sex between brothers and sisters and whoa whoa I literally had to disinfect my :computer: - so much trash out there!!! I won't go into what... :too much info: :eek: Yuck.

This topic is demanding some Jerry! Jerry! Except the players on that show at least deal with the truth and I don't think KC, LA, CA ever will... :pinocchio: :pinocchio: :pinocchio:
This is a subject I am uncomfortable speculating about, but it has crossed my mind in the past. I just find it very difficult to believe that KC never confided in a friend who possible fathers might be, and I don't mean untraceable car accident victims or mystery military men. This may merely be another dimension to her anti-social behaviors, such as the inability to intimate factual information even in the closest confidences. Surely after it was found out JG was not the father friends must have speculated, the inability to come up with other possibilities from outside sources is puzzling as this kind of information travels pretty quickly in HS.
So is he saying that Tony helped? Tony says in his interview that Casey left in the morning of the 27th and said she would be back. But that he got a call to come get her because she was out of gas.

If we are to believe LP's theory, how did she leave unless Tony drove her?

I don't buy it.

It makes more sense that the Amscot employee simply got the day or time wrong. She saw the car on the 28th at 7am. But not on the 27th as she said in her interview.[/QUOTE]

Bold mine: That is where I am leaning too. But they say she is positive that was the day, but who knows? She might have just wanted to speed the process a bit, ya know? and did not want to wait the 3 days, so she backed it up a day initially and then stuck to it.
This is a subject I am uncomfortable speculating about, but it has crossed my mind in the past. I just find it very difficult to believe that KC never confided in a friend who possible fathers might be, and I don't mean untraceable car accident victims or mystery military men. This may merely be another dimension to her anti-social behaviors, such as the inability to intimate factual information even in the closest confidences. Surely after it was found out JG was not the father friends must have speculated, the inability to come up with other possibilities from outside sources is puzzling as this kind of information travels pretty quickly in HS.

Well, her parents, according to the uncle Rick, completely DENIED she was even pregnant until she was 8 months pregnant. They had a bit of a squabble with the rest of the family when the fam were asking when she was due, etc, and they said, she's a virgin, she is not pregnant (because Casey told them that I guess)...so let's suppose she WAS a virgin until she got pregnant with Caylee or had had no "boyfriends". WHY would she not tell who the real father was at that point? Why lie and say it was a guy she was not even with when she got pregnant? WHY LIE? period? unless there was something to hide?:eek:
Well, her parents, according to the uncle Rick, completely DENIED she was even pregnant until she was 8 months pregnant. They had a bit of a squabble with the rest of the family when the fam were asking when she was due, etc, and they said, she's a virgin, she is not pregnant (because Casey told them that I guess)...so let's suppose she WAS a virgin until she got pregnant with Caylee or had had no "boyfriends". WHY would she not tell who the real father was at that point? Why lie and say it was a guy she was not even with when she got pregnant? WHY LIE? period? unless there was something to hide?:eek:

I feel the same way, at first I thought it was possible that Casey concieved through a non-consensual encounter that she had no desire to rehash, which would be understandable of course. However, this doesn't sit right with me-- not that it isin't possible of course. Even if it is as Rick suggested that Casey concieved at a party and does not know(remember) the father, I am willing to bet someone out there does. This sort of thing does not go undiscussed in my experience, on either end. Even if she did not confide in anyone, I am sure the other party would have spilled the beans to his buddies.. I mean hey, it has been known to happen.

ETA: I think that it is also likely that Cindy has conservative feelings about sex, going so far as to take issue with JG being in KC's room unsupervised, whether or not this was after Caylee's birth (I tend to think it was after) her reaction to her adult daughter having her boyfriend/fiance in her own room, albeit in her family's home, is relevant when thinking about why KC did not reveal her pregnancy or the father of her child. I find it very interesting that KC has been with such a long string of partners that can be documented only after the birth of her daughter.
So is he saying that Tony helped? Tony says in his interview that Casey left in the morning of the 27th and said she would be back. But that he got a call to come get her because she was out of gas.

If we are to believe LP's theory, how did she leave unless Tony drove her?

I don't buy it.

It makes more sense that the Amscot employee simply got the day or time wrong. She saw the car on the 28th at 7am. But not on the 27th as she said in her interview.

Back in the docs somewhere, AL said in his statement to LE that he drove her to the house to get a gas can. He said he waited outside for her. Not sure of the date....Ill see if I can find it.
Maybe Lee is not the biological brother of Casey ( adopted?) ect so they felt it was " ok"
You know, LA being the father would explain alot of things. I could never figure out why KC didn't go for child support. I mean she steals from her family and friends yet she won't get money from the father of Caylee. Never made any sense to me. I also don't know many girls KC's age would hide who the father is. It just seems bizarre.

ETA I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when JG got the test results saying he wasn't the father. Think about it. When everyone in the family found out, did they ask her who the real father is? They didn't get the "dad died in a car accident" story until Caylee was older. So I would like to know what she told her family back when she got the paternity results for JG.
I have third cousins married, there are some states that allow 2nd, and IIRC a few that allow first cousins to marry. I don't necessarily agree, and am on the fence as far as Caylee's bio dad, but it would not be the first time. there are quite a few females that have had their fathers children.
What leads me to the possibility that this may be true....George and Cindy have not denied it....it's like they don't want to touch this with a ten foot pole.............
What leads me to the possibility that this may be true....George and Cindy have not denied it....it's like they don't want to touch this with a ten foot pole.............
Under the circumstances, they may not want to persue this at the moment. After all, to counter this claim, LA would have to provide DNA - which is something, that he was obviously already reluctant to do. The family might try to take legal action on this later. Regardless, given that it's simply "opinion", I'm not sure that there is much point...
Lol, you are always too smart for me, Mac. Yes, it is about the hats, for now... If I am right, we will all get to see his lovely mane... Think about it, has anyone seen him without it?

I am countin' on being right, or I am gonna be sportin my 'ole cowboy lid -
for quite a while:blowkiss:

Blink, I have seen LP w/o his hat, he has beautiful hair. He was on IIRC NG a few months ago, fill in host even asked him "where's the hat". He is a personal favorite, let me add, how much I appreciate and look forward to reading your posts. I TY for all your expertise and time.
Oh Lord, he just said that Lee doesn't want to provide DNA because he doesn't want to be shown as the babies daddy...he keeps saying this over and over, so he obviously has something that he knows or has heard that has led him to believe this...He also said Casey is nuts, and that she is in lala land...

I hope LP has the facts straight. I'm sure he does, but what a statement to throw out there and keep repeating it.
Lol, you are always too smart for me, Mac. Yes, it is about the hats, for now... If I am right, we will all get to see his lovely mane... Think about it, has anyone seen him without it?
I am countin' on being right, or I am gonna be sportin my 'ole cowboy lid -
for quite a while:blowkiss:

LOL, thats so cute blink. But actually I saw LP lovely mane on Dr. Phil show a few days ago. He was Purdy!

I about fell over!!
Lol, you are always too smart for me, Mac. Yes, it is about the hats, for now... If I am right, we will all get to see his lovely mane... Think about it, has anyone seen him without it?

I am countin' on being right, or I am gonna be sportin my 'ole cowboy lid -
for quite a while:blowkiss:

He didn't wear his hat during his appearance on the Dr. Phil show. He said he wasn't allowed to. I can't remember what interview he was in when he was talking about it. He said they picked out his clothes and even tried to put makeup on him and he wouldn't allow the makeup.
I hope LP has the facts straight. I'm sure he does, but what a statement to throw out there and keep repeating it.

I know, it would be so damaging. I dont even want to go there. But in another thread I mentioned something.......and I'll repeat it here!!

All the more reason that makes is "conveinent" for Casey to dispose of her daughter. I know that sounds harsh to belief, but for this girl as disconnected from her lies & her illegal activities- she has no remourse for anything she's done....

if this is true. If it is not, shame on LP for repeatedly saying it. It isnt right or moral to say it, if its not true. He said many times that the body may have been in the dumpster @ Amscot. Now this thing claiming LA is the bio father.........why isnt someone telling him to stop saying it? You'd think JB or MN would be all over the media screaming about this. But so far, no one has publicly told him to cease his comments.
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