Leonard Padilla and Tim Miller on Scared Monkey Radio - 10/10/08

DNA Solves
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IF LA is the father and IF it was forced, I can't understand why KC would want to remain around LA. I would think she would want to keep as far away from him as possible.

I would think so, too...but- look at the data concerning children who were sexually abused. There is a high risk factor for children who were molested to repeat that behavior.

It's really no different than children who are beaten by their parents- they children still love them.

It's a sick situation, one that Im sure people who have not been through can wrap their brains around.

It will be interested to find out the results.
Abuse is abuse. We all know stories of women who stay around thier abusers. What I have found is that some of the most screwed up people are victims of incestuous sexual abuse. It used to amaze me how children who had been severely abused by a parent would still rather be in the home with that parent, over time, then placed in a safe foster home. There is something about the maternal/paternal bond that is hard to break..no matter what the parent/sibling has done.

Safe foster home...hmmm...I ran away from home when I was a teen due to problems with a step-mother, and was placed, by my own choice, into one of these "safe" foster homes. My foster-parents had grown children, and their grown married son came with his wife and children and took me on a boating trip to a lake once. He then proceeded to attempt to molest me by grabbing my hand and trying to force it into his swim trunks while we were in the water. Safe foster home? Not necessarily...:furious:
Thanks for the clarification. Again, I don't put much stock in the incest allegations I just find the whole issue of paternity puzzling. For someone so adept at manipulating and leeching off of others she could have attempted to gain funds or support from multiple potential fathers (if indeed she was as promiscuous as suggested). My Hinky Meter, it is off the charts.

I don't believe LA is the father, I think that Casey was promiscuous and has absolutely no idea who the baby's father was. If if and it is a big if LA was the father there is no way that they were telling CA or GA. just no way!
This is a subject I am uncomfortable speculating about, but it has crossed my mind in the past. I just find it very difficult to believe that KC never confided in a friend who possible fathers might be, and I don't mean untraceable car accident victims or mystery military men. This may merely be another dimension to her anti-social behaviors, such as the inability to intimate factual information even in the closest confidences. Surely after it was found out JG was not the father friends must have speculated, the inability to come up with other possibilities from outside sources is puzzling as this kind of information travels pretty quickly in HS.

I think KC just made up the whole story of the "supposed father". Her story about him dying and that they mutually agreed he would stay out of caylee's life is complete garbage in my opinion. She prob "got around" alot and was embarrassed to say she didnt know who the daddy was. She didnt want to let down mom and dad again. What young girl who has a baby doesnt at least go for child support these days?? She made the whole thing up as she is doing with the zani deal. She hasnt a clue who the father is and her parents fell for it. This girl is crazy!
I remember. It was Amy who said that and I also remember other friends saying that Caylee "really took to men" or something of that nature.

Maybe Lee was the baby sitter. Gawd, who knows???

If you go down that road, then if LA got in trouble with say a gang, group, drugs, then they would take Caylee to get him back in line?
LP just calls it like he sees it. He flat out called CA a liar. Good for him!

As far as the allegation of LA being the father, what he said was that LA refused to take the DNA test because he didn't want to risk end up being the father. He didn't say he was definitely the father. (Unless I misunderstood what he said.)
Maybe they think the claim is so ridiculous there's no reason to dispute it.

Doubtful. This family disputes the silliest things. Listen to Casey answer LE in her interview and she says uhuh and then gets combative about silly things. This accusation is far from silly and if true it tells us why Casey became what she is and also explains George, Cindy and Lee circling the wagon around her ferociously as they have likely done for several years now. When Casey says in a phone call, she almost threatens her mom when she said "you don't know what my involvement is?" Cindy backed off immediately. If that secret comes out, it will destroy the family secret and Baez can fight for an insanity plea based on abuse within the family or at least garner her sympathy in the jury pool on sentencing.
Tim Miller possibly talking with Cindy now.
I have a strong urge to pray and that happens rarely.
I cannot imagine how Cindy has held it together recently.
If LP was correct, then Cindy has probably had to face the paternity issue in the last couple of weeks. I sort of doubt she knew...or maybe she always 'knew' but did not know...am I making any sense at all?
Just feeling today is a very important day between Cindy and Tim.
He knows he must handle her with kid gloves.
He does not have to reach out to her at all. She has nothing to offer.
Tim is just trying to prepare her. I think he knows what it out there.
Tim knows it is a matter of very few days until those few bones are brought forward and identified.
He has a heart of GOLD.

Tim said he met with MN yesterday for quite a while and that he hoped to meet with CA today. I feel that if anyone can get through to CA it will be Tim because he can relate to what CA is going through. I know CA will not want to hear what he has to say because that would mean she would have to accept that precious Caylee is gone. I wouldn't want to accept it either, but I do know that the Lord works through people on earth and I fully believe that Tim Miller is one of those people.

God bless Tim, and you are right, he has a heart of GOLD. I told my husband that there is a special place in Heaven for Tim Miller and those like him.

Safe foster home...hmmm...I ran away from home when I was a teen due to problems with a step-mother, and was placed, by my own choice, into one of these "safe" foster homes. My foster-parents had grown children, and their grown married son came with his wife and children and took me on a boating trip to a lake once. He then proceeded to attempt to molest me by grabbing my hand and trying to force it into his swim trunks while we were in the water. Safe foster home? Not necessarily...:furious:

Magic-Cat: I am sorry to hear that you went through that while living in a 'safe' foster home. I am a licensed foster parent and I can assure you that my home is a safe one; however, I can't attest to all being safe. It's sad that it is the way it is. What interests me is the fact that you were allowed to go with your foster parents adult child. We were told that our foster child could not go with anyone that didn't have a DCF badge unless we were previously instructed to.
If you go down that road, then if LA got in trouble with say a gang, group, drugs, then they would take Caylee to get him back in line?

I've never really heard of gangs or underworld types taking babies to get people back into line. Usually, they would prefer to just shoot someone than to manipulate them by performing childcare. I could see it being used in the plot of a movie, because it would be suspenseful waiting to see if the child could be returned safely. But in real life? Does anyone know of a verifiable instance of this happening?
I'm not a big believer in the "Lee is dad of Caylee" theory, however as this case has gone on I've thought of a few things. It seems to me that around the time Casey got pregnant, the whole family sort of exploded. Mom and Dad both filed for divorce. Dad moved to Ft. Meyers to live with his parents. Lee moved out for his job - but really soon was living a few blocks from Mom and Casey.

Casey and Cindy had the house to themselves for some time there, right? Apparently the Mother-Daughter bonding didn't go so well because Casey was angry that Cindy got to hold the baby first (still is angry about that...)

I read here on WS (but can't remember where) that before this latest family crisis, Lee wouldn't stay in the Anthony house if his Dad was there - would only visit Cindy and Casey but would leave if George arrived.

Now, I'm a skeptic but, if Casey didn't tell anyone about that pregnancy until her seventh or eighth month, she was not happy about it and I believe had no intention of keeping the baby. Maybe thinking she would toss it in a dumpster right after birth.(?) She was found out an in a very short time the family just disintegrated. Perhaps it was revealed that Lee was the dad and George couldn't take it so he left and Lee was in big trouble so he left.

That left Cindy and Casey with a couple of months to hastily throw together a nursery for the baby, etc. in the house by themselves. After a little while, money was tight and George came back to help out but became very distant, working the evening shift so he wasn't around much and Lee kept a low profile - avoiding his dad.

I can see the dynamics fitting a family that just discovered incest going on. Lee was eager to prove himself as a family supporter when Caylee went missing, but as soon as it looked like murder, he vanished again, because no one wanted to disclose this family secret.

Man, this is just too big for me to understand on an emotional level. My heart hurts in so many directions and I feel disgusted, sad, angry, horrified and compassionate all in the same breath. I'm afraid we're all going to need professional help when this case is finally concluded.

Sorry for this mind dump - I just wanted to see if it makes sense to anyone else and if there are other oddities I've left out, relevant to the timing of Caylee's conception or birth, please add.

I hope LP is right. I like him a lot and I believe his heart is in this. If he's right, it would also go to motive for Casey getting rid of Caylee whch would help prosecution.

Good observations............They could also be because GA was the father.
Doubtful. This family disputes the silliest things. Listen to Casey answer LE in her interview and she says uhuh and then gets combative about silly things. This accusation is far from silly and if true it tells us why Casey became what she is and also explains George, Cindy and Lee circling the wagon around her ferociously as they have likely done for several years now. When Casey says in a phone call, she almost threatens her mom when she said "you don't know what my involvement is?" Cindy backed off immediately. If that secret comes out, it will destroy the family secret and Baez can fight for an insanity plea based on abuse within the family or at least garner her sympathy in the jury pool on sentencing.

I don't see an insanity plea working in this case. KC may be manipulative but she's far from insane. Her own attorney, or his rep, has stated previously that there is/was nothing wrong with her mental capabilities.
Why would LA fight a DNA swab?
Surely he knew by refusing he would be making a big deal out of nothing if he's innocent.

His decision to refuse to cooperate with le is a mystery.

I've never really heard of gangs or underworld types taking babies to get people back into line. Usually, they would prefer to just shoot someone than to manipulate them by performing childcare. I could see it being used in the plot of a movie, because it would be suspenseful waiting to see if the child could be returned safely. But in real life? Does anyone know of a verifiable instance of this happening?

I don't. You are right, they just kill the child. I can't remember one of these cases in years where it turned out to be a kidnapping. :)
I've never really heard of gangs or underworld types taking babies to get people back into line. Usually, they would prefer to just shoot someone than to manipulate them by performing childcare. I could see it being used in the plot of a movie, because it would be suspenseful waiting to see if the child could be returned safely. But in real life? Does anyone know of a verifiable instance of this happening?

There is/was a missing child (infant) from South Florida that was reportedly kidnapped to get back at the parents. Something to do with illegal immigration - the couple had not paid all of their dues and the child was taken. I'm going off memory and can not remember all the details. http://www.missingkids.com/missingk...NCMC&seqNum=1&caseLang=en_US&searchLang=en_US

ETA: I just looked up this child (who is still missing from 12/2006) and police believe that the woman who took the child took him because she wanted a child. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,234503,00.html

I have heard both stories...so who knows!
I'm not a big believer in the "Lee is dad of Caylee" theory, however as this case has gone on I've thought of a few things. It seems to me that around the time Casey got pregnant, the whole family sort of exploded. Mom and Dad both filed for divorce. Dad moved to Ft. Meyers to live with his parents. Lee moved out for his job - but really soon was living a few blocks from Mom and Casey.

Casey and Cindy had the house to themselves for some time there, right? Apparently the Mother-Daughter bonding didn't go so well because Casey was angry that Cindy got to hold the baby first (still is angry about that...)

I read here on WS (but can't remember where) that before this latest family crisis, Lee wouldn't stay in the Anthony house if his Dad was there - would only visit Cindy and Casey but would leave if George arrived.

Now, I'm a skeptic but, if Casey didn't tell anyone about that pregnancy until her seventh or eighth month, she was not happy about it and I believe had no intention of keeping the baby. Maybe thinking she would toss it in a dumpster right after birth.(?) She was found out an in a very short time the family just disintegrated. Perhaps it was revealed that Lee was the dad and George couldn't take it so he left and Lee was in big trouble so he left.

That left Cindy and Casey with a couple of months to hastily throw together a nursery for the baby, etc. in the house by themselves. After a little while, money was tight and George came back to help out but became very distant, working the evening shift so he wasn't around much and Lee kept a low profile - avoiding his dad.

I can see the dynamics fitting a family that just discovered incest going on. Lee was eager to prove himself as a family supporter when Caylee went missing, but as soon as it looked like murder, he vanished again, because no one wanted to disclose this family secret.

Man, this is just too big for me to understand on an emotional level. My heart hurts in so many directions and I feel disgusted, sad, angry, horrified and compassionate all in the same breath. I'm afraid we're all going to need professional help when this case is finally concluded.

Sorry for this mind dump - I just wanted to see if it makes sense to anyone else and if there are other oddities I've left out, relevant to the timing of Caylee's conception or birth, please add.

I hope LP is right. I like him a lot and I believe his heart is in this. If he's right, it would also go to motive for Casey getting rid of Caylee whch would help prosecution.

Oh my gosh! This is about the best description of this family I've read so far. Holy smoke! You may have plugged some of the missing holes. I can't believe how much sense this makes. It actually makes more sense than what we've been hearing from the Anthonys.

I agree about needing professional help after all this is over, although, I think I already do. I keep trying NOT to check the web about this case but I do it anyway. :crazy:
Nothing about this case or this fam would shock or surprise me anymore. (shaking my head)

ETA: However, it is bothering me that Leonard is spelled wrong in the title of this thread. Could someone fix it, please? ;)
As far as the allegation of LA being the father, what he said was that LA refused to take the DNA test because he didn't want to risk end up being the father. He didn't say he was definitely the father. (Unless I misunderstood what he said.)

You didn't misunderstand, in essence, that's what LP said. Lee doesn't want to take polygraph and DNA tests because he doesn't want to come up as the father, is what LP said.

Pat Brown, the profiler, was excellent in her description of Casey. :clap: Casey loves the attention. LP says "she's nuts anyhow, she's totally in lala land". :rolling: Cindy is just as a big liar as Casey. :behindbar

LP was on his game last night! :clap:
I'm not a big believer in the "Lee is dad of Caylee" theory, however as this case has gone on I've thought of a few things. It seems to me that around the time Casey got pregnant, the whole family sort of exploded. Mom and Dad both filed for divorce. Dad moved to Ft. Meyers to live with his parents. Lee moved out for his job - but really soon was living a few blocks from Mom and Casey.

Casey and Cindy had the house to themselves for some time there, right? Apparently the Mother-Daughter bonding didn't go so well because Casey was angry that Cindy got to hold the baby first (still is angry about that...)

Or...was it that Cindy was first to hold Caylee because Casey didn't want her? Delivery room people are very sensitive about new mothers feelings. I can't believe they would not have given Caylee directly to Casey unless Casey rejected her.
I really would not put anything past this family. People seem to think incest is such a far off idea but unless you live in that type of family where it happens, it seems so foreign to all of us. Personally, I wouldn't put it past KC to have bedded a drugged up or drunken brother in order to have her hold over him as well??

There is rampant mental illness in that family. They ARE hiding something that they don't want out and I think it's worse than Caylee's death. JMHO
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