Let's dissect the 31 days! ~ just for fun til Monday!

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Didn't she show up at Jessie's to take a shower? Just out of the blue, can I use your shower? That bothers me, but I can't recall which day that was, anyone?

She was with Tony Lazzaro on the night of the 16th of June, they were caught on video surveillance together. No Caylee. What my question is if that car smelt so bad wouldn't Casey have smelt also? Wonder if anyone asked Tony if she smelt?

The following is from the Investigative report released 11/26/2008

I received a call on this date (July 17th) from Melissa England, a friend of Troy Brown. She was in town on July 2nd and met Casey for the first time. She spent time with Casey on July 3rd. While inside a Target Store, Casey received a call from Cynthia. Melissa said Casey was obviously irritated and it appeared to be an "annoyed" converstaion. Melissa overheard Casey speaking about financial issues and Casey also mentioned the "kid was with the nanny." Melissa said that over the several hours she spent with Casey on July 3rd, Casey hardly mentioned she had a child. Melissa found this odd.


It is interesting that Cindy is bringing up financial issues with KC on July 3rd when she has not seen Caylee since June 15 - almost 3 weeks. I get the impression that she said to Cindy "the kid is with the nanny". If that is true, that she referred to CAylee as "the kid" to Cynthia, it is basically "mind your own business and I'll do what I want and the kid (or whatever you want to call her) is with the Nanny.

KC is capable of some horrific stuff, imo.
ITA. I think Caylee died in Casey's bed. From the clothing that was with the remains (or missing, in the case of shoes), Caylee was in her bed-time clothes at the TOD. The next morning, I don't think George saw Caylee... or if he did, she was already dead and Casey played it off as if Caylee were 'asleep", maybe having her wrapped in a blanket. I think that is why George is getting so mixed up on the details of what happened that day (or he is straight up lying). I also think Cindy's statement that she heard Casey and Caylee "breathing" thru the wall is rather odd. One of the first things I (and maybe others) associate w/ being alive is "breathing"... so maybe Cindy was covering up for the fact she already knew something was very wrong, or maybe she even knew Caylee already dead. Her choice of words there "heard them breathing", just strikes me as very strange.

Edit: I wanted to add something else. I know the video of Kathy Belich's interview with Maya is pretty old, but I just watched it a few days ago. Now, of course, people can choose to believe or not believe Maya, but I personally found her extremely credible. She made the statement that when Casey would "knock Caylee out", she would do it at her home, leave home with Caylee sleeping and go out to party. That would be quite risky being as that George & Cindy were in the home, but we know Casey isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, and engaged in other st00pid behaviours where she would easily get caught (using Amy's checks, for instance). Perhaps Cindy & George even suspected Casey was doing this.

Ya know, I suspect that things in this case would make a whole lot more sense if George and Cindy (AT LEAST) would be honest. Unfortunately, we're probably never going to know the truth about what happened to precious little Caylee.

As clean as their house was, I can't imagine 1 grown person and 1 little person in one room could make such racket with their breathing, CA made it sound like they both had asthma or something. Yup, they are all pretty mixed up with all the mistruths and half truths.:liar:
She was with Tony Lazzaro on the night of the 16th of June, they were caught on video surveillance together. No Caylee. What my question is if that car smelt so bad wouldn't Casey have smelt also? Wonder if anyone asked Tony if she smelt?


I've always wondered that, too. I don't think the car would have already been smelling on the 16th, but what about the 27th when Tony picked her up from Amscot? Seems like the girl would have been smelling to high heaven, at that time. Perhaps she changed clothes a lot or wore a lot of perfume? I don't know.
I've always wondered that, too. I don't think the car would have already been smelling on the 16th, but what about the 27th when Tony picked her up from Amscot? Seems like the girl would have been smelling to high heaven, at that time. Perhaps she changed clothes a lot or wore a lot of perfume? I don't know.

That just made a bell ring in my head. I think GA and his gas can trunk story was BS NO WAY he got that close to her car and didn't recognize the smell. I think that has to be made up only to say it didn't smell the. 24th of June.. UNLESS ICA had just retrieved Caylee's body from the freezer before GA went to the car. ~ can't wait to hear more about this. I believe the carpet fibers were compressed in such a way it resembled freezer burn? maybe?
I'm not sure how a freezer could affect the timeline, I don't think CAYLEE was. ever buried in the yard... But I am not certain ICA didn't take the body and move it... In fact I think she did.
Oh well it will all play out here.
* AND Happy Mother's Day everybody!
So if this option is taken off the table, does this mean the nanny issue will not be brought up at all? So all the lies that were told to all those people about Caylee being with Zanny all those times won't be brought up druing the trial? If so, then will the DT have to explain where Caylee was all those times?

I am dying to see how this nanny issue plays out. The DT seems to want to admit it was ' a lie' and leave it like that." Okay, she lied, big deal, it doesn't make her a killer. Oh, and she only lied because her parents were so darn mean, and her dad abused her. '

But as you noted, she used that lie a zillion times. It was told to everyone who asked where Caylee was. So, where was she then?
It is interesting that Cindy is bringing up financial issues with KC on July 3rd when she has not seen Caylee since June 15 - almost 3 weeks. I get the impression that she said to Cindy "the kid is with the nanny". If that is true, that she referred to CAylee as "the kid" to Cynthia, it is basically "mind your own business and I'll do what I want and the kid (or whatever you want to call her) is with the Nanny.

KC is capable of some horrific stuff, imo.

Here's more about ME and July 3rd.

Also Friday, prosecutors filed notice of new evidence involving a witness, Melissa England.
England will testify that Anthony told her she was getting a tattoo July 3, 2008, and that she wanted the words "La Bella Vita" on her shoulder, the new filing says. England also heard Anthony tell someone by phone that she could not meet because of car problems. When the call was over, England heard Anthony say, "Oh my God, I'm such a good liar."

Just for the record, I never believed George's story of seeing Caylee and Casey leave the house on June 16th, especially since he gave so many thorough details - what they did, what they ate, what they wore. Too many details. Is George fashion oriented? Come on!
On top of that, he can remember in detail what they were wearing, but not what his favorite cooking show that was on at the time???:waitasec::snooty: Not credible at all... I watch more than one program on Food Network, and I know what all the show titles are, especially if it was his favorite one!
Even Scott Peterson did better on that one- he came up with a Martha Stewart program on Meringue that actually had aired!
Did anyone hear that KC actually moved Caylee's body one time after she initially dumped her body? Do they suspect where she was moved from?
I doubt that - with KC its out of sight out of mind and covering her crime wasnt the
priority - KC had places to go and people to see ....
You can never underestimate the effect the trait of laziness can produce.... in this case EVIDENCE Blessed irrefutable evidence.
I'm grateful for her use of technology during the 31 days-- the sum total is staggering, and telling. She was constantly recording herself. Texts, pings, calls, computer searches and downloads. Amazing. mo
I'm grateful for her use of technology during the 31 days-- the sum total is staggering, and telling. She was constantly recording herself. Texts, pings, calls, computer searches and downloads. Amazing. mo

Her lack of restraint is almost hilarious. She really is clueless. Why she felt the need to text Amy about the smell of death in her car is one of the better Casey moments. Telling Amy that there was definitely a dead animal plastered to the front of her car (avoiding the trunk area) and then blaming it on her father (surprise... surprise).

I love the fact that she is an awful liar... compulsive? Yes, but she is just really bad at it.
I think that after the fight of the 15th, ICA knew her time at the family home and being a mother was short. I think it is accurate that on the night of the now denied big fight, CA threatened to have Caylee removed from ICA's custody and placed in hers.

Sometime between that fight on the 15th and ICA showing up at Tony's on the 16th, I believe ICA secreted a dosed up Caylee, her inconvenient child, in the trunk of her car, so as to hang with Tony for movies and more.

All the while a since deceased Caylee is still in ICA's trunk. My own thinking is, Caylee died in the trunk of that car while her mom sat watching movies rented at Blockbuster pretending that Caylee was with a nonexistent nanny. And there poor Caylee remained until a week or so later when ICA could no longer tolerate the smell and dumped her like so much trash.

ETA this portion: on the 18th or 19th she borrows a shovel, fully intending to bury their beloved grandchild in the A's backyard. A sort of monumental FU to the B. However, ICA has never been much of one for finishing a task or hard work. I think after a rather limp attempt at digging she decided this was too much work after all.

MOO, Sometime just prior to the 24th, she dumps the body. The reason for the whole scene in the driveway with GA and making sure he did not open the trunk was not because Caylee was still in it but rather because she knew the smell and stains of decomp were still in there having not gotten "the mess" adequately dealt with. She knew as former LE there was no way her dad would not recognize that smell IMMEDIATELY. She wasn't trying to keep GA from finding Caylee's body but rather evidence of death.
I've always wondered that, too. I don't think the car would have already been smelling on the 16th, but what about the 27th when Tony picked her up from Amscot? Seems like the girl would have been smelling to high heaven, at that time. Perhaps she changed clothes a lot or wore a lot of perfume? I don't know.

I don't know either. Thank goodness I've never had to find out how long it takes for a body in 90 degree weather to smell so bad that it smells some 11 days later. I did interview a guy in garbage about 3 or 4 times and no matter what he did it would stink. Sometimes I thought he smelt like a dead animal. Even with a shower and cologne the smell would still be prevalent.
Anyone know if Casey really ran of gas twice in a week or so? I can't find the evidence in discovery. The first time she runs out of gas seems real, because she did have Tony meet her house and goes to the trouble of stealing her dad's cans from the shed. But the 2nd time by Amscot is there evidence of that? Also was there evidence of a problem of gas gauge problem? I think its possible she was just to lazy to stop for gas and waited too long to buy any. But the 2nd time, she really wants an excuse not to go to the airport in her car.
Anyone know if Casey really ran of gas twice in a week or so? I can't find the evidence in discovery. The first time she runs out of gas seems real, because she did have Tony meet her house and goes to the trouble of stealing her dad's cans from the shed. But the 2nd time by Amscot is there evidence of that? Also was there evidence of a problem of gas gauge problem? I think its possible she was just to lazy to stop for gas and waited too long to buy any. But the 2nd time, she really wants an excuse not to go to the airport in her car.

Didn't ICA tell the tattoo Guy her trunk was full, err sumthin! I can not remember.
Most of my friends would frown at decomposition and grave wax on their luggage too

eta : I think the gas was a ruse. In the heat of the day her car STANK! the gas. was just her "cover" with gas up someone's nostrils decomposition must be less noticeable.
Didn't ICA tell the tattoo Guy her trunk was full, err sumthin! I can not remember.
Most of my friends would frown at decomposition and grave wax on their luggage too

eta : I think the gas was a ruse. In the heat of the day her car STANK! the gas. was just her "cover" with gas up someone's nostrils decomposition must be less noticeable.

You're right the tattoo guy said that she told him her car wasn't big enough for all the luggage. He told the interviewer that he didn't think the car she had borrowed was any bigger than her own.
I also think she may have been planning to bump off the entire family, then sadly proclaiming she was at werk and how horrible it was to come home to find everyone murdered, thinking she would get the house and the money, and everything else. Obviously she had no concept of mortgages, struggling to make ends meet, paying off all the loans her mother was forced to take out because GA and KC were bleeding her beyond all financial limits. She probably didn't take into account she'd have to share the house (the highly mortgaged house!) with brother Lee, and that they'd have to sell it to cover all Cindy's debts (caused by GA and KC).

I haven't seen many other theories that included this and have wondered about it for years. I have always believed ICA had either the plan, or at least the fantasy, of killing off both CA and GA. So many of her lies left them out of the picture, gone for all purposes, with their own issues. Maybe kill CA and blame GA with all the drama she insinuated was going on between them. Have to wonder if the SA has any info that we haven't seen/read that might point that direction...........we'll know soon enough.
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