Lets find the house that PI was digging and filming

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Not sure if this is the right place for this or not, so I'll apologize in advance to the MODS if I'm committing a no-no.

Anyhow...I had to password protect my PB site because I got a heads up that people might be able to see my other photos. I had set the Caylee folder to public and all my other folders to private, but I must have done that wrong. I have pics of my kids on there and I definitely don't want those seen by everyone.

I'll make the folder public again once I can be sure my kids photos aren't viewable.



This is what I found on the photobucket site and password. I assume it's still temporarily unavailable.
The link below is to the screen shots from the WFTV site. I made a list below of the dates, times and tape counter from those screen shots. It's my understanding from the media that the parts of the video originally shown on WFTV that were frozen out of the video were because of audio where the PI's were talking about something they didn't want aired.

Anyway, the times and tape counters below match the 40 WFTV screen shots.


November 15, 2008:

01. Nov 15, 2008 9:15:26am 0:00:40:04 (Surburban, in woods, on phone)
02. Nov 15, 2008 9:15:32am 0:00:46:03 (Surburban, in woods, on phone)
03. Nov 15, 2008 9:15:35am 0:00:48:20 (Surburban, by woods, on phone)
04. Nov 15, 2008 9:15:36am 0:00:50:05 (Surburban, by woods, on phone)
05. Nov 15, 2008 9:15:37am 0:00:51:00 (Surburban, by woods, on phone)
06. Nov 15, 2008 9:15:37am 0:00:51:22 (Surburban, standing, on phone)
07. Nov 15, 2008 9:15:39am 0:00:53:22 (Surburban, pacing, on phone)
08. Nov 15, 2008 9:15:42am 0:00:56:03 (Surburban, pacing, on phone)
09. Nov 15, 2008 9:15:43am 0:00:57:00 (Surburban, pacing, on phone)
10. Nov 15, 2008 9:15:47am 0:01:00:29 (Surburban, pacing, on phone)
11. Nov 15, 2008 9:15:48am 0:01:02:16 (Surburban, pacing, on phone)
12. Nov 15, 2008 9:38:25am 0:01:19:13 (Going thru trash, Brackenwood)
13. Nov 15, 2008 9:38:28am 0:01:22:19 (Going thru trash, Brackenwood)
14. Nov 15, 2008 9:38:29am 0:01:23:25 (Going thru trash, Brackenwood)
15. Nov 15, 2008 9:38:34am 0:01:28:18 (Going thru trash, Brackenwood)
16. Nov 15, 2008 9:38:37am 0:01:31:12 (Going thru trash, Brackenwood)
17. Nov 15, 2008 9:38:43am 0:01:38:05 (Going thru trash, Brackenwood)
18. Nov 15, 2008 9:38:50am 0:01:44:28 (Going thru trash, Brackenwood)
19. Nov 15, 2008 9:38:55am 0:01:50:04 (Going thru trash, Brackenwood)
20. Nov 15, 2008 9:46:00am 0:03:03:12 (Digging in dirt, Brackenwood)
21. Nov 15, 2008 9:46:01am 0:03:05:10 (Digging in dirt, Brackenwood)
22. Nov 15, 2008 9:46:04am 0:03:07:21 (Digging in dirt, Brackenwood)
23. Nov 15, 2008 9:46:07am 0:03:10:15 (Digging in dirt, Brackenwood)
24. Nov 15, 2008 9:46:31am 0:03:34:18 (Digging in dirt, Brackenwood)
25. Nov 15, 2008 9:46:34am 0:03:37:24 (Digging in dirt, Brackenwood)
26. Nov 15, 2008 9:46:34am 0:03:42:29 (Digging in dirt, Brackenwood)
27. Nov 15, 2008 9:46:43am 0:03:46:15 (Digging in dirt, Brackenwood)
28. Nov 15, 2008 9:46:46am 0:03:49:25 (Digging in dirt, Brackenwood)
29. Nov 15, 2008 9:47:05am 0:04:08:17 (Digging in dirt, Brackenwood)
30. Nov 15, 2008 9:47:07am 0:04:10:24 (Digging in dirt, Brackenwood)
31. Nov 15, 2008 9:47:08am 0:04:11:16 (Digging in dirt, Brackenwood)
32. Nov 15, 2008 9:47:10am 0:04:13:29 (Digging in dirt, Brackenwood)

November 16, 2008:

33. Nov 16, 2008 7:50:54am 0:06:55:02 (Surburban, white square in woods)
34. Nov 16, 2008 7:52:35am 0:08:36:10 (Surburban, probe in ground)
35. Nov 16, 2008 7:52:44am 0:08:45:02 (Surburban, probe in ground)
36. Nov 16, 2008 7:53:56am 0:09:26:22 (Surburban, probe in ground)
37. Nov 16, 2008 7:53:56am 0:09:29:20 (Surburban, probe in ground)
38. Nov 16, 2008 8:00:56am 0:09:44:18 (Surburban, probe in ground)
39. Nov 16, 2008 8:16:08am 0:11:00:12 (Digging in dirt, Brackenwood)
40. Nov 16, 2008 8:16:11am 0:11:03:29 (Digging in dirt, Brackenwood)


Below is a link to screen shots I did of the Geraldo Video (01/11/2009) where they included shots of what we now know as the Brackenwood house. Geraldo's video shows the date but not the time of the video but does show the tape counter. If I have time later I'll make a list of the screen shots I did with at least the tape counter to see where they fit in with the WFTV screen shots.

These 60 screen shots I did are from the "Sierra1947" YouTube video:

"Sierra1947" YouTube video:

I've put the photos into a new PB account that has nothing to do with my personal photos. Yeah for common sense!

I also watermarked the photos...not sure what that really accomplishes, but it made me feel better.

The videos are currently not on this site. Not sure what to do about those yet.

Lastly, the account is password protected. Again, not sure what that accomplishes since I have to give out the password for you all to see the photos. But, false security is better than none I guess.


password: nancydrew

The coincidences in this case are driving me crazy!

Even the trash bags @ the 'abandoned house' appear to be the same (looks like Glad brand) as the trash bags from the A's house. Black with red drawstring.

Remember the protestor who took the trash bag?

(will edit to post link to pic when I get posting rights to do so)

And the bags from the PI vid:

(will edit to post link to pic when I get posting rights to do so)

Maybe we should take a poll to see how many WSerz use the same trash bags. :)

BTW, y'all ROCK!!
If you also recall, Cindy had made a point to say that Casey had bought an air mattress when she and Caylee left to bond. It sounds to me like Casey was leaving Caylee at an abandoned house while she was out parting and doing other. She was working as a fill in as a shot girl at Fusion as well, I read that in some doc's today while looking for something else. Maybe Cindy had seen Casey at this house in the past or knew that at one time Casey was watching over the house for the family.
"IMO" This will fit right into Casey's defense. Also, the MR wouldn't have to have been at that house because if the water was turned off. I wonder if the neighbor had seen Dominic Casey or Hoover when they were there digging and poking around?
The owners moved to P.R.
The owners last name is G.
So, maybe Casey knew they were moving and was friend with them,told them she would watch over the house. Decided to take ownership and had a built in nanny, the "G" house and possible Xanax and the Chloroform the house would be vacant so she would bring the air mattress there and some of Caylee's things and tell her "Mommy will be right back and put her to sleep" Until the horrific day for Caylee. Do you guys remember when the Anthony's aired that show on Univision, the Spanish network? The may of been pointing the finger at this family. I wonder if LE ever contacted them to see if they ever spoke to Casey and so fourth. The big question is did they make this video to cause reasonable doubt? Who all is mixed up in this conspiracy? And where the heck is LE or the FBI, the house should of been searched last night. Anyone know?
*respectfully snipped*

MADJGNLAW, Once again, imo you have it nailed. I'd probably go so far as to say that she told the G family she was a Property Manager and she would watch it for them. I hope LE has found this family already, because this case is about to go International. CA will bulldoze over them. Hope they have good alibi's for the month's of June and July. I am wondering if it wasn't "the key" CA and KC were discussing in jail that DC was searching for, or the blackjack was another good guess. Remember, KC said ZFG had a full set of everything for Caylee. I hope LE has been there already.

Beffie, Thanks for posting the link to KB story. Seems they are guessing this is all smoke and mirrors for the defense. We have been saying all week that JB has been VERY quit.

Michelle, just wanted to say thanks one more time. :blowkiss: You Guys Rock!

Have a great day everyone, will be following along. Justice for Caylee
yep, and DC contacted Hoover on the 14th (before the psychic's call on the 15th) to tell him they had to go look.

I totally forgot about that! So, this can't be the reason...if she didn't speak with him until the 15th and Hoover got the call re; tip, on the 14th...

Close but no cigar?
I'm confused, now, because I'm hearing that the house is right in the same area as where the body was found. Is it visible from the aerial shots; if not, what area of the woods is it in?:doh:
Someone has been using this house in the past year. Those trash bags would be MUCH more weathered after the past Orlando summer. Also...there's a bike on the back porch that looks like it's in fine shape.
How do I acess the pictures. I followed the link and created an account. What now?? Please Help.
I believe accessing pictures comes after you have done a certain number of posts. Not sure how many. I will see if I can find out
I've put the photos into a new PB account that has nothing to do with my personal photos. Yeah for common sense!

I also watermarked the photos...not sure what that really accomplishes, but it made me feel better.

The videos are currently not on this site. Not sure what to do about those yet.

Lastly, the account is password protected. Again, not sure what that accomplishes since I have to give out the password for you all to see the photos. But, false security is better than none I guess.


password: nancydrew


Hmmmmmmm ... wonder if anybody has looked 'inside' those Pepsi machines???
I'm confused, now, because I'm hearing that the house is right in the same area as where the body was found. Is it visible from the aerial shots; if not, what area of the woods is it in?:doh:

In this map the red arrow shows the house. I've drawn a line from their to the approximate area where the remains were found.

Gotta say again how proud of us I am.
Couple of things that are really bothering me about this house now.
1. I'm sure that LE knows where the house is now and hopefully knew as soon as they interviewed Hoover. Yet I can't understand why they aren't all over it. Wheither it was the physic or someone else directing Dominic, obviously they knew where the body was, which means they also knew where something else pertinent was at that house. The property needs to be searched.
2. It's making me insane that when WYTV interviewed the physic, she was not asked the most important question. What was she telling him to look for at the house?
3. Why have LE not contacted and questioned the physic? I don't want to be negative about LE down there but at this point it feels like they are letting potentially HUGE stuff fall through the cracks.
Thoughts please

We could read LE's lack of interest as a good sign. Maybe they really do have that "overwhelming" evidence that points to KC, and they know that there is nothing to follow at this house. Maybe, just maybe, they have ironclad evidence for her conviction and don't need to spend any more resources gathering fruitless clues. (I'm trying to be optimistic here)
Also appears to provide a good vantage point from which to watch to see if G or C have left home, IMHO.

Too many houses in between the locations. Direct vision to the Anthony house from the abandoned house would be blocked by other homes.
We could read LE's lack of interest as a good sign. Maybe they really do have that "overwhelming" evidence that points to KC, and they know that there is nothing to follow at this house. Maybe, just maybe, they have ironclad evidence for her conviction and don't need to spend any more resources gathering fruitless clues. (I'm trying to be optimistic here)
I agree. Nothing from the investigation leads them to the house or the G family...only to Casey and the A fam home. Notice they came out and stated they had evidence which directly connected back to the A fam house enough to declare it a "crime scene". We shouldn't forget this while the smoke and mirrors are being uncovered here. It is what it is. It has not so much to do with the actual case...but it has everything to do with the defense's theory. ;)

Aha! Maybe THIS is the reason why it was "leaked" from "sources" that they had "overwhelming" evidence and she acted alone etc. Makes sense to me! We were contemplating what was going to come out they need a pre-emptive strike for and I thought it was just the doc dump coming. Hmmm...interesting!
Too many houses in between the locations. Direct vision to the Anthony house from the abandoned house would be blocked by other homes.

You would not need to see the house....just the street they come and go on. That you could see very well.
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