Levees bombed to flood black people?

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Nov 5, 2003
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Gimmie a break.

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan said it's up to the government to prove that a levee wasn't bombed to flood poor black people out of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.

Farrakhan said he's heard that military explosives may have been used to blow a hole in the levee, resulting in what he said would amount to "mass murder."

Quoting the Bible and the Quran, The Rev. Farrakhan said he suspects there was a government conspiracy behind the New Orleans flooding, but is confident that God will reveal the truth.

click on detroit
Oh Brother. The sad thing is, is that some people will actually believe this nonsense.
click on the link for the story. They then have a poll to ask you how likely this statement is.

Scope out the results ~
Thanks Pook, I saw the results, and some people DO believe it. Not many, granted, but some.
This country would be alot better off in many ways if people would at least THINK before they say something, and educating themselves about a topic before talking about a conspiracy theory.
A pretty fair number are buying it - 1 in 10 think it's possible or likely - that's pretty high, for such a nonsensical idea.
Motive? Do they list a reason why the government would want to do this? After all, even if these people think that the government thought it could save the money that it was spending on whatever services the poor residents of that city were getting each year, the BILLIONS of dollars that this flood will eventually cost the government far exceeds any monies being spent on services they received.
rachrach99 said:
This country would be alot better off in many ways if people would at least THINK before they say something, and educating themselves about a topic before talking about a conspiracy theory.

IMO, that's part of the problem. This guy is thinking and this is what he wants people to believe. He does everything in his power to separate the races. I think this is how he gets people to join 'his' cause.


PS.....I've seen a spokesman on some of the 24/7 shows, can't remember which, spouting this conspiracy theory. The guy honestly believes it,.........ehh,.......or wants us to believe it................fran
Farrakhan speaks for Farrakhan, period. He, of course, has his few followers, the Nation of Islam. He does not represent African-Americans, most of whom cringe whenever he opens his mouth.
Jeana (DP) said:
Wrong. The burden of proof would be on the other side.

That was my first thought too. I think, if Farrakhan can't show some kind of proof or validity to his claims, he should be arrested for attempting to incite race riots. Free speech is one thing, but there should be some accountability when a very public figure starts blathering on about conspiracy theories in a way intended to anger mobs of people.
You know, I'll bet Farrakhan was the one who did the bombing, just to get his name in the news again. (no, I don't believe there was a bomb, but spread the rumor all the same.)

About 10 years ago I worked in inner-city Detroit. One day Farrakhan and his posse arrived in town. I stood outside and watched his entourage drive past our building. At least 50 police cars surrounded his limo - Probably due to numerous assasination threats. This guy is way too full of himself. 50 cars that the city can't afford and they're all pulled off the beat to make this guy look like he's important.
This was actually said by him weeks ago and KFI in LA had people calling in and saying until they can prove it wasn't the goverment then they were going to believe Farrakhan.
What is so disturbing is that I actually know a middle aged, educated white woman from NO who believes this. She told me (before the levees broke but during the hurricane) that the media would say that they broke, but really the government would break them because they would do anything to save the city of NO.

I didn't even know how to respond to something so bizzarre coming out of the mouth of someone whose opinon I normally respect and value. It's beyond belief.
I am at a total loss of words for this....Next thing Jessie Jackson will be saying the same thing.

I can't believe anyone would actually believe this.
It the problem of FREE speech in our country.People do not understand that if you have certain freedoms & previligies you should treasure them & handle them responsibly.Farakhan can do this knowing he can't be charged & the ACLU will be right there to back him. Why doesn't he do something for the underpreviliged with all his money & stop inciting racial hatred???? :loser:
angelmom said:
What is so disturbing is that I actually know a middle aged, educated white woman from NO who believes this. She told me (before the levees broke but during the hurricane) that the media would say that they broke, but really the government would break them because they would do anything to save the city of NO.

I didn't even know how to respond to something so bizzarre coming out of the mouth of someone whose opinon I normally respect and value. It's beyond belief.

If they would do anything to save the city NO, then breaking the levees on purpose would do just the opposite. :confused: :confused:
Schmerty_Jones said:
It the problem of FREE speech in our country.People do not understand that if you have certain freedoms & previligies you should treasure them & handle them responsibly.Farakhan can do this knowing he can't be charged & the ACLU will be right there to back him. Why doesn't he do something for the underpreviliged with all his money & stop inciting racial hatred???? :loser:

Do they not realize that there were also people of other races there? How prejudiced of them not to notice.

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