LHP's Book Preview

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
TLynn said:
If this is truly LHP, then I'm ready to read. The sex stuff doesn't bother me - I just want to read through to some "facts" - like, I really want to know about the basement window - if it was broken before, etc.


But how will you separate real facts from this kind of "fact?"

You even taped your daughter's wrists and her mouth shut, cutting the tape with a small Swiss army knife that would later be found beside her body the next day.
Masked Man said that there was no way LHP or her husband could have written the ransom note. He said they did not have the language skills to do so. I'm sure LHP would have to have a ghost writer for her book -- but where the heck did she get this one? And where is her editor?

Does anyone know who is supposed to be publishing this book?
I think for libel suit purposes, Darnay made himself the publisher when he sent it out to public forums and reporters.
I was looking forward to LHP's book, thinking it would contain alot of the workings of the family ad dispell alot of the embellishments and myths in DOI where the Ramseys tried to portray themselves as "Ozzie and Harriet."

Instead, it appears to be smut.

LHP will get sued for sure,I think she is being used and does not understand the implications of this trashy book.

LHP's family will suffer again in magnitudes they never imagined. You know who will make them the supreme target of hir venom.

River, I don't know if she is low functioning but both she and her husband especially are not well educated.

Tipper -- you said:
"I've always thought Merv and in particular, his friends should have been looked at very closely"

HOW do you know Merv EVEN had ANY friends?
Sabrina said:
LHP will get sued for sure,I think she is being used and does not understand the implications of this trashy book.
LHP's family will suffer again in magnitudes they never imagined.
I don't think so Sabrina. I think Limp Wood is smart enough that when asked about it by the media he'll just blow it off as the rantings of a senile old bag lady.

I feel a bit sad for LHP. I took a tour around the JBR forums and nobody, not even the people that despise the Ramseys, is giving LHP an ounce of support. Even the fruit-loop Nancy Krebs managed to find a couple psycho posters to support her warped agenda.
Dejanu, or someone who is well versed in law--why would Darnay send this out knowing that a libel suit is a strong possibility with Wood? What could be his legal motive here? Would it get the Rs into a civil courtroom, or just what? Seems to me that it reeked of libel, and I would highly suspect that is the real motive, as opposed to LHP writing a book for legitimate reasons.
I only hope that somebody is not taking advantage of LHP again. She has inside info, no matter how well put, and it would seem to me that there's a big chance some could take advantage of her inability to know the ways of the world and for her to be violated (and besmirched) by those in a fiduciary position, just as I think JB was.....
Imon128 said:
She has inside info, no matter how well put, .....

Correct. We're looking for information that might connect the dots: we're not looking for a Pulitzer prize writer.

Just my opinion.
BlueCrab said:
Correct. We're looking for information that might connect the dots: we're not looking for a Pulitzer prize writer.

Just my opinion.

No we're not. But we are looking for a truthful one.
Imon128 said:
I only hope that somebody is not taking advantage of LHP again. She has inside info, no matter how well put, and it would seem to me that there's a big chance some could take advantage of her inability to know the ways of the world and for her to be violated (and besmirched) by those in a fiduciary position, just as I think JB was.....

Having had some time to sleep on this, I have to agree. I do think she is being taken advantage of by Darnay or whomever. Her inability to be saavy in these areas is where the weakness is. Now call me a pessimist, but I don't think there is an actual book at all. What could possibly be in the rest of the chapters left to the imagination? The chapter included her entire theory and rationale (drinking, unhappy marriage, Burke's knife, etc.) I think that maybe this "chapter" was "released" to cause a stir, possibly some interaction between Darnay and Lin, possibly a lawsuit, a way to get Darnay another chance in the courtroom and some press to help his appeal for LHP. The shock value of this chapter was likely the way to cause this stir and get Darnay some press in this JBR case once again, as he was fading in the shadows of the Joel Steinberg fiasco.

He's probably really pissed off at the latest "IDI" press with the DNA on behalf of the Ramseys and wanted to counteract with some negativity. However many of us already were aware that the marriage was not the happy one they portrayed and the sexual mismatch between Patsy and John was only one of their many problems.

I feel really bad for LHP. When all is said and done, she will be dragged through the mud once again and then what will Darnay do for her and her family?
tipper said:
No we're not. But we are looking for a truthful one.
Truthful book by LHP wouldn't sell well. Who wants to hear "I showed up, worked rather poorly, then went home to my alcoholic husband, but thought the Ramseys were nice, honest people who had a loving family".
Are we being used?Tossed this garbage, we are offering page after page of criticism,not just on here,but on every Jonbenet forum on the net.
Pre-release test...are there any buyers out there??
Toth said:
Truthful book by LHP wouldn't sell well. Who wants to hear "I showed up, worked rather poorly, then went home to my alcoholic husband, but thought the Ramseys were nice, honest people who had a loving family".

Who said she worked poorly? Obviously not the Ramseys as she was never fired for poor work. At least she worked for a living. More than Patsy and for many years, John could say. Whatever would John have done for money had it not been for the financing by Patsy's family? Aren't we holier than thou Toth! As for alcoholism, I wouldn't cast too many stones for the Ramseys lived in a very glass house. John and Patsy with their alcohol and pills, etc. They just never gave themselves a "label" of alcoholic or abuser like they choose to do with others.

I bet the Pughs had a more loving family than the Ramseys ever saw, especially Patsy.

The RST like to spout that we are just picking on the Ramseys because they were wealthy. Of course it's not the case but reading between the lines, they like to trash the Pughs as the poor people who are uneducated and alcohol abusers and of course the ever ending "hinting" at using their daughter for incest by Merv.

The TRUTH is that the Ramsey household was not a happy one. Regardless of whether or not Patsy enjoyed performing oral sex, it was not a happy marriage and seemingly not a particularly happy family. The TRUTH is that Patsy was a slob. The TRUTH is that no matter what you feel about LHP, the Ramseys are responsible for the murder of JonBenet Ramsey!

The TRUTH will never be in the intruder theory.

The way the RST treats those who were around the Ramseys and know MORE AND ACCURATELY what went on in that house leaves :laugh: a really bad taste in my mouth (pun intended)
Nehemiah said:
Where is Candy?

Where is J******? Did she leave the bldg. again?

Candy hasn't been seen on the forums since this chapter came out. If she isn't a part of this (and I'd hate to think that she was) maybe she finally came to her senses and is too mortified to comment on Darnay's latest antics.

As far as *******, she is around her forum and posting to "Rita" on Rose's forum, creating really bad satires about the BORG and even..gasp...Candy. Why do people think they have journalistic talent when they are truly really poor at it? I don't get it. She has created a make believe sitcom on BORG, particularly Rita and Candy and has done very poorly at that in her writing abilities. Doesn't she realize that she and her cult are a sitcom all by themselves? No special writing or acting required!
seem to be in a minority as far as your assessment of the Ramsey family. They had a strong marriage before this happened and an even stronger one afterwards. Many marriages come apart for a lot less. Patsy worked side by side with John to build the business in the early days....and although at the time of the murder she didn't work for $$$---she did a lot of volunteer work

There's no evidence of alcohol abuse in the Ramsey family.

Patsy may not have been the best housekeeper---so what? They had the money to hire the likes of LHP, and pay someone else to do the work---nothing wrong in that.

I disagree with you that the Pugh's had a happy family. Where were the grown kids when LHP needed money to pay her rent? What kind of family functions normally with an alcoholic father? One that was drunk when the police came to the house on Christmas Day? One that was out of work, with Linda working several jobs to make ends meet?
If LHP worked 'poorly', as some purport, it would say less about the R's for maintaining her services for so long, and even entrusting their children to her care. Further, Merry Maids must fall in that same category as they hired and maintained LHP's services until Patsy stole LHP from them.
It was ST who went on the most about how dirty the house was. My recollection is he wasn't just talking about things strewn about but also dirt and dust in corners etc.
Maikai said:
you seem to be in a minority as far as your assessment of the Ramsey family. They had a strong marriage before this happened and an even stronger one afterwards.
"minority"? LOL, hey Maikai, have you forgotten where you are? This is a forum that discusses a child murder where the parents are the prime suspects. You can say anything you want about the Pugh family, but at least their kids are all still walking around breathing!
Smit called the basement a pig sty, too. There's just so much LHP could do during her hours there and we must remember, she wasn't the woman in charge of the house, Patsy was. Even Nedra commented about Patsy's need for a hamper, etc. to help LHP.. We can't put the entire housekeeping load on LHP, Patsy's lack of it, might have contributed to the situation. LHP was only there for X amount of hours, X amount of days per week, it was afterall, Patsy's home. If Patsy needed somebody to live in fulltime to devote to keeping her home spotless, it wasn't LHP's call. She did what she was hired to do, IMO. If she'd have been remiss, I think she'd have not stayed as long as she did. JMO, though.

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