Lie Detector Tests & Corruption: A public figure speaks out

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I do have one question. If the teacher thought that Kyron had gone to the restroom or to get a drink, why did that teacher not raise an alarm when he didn't come back? Has this been addressed anywhere? -
I am not a fan of using LDT to prove/disprove statements... however, I do believe they can be used as a tool. The more flustered a person gets, the faster they have to think, the more times they have to answer the same question - the more honest of an answer you are going to get.

If the failed LDT's were the only source of speculation of TH's involvement in this case, I would be a lot more comfortable believing she didn't have any involvement with Kyron's dissappearance.
Here is some information I put together on polygraphs from my point of view, a pharmacist with decades of experience.

The polygraph is not designed to consider medications/street drugs/otc/underlying disease states/menopause/social attitude/anxiety and a plethora of other factors. Nor is the polygrapher!

The polygraph does not detect deception - it detects changes in pulse, heart rate, blood pressure. I think it's a sham!!! used to bully and to enhance interrogation. moo mho

If interested, try reading what I have put together and please note (click on the link): there is a very interesting video giving two sides of the poly at the end of my comment. The 2nd half of the video is very interesting. at least to me. moo

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Does failing the lie detector tests mean anything?[/ame]
One thing that has struck me as extremely odd is the fiscal accountability to the public by LE in this case. With any investigation there are going to be budgetary concerns, but from early on, LE has appeared weirdly aware of the financial aspect of this case.

Also, it's legal for LE to lie to Terri about her polygraph tests results, and if her alibi sounded bogus, maybe they did in an effort to bluff her into a confession. Early reports indicated Terri had only failed a portion of her polygraph as opposed to an epic fail of her entire test. I've long wondered if her failing only a portion of her polygraph is what led Desiree to form the theory that Terri had help.

Something is so off about this case, and I've thought that from early on.

Thanks for your post, Kat. Great work!
Here is some information I put together on polygraphs from my point of view, a pharmacist with decades of experience.

The polygraph is not designed to consider medications/street drugs/otc/underlying disease states/menopause/social attitude/anxiety and a plethora of other factors. Nor is the polygrapher!

The polygraph does not detect deception - it detects changes in pulse, heart rate, blood pressure. I think it's a sham!!! used to bully and to enhance interrogation. moo mho

If interested, try reading what I have put together and please note: there is a very interesting video giving two side of the poly at the end of my comment. The 2nd side is very interesting. at least to me. moo

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Does failing the lie detector tests mean anything?

Brilliant! And thank you.

Your post is a must-read for any LDT discussions.
Using that alleged conversation as an explanation/excuse for why the school didn't realize that Kyron is missing is bogus, IMHO.

Simple common sense: if the teacher had that conversation with TH, why didn't she say "oh, he's gone to a dr's appt. His mom just told me."

If TH was seen leaving w/out Kyron, and if Kyron went missing later, and if the teacher knew where he went (dr's appt) then it would be logical to assume that she'd reassure a volunteer and a child with the fact--he has a dr's appt.


I've thought a lot about that part - why the teacher would dismiss the child's noting that Kyron was gone, and say what she said. My thinking is that she is under no obligation to tell a fellow second grade student where another student is. For all we know, the child may have been a challenge as far as staying on task, in which case, the best strategy would be to say something quick and simple, and then redirect him to continue on his worksheet, for example. Or maybe she just didn't want to explain to a child what the story was because it wasn't all that clear to her. I don't know if that implicates the teacher or not, but I wouldn't call a child's word gospel in that situation. On a normal day, it wouldn't have been an important moment, and I can totally see a harried teacher blowing off the full truth in response to an inquisitive child. JMO.
Maybe because for LE there is no other possibilities and they know they have the right person there investigating in connection with it.

If they "knew" it was Terri she would have been arrested by now IMO.

Read on the innocence Project. Read the stories about people who have spent years in prison only to be found innocent. Why? Because LE had tunnel vision and in some cases built a case around that tunnel vision. Some of the stories are heartbreaking.

In a case such as this you can never have tunnel vision. At this point Terri's life has been ruined and if she is not guilty God help those who helped spread rumors and those that had their 15 mins of fame.

I do have one question. If the teacher thought that Kyron had gone to the restroom or to get a drink, why did that teacher not raise an alarm when he didn't come back? Has this been addressed anywhere? -

Good question, and one that I had early in the investigation. Alas! We've learned very little about any factual evidence in this case, so I doubt that there's been an answer to this question. jmo
Maybe because for LE there is no other possibilities and they know they have the right person there investigating in connection with it.

There was a massive, unidirectinal, war on Terri to show she was guilty. MOO

My question is: WHO started that assault on Terri and why? How do we know someone isn't directing it in order to cover the real perp up - or to misguide the attack?

LE work hard, I give them all the credit in the world for attempting to maintain the law but I DO NOT elevate them to the likes of God and think of them as flawless. LE make mistakes just like every other profession. moo mho
Using that alleged conversation as an explanation/excuse for why the school didn't realize that Kyron is missing is bogus, IMHO.

Simple common sense: if the teacher had that conversation with TH, why didn't she say "oh, he's gone to a dr's appt. His mom just told me."

If TH was seen leaving w/out Kyron, and if Kyron went missing later, and if the teacher knew where he went (dr's appt) then it would be logical to assume that she'd reassure a volunteer and a child with the fact--he has a dr's appt.


To be honest I dont know what the teacher said to any volunteers or children? As far as I know the police havent confirmed anything have they? The fact they have said Terri was the last person to see Kyron suggests to me either they dont think the other child is credible or that is timeline is wrong or actually both for that matter.
If they know, where's the proof? Enough to arrest?

It's been a long, hard summer.

Question: do the lie detector tests undertaken by TH actually tell us anything with 100% accuracy, after reviewing the material in the original post by a public figure who's had one?

And what was the precise question(s) that she tested inconclusive on?

I have no idea. The police havent actually told us that either :)
Using that alleged conversation as an explanation/excuse for why the school didn't realize that Kyron is missing is bogus, IMHO.

Simple common sense: if the teacher had that conversation with TH, why didn't she say "oh, he's gone to a dr's appt. His mom just told me."

If TH was seen leaving w/out Kyron, and if Kyron went missing later, and if the teacher knew where he went (dr's appt) then it would be logical to assume that she'd reassure a volunteer and a child with the fact--he has a dr's appt.


Had she known that Kyron Horman was about to become the most talked about missing child in America a few hours later, she might have done just that.

I can easily see a scenario of a rushed conversation with Terri "....bla bla bla Kyron... doctor..." during which the teacher was listening, but not thinking it was anything life or death. A child's parent is saying he's got a doctor's appointment, then she moves off to another exhibit. Things are hectic, parents are there and a grandparent or two, some babies, kids are excited, schedule is changed that day, school year coming to a close. A mom talking about a doctors appointment probably didn't raise (nor should it have) any red flags.

Later, "Where's Kyron?" She's in the middle of something and absently answers: oh, maybe in the bathroom, getting some water. This is where kids usually are when the sub/volunteer parents/other kids can't find them. Later, maybe even after Kyron was officially missing, she realized she actually did know where Kyron was because of that casual conversation at the exhibit. It hadn't occurred to her earlier because kids are usually not "missing" - they're just down the hall.

I mean once something becomes a crime, you see how much importance is attached to every little thing. In the moment you were just living like every other day.

[side note: my daughter went to visit her father last month. My mother called and after chatting a while she asked to speak to my daughter. I actually called up the stairs to her twice before remembering she was out of town and had been for 4 days. Had my daughter gone missing, and had my mother been asked to describe my behavior to LE, she would have said that I called up the stairs to my daughter twice. Why would a mother who knew very well that her daughter was on the other side of the country actually call up the stairs to her? Suspicious!!! Only it wasn't suspicious, it was just absent minded normal mistakes that don't mean anything until the one time that they do.]
If they "knew" it was Terri she would have been arrested by now IMO.

Read on the innocence Project. Read the stories about people who have spent years in prison only to be found innocent. Why? Because LE had tunnel vision and in some cases built a case around that tunnel vision. Some of the stories are heartbreaking.

In a case such as this you can never have tunnel vision. At this point Terri's life has been ruined and if she is not guilty God help those who helped spread rumors and those that had their 15 mins of fame.


At this point Kaine Terri Tony and most probably Kyrons lives have been ruined. There the people who I care about. Not Terri Horman sorry.
If they "knew" it was Terri she would have been arrested by now IMO.

Read on the innocence Project. Read the stories about people who have spent years in prison only to be found innocent. Why? Because LE had tunnel vision and in some cases built a case around that tunnel vision. Some of the stories are heartbreaking.

In a case such as this you can never have tunnel vision. At this point Terri's life has been ruined and if she is not guilty God help those who helped spread rumors and those that had their 15 mins of fame.



I agree! I don't believe LE and those who targeted Terri ever thought she would get a criminal defense attorney as excellent as Houzer. moo

His presence beside Terri is the only reason the attack on her became soggy and fell apart. :yes: moo mho
One thing that has struck me as extremely odd is the fiscal accountability to the public by LE in this case. With any investigation there are going to be budgetary concerns, but from early on, LE has appeared weirdly aware of the financial aspect of this case.

Also, it's legal for LE to lie to Terri about her polygraph tests results, and if her alibi sounded bogus, maybe they did in an effort to bluff her into a confession. Early reports indicated Terri had only failed a portion of her polygraph as opposed to an epic fail of her entire test. I've long wondered if her failing only a portion of her polygraph is what led Desiree to form the theory that Terri had help.

Something is so off about this case, and I've thought that from early on.

Thanks for your post, Kat. Great work!

Thanks, Cypress.

You have some very good points. Me, too. I've never before seen LE, so early on, start carrying on about costs. And oh yes, then reverse that. Huh? A child is missing and you're whining about costs?

And yes, we don't know if or what portion of the LDT test TH actually failed, or was inconclusive or whatever. There is indeed, so much hinky about this case.
There was a massive, unidirectinal, war on Terri to show she was guilty. MOO

My question is: WHO started that assault on Terri and why? How do we know someone isn't directing it in order to cover the real perp up - or to misguide the attack?

LE work hard, I give them all the credit in the world for attempting to maintain the law but I DO NOT elevate them to the likes of God and think of them as flawless. LE make mistakes just like every other profession. moo mho

Likewise..I dont elevate Terri to a high position...

I assume the reason the investigation was started on Terri because of the polygraphs and because of the time line didnt add up. The thing is at the end of the day..we do NOT know what evidence they have against Terri..they have been very tight lipped on it all.
To be honest I dont know what the teacher said to any volunteers or children? As far as I know the police havent confirmed anything have they? The fact they have said Terri was the last person to see Kyron suggests to me either they dont think the other child is credible or that is timeline is wrong or actually both for that matter.

We know LE no longer believe that Terri was the last person to see Kyron - they are looking for a 3rd party meaning they have to think someone else saw Kyron after Terri. moo
Likewise..I dont elevate Terri to a high position...

I assume the reason the investigation was started on Terri because of the polygraphs and because of the time line didnt add up. The thing is at the end of the day..we do NOT know what evidence they have against Terri..they have been very tight lipped on it all.

Poly's don't detect anything, they are a sham. On the first page of this thread, I put a link to my resesarch on polys and a video - please take a look at the video, it says a lot. moo
We know LE no longer believe that Terri was the last person to see Kyron - they are looking for a 3rd party meaning they have to think someone else saw Kyron after Terri. moo

Er why AFTER Terri?
Poly's don't detect anything, they are a sham. On the first page of this thread, I put a link to my resesarch on polys and a video - please take a look at the video, it says a lot. moo

I read it. It doesnt change my opinion in the slightest iota though regarding Terri.

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