Lies Exposed: discuss the cross exam of Arias

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In reading her answers to jurors, she contradicts her own testimony, talking about how he reacted to being shot in detail in several, but she also claimed not to have known she shot him and thought the shot went into the wall.

Yes, she is very careful not to admit to even knowing she killed Travis, much less intended to. She thinks she's a word game master, she tells Flores about the doggie boy story and that 'she needs to apologize to him for it', but she never does. In her allocution she is sorry for the aftermath of killing Travis, but she never says she is sorry she killed him, even when Troy specifically asks her, she just gives the defiant chin tip to him, 'Huh.' She thought he was a lover, not a hater.
One thing I noticed reading through this is she keeps adding on to how many times she saw the gun on June 4th and changing it and changing how she found it when she got it on June 4th and how Travis never kept it loaded to maybe Travis wanted to load it once but assured me it was never loaded to I saw him load it once. This girl is dizzy. It's fascinating to read the ease with which she formulates a lie.

If she believed it wasn't loaded why run into the closet to get it??? "As JM said what were you plans? Were you going to throw it at him?" Wouldn't it have made more sense to run out the door and down the steps. He had no clothes on it's not like he would chase her. Her stories continue to make no sense. jmo
I realized something while watching the 1st part of day 27 - she is very good at math.

The first gasoline transaction on 6/03 in Pasadena (8:42 p.m.) she pumped (8.301 gal) and paid by credit card (35.06), the second transaction (8:46 p.m.), she went inside and prepaid 40.00, and pumped 9.594 gal., then she went inside again and prepaid 20.00 and pumped 2.774 gal.

If that last can had been empty, 20.00 would have bought her 4.797 gal, slightly under 5 gal, which is probably how empty that can felt and she thought she needed close to 5 gal, she got change for the 20.00 after pumping that 2.77 gal. - filling up the last can.


She knew she had to have the car tank full so she just filled until the pump shut off and paid with c.c.

She knew about how many gal. 40.00 would buy with a quick mental tally and prepaid 40.00 and got almost 10 gal. for the two empty cans (one DB's, one new). She thought the last can (the other one DB gave her) was nearly empty so prepaid 20.00 thinking she needed almost 5 gal when all she needed was 2 3/4, and got change back from the 20.00.

She was correct in the jury answer though, Nurmi did (and she clarified before letting him continue) Nurmi: "Assuming you have 3 gas cans...".
And no one will forget that Arias told Det. Flores that Travis had no gun, "not that I'm aware of" but testified that she was introduced to the gun in October-November, 2007, gift from his grandfather, not loaded but maybe would be one day. Grandfathers as gun arsenals, how touching & how fake.
And no one will forget that Arias told Det. Flores that Travis had no gun, "not that I'm aware of" but testified that she was introduced to the gun in October-November, 2007, gift from his grandfather, not loaded but maybe would be one day. Grandfathers as gun arsenals, how touching & how fake.

And yet, she wrote in her journal that Travis wanted to GET a gun. Per her journal entry dated 2/1/08 on a Friday.

And yet, she wrote in her journal that Travis wanted to GET a gun. Per her journal entry dated 2/1/08 on a Friday.


shaking head. Do you think we can compile a nice list for Juan of these little contradictions of CM' if they come up in the next phase he can shoot her down? The folks here amaze and astound me. Ya'll have lost your calling as detectives.....
I wonder if the reason Juan didn't bring up the entry was because of how unstable she makes Travis sound?

Maybe he just never saw it because it certainly contradicts the gun story and Jodi never spoke of this incident on the stand.

ETA: another thought I had is that Jodi saying he wanted to get a gun does not rule out that she was possibly talking about Travis wanting to use his (non existent) gun. And that's probably what she would say anyway if questioned about it.
I think a list of contradictions is a great idea. :)

Hi Dana!:seeya:
And yet, she wrote in her journal that Travis wanted to GET a gun. Per her journal entry dated 2/1/08 on a Friday.


Maybe someday we'll get the skinny on her journals and find out how far back her fabricated entries go.

This entry was not introduced as evidence in court, unfortunately. It was one of the entries that HLN shared with viewers.

Point is well taken in that her writing contradicts her statements on the stand saying that she had seen a gun three times, dating back to 2007.
I realized something while watching the 1st part of day 27 - she is very good at math.

The first gasoline transaction on 6/03 in Pasadena (8:42 p.m.) she pumped (8.301 gal) and paid by credit card (35.06), the second transaction (8:46 p.m.), she went inside and prepaid 40.00, and pumped 9.594 gal., then she went inside again and prepaid 20.00 and pumped 2.774 gal.

If that last can had been empty, 20.00 would have bought her 4.797 gal, slightly under 5 gal, which is probably how empty that can felt and she thought she needed close to 5 gal, she got change for the 20.00 after pumping that 2.77 gal. - filling up the last can.


She knew she had to have the car tank full so she just filled until the pump shut off and paid with c.c.

She knew about how many gal. 40.00 would buy with a quick mental tally and prepaid 40.00 and got almost 10 gal. for the two empty cans (one DB's, one new). She thought the last can (the other one DB gave her) was nearly empty so prepaid 20.00 thinking she needed almost 5 gal when all she needed was 2 3/4, and got change back from the 20.00.

She was correct in the jury answer though, Nurmi did (and she clarified before letting him continue) Nurmi: "Assuming you have 3 gas cans...".

So does that mean that one of the gas cans already had some gas in it from when DB gave it to her? B/c I could never figure out why she just put 2.77 gal into that can, instead of closer to 5 gal.
So does that mean that one of the gas cans already had some gas in it from when DB gave it to her? B/c I could never figure out why she just put 2.77 gal into that can, instead of closer to 5 gal.

Yes, I think one of DB's cans was a bit less than half full. Took me forever to figure out that last transaction, I never noticed she prepaid it and got change back, intentionally only pumping 2.774 gal. But she left Pasadena with all containers and gas tank completely full.
Her bent/damaged finger might take a whole page lmao!


LOL! It likely would, that poor finger is so cursed, everytime she turned about it was getting cut, kicked, bent, broken, cut, gashed, can ya do the macarena? :scared:
JA lies again. There was NO anal attack by Travis after her pathetic fake attempt to ingratiate herself further into TA's life by stealing even his religion. They both wore Jumpsuits that day. Lie upon lie upon lie. Damn her.

I wish I could erase Jodi's anus from my memory banks, but since this topic was constantly harped on by her defense team I have a few thoughts:

Nurmi set the anal sex with Travis up as a rape scenerio where she "felt like a used piece of toilet paper" and "a prostitute" and she was "uncomfortable" with it, her being as pure as the driven snow and all.

Then Juan got it out of her that she had anal sex WITH EVERY SINGLE MAN SHE SLEPT WITH. If that's true, then WHY would she need to "experiment" with her sex partners and "try" anal sex?

I don't know about you ladies, but I'm not a fan of anal sex. (TMI alert!!!!:floorlaugh:) That means that if I slept with a new man, I'm NOT going to "try" anal sex. I don't like it--it's a pretty straightforward type of thing. She's full of *advertiser censored* in pretending she's sexually innocent and Travis was the sexual aggressor.

P.S. I'm not implying there's anything wrong with anal sex--just that Jodi was lying that it made her uncomfortable.
If she believed it wasn't loaded why run into the closet to get it??? "As JM said what were you plans? Were you going to throw it at him?" Wouldn't it have made more sense to run out the door and down the steps. He had no clothes on it's not like he would chase her. Her stories continue to make no sense. jmo

She's also busted on the entire closet issue: you can't stand on those shelves, and even if it was possible, they are rated for 40lbs.

I'm going to act out the murder scenario with my husband tonight & time it. I want to see how off she is with her "defending her life" story & the timeline.

This thread has inspired me to go back over all her testimony & make a detailed list of every single lie out of her mouth & I'll post it for the Websleuthers' input. I think I'll send it to the Maricopa County Attorney's office! :rockon:
LOL! It likely would, that poor finger is so cursed, everytime she turned about it was getting cut, kicked, bent, broken, cut, gashed, can ya do the macarena? :scared:

Why in the world did she tell so many "finger stories?" And then the pictures of the skinned finger "from placing margarita glasses to dry" at Casa Ramos--where she did not report the injury.

ALSO: She stated that Travis set her finger with Popsicle sticks. WHERE DID THEY COME FROM? Did Travis make houses out of them for arts & crafts? Who (besides moms) have Popsicle sticks laying around?
She's also busted on the entire closet issue: you can't stand on those shelves, and even if it was possible, they are rated for 40lbs.

I'm going to act out the murder scenario with my husband tonight & time it. I want to see how off she is with her "defending her life" story & the timeline.

This thread has inspired me to go back over all her testimony & make a detailed list of every single lie out of her mouth & I'll post it for the Websleuthers' input. I think I'll send it to the Maricopa County Attorney's office! :rockon:


IMO, one of the challenges that JM faced was choosing his battles so as not to lose the jury along the way. The sheer number of lies she told on the stand or were repeated via her mouthpiece ALV is staggering. Of course ALV did the huge CYA with "I was mistaken" concerning two very serious fabrications (TA allegedly masturbating in front of a laptop and the shot being fired in the closet).

CMJA moves to Mesa at the end of July 2007 after Travis begged her not to move. ALV relates the story of his birthday, where CMJA went to a Diamondbacks game with friends and he called her and demanded that she come to celebrate his birthday with him alone. He refused to pick her up and she had to find her own way there. Like, so we believe this? This is just one of many examples.

Very interesting what AZ lawyer said about testimony and the retrial on the Legal Thread. I thought it was up to negotiations between the lawyers, not up to the judge, whether people testified or tapes/transcripts would be provided. It's a landmine for the defense if CMJA gets up on the witness stand because she will have to remember her previous lies. The DT must have her studying the transcripts as I type.

IMO, one of the challenges that JM faced was choosing his battles so as not to lose the jury along the way. The sheer number of lies she told on the stand or were repeated via her mouthpiece ALV is staggering. Of course ALV did the huge CYA with "I was mistaken" concerning two very serious fabrications (TA allegedly masturbating in front of a laptop and the shot being fired in the closet).

CMJA moves to Mesa at the end of July 2007 after Travis begged her not to move. ALV relates the story of his birthday, where CMJA went to a Diamondbacks game with friends and he called her and demanded that she come to celebrate his birthday with him alone. He refused to pick her up and she had to find her own way there. Like, so we believe this? This is just one of many examples.

Very interesting what AZ lawyer said about testimony and the retrial on the Legal Thread. I thought it was up to negotiations between the lawyers, not up to the judge, whether people testified or tapes/transcripts would be provided. It's a landmine for the defense if CMJA gets up on the witness stand because she will have to remember her previous lies. The DT must have her studying the transcripts as I type.

I've taken 4 pages of typed notes of Jodi's direct examination by Nurmi--you know what? Jodi SMIRKS when she is lying. The beginning of questioning was her describing meeting Travis at the MGM Grand--and she comes across like a normal person.

Then when she gets into the garbage about feeling like a prostitute in Ehrenberg--she is displaying duper's delight & she tries to hide it by licking her lips and rubbing them together--she has to physically do something to hid her tell-tale smirk.

And I don't care how well she memorizes her script--she will not be able to keep it up on the stand--she can't help herself--she HAS to be in control, and that usually means she becomes combative--and goes off script.

Personally, I cannot wait to see that beyotch on the stand again. She knows that the public has her number--she's failed trying to be this sweet, innocent, taken-advantage of young lady. We know she's a psycho murderer who is losing whatever looks she had as every minute ticks slowly by while she rots in jail.
Another thing about her (I noticed it first in transcripts) she nearly always follows an 'umm' with a lie; she'll start to answer a question normally then hesitates, says 'umm' and then continues, lying outright or working a lie into the rest of the answer.
Yes, that seems to be one of her "tells". She also swallows hard, noticeably. There is one more indication I've seen but I am forgetting what it was. Now that we are sensitized to her lying, I must admit I am seeing other criminal liars also insert the umm.

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